High Magic Earth

Chapter 1194: Wipe out

Seth, deep in the underground mezzanine laboratory

A scarlet storm swept through, carrying enough power to wipe out everything.

Like the violent wind and tsunami that came out of the depths of the sea, it came out overwhelmingly, washing all the things it saw in front of it.

The walls of the laboratories on both sides were collapsing, as fragile as cracked biscuits, and the crackling crackled, shaking down a lot of debris.

They are not just collapsed and dumped, but further destroyed.

The debris of the wall almost fell into the state of atoms almost at the moment of landing, they floated in the air, forming small suspended particles that could not be captured by the naked eye.

From a distance, everything in front of me seemed to be disintegrated and melted, falling off and turning into nothingness in the air.

This nothingness is constantly spreading.

Starting from this blushing energy, like a huge rag, it wiped out everything in front of it, and everything that blocked in front was wiped into powder by it.

The darkness is expanding rapidly.

When the walls, corridors, and machinery in the laboratory disappeared, all that remained was wreckage, but when these wreckages were caught in the storm and wiped out, all that remained was bare, flat ground, with ugly potholes and scars. , As if destroyed by unknown giants countless times.

But this is not the end.

The crimson storm almost destroyed everything, when all the matter was destroyed into the smallest particles.

Nihility and darkness will inevitably appear.

They stretched like a giant beast that engulfed growth.

Even more, this kind of crimson energy with powerful annihilation power seems not to let go of nothingness, it burns a bright crimson light, intertwined with nothingness and darkness, adds a beauty to this dim space Dark red brilliance.

In the scarlet energy storm, Yi Chou is like a flat boat, swaying in the wind, struggling to resist the pressure and attacks from all directions.

Unlike direct physical attacks, energy is an invisible body, and it can attack from other corners at will.

For modern humans who have not mastered advanced technology, it is obviously impossible. At present, only the laser plasma, which is a straight or uncontrolled energy weapon, is currently formed.

But for the existence of advanced technology, wizards and magic, energy attacks are no stranger.

In a sense, magic is a kind of energy. This statement is not wrong, but it is only incomplete.

Crimson energy came quickly and fiercely, directly hit Yi Chou and couldn't catch it.

He is not without emergency defense magic prepared in advance, almost at the moment of being attacked, from his clothes, his skin is branded, and the defense rings in all directions light up at the same time.

But their level is not enough.

Faced with this kind of energy storm that has far exceeded the world of extinction and even reached the level of annihilating the universe, these defensive magics are almost fleeting.

It was Athena's sacrifice that brought Yi Huo a short reaction time.

Although Athena from the God of War is neither flying nor magical, she is still a god, so she has a **** body.

Even the weakest **** body is a hundred times stronger than humans.

One second, two seconds, maybe three seconds and four seconds. Athena, who was standing in front of Yi Chou, did not stay in the storm for long, but was rolled into pieces by this blushing vortex, even the smallest particles disappeared.

But this short period of time was enough for Yi Chou to react.


Yi Chou's heart snarled, and a bright yellow luster instantly bloomed in his hand.

In an instant, a dreadful force emerged.

This force is not powerful or magnificent, but it can make people feel terrified as soon as they appear.

Because...it is fear itself.

Each light ring has its own light beast, whether or not it has appeared, but it certainly exists, in addition, they also have their own power.

The light beast of the fear of the yellow light is a parallax monster. Yi Xuan does not know how to contact this spectral ray to form an invisible creature with the light ring in his hand, and has never been contacted.

But Yi Chou can use the yellow light ring, like the Green Lantern most well known to the people of the earth, to change various things with his own mind.

The power of this magical item resembled Loki's mask.

But the difference is the willpower that the green light light ring relies on. A firm willpower will increase the power of the light ring and make it transform into something without limits.

Of course... Although there is no limit, the biological willpower is only an abstract concept of thinking, but it is limited to biological entities. Even if its willpower can be extended indefinitely, when its entity cannot bear some pain, thoughts , Or belief, it will also collapse.

In other words, willpower still has its limits, but it greatly exceeds the limits of the entity, and almost reaches the ultimate potential of squeezing in the field of biological thinking and mind with the light ring.

The yellow light light ring relies on fear.

The stronger the power of fear, the stronger it is, even if there is only a little fear and fear, it will take advantage of it and seize the creature's heart, brain, and then everything.

No creature has no fear,

Fear and fear are biological instincts, even if they are only the lowest-level, unintelligent creatures, they will be afraid of encountering natural enemies and fear of starving to death.

Fear is innate and imprinted on every creature.

Higher-level creatures have complex thoughts, and these thoughts will bring more fear, they will think, they will question themselves, or they may question everything they come into contact with.

Fear is also inevitable.

Even if there is only one puzzle, a momentary shake, and only a trace of cracks, fear will also take advantage of it and erode the biological soul.

No creature can completely avoid fear innately.

The so-called fearlessness is just that nothing has been found that scares it.

Similarly, there is no way to avoid fear in nature, but fear can be overcome by the acquired.

A strong enough willpower and a determined heart just happen to be the best choice to overcome fear, but there are actually very few creatures that can overcome this.

Because creatures can never deceive themselves.

It is useless to be calm and fearless. Many people are tolerating pain and pretending to be indifferent and fearless. But in fact, no one knows what his heart is.

It is a pity that this is useless to the light ring. The light ring will not be deceived. As long as there is a trace of fear, the fear will quickly erode everything.

Even magic cannot deceive the light ring.

In fact, Yi Biao was very curious about what happened to the witch named Josie, who applied her magical power to the light ring.

Of course, according to the magic knowledge reserved by Yi Xiao, the judgment he made is very likely, and Josie could not affect the light ring at all.

Because no matter how magical her magic is, it is nothing more than the magic power of a witch, and the emotional power of the light ring is one of the most powerful forces in the d universe.

Not at all a level.

However, until the actual experiment proves it, all ideas are just speculations, and no proof can be obtained.

It is a pity that Yi Biao temporarily cannot get the magical power of Josie, and now is not a good time to discuss this experiment.

Those who can truly face the inner fear and overcome it, even if there are not many creatures in the multiverse, and most of them are humans from the earth.

Human beings are a complex and contradictory creature. They are like a collection of contradictions. They can sell the whole race for a small profit, or they can sacrifice everything for the sake of justice.

For races that live collectively, it is true that almost all individuals have certain differences, but there has never been such a huge difference between humans... and a variety of races.

It is full of destruction, despair, war, death, but also full of goodness, hope, splendor, and sacrifice.

Although the yellow light ring can also freely transform the appearance, but because its power is based on fear, in most cases, it still likes to transform into the appearance of the enemy's most fearful existence.

But Yi Chao does not need these messy abilities.

All he needs is an opportunity, a reaction time, an opportunity to fight back.


Immediately after that, Yi Chou shouted again in his heart.

With his strong call, the yellow light continued to flourish on him. At the next moment, an energy armor that was ugly but hard enough appeared on his body.

The yellow light is against the crimson storm.

From a distance, it looks like a rainbow of sweet colors with strange colors. It roars in a void, looks harmless and beautiful. If it is not in the depths, I am afraid that no one can imagine it hidden under the surface. The power of destruction.

Yes, the surroundings of Yi Chou have completely become nothingness.

Crimson energy's annihilation ability is too strong, it first annihilates everything that it sees, then matter, then the concept of all matter.

After everything is destroyed, it does not even let go of nothingness and darkness.

Nihility can also be destroyed.

And what is after the nihility is destroyed, no one knows, because when the nihility fades away, the place where they disappear is easily occupied by the crimson energy in an instant.

The yellow light faintly and the crimson energy confronted each other.

At this time, Yi Xiao has recovered, and for three or four seconds, it is enough for the sensitive wizard to sort out what happened.

As for what the crimson energy is, Yi Chou's heart actually already has speculation.

The power of the yellow light ring is fear, the world of d, one of the seven most powerful emotional forces, and the crimson energy is probably also the most top-notch existence in another universe.

The collision of the top forces in the two multiverses is not easy to say who wins and who loses.

Who is better in the end, I am afraid that I will know in a moment.

But he did not intend to wait here.

"The bizarre energy swept in, just like when the universe was born..."

Not daring to wait much, Yi Chou immediately began to recite in a low voice, and the text formed by the yellow light appeared in front of him, and the power of the silver tongue appeared instantly.

The destructiveness of the scarlet energy is too strong.

Nothing can resist, the problem of flame burning can not be supported for even a second, and even the flame is difficult to be condensed directly.

Only in the same way, the light ring from another top power of the universe can resist.

Using the power of the light ring, Yi Chou condensed a text in the air. Although it was shaking, it seemed to be shaky, but he persisted anyway.

Faced with the almost sweeping attitude of crimson energy, Yi Chou began to use the silver tongue without hesitation. With the continuous improvement of his magic, many of his abilities began to shift towards figurative and creative aspects.

Rocky's mask, the light ring of fear, but there is no doubt that the most flexible one is still the silver tongue.

The limitation of the mask is obviously the strongest, followed by the light ring. Although it has no restrictions on day and night, it can only use fear energy as a trend.

There is only the silver tongue, which is out of the scope of everything and almost stepped into the scope of creation.

"Facing the incoming storm..."

Silver Tongue, as Yi Qiao's killer, Lucy created a lot of emergency premonitions for Yi Xuan, in order to be prepared for unexpected situations. These premonitions are all stories without exception, and they are all very short, and the content of the story is closer to the gold.

Yi Xiao is one of them singing at this time, no need to think, as long as less than ten seconds.

But then, Yi Chou's face changed suddenly.

Because he found that the power of the yellow light ring could not resist this crimson storm, the storm began to erode his armor crazy, within three seconds... No, within two seconds, the power of the light ring will disappear.

But the role of the silver tongue has not been fully exerted.

Yi Biao did not dare to take the risk that the silver tongue power will definitely play a role in the crimson storm.

Within a second... Yi Xuan made a decision.


He screamed almost crazy.

Energy has penetrated the protection of the light ring, and began to erode his body, eroding everything, no biting pain, or any unbearable torture, and some, just watching his despair when his body is wiped out .

As the body one was eroded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ disappeared, Yi Shen's sanity began to blur.

In a trance, he seemed to see a figure coming gradually.

She stepped in the void, and the rich crimson energy surrounded her body, almost turning into substance.

A strong storm surrounded her as if... there was nothing to stop her.

"...Witch." Yi Huo uttered a vague word...

At the other end, Lucy received Yi Chou's order as soon as possible.

As a magical intelligence, she also has panic and other emotions, but that is only a necessary simulation. In fact, she can completely shield these useless things at the necessary time.

Without any pause, she responded directly.

"Enable the return plan."

"The return plan has been launched."

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