High Magic Earth

Chapter 1195: Regression plan

Red storm, black nothingness.

The yellow of fear, the end of matter disappears.

At this moment, everything around stopped, as if time had been frozen.

The crimson energy storm surrounds Yi Chou, surrounded by a deep space of nothingness and darkness, while Yi Chou is wrapped in a dim yellow gloss, like a wax statue in a museum.

His body has melted in general.

Under the tear of the crimson storm, everything was turned into the smallest particles. The half body that was easily eroded away had no blood or any pain, just like it did not exist in this world. Directly torn apart by the storm from a conceptual perspective.

But at this moment, it solidified.

Including Yi Chou himself.

You can even see everything stopped around through Yi Biao's black pupils.

A small amount of inexplicable energy surrounds them, constantly rotating, approaching, flowing, forming a beautiful and tranquil singular picture, looking high and down, like an epic picture printed on the stone plate .

Quiet, but full of gorgeous beauty.

Then at the next moment, it moved again.

As if time flowed backwards, the crimson storm began to roll back, and large pieces of eroded nihility were re-exposed. The crimson energy that filled the surroundings began to decline, and even the most eroded body of Yi Chou began to reorganize.

The crimson storm was retreating, and then nothingness reoccupied everything.

Next is the material visible to the naked eye, the ground, cement, cables, walls, everything around it is being quickly reorganized and established. Pieces of circuit boards, chips, like broken maps, are reassembled to form a precise frame. Scientific instruments and experimental equipment.

Then there are other materials and substances.

The flames are flowing backwards, and the flames caused by the explosion are shrunk back again, just like the splashed water is gathered into the basin and re-integrated into the leaving wall.

Everything around is fast backwards.

It's time going back.

The same is true for Athena.

Countless particles wake up from the void, vaguely forming a human figure in the mid-air, and then these rays begin to condense into entities gradually, reconstructing into the appearance of Athena.

Slender, but with a strong body and golden glittering armor, Athena soon reappeared in front of Yi Chou.

She still appeared in a moment of rush, rushed to Yi Chou, and the anxious face flashed in disbelief and despair when she blocked the storm.

But under the retrospect of time, she smoothly integrated into the surroundings, the expression on her face began to change rapidly, from despair and surprise, back to surprise and listening, then smile and conversation.

Just like what happened when she communicated with Yi Biao before she discovered the Crimson Storm.

Everything around is going backwards, but not including Yi Chou.

To be precise, Yi Chou also stepped backwards gradually under the intrusion of time, but his thoughts continued to move forward.

Everything was rolled back in time by time, but Yi Chou still remembered what happened.

Blurred crimson figure...

Athena's sacrifice...

The existence of magic circle...

Discussion about the fork...

Then there was Yi Chou's words to Lucy.

"Start a return plan."

It is here, but when everything goes back to here, the time reverses and ends abruptly.

Stop everything tightly at this moment as if time and space were permanently fixed.

Then after half a second, everything continues to run.

Still as usual. ...

The high perception from the sorcerer made Yi Biao instinctively feel that something bad was going to happen. He paused slightly and then said to Lucy.

"Start a return plan."

Walking on the promenade, Yi Huo and Athena are fast.

After realizing that both the Assassin Assassin and the Rebirth Man were meant to delay time, Yi Chou deliberately accelerated the pace of progress.

It is not something that is too valuable, it will not be attracting his attention at all, but will be given up directly.

As a result, he and Athena's advance speed was almost three times faster.

As he and Athena continued to deepen, Lucy was constantly monitoring all the data around him, including the intensity of the energy in the air.

"Continue inward, it is dark red."

Due diligence, Lucy is carefully explaining the situation around her.

But at the next moment, Yi Chou's footsteps took a slight pause again.

"Continue inwards, it's all this... Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong."

The strange familiarity made Yi Xiao instinctively perceive the anomaly, why... Such familiarity, familiar words, familiar surroundings, familiar everything.

They all seemed to have experienced each other.

"..." Lucy was also silent for a moment, falling into thought. After half a second, she whispered, "Yes sir, everything is different."

In the original history, Lucy should follow the gap about the distribution of surrounding energy, and then lead to the fact that Yi Chou found them in a huge magic circle.

Then soon as the two went on, they soon encountered that powerful energy storm...

But now, everything has changed.

"...I also just got news that we have launched a return plan."...

This is the return plan.

Yi Chou is most dependent on existence.

No matter whether it is a backward flow of time in the true sense, it is just observing the future. Anyway, its effect is to pass back everything that happened at the moment of the future.

Lucy didn't know the principle, and even Yi Biao didn't know it.

The only thing he knew was that the completion of this ability was entirely carried out by the silver tongue.

After the success of the return plan, this became Yi Huo's last killer and life-saving ability.

Even Athena couldn't resist, even one of the most ultimate forces in the universe, the bizarre storm that the fear of the light ring could not stop, but under the restart of the return plan, like a running river, it obediently changed its direction. .

Obviously, in the face of the return plan, the crimson storm is still slightly inferior.

Otherwise, it can completely tear away the concept of time. No matter what the principle of the return plan is, it always has a certain relationship with time.

Without the support of time, the return plan can do nothing.

But the strange energy of crimson cannot shake time.

This is good news, but it is not very helpful to Yi Huo... because time is also an area he has not touched.

The inspiration for the return plan comes from the edge of tomorrow.

Omega and Alpha's perfect coordination of the two aliens makes their army unfavorable on the earth, one party dies and the other will immediately sense it, then restart time, and in the new timeline, it will use the memory of the perfect Avoid all possible bad choices.

It's like grasping the future prophet.

Of course, inspiration is not limited to this. The power of the Strange Time Jewel also makes Yi Chou's eyes hot. That is the real power of time.

But time is not so easy to control, he is not sure if the silver tongue can create something that suits his mind.

After retreating, Yi Chou chose this form of power on the edge of tomorrow.

He and Lucy are Alpha and Omega.

Of course, this strange power that appears in the marginal world of tomorrow will inevitably involve a setting. The time after Omega restarts is really a retrospect of time, and it just opened a new parallel world line.

This problem can never be confirmed.

Fortunately, Yi Chou, who has a silver tongue as a help, does not need to consider this issue.

In the setting of the silver tongue, Yi Chou's particular concern is that after Lucy launched the return plan, he could not create a new parallel world line.

If this is the case, it would be better for this power to fail, rather than let the silver tongue be created.

The return plan was successful.

Take Yi Chou the most concerned place.

Not only did the Silver Tongue successfully complete the plan, but it did not touch the new parallel world line at all. This alone is enough.

Of course, at the cost of balancing the story, this ability is not as free as Miss Bird, and it is not as simple as Alpha and Omega in the marginal world of tomorrow.

Pain is necessary first.

A lot of memory poured in, even if it was only backtracked for a short time, it was like squeezing a piece of bread in butter.

Fortunately, most wizards are masters who play with memories, and Yi Chou can persevere.

Then there is flexibility.

It has nothing to do with the blood of Lucy and Yi Chou. Their ability is somewhat like an instruction. After they are issued, they will restart to complete a cycle.

It is indeed a killer tool, but it is not a life saver.

The real life-saving things are still defensive magic items, magic arrays, etc. that Yi Yi personally carries. The return plan can only serve as a foolproof guarantee.

Yi Chou must start the return plan before the danger comes. If it is not started in advance, even the return plan cannot protect him at the moment when the danger really comes.

The return plan cannot always be activated.

Because it must have a termination command to end it, the longer it lasts, the more memory it will flood.

Yi Hao did not intend to activate it at the beginning of this invasion of Seth Company. After deepening, he realized that the enemy's more and more strange delaying tactics, in order to be more foolproof, Yi Bao launched the return plan.

Facts have proved that his judgment is correct. ...

As Omega, the initiator, Lucy's memory is one or two seconds earlier than Yi Huo, and it's passed first.

But as a magical intelligence, she is essentially free of such feelings of pain, if not needed.

The influx of a lot of memories did not cause Lucy much trouble, except for the accompanying creatures such as pain. The total amount of these memories did not even take half a second for Lucy's processing system.

After almost a second, Lucy locked her eyes on Yi Chou.

For Yi Chou, she has no good solution.

After another half a second, the memory arrived as scheduled.

A large labyrinth of magic... directly covering the entire mezzanine laboratory of seth company...

Then came the crimson storm, unmatched...

Even the body of Athena’s **** can’t be stopped. In the storm, it only lasted for three or four seconds, and was completely torn into pieces...

Then Yi Chou tried to use the same force to fight this storm. Obviously, in the face of this colorful and even strange special energy storm, whether it was Yi Chou at that time or Yi Chou in a third party at the moment, they vaguely guessed Its origin.

Therefore, the power of the light ring of fear is used.

But still useless.

Yi Biao was shocked to see that the armor composed of the light ring only lasted a few more seconds than Athena, and then began to wear out under the erosion of the crimson storm...

Like melted butter, there is no resistance...

Then there is the body that has disappeared, even the body of the **** Athena, the fear energy of the light ring can't resist, and the clamor of losing protection is as fragile as a baby.

Almost in a blink of an eye, most of his body disappeared...

The last scene in Yi Chou's eyes was when he shouted Lucy's name and the moment Lucy restarted his return plan.

Make it eternal. ...

"Are you all right, hey, hey!"

"Are you OK?!"

Severe pain fills Yi Chou's body like a tide, and then fades down again along the tide. The waves of pain scour Yi Chou, but for a long time, the pain will disappear without a trace. .

Of course, Yi Xiao knew that he was not injured, but a large amount of memory poured in, so that his thinking could not bear the misleading of the body caused by so much information.

Fortunately, as a sorcerer, Yi Biao has enough mental strength, mental ability and memory, and they are equally well-trained.

A large amount of memory does not have the devastating consequences for Yi Chou as ordinary people do.

The pain soon disappeared, and Yi Chou felt a violent shaking.

He stubbornly swallowed the "no!" that was brought by the sound of the future memory, mixed with unwillingness and despair, and then realized who was doing the thing.

Damn Athena.

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, but then remembered the scene where she did not hesitate, blocking her.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Chou eased the chaotic thinking in his mind, and then said calmly, "Don't shake it, my head is messed up enough."

Athena immediately stopped shaking, and Yi Chou heard her continue.

"You sweat a lot and look painful. I have never seen you like this. What happened?"

"Something bad..."

Yi Biao opened his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing dangling in front of his eyes, wearing a golden battle dress, like Athena in a large light bulb.

If at ordinary times, Yi Biao might spit out two sentences, but at this time he is not in this mood, and... he knows that time is really not enough.

"Stop... let's go here!"

Lucy at the backstage froze for a moment, and then fell into thought, "The words here..."

But without hesitation, Yi Chou already gestured and took Athena to the other side of the promenade in front of the fork.

The Athena in the rear was stunned, but there was not much strangeness. After all, she was always leading the way, but vaguely, she felt that there was some dangerous presence in front of her, and quickly hurried to catch up, Athena whispered, " Maybe I should replace you..."

No answer, because Yi Biao's pace is getting faster and faster, and the figures of the two are gradually disappearing here. They can only hear a very vague voice, but they cannot hear what they are talking about.

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