High Magic Earth

Chapter 1196: change

While advancing, Yi Chao rearranged his ideas without a doubt.

Obviously, not far away, a powerful and mysterious enemy is waiting for him. Although the other party has not appeared from beginning to end, it is not difficult to guess from the iconic crimson energy and Miaoman’s body. To.

She is the witch who is not a witch


The Scarlet Witch, Wanda Jango Maksimov.

And from the level of her power level, she is obviously not the one in the movie, the product of the soul gem.

Yi Xiao once again doubted the information contained in the hourglass. The Second World... Is it really only the movie world? Will there be a comic book world?

Because the power shown by this scarlet witch is not shown in the film at all, nor is it possible for the soul gem booster to possess.

Only pure mutants, omega-level mutants Scarlet Witch, have such power.

From one of the most terrifying advanced forces, chaotic magic that can distort and destroy reality.

The one in the movie... obviously not enough to watch.

Yi Xiao thinks that he is already very strong. Indeed, his steel body is certainly not as good as the original Kryptonian. Its floating and flying ability cannot cross the universe, and even the speed is not as good as Barry Allen, let alone run. Win time.

Although his abilities are comprehensive, he seems to be from a cottage, and he can never compare with others.

But... these are not the real power of Yi Chao.

From the beginning to the end, the only thing he relied on was magic, and as the highest level of magic, the silver tongue, so far no other power could surpass it.

Even if the other party is truly chaotic magic, Yi Chou doesn't think it will be able to suppress the silver tongue.

After all, both of them also exist to reverse reality, and no one dares to say, who is under the level.

The only pity is that Chaos Magic is really flexible, but Silver Tongue has great limitations. In the face of the almost storm-like attack that Chaos Magic swept over, Yi Tong's Silver Tongue simply had no time to play a role.

In fact, Yi Chao's shadow magic was created after imitating the Scarlet Witch.

Crimson energy, shadow energy, are also exclusive magic, the same flexibility, almost omnipotent, but as the creation of silver tongue, shadow energy and chaos magic is obviously not a level, undoubtedly when the arm blocks the car.

Faced with the energy lamination of high latitudes, most of Yi Chou's magic and defensive formations have lost their effect, but he also has one of the other supreme powers from other multiverses.

The yellow light of fear, the power of the fear light ring.

Yi Xiao defined the power of the Lantern Ring as one of the supreme powers of the multiverse, and there are not many mistakes. No matter how much Yi Yio’s knowledge is, in the multiverse of d, the strength of the Seven Lights Corps is indeed very high.

Perhaps as more and more sub-worlds emerge, more and more branch forces will be included.

But in any case, the power displayed by the two universes of Marvel and D is undoubtedly one of the top powers. There is no doubt about this.

Therefore, it is also a mistake to regard the light ring as one of the highest powers.

But... it still seems to be a bit less chaotic magic.

The armor of the Illuminated Light Ring did withstand the erosion of chaotic magic, but it didn't take much at all. In seven or eight seconds, it was almost like nothing.


Indeed, at the moment of the most intense battle, one second is enough to reverse life and death, but Yi Chou does not need it, because whether it is resistance for five or six seconds, or resistance for seven or eight seconds, it can only explain one thing.

The power of the light ring was completely suppressed by chaotic magic.

That's why Yi Chou started the return plan.

Scarlet witch...

Yi arrogantly turned his fingers unconsciously, and the black, ink-like liquid surrounded him. This was the shadow magic exploring everything around him.

Although it cannot fight chaotic magic, it can at least provide an early warning effect.

The Athena next to him was also silent. She was not in the return plan. She had no memory of the relevant time period. She did not remember anything, but out of an elite warrior, a **** instinct in charge of war, she realized that there seemed to be a certain This kind of very dangerous thing is dormant around, just about to move.

Putting your hands behind you, carefully holding the long handle of the sharp sickle, Athena looks like an elegant cheetah, staring down at everything around her.

Yi Chao's pace is getting faster and faster.

Knowing that there are enemies in front of him, he certainly won't slam past.

In memory, he chose the one to the left, and now, he naturally chooses the other, but this does not mean that he is completely safe.

The Scarlet Witch is not a guard boss, and will not stand still in one place, waiting for Yi Chou to bump into it.

Perhaps she is also walking around, even if it has only 1 in 10,000 strength, it will definitely be a nightmare once it is hit by Yi Chou again.

Even if the silver tongue has been prepared in advance, it is difficult to predict who will win.

In order to avoid this from happening, Yi Chou re-started the return plan after recalling all this.

Even if the return plan does not end in the end, but as time goes by, a lot of memories are poured back in, and the momentary pain is much better than being caught by a spike.

He must start a return plan to ensure that he will be intact for the second time.

Yes, the return plan is so nearly unsolvable.

In order to deal with the Flash, Strange, and Dr. Manhattan, these powerful enemies that can control time, even shuttle through different timelines, and in order to avoid the future, more and more cosmic levels of enemies that destroy the power of the world Instantly kill yourself.

Not only did Yi Xao take pains to remove himself from the timeline, he also built a return planning system with Lucy.

It can be said that most of the creations of the silver tongue are used by Yi Chou for life-saving purposes. The pseudo-steel body is undoubtedly, which will make Yi Chou resist more physical attacks.

Pseudo-spirit speed force can make Yi arrogant to avoid many attacks from speeders, and has a stronger self-healing power and recovery ability than Wolverine. , But equally deadly attack in the dark.

Everything is built to save lives. For a wizard, especially with a whole world as a solid backing, alive... there will always be hope.

Of course, these abilities will also increase Yi's combat effectiveness in all aspects.

Transforming him from a pure mage definition to a near-omnipotent deity, the silver tongue in his hand not only exists as a final turn card, but is first transformed into a tangible combat power.

And the return plan is somewhat the same as the Omega Alpha alien on the edge of tomorrow, but it is not exactly the same. Yi Chou and Lucy are not through blood, or something messy in the mind as a remote sensing, one party will die, the other will Immediately feel, and then restart the time.

He and Lucy used another set of time loops based on the principle of magic. The specific content, even if Yi Chou and Lucy were not very clear, all were completed by the silver tongue.

As a matter of course, Yi Chou will not leave such obvious flaws in the blood as to overturn the enemy.

The only flaw is probably that there are only Yi Xuan and Lucy in this plan. Unlike a combination of omega and multiple alphas, Yi Xuan and Lucy are one-on-one, and Lucy cannot be hidden forever. From the rear, it is impossible to guarantee your own safety forever.

At that time, it was the most dangerous time for the return plan.

But for now, Lucy, who is still far from seth but can still come over at any time, is enough.

Yi Xiao's footsteps are accelerating. Later, he was almost running. Although the surrounding solidified position suppressed most of his speed, under the blessing of the pseudo-steel body and the pseudo-god speed, Yi Bao was even the most common. The run is still faster than ordinary people.

Athena as a pure deity is needless to say.

The solidified position suppressed their speed, but did not suppress their physical strength, even if they ran for a few hours, Athena, the god, would not breathe.

In fact, although Yi Biao seems to be advancing at a fast speed and has a clear purpose, that is, to go deeper and deeper, his heart is in the blank.

Lucy re-planned three routes and a temporary plan for him, but with the appearance of the Scarlet Witch, no one needed it.

The key question is not that the Scarlet Witch appears here, but... why the Scarlet Witch appears.

This powerful witch has a chaotic magic that is completely different from the controllable chaos in the movie. If it is not some uncontrollable aberration, that is to say, she is really a crimson witch of the omega mutant, which means... …The comic world exists.

The movie world is not the only reference to the second world...and the comic world.

With the emergence of the comics world, who knows what is hidden in the second world.

Almost thinking about this possible moment, Yi Chou felt that his heart was about to stop. This does not only mean that the hourglass gave the wrong information again. What’s more terrible is that the comics and even other worlds are possible. Exist, they will instantly shatter the known Second World.

The entire power system will be overturned, the entire technological tree will be overturned and rebuilt, and even the entire world view, the setting of this universe will become infinitely complicated.

If...this is really true.

Yi Biao prefers to believe that this is just a movie. There is some uncontrollable mutation in the crimson witch Wanda, such as being eroded by chaotic magic, stripping her will, or being moved by angels and demons, and not wanting her to be another. A completely different from the movie world, come out of the comics world.

This has two meanings.

The chaotic thoughts washed away the arrogant thinking, and the appearance of the scarlet witch Wanda, or the scarlet witch suspected of the comics world, disrupted all his plans.

It's a matter of importance. Yi Chou even can't wait to get deep into this mist and then unravel the answers hidden in it.

But whether it is a scary clue now, or the danger they are in, reason is constantly telling Yi Chou, this is not a good time to discuss this issue.

At least not now.

Forcibly pushing out speculations about the second world from his head, Yi Chou tried to empty his brain.

He wanted to focus on the scarlet witch Wanda himself, and not other messy things about her.

The threat of the Scarlet Witch is too great. Although she does not know where she came from, Yi Chou can be sure that she has no means to resist her at present.

The silver tongue can do this, but how to resist Wanda’s writing has not yet been created, and Lucy is creating it, which will take time.

But Yi Chou can't stop because he is also in a hurry.

The unknown magic circle at the foot does not know what effect it has, nor when it will burst out, like a bomb buried under the foot, it threatens Yi Chou at all times.

Before Lucy used the silver tongue to create a new defense method, it can be said that even if Yi Chou had a return plan, he would definitely be a dead word when he met Wanda.

The return plan is nothing more than to start over again.

"Hurry up faster..." Yi Huo whispered to himself.

Athena next to him immediately heard Yi Yi's whisper, she frowned slightly, and then asked, "What are we looking for."

Yes, we are looking for something.

The two were moving fast enough. They almost skipped the closed labs one after another in a running manner, and they left behind without looking at what was in the lab.

In fact, even Yi Xuan does not know what he is looking for. His brain is a bit chaotic. This situation is rare for Yi Xiao, but it is undeniable that once it appears, it is the most deadly.

Countless chaotic clues are interfering with Yi Chou's thinking, making it difficult for him to calm down.

As the creator of the silver tongue, Yi Sen and Athena felt very strong. Almost immediately, Athena sensed Yi Chao's inner confusion.

"What the **** are you thinking about?" Athena asked lowly.

The doubtful voice pulled Yi Chou out of the open air. He focused slightly, and his eyes quickly flew over the few dim labs around him.

"Observation Room of Serum Simulated Purification Room"

Three useless laboratories.

"Continue..." Yi Xuan said almost instinctively.

Hearing this, Athena frowned again, but still did not refute.

But at this moment, Lucy's voice suddenly appeared in the hearts of the two individuals.

Yi Xiao may ignore and relax, but Lucy, as a magical intelligence, will not be tired for a moment, she said to the two with a calm voice as always.

"The third laboratory goes to the right and enters the second fork."

"After the iron gate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is something we need."

"It's very possible...it's our goal."

Yi Chou was stunned with Athena at the same time, and then without hesitation, the two immediately turned around and headed towards the position Lucy knew.

On the right...a fork in the road...a closed metal gate...

In a blink of an eye, the two of them saw the door in Lucy's mouth unexpectedly, and when they raised their hands, the whistling shadow energy spewed out, surrounding the gap of the door.


At the next moment, with a soft sound, the gates blocked by several sounds opened, Yi Yi did not hesitate, the shadow energy spewed again, gently pushed the gate forward, revealing everything behind the door.

That's... an endless petri dish.

And in the Petri dish...

"Aha," Lucy exclaimed briskly, "Sir, it's a brain."

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