High Magic Earth

Chapter 1197: Primary goal

Even if the situation is not good at this time, Yi Chou has fallen to the black line of his head.

Listening to Lucy's tone, it was like what a terrible brain-eating zombie he was, staring at Dave's head.

Or... Lucy is laughing at her brainlessness?

Please, it’s only a moment of distraction, maybe for the former Yi Chou, distraction is deadly in battle, but now with magic intelligence Lucy as an assistant, even if it’s out of control for a while, Lucy can still do well Replace it.

Isn't that how it is now, without change, Lucy also found the right way.

Yi Biao is not a lich, or a foolish wizard who pretends to be a ghost in the Middle Ages. He is not interested in the human brain, because what is valuable is only soul and memory, and his knowledge.

But as Lucy said.

Pushing open the door of the closed laboratory, hidden behind the alloy metal door, are rows of brains soaked in petri dishes.

The crystal clear Petri dish is green, something like a nutrient solution. Oxygen is injected into the Petri dish along the rubber tube. The green liquid makes a grunting sound, making things that seem to be the brain float up and down. This is full of neatness and science fiction. The color laboratory adds a gloomy atmosphere.

It's like an evil base for a crazy grotesque scientist.

Athena did not have much reaction. Although she looks very similar to humans, it is only similar. Whether it is her strong body, physique, amazing speed and mobility, and beyond the world, the power is clear. Chu said clearly.

She is not a human, but a deity with a human appearance.

Two completely different creatures.

In her eyes, human beings are not considered to be of the same race. Looking at the brains in this row of petri dishes, she may enter the slaughterhouse with humans, and inspect the neat rows of pig heads arranged on the inspection board.

She walked in first, and then came to a nearest petri dish. After observing and sniffing back and forth, she turned her head and said to Yi Chou very sure.

"Really, it's the brain."

Yi Chao: ...

Without the cloak, I changed to a trench coat, and Yi Chou could not throw the cloak menacingly, but even wearing Tubula's clothes that were completely Constantine's aesthetic, Yi Clan could still step out of the impetuous professor's momentum.

Falling heavily on the floor, Yi Xiao's sole did not make a sound, or the concept of sound has been erased by the sound-absorbing magic of the sole, and he strode forward.

"I also know that these are brains."

"I am more familiar than you."

"Is it?" I don't know if it's an illusion of arrogance. He always felt a little suspicious in Athena's voice.

In any case, after this brief conversation, Yi Biao’s brain was not as chaotic as before, and he recovered his calmness, but unfortunately it is really not a good time to discuss these non-nutritive nonsense.

"Is there anything else to tell me?" he said to Lucy and Athena.

Athena's silent hands in front of the petri dish said that she had nothing to say, she could only see that it was a human brain, and she could not get more information by her eyes until Yi Chou prohibited her to do it. .

Lucy, she is obviously better at analysis.

"372 brains... The brain in the 6th row and the 14th row seems to be a bit abnormal. It may be dead. There are three secret doors in the laboratory on the upper and left corners, all of which are code doors... Being deciphered, 3 minutes... …"

"The laboratory uses a separate power supply, and the nutrient solution is a circulation device... The core components are located in the center of the laboratory, and no more information can be obtained..."

"87.2% may be transplantable, but you need to carry more than 70% of the laboratory facilities to ensure the survival of the brain..."

"The survival rate is higher than 90%..."

"Similar fluctuation detection... found a similar fluctuation."

"Unable to determine unknown, fluctuation number...1!"

Hearing what Lucy said inwardly, even Athena raised her head and looked at Yi Chou with a surprised look.

Sure enough, Yi Ao's face showed a relief expression, which seemed to be his first real smile since he entered this world.

"It seems that the goddess of luck is still on my side." He whispered.

Athena shrugged irresistibly.

The two entered the seth company with a mission, not blind destruction, and not much technical content to splash dirty water on the new humans.

The task is the top priority.

But in fact... As a completely free guardian of Neverland, except that the shadow will bring him sub-world visitors, or issue the task of collecting world energy, Yi Chou can be said to be quite free.

No one can give him a task.

Except himself.

Yi Chou came to Seth this time to find things, but he is not sure what the target is, whether it is in Seth, or even whether the target itself exists or not, it is unknown.

Although these brains are very likely to be the target of Yi arrogance, but he can not confirm it from the beginning.

But the emergence of similar fluctuations gave Yi Ao an affirmative answer.

The only thing that can determine the target is the brain fluctuation of the target.

The number 1 represents what he really wants to find.

It can be said that the other goals are just incidental. It doesn't matter if you find the best, as long as you find goal 1.

Because goal 1 represents...Winnie. ...

The whole invasion of seth company action, the clamor is that Winnie came.

Because Stark's irresponsible and irresponsible call, Yi Chou directly hit the turbulence in the world. When he got rid of the turbulence and returned to the country of Oz where Winnie was, he found that the desolate ruins of Oz. The time flickered and spent almost a hundred years again.

No creature can resist the erosion of time.

Even Winnie is a Green.

Death inevitably came.

For this, Stark also paid a price. Yi Chou was not sure what impact his practice would have on Chaoying, but he must do so.

When Winnie was still there, she always urged him to learn his feelings and have more feelings this morning, so even if there is no real soul, with the help of soul energy, it can maintain a normal life.

Reason tells Yi Chou that Stark is only inadvertently lost. Killing Stark will only make the world worse, even out of control.


Anger, revenge... unreasonable.

These are also human feelings.

Yi Biao still started, because he decided to abandon the so-called reason... Let the emotions decide what he should do, I believe Winnie will be very happy to see this scene.

I thought this was the end.

But the integration of Zhang Junyun, Daisy, Tan Qing, and the virtual reality illusion created by artificial intelligence with the second world made Yi Chou think of other possibilities.

He does not know how the virtual reality illusion of artificial intelligence erodes the second world. The second world is a completely real world, manifested by fantasy energy, not digital coding like virtual reality.

If there is any similarity between the two... it is probably that they are both created worlds.

But Yi Chao does not need to know the principle of artificial intelligence invasion.

He only needs to know one thing.

Since it is artificial intelligence that invades the second world and enters the sub-world, then it must have a blueprint, or rather create the original sample of living things.

As an intruder, the ontology of artificial intelligence is definitely not all in the second world, and it still has a part of the mainframe outside. The specific world may be uncertain.

Perhaps it is the world of new human beings, perhaps it is the present world.

But wherever it is, existence means hope.

It means... Yi Chao may be able to find samples of when Winnie was originally created.

Now, obviously he has found it, so Yi Huo will be ecstatic, his luck is really good.

However...According to Lucy's calculations, there are 372 brains here, one of them is Winnie, and the other one will be Levin. Perhaps there may be Zhang Junyun and others. Only a total of 5 are needed, and the rest are not. use.

"Can you determine which one?" Yi Xuan asked immediately.

Target Lucy has only identified one target, that is, number 1, that is, Winnie, Levine, Zhang Junyun and others have not been found, maybe they are not here, or they may not exist at all.

But Yi Chao now has no more time to get richer.

Between Winnie and the others, Yi Chou chose Winnie decisively and left everyone else behind.

As long as Winnie is found, the others... it is lucky to find it, and there is no way to find it.

Because Yi Xiao did not plan to stay here more, there was not only a crimson witch who could wander around, but the magic circle that covered the entire mezzanine laboratory under threatened him at all times.

Especially after finding the existence of suspected Winnie, Yi Chou is less like taking a risk while holding Winnie's head.

It's a pity... Lucy's next message is not so good.

"Sorry, sir, I can't be sure." She said, "All the brains are connected to the control center, and their fluctuations are actually at the same time. I can only distinguish the fluctuations that are suspected of No. 1 among them. Respect the specific directions of No. 1,"

This is not good news, but compared to the surprise of finding Winnie, this little flaw does not matter.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Xiao whispered, "It doesn't matter."

Fingers tapped the table slightly, and the shadow energy surrounding the two of them suddenly formed a small-scale vortex like a ghost.

After the launch of the return plan, Yi Chou has let Lucy hack all the probes and monitoring equipment along the way, because then he may need to use magic, and his real identity can no longer be hidden.

The power of the Scarlet Witch is completely beyond Yi Chou's imagination. In the face of such enemies, it is foolish to hide the clumsiness and find itself dead.

The black shadow energy began to rotate, as if a vortex had risen out of thin air on the ground, but under the exquisite control of Yi Huo, it did not touch anything around it. The petri dish did not even have the slightest shaking.

Before determining which one is Winnie's brain, all petri dishes are possible.

Obviously, Yi Chou prevented Athena from recklessly taking out one for research and research. It was correct.

Shadow energy is a magic tailored by Yi Noo. It communicates with Yi Noo's mind. In a blink of an eye, the vortex will rise higher and higher until it becomes taller than a person, and then turn into nothingness, rise to the top of the laboratory, and then dissipate. in the air.

With the release of shadow magic, an exaggerated portal slightly taller than people appeared in place.

Some are like the gates that warlocks often open in World of Warcraft, but they are not exactly the same. The style of this portal is more cartoonish.

It has a door frame that leans forward and tilts to the right, black and purple metal of unknown origin, and a purple streamer vortex like a liquid wanders inside the door, and on the top of the door frame of the portal, there is a metal with a wizard hat As a decoration.

In cartoon animation, the gates used to deceive the protagonist, or the villains used to escape, are almost the same.

In fact, Yi Chou created it with a silver tongue referring to the appearance in the animation.

Lucy is responsible for the entire creative process. As a magical intelligence, even if she has the ability to learn, it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate new ideas. Now, what she can use as a reference is nothing more than her huge database and Information library.

Think about the two largest sources of information... It is not surprising that the portal will look like this.

At the next moment, the purple streamer disappeared, replaced by a clear indoor scene, and a group of little yellow men who were looking at the portal curiously and grew their mouths silly.


They cried.

The portal stabilized and directly connected to one of the little yellow man backup bases. At the other end of the portal, at least more than thirty little yellow men were waiting there.

The silver tongue, the museum's stone slabs, and all these messy things and abilities, I Yihou immediately added a wave of supplements to the little yellow people.

If there are defects at the beginning, as in the museum plot, the little yellow people who joined later can only turn into life at night~www.wuxiaspot.com~If it is a doll model during the day, after Lucy joined, These defects were repaired quickly.

At this time, the number of little yellow men has broken through the three hundred mark... in groups under the Red Castle, deliberately tossing in the space created for them.

A reserve base with more than 30 small yellow people is normal.

Seeing his most loyal assistant appear, Yi Chou waved his hand directly and said firmly, "All move away!"

Yes, although Lucy can’t figure out which one is Winnie, it’s okay, since you can’t figure out the specific ones, then take them all.

Instead of wasting time to find a way to find out which is Winnie, it is better to evacuate here.

Although it will also waste time, it is always better than an unreliable search method. Now that the time is tight, Yi Biao has no chance to bet on which method is better, just follow the most stable and stupid way.

The little yellow people on the other side of the portal, after hearing this sentence, uttered an excited shout together, "Ula!"

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