High Magic Earth

Chapter 1198: Branch


Like a nest of locusts, the little yellow people never knew what it meant to be reserved, what was cautious, and heard the master's call. They were like bear children who didn't know how long, and ran away with joy.


Seeing the rush of bees from the little yellow people, Yi Chou almost didn't scare his soul.

Because finding the trace of Winnie made him a little too excited, he even forgot the destructive power of the little yellow people for a moment.

Called Neverland No. 1!

"If any petri dish is broken and the brain inside falls out, you can fill it with your own head!"

Looking at the yellow lines that had formed a yellow line and shuttled quickly through the rows of petri dishes in the laboratory, Yi Chou screamed coldly.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the whole laboratory was quiet.

Of course, there are also a small number of idiots who do not know why they are standing on the spot and scratching their heads. They seem to be thinking about whether they have brains or not.

If not... Where should I go to find a brain.

Fortunately, although the Xiaohuang people are usually difficult to manage, but after the task is really given, it is still more reliable.

Although their movements were sloppy, and their feet were trotting smoky, and the cable instruments in their hands were crumbling, people could not help but doubt that they would fall down in the next moment and bury the little yellow man under the debris.

But in the end, none of the laboratory equipment around was damaged.

They stumbled, shoved each other, and disassembled the surrounding petri dishes. From time to time, some unlucky guys were pushed or bumped by the same violent force, and their feet were unstable. On the fragile glass, but at the last moment, they can always be dangerous and dangerous, avoiding the past as if juggling.

No petri dish was accidentally knocked down, and no brain was damaged by the loss of the petri dish.

They are like this when they work, but they are not really unreliable.

The little yellow people were divided into two teams. Fifteen little yellow people trot to the core parts of the laboratory to study the composition and transportation cycle of nutrient solution and the problem of energy transfer.

Several leading yellow men did not know where to pull a white coat, put it on their body, and held a record sheet in their hands.

But Yi Chou can't let them slow down here.

The ghost knew whether a scarlet witch would break in the next moment.

"Data sharing." Yi Xuan said to Lucy.

"Good sir."

The Xiaohuang people have a high talent for construction and experiment. Whether they are scientists or wizards, they are very good helpers.

But the Xiaohuang people do not have their own creativity.

They must live on the basis of a master, otherwise they will lose their motivation, become inspiring, and will not be interested in doing anything. Even at the end, their entire tribe will not be motivated. They only know to lie on the ground one day and watch Daze in the sun.

After they have masters, they are full of motivation, creativity, and knowledge.

Their knowledge comes from the master, the predecessor, the incumbent, and the accumulated knowledge has accumulated a little, and they have the original creativity in the relevant knowledge field.

But it is still very difficult to make innovations.

They can only keep repeating the past, the past knowledge, unless their owners acquire new knowledge.

Obviously, Yi Biao does not understand the principles of this laboratory, whether it is power facilities, energy facilities, or biological knowledge in nutrient solution petri dishes.

So Xiaohuang people do not understand.

Although they can finally understand this knowledge through continuous research, in fact, this will be about the same time as Yi Xuan thoroughly thoroughly learned the technology of this laboratory, and it will not be too long.

It may only be a day or two later.

In other words, all of them are on par with the master, and they need the master.

With Yi's memory and IQ, giving him ten days and a half months, he can roughly figure out everything in this laboratory.

But Yi Chou did not have so much time.

Don’t say ten days and a half months, maybe the next moment, the Scarlet Witch will be killed.

So it's too late to wait for these little yellow men wearing white coats and pretending to be humans to eat through the laboratory's technology, and then start the transfer.

Fortunately, although Yi Biao doesn't understand it, some people know it.

Lucy, as a magical intelligence, can't fail her as long as she has information and knowledge storage.

Through the invasion of the laboratory's database, Lucy quickly restored everything in the laboratory to seven or eight. Although magical intelligence is not artificial intelligence, it still has the characteristics of intelligence.

For Lucy, as long as the information is still there, she doesn't need to learn at all, everything can be deduced.

Lucy's complex structure and power from magic allow her to have more processing power than ordinary artificial intelligence. A large amount of data is mixed together, and it won't waste her too long.

Like the data and data stored in a single laboratory, for Lucy's calculation time, I am afraid it is only a moment.

So it is the best match for her to help the little yellow people.

The data sharing mentioned by Yi Chao refers to this meaning.

The little yellow people who received Lucy's information immediately changed their postures of frowning and frowning. They no longer frowned, biting the pen around the energy equipment in the center of the laboratory, but began to get busy quickly.


Several little yellow men in white coats stood at the top of the laboratory and commanded the companions below aloud. Although the movements of the little yellow men are still a bit confusing, for these hairy guys, fighting each other is indeed better than teamwork.

The surrounding petri dishes began to decrease rapidly, they were removed, and then they were transferred out piece by piece, and the other end of the portal was reassembled.

Short-term energy cuts, the overall circulation structure of nutrient solution, these problems have Lucy to help the little yellow people to solve.

Obviously, the laboratory cannot be fixed here, and it needs to be moved in an emergency. These problems have been considered in the early stages of the establishment of the experiment. All Lucy has to do is find the method and then use it.

Seeing that the work of the Xiaohuang people has been on the right track, Yi Chou did not feel relieved.

But the raised brows still didn't let go, because the two problems of the Scarlet Witch and the Magic Circle had not been solved. The latter was okay to say, especially the former, facing the overwhelming energy storm, Yi Chou had almost no power to fight back.

He seems to have to pray that the Scarlet Witch will not find it here, otherwise he can only start the return plan again, which makes Yi Chou feel very bad.

After getting the silver tongue, he was the first to face such a difficult enemy, and the degree of difference... directly is crushing.

"Is there a plan." Yi Chou asked Lucy.

What he meant was to use the silver tongue to fight against the scarlet witch. The return plan also has an advantage, that is, it can make Yi Bao better use the silver tongue.

The silver tongue is almost omnipotent, but requires a prerequisite, story, and book.

The latter is easy to solve. Yi Biao can use magic to create a book at any time, the most common paper, flame, ice, or even stone.

But the former is the biggest problem. Even the greatest creator in the world can't guarantee to write a story that meets the requirements in the shortest time.

Not to mention that maybe once, but twice, the third time.

Even if Yi Chou has Lucy as a helper, it is difficult to do.

Although the power of the silver tongue is strong, it takes time to prepare, and it happens that when Yi Xao faces all the existing abilities except the silver tongue, it is just when the enemies must be solved with the silver tongue. Is the most missing element.

The emergence of the return plan makes up for this.

Perhaps everything has already failed, but the second chance to return can make Yi Xuan make sufficient preparations, even if the second time still fails, there are third and fourth times.

Until the cycle of the return plan is broken.

"Scenario 37, simulation failed."

Faced with Yi Chou's question, Lucy gave a cold answer.

With a sigh, Yi Chou is also somewhat helpless. As he said, story creation has never been so easy, even if Lucy is a magical intelligence.

In fact, Yi Chao has overestimated the top power of the super-British world as much as possible.

Six infinite gems, the power of phoenix, the magic of chaos, the seven-lamp corps and so on...According to Yi Huo’s estimation, if the power displayed by these super heroes is only as expressed in the movie world, even if the second world is a complete one The world may hide a lot of things that the movie does not show, but that will not pose a threat to itself.

Although the power of the Phoenix is ​​strong, it can only be wiped out, far from affecting the operation of the multiverse. The same is true of Chaos magic. The scarlet witch in the Avengers seems to be no different from the general energy control mutants.

It is nothing but stronger and more potential, and it can burst out without a ceiling in a critical moment.

But if you don't touch the field of qualitative change, no amount of quantitative change is meaningful.

The power they possess is simply not the true face of this power.

The only trouble may be the infinite gems, the power of the seven universes of the real universe level, no matter how weakened, there should be some power, which is completely beyond the realm of the world, otherwise how can it lead to the existence of the level of tyrants. peep.

In response to these forces, Yi Xuan and Lucy have made good plans.

Occupy, induce, resist, there can be countless ways to fight against these cutting-edge forces from the universe.

Infinite gems have not gathered together, and are completely controlled by a person or a force. They are scattered, and some have not even been discovered.

But for those outside the box, these secrets will no longer be secrets, use the power of infinite gems to fight against infinite gems, and use the existence of the super-British world to fight against other existences. There are countless flaws and opportunities that can be used.

Even if the forerunners are not only clamor, as the home of the new human beings, it doesn’t matter if the super-British world has entered countless free human beings.

Because there is not only one super-British world.

There are many parallel sub-worlds in the second world. At least these waves of people who have come across easily have entered more than one Harry Potter world.

In other words, there are countless Harry Potter, countless old wands, even... countless Voldemort in the Second World.

Yi Xiao blocked the world of silver tongues, not only a single ink heart world, he also blocked some worlds related to ink heart, including its parallel world.

To avoid the unexplained existence of those silver tongues that come from books and are enough to destroy the world.

The ghost knows if there will be any silver tongue who is still a fanatic of Lovecraft without knowing his identity.

Silver tongue is really a high-risk occupation, not only for the silver tongue itself, but also for the world where the silver tongue is located.

The new human second world is very similar in principle and characteristics to the wizard second world, and they also have countless parallel sub-worlds.

Yi Xuan just needs to find a super-British world that has not been set in by the new human beings.

And from another perspective, although the power of infinite gems is one of the top powerful forces in the universe, under the premise of having countless parallel worlds, it also means that there are countless infinite gems, so many infinite gems , Even if it is the most powerful, where can it be strong.

Unfortunately, before reaching the level of infinite gems, the chaotic magic of the Scarlet Witch has given Yi Chao a heavy blow.

Yi Biao is really very suspicious... this guy is really Wanda in the movie world? If she comes from the comics world, such a powerful set of strengths makes sense, but unfortunately, it also means another worse bad news.

Yi Biao didn't have much energy to study this problem before, but now, he found the target of this trip, Winnie, and he has more time left.

This question is crucial.

Its existence not only affects the level of the combat power of the super-British world, but also directly relates to whether the power system of all worlds needs to be reshuffled.

Yi Huo needs to clarify this issue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the most direct clue to start is undoubtedly the scarlet witch Wanda himself.

Of course, this has to be said after everything is transferred out of the laboratory.

The surrounding petri dishes have become fewer and fewer, and a large area has been evacuated near Yihuo. The speed of the small yellow people is very fast, but for the huge laboratory area, it has only been removed by only five-fifths. One or even one sixth.

It will take a little time to move out completely.

The shadow magic has all been released. In order to guard against the existence of the Scarlet Witch, Lucy is also prepared. Once the situation is wrong, he will immediately start the return plan.

All the work is arranged, and at a time it seems easy to be a little idle.

Fortunately, Lucy will not let go of any forgotten clues.

"Sir." She said, "There are still three password doors in the laboratory. I think you should check it out." 8)

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