High Magic Earth

Chapter 1199: Empty

"What is the code door..."

Lucy mentioned it before, but all of Yi Biao’s thoughts are on Winnie. It can also be said that as long as Winnie’s blueprint is found, neither Zhang Junyun nor Daisy, nor even Levin important.

Compared with Winnie, they are all optional.

Of course, now that Wenni has been found, Yi Biao has more spare energy to take care of them. After all, they still have some value.

Holding the idea of ​​dispensable, Yi Chou followed Lucy's instructions and walked to the position of the first hidden door.

He is not worried about the Scarlet Witch. If this guy really finds this place, I am afraid that running is useless. The things here cannot be taken away in an instant, and Yi Chou can’t stop the Scarlet Storm, just restart the return plan.

Since it is definitely unstoppable, I can only pray to the other party not to find here, so what are you worried about, anyway, the worst result is just to restart the return plan, it is better to relax and work hard.

If you leave here a minute earlier, you will be safe a minute earlier.

Although Yi Xiao lowered his vigilance against the Scarlet Witch, but only for the Scarlet Witch, there might be other enemies hidden there. He did not relax completely.

When passing by 6 rows and 14 rows of Petri dishes, Yi Huo paused slightly and stopped.

"This is a dead brain and the only one," Lucy said.

This is it.

There are a total of 372 brains. Lucy can't tell what each brain should be, but she can tell which one is damaged.

Because all the brain fluctuations are entangled, Lucy can't distinguish them, but this one is okay, not because of its special fluctuations, but because... The culture medium in its Petri dish has become an unknown scarlet.

As the little Huang people gradually collected the data back, Lucy could confirm that the brain was dead.

Yi Chou's eyes were a little hazy. "Will it be Winnie?" he asked.

"..." Lucy was silent.

"Will it be Winnie?"

But obviously, Yi Chou would not give up so easily, he continued to ask almost persistently.

The magical Murphy's law tells us that the more worried you are, the more likely it will happen. The only brain that dies before Yi Chou is the dead.

For the whole, this is a 1/327 chance.

But if it is Murphy's law, perhaps Winnie is the brain, 100% possible, and 100% chance.

Lucy continued to be silent because she was not sure how to answer.

Lucy couldn't give an accurate answer until the little yellow people moved all these things back and thoroughly analyzed the laboratory's data and technology.

Consolation and lies are not difficult for Lucy, but she cannot tell Yi Chou this way, nor does she want to tell him this way.

"It may or may not be."

Long silence was not the way. After thinking a little, Lucy finally gave an answer.

Yi Xuan did not speak, he was waiting for Lucy to explain further.

"Based on the data collected by the Xiaohuang people..."

In the backstage, Lucy was crossing her bored legs, sitting slightly up on the computer table in an office that was temporarily requisitioned by her. She reached out and grabbed the air, a copy of the little yellow people just collected from the laboratory The information, in the form of a folder, was pulled by her.

Quickly flipped through, she sorted out the language.

"...The death of the template character will not cause the death of the blueprint."

Seeing Yi Biao frowning slightly, Lucy continued to explain, "In other words, although there are only 327 brains here, it is the source of all the character templates in the virtual reality world."

"The world of the vampire diaries is at the beginning of the eighteenth century, and the world time in virtual reality has reached modernity after the twentieth century."

"Over two hundred years, the time flow rates of the two are completely inconsistent."

"In virtual reality, maybe more than one generation has passed."

"And the 327 brains as the source are not wasted."

"Whether it is natural death, sick death, or accidental death, it will not affect the source. In two hundred years, the number of deaths will not be a small number."

"If there is an impact, there must be more than one brain dying."

"The conclusion is that the death of the character template will not affect the source."

"The death of this brain... was not caused by the death of Miss Winnie."

"All brains still share a 1/327 chance."

The Xiaohuang people have collected a lot of data. From the data level, at least one thing is certain: the brains in the laboratory have not been replaced.

Since the establishment of the laboratory, these brains have been in the Petri dishes.

Otherwise, the above conclusion will be completely overturned, because if the characters in virtual reality die, it will affect the blueprint of the brain in the petri dish, and it is entirely possible to replace a batch.

Fortunately... there is no data record in this area, nor deleted, encrypted traces.

Hearing Lucy's explanation, Yi Chou also took a sigh of relief.

"It's better..." he whispered.

"But to prevent the worst from happening..."

Yi Chou's words didn't finish, but Lucy already understood what he meant.

"The plan is already being simulated."

"If Miss Winnie's blueprint really happens, I will try my best to perfect the silver tongue plan and make it up."

Yes, Yi Chou also has a silver tongue.

In the past, Yi Chou, like all other ordinary people, could only bear silently in the face of destiny and despair.

Yi Chou without a soul does not have any special power. He is smart, but smart can not solve everything.

There is always an irresistible force in the world, and there is always despair that cannot be resolved.

But now it is different. He has magic, and magic has everything. Magic has brought Yi Chou to reverse his destiny and fight against all possibilities. This is Yi Chou's biggest reliance.

His magic, his silver tongue.

Just like now, even in the face of death, the silver tongue can still have an effect, and Yi Chou must also...will find a solution.

Nodded silently, Yi Chou glanced at this dead brain again.

I hope it is not...

But without waiting for Yi Huo to move his footsteps, there were five mighty little yellow men walking next to them. They carried a series of work supplies such as hammers, wrenches, and pliers.銡 on the base of the Petri dish.

Yi Chao: ...

Then, under Yi Biao's expressionless expression, they swept the hammer with a few hammers, and the petri dish immediately shook slightly.

The wrench pliers were put together, but within a minute, they successfully removed the petri dish.


There was a sharp whistle, and then three other little yellow men on standby pushed the trolley, and together they pushed the removed petri dish up, and then ignored the standing clamor, so very calm, and removed the dish from Yi clamor Moved in front of him.

Yi Chao: ...

"Forget it..."

He shook his head, feeling that it didn't make much sense to worry about the little yellow guys.


At this time, built by the shadow magic of Yi Chou, another portal was opened again, and more than thirty little yellow men also poured out, and then joined the demolition army happily.

"68 little yellow men."

Lucy said, "The newly-added Little Yellow Man shortened the construction period by two-thirds, and it is expected that...the transportation will be completed successfully in 31 minutes.


Leaving a whisper, Yi Huo has disappeared...

"Is this right?"

The laboratory occupies a large area, and not only that, but the facilities inside are also very comprehensive. In addition to the staff's lounge, the cleaning room and the coffee room are also readily available.

Now, Yi Chou is standing in the cleaning room.

"According to the test, this is the location of the third password gate."

Yi Chou nodded.

The cleaning room is very small, or it is just a storage room, which contains a large number of chemical fire extinguishing agents, chemical neutralizing agents and other remedial items in the event of an accident.

Obviously, the laboratory's extremely high requirements for sterility make it unnecessary for them to perform daily cleaning work, and these items are also brand new, and there is no trace of opening.

"It doesn't seem to be used often here."

Looking around, Yi Xuan said inwardly.

This is a good judgement. There are no signs of frequent movement of any objects around, and the surrounding debris is very chaotic and scattered. If you often use this dark door, even if it is covered, it will not be so troublesome.

"Probably not something valuable behind the door."

The laboratory is different from the castle's treasure room.

The secret room needs to be concealed, as long as the treasure is put in, there is no need to open it again. The secret room built can't be hoped that no one can find it.

But the secret door of the laboratory is only the level of confidentiality.

Different levels of personnel enter different levels of rooms, the laboratory behind the secret door is still used, and the higher the frequency of use, the higher the value.

In research, not being used and observed means that it is completely worthless.

"Not necessarily." Facing Yi Chou's judgment, Lucy's view was obviously different.

"The frequency of use in this laboratory is not high at all, all the petri dishes are circulated and maintained by themselves, and only a small number of regular inspections are required."

"According to the laboratory's data records... Since the establishment of this laboratory, except for the necessary work, there are only three records of personnel inspections."

"Obviously, the operation of the petri dish does not require human intervention, and there is the existence of artificial intelligence... The judgments and common sense you made above are not applicable to this laboratory."

Yi Xiao's expression is undeniable.

"...Password successful."

At the next moment, with a pleasant sound, Lucy's voice appeared again. Just between her communication with Yi Huo, she had successfully cracked the block code of this code door.

The combination of a series of numbers and letters passed to Yi Xuan's ears, making Yi Xuan unable to bear a bit dazed.

The passwords all appear, but...

"Where is the gate? I haven't seen it yet."

Of course, this is difficult.

With both hands twisted, the rich shadow energy suddenly filled the entire clean room. With the movement of Yi Chou, they formed a miniature storm and began to rotate rapidly and spread.

Just like the most terrible corrosive agent in the world, anything contaminated by shadow energy needs only a little bit to begin to melt quickly and dissolve, just like the degree of reduction to particles, which has never appeared in this world.

This scene seems familiar...

Like the Scarlet Witch, the effect of the scarlet energy released by Chaos Magic.

Yes, this is the effect that Yi Chao simulated according to the energy storm he encountered before.

The composition of shadow energy is very flexible. It may not be able to catch up with the power and destructive power of the original crimson energy, but for these ordinary items, it is enough.

The energy storm wiped out everything in the clean room. Everything except the walls disappeared cleanly.

The door on the side of the wall also appeared.

The white metal gate is completely the same color as the wall, its gap is in the corner, and the other part is blocked by the metal shelf. If you do not clean the house completely, it is impossible to find its existence.

To dissipate the shadow energy, Yi Xiao gently entered the password.


Accompanied by the sound of air valve activation, the metal gate bounced forward, revealing the width of a punch.

"Now I believe that the following things may have value..."

The distance that the door pops forward is only for one person to pass sideways. Yi Chou is not sure how such a narrow distance moves the equipment. Maybe... there is no large equipment at all?

Is there any other door inside, what is it, and there is no point in making random guesses here. After Lucy gives a safe signal, Yi Chou will enter the door.


Behind the door is not a complicated scientific laboratory, nor a hidden data storage place, a very simple layout, no different from the outside world, all are Petri dishes and circulation facilities.

The only difference is that there is a brain in the petri dish of the laboratory outside, and here... it is a person.

Even without Lucy's prompt, Yi Huo recognized the other party's identity.

One of the three free men encountered in Koga Ninja Village, the witch Daisy.

Her appearance at this time is no different from that of the Second World. Although she has always been wearing a hood, Yi Chou has still seen her true face several times.

So now I recognize it at a glance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ fluctuation discovery. "

"People Recognizing..."

"Target 4, Daisy."

Soon, Lucy also gave the exact answer. The person lying in the petri dish was indeed Daisy, not something else disguised.

"It seems that this special gate can isolate the signal..."

"At least for most fluctuations, this is the case."

On the other hand, Lucy got new data thoughtfully.

This information does not need to be dealt with easily. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he called for three little yellow men to prepare to remove the petri dish in front of him.

If there are only three little yellow men...it will not affect the progress of the laboratory outside.


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