High Magic Earth

Chapter 1200: progress

The small yellow people were very fast. In the blink of an eye, they removed the petri dish in which Daisy was placed, but the door to the hidden laboratory was very narrow and could not accommodate the petri dish.

Whether placed horizontally or vertically.

So the three little yellow men stopped working and stared at Yi Chou.

In fact, with only three of them, it can be taken down, but if you want to carry a petri dish with a height of one person, I am afraid that it is unlikely.

Raising his hand slightly, it is like the signature action of Magneto. Invisible shadow energy flows in along the gap of the gate, re-converges together, and then covers the surface of the metal gate.

At the next moment, with Yi Jing's precise force, cracks began to appear around the wall.

"Click! Click!"

The gate bulged outward under the push of shadow energy, and the cracks began to gradually appear on the surface of the wall under the pull of the gate. The white gravel wall fell down, and it was like a beat in the heart. Water droplets.

Soon, the metal gate began to move slowly, and the narrow gap was gradually widened, and one person turned sideways into a fully stretched one person distance.

Enough petri dish went through.

"All right."

Yi Huo whispered.

He turned his head and glanced inadvertently across the petri dish, but the next moment, his gaze narrowed slightly.

"Did she just open her eyes?"

Yi Chou said to Athena who came with him a little surprised.

But obviously, Athena did not notice the previous scene. In the face of the inquiry from Yi Huo, she behaved more innocently than Yi Huo.

"It's nothing……"

After staring at Daisy carefully for a while, she found that she was still lying quietly in the petri dish, and Yi Chou could not help shaking her head.

"Probably an illusion."

He slightly backed away, and the shadow energy covered the entire Petri dish again. Under the control of the little yellow man, Yi Xuan began to slowly move the Petri dish out of the door.

"There are two more secret doors..."

Lucy reminded in her mind.

"But besides Winnie and Daisy, there are Zhang Junyun, Tan Qing, Levine, three people..."

Yes, Lucy was right, but there was not much change in his expression.

"indeed so."

He said lightly, "Let us wait and see the remaining two lucky ones."...

New York City, near the suburbs.

The battle has stopped, but the scars and ruins on the ground cannot be ignored.

In the dark corner, Marco Terre, Josie, Ken are shrinking together silently.

Although Ken and Josie had planned to leave here long ago, they did not leave immediately after all. Such a large-scale battle, whether they missed or escaped, was not their character.

And they are not sure how much power surrounds the surrounding area. If it is not clear, it is easy to hit the human encirclement circle.

Both Ken and Josie have far more power than ordinary people, but thermal weapons still threaten them, not to mention the encirclement of thermal weapons.

The sun had risen, and began to show light repeatedly, willing to hide in dark corners, still not exposed to sunlight.

The blood of his nocturnal dragon is still exerting strength, concealing the figures of the three.

"I sensed it."

Just when they stared at Fu Jiang to suppress the newly appeared gap, watching the huge stone slab and a lot of iron swaying around, they were in danger.

Marco Tell suddenly closed his eyes for a while and then said.

"What?" Josie froze, "What did you feel?"

Relative to Ken, Josie and Marco Tell are more familiar. Both of them are members of the Sisters of Witches. Although they did not know each other, Josie had heard of Marco Tell.

Marco is not a wizard, she is a Maya, as a rare race, obviously Josie also looks a little different.

And as same-sex...the conversation between them is definitely smoother than the conversation between Ken and Marcotel.

"It's Daisy." Marco Tell said.

"My student, she is missing."

"I've been tracking her whereabouts...and then found the first ghost in the subway station in New York."

"Then countless ghosts swarmed out, and then they opened the portal."

Ken and Josie froze at the same time. This was the first time they heard Marco Tell talk about this topic, and it was the first time they knew the original source of the ghost.

This turned out to be the case.

There were not many rich expressions on Marcotel's face, still very calm, Ken could not see her heart, so he tentatively said.

"this is not your fault."

"There are a lot of ghosts... which means they have existed for a long time. Someone released them. Even without your intervention, they will still open the portal."

As a typical American, Ken has the heroism peculiar to the Americans, as well as the same. They also have the characteristics of always thinking that mistakes are their own.

Of course, even if they think so, they will not be guilty for long, life still needs to continue, maybe they will be left behind after a few minutes.

Ken seemed to think that Marcotel would have such a burden, so he tried to dissuade him.

But next to Josie, her focus is obviously different from Ken.

"In this case...you have found her now, where is she?" Josie asked.

As a member of the Sisters of Witches, Daisy also knew about Daisy's existence, and unlike a Marco Tell living in word of mouth, Josie and Daisy had met more than once, and even had Exchanged.

It's just that I haven't gotten familiar enough to be a good friend.

Daisy disappeared for a long time, and Josie thought she had something delayed, for example...love.

But it wasn't until the early warning magic of the Sisters of Witches prompted that the witches realized that Daisy had disappeared, and she had not been in contact with anyone for a long time.

Unfortunately, in the face of Daisy's disappearance, no member of the Sorceress Society tried to find her.

Just like the purpose of the Witch Sisters Association, in the sisterhood, everything is equal, there is no relationship between class and subordinates, and no one obeys who, which means that no one has an obligation to find Daisy, or give an order.

Of course, if there are individual friends who have very good relationships in the sisterhood, it is natural to help each other and help each other.

Daisy had a good relationship with a witch from the university. The witch also expressed concern about Daisy’s long-term loss of contact, but unfortunately, she also had a lot of school work and had no time to really trace Daisy's whereabouts.

Daisy’s relatives and friends may have called the police, but if Daisy disappeared in the mysterious realm of the free man, I am afraid that even the alarm would be meaningless.

Except for Marktel.

As Daisy’s teacher and magic teacher, only Marco Terre is the one who really has a relationship with Daisy. She followed the clues and traced it down. Although she didn’t get the real valuable information, she also encountered ghostly things, but... ...At least now she has gained something.

Did Daisy find it.

With a slight inner eyebrow raised, Josie didn't expect...the world would be so small.

The people around are actually related to each other. Marco Terre is Daisy's teacher. I'm afraid no one but himself or the party knows this.

"Where..." Marco Tell frowned slightly, as if gritting his teeth.

She whispered, "I don't know, but... her situation doesn't seem very good."

Maya’s special magic can make Marcotel look out through Daisy’s eyes for a short time, she senses that Daisy is still alive, but... the time is too short, she can’t pass such a short time Time, guess where Daisy is.

"She was locked up."

"The transparent substance in front of... seems to be glass."

"In other words, that is a laboratory."

As you can see, the walls are all white, and some dazzling whites are very rare in ordinary buildings and will only be used in special places.

For example, hospitals, laboratories.

The latter term... obviously reminds Marcotel of some very bad possibilities.

Even the more he recalled, the more Marcotel felt this possibility.

Josie next to her frowned, and even experimenting with such things in vivo, even if it just sounded, was very angry and frightening.


Speaking of which, Marco Tucker's mouth twitched tightly, "I saw a clue..."

"A man..."...

The atmosphere is a little frozen.

Imokin and Madison gradually calmed down. Whether it was a dispute or something else, after this mysterious and familiar wall appeared, they all disappeared.

Why...this thing will appear here...

The wall is torn, like an entrance to an equally unknown wonderland, inviting them silently.

After being silent with each other for a long while, Imogen took the lead in breaking this tacit understanding, "... together?"

She obviously meant to see it together.

But she underestimated the activism of Madison, did not give an answer, and did not even wait for Immo Blonde to ask, she had already touched the wand again, and then lifted her foot towards the wall.

Imokin's mouth twitched slightly, but didn't stop her, and at the same time she turned her head to wink at the partners beside her.

Although the Witch Sisters Association is a loose organization, it is not that these witches are stupid. On the contrary, there are not many blond-haired guys here.

Women's unique meticulousness and patience have allowed them to arrange many plans in advance, and now this situation is also one of their budget plans.

What should I do if I encounter an unknown magic item or something related to magic in the wild?

These witches soon gave the answer with practical actions.

With Imogen's gaze, the two witches pushed away silently, one left and the other went outward, and the wand waved. One of them began to release a large-scale Muggle expulsion spell, the other released a protection spell, and was also responsible alert.

The other two witches are stationed on the spot. Although there will be no Muggles coming in because of the spell, it does not mean that they are safe behind the wall.

They must respond in a timely manner.

Only Imogen, Joanna and several witches followed, they are all older, more experienced or more magical.

So that they can have enough power to protect themselves.

But... Madison is obviously different from them, she disdains these things.

Because magic is her strongest support.

"Clean up!"

The wand moved slightly, and as Madison couldn't stop moving forward, the witch's unique mental power began to spew out. The gravel on the ground was like being caught by an invisible large hand, and then flicked hard around.

Fortunately, Madison still remembered his new allies, caring about the witches around, and the rubble also bypassed their position and bounced away in other directions.

Walk along, clean up along the way.

Maddox had almost no ruggedness, and came to the wall.

The graffiti murals on the walls still seemed to be malfunctioning, bright and dark, and the beautiful girl blinked as if her eyes were cramping.

In addition to the mutilated part of the mural, the distorted picture adds a gloomy atmosphere.

"It seems to be empty behind."

Madison's intuition is very strong, she first felt the abnormality of the wall.

Stretching out his wand and learning the way to unlock the stupid code door in Diagon Alley, he knocked on the wall, and the next moment, the stone bricks of the wall began to move.

"Click! Click! Click!"

As if countless Lego bricks were superimposed together, these stone bricks began to twist, rotate, stand upright, and then separated towards the sides, gradually forming a... arch.

In other words, the arch is not very standard.

It used to be an arch, but because the whole wall was broken, it was no longer elegant, but the incomplete one could see that it was a door.

And behind the door... nothing.


The members of the Sorceress Witch Association:

The two gangs were speechless, and realized that they seemed to have overlooked the most important point. The existence of the wall door of the Blind Pig Bar does not mean that the Blind Pig Bar will exist.

Because this is a broken wall in itself.

Maybe it was thrown from somewhere else, it is possible.

"But we didn't get nothing..." Imogen, the most experienced, first reacted. "At least we found traces of magic...in the world we live in."

Yes, this world.

This is the most important.

In the second world, it is not surprising what appears, because a plot may incorporate many other plots.

But in this world... there will be no, and there should be no such things.

It's just that Madison's focus is clearly different from Imogen.

"Our world..."

It's not that people in this world who only pay attention to this sentence, because for her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this world is more like the world in the story, not... her own real world.

Even if her world is here, it is presented in the form of a TV series.

Both Imogen and Madison had thoughts, immersed in their own inner world, and for a time made the atmosphere seem a little silent again.

Joanna, who was a little nervous, didn't notice these things. She was just wondering why these two people suddenly stopped talking.

"God is mysterious..." She flicked her lips and looked involuntarily towards the surroundings.

But I didn't expect that, at a glance, she really opened a significant door.

"There is……"

Looking at a corner of the ground not far away, Joanna raised her eyebrows. Although her nerves were a little thick, as a qualified and excellent wizard, she was still able to perceive the existence of magic.

For example, under that piece of ground...it seems to hide a very large space.

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