High Magic Earth

Chapter 1201: underground

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"What's there. M.slk.tw"

The vicinity of the ruins is not spacious, everyone is crowded together, there are small movements that can see each other, Madison is not blind, and Joanna's obvious movements are of course noticed by her.

Several people, including Imogen, also looked in the direction of Joanna's gaze.

Under the ruins, six feet away.

A large space.

Madison’s magical power radiated down the layers of the soil, filling the hairline-like slender gaps in the soil like water droplets.

These gaps have countless branches, the magic power flows down, spreads to both sides, spreads back and forth, and quickly perceives everything around, then feeds back to the magic master.

Subsequently, these magical powers reached the bottom.

I don't know the reason, even if Joanna kept telling herself in the heart, she even excused Madison, but when she heard Madison's voice, she couldn't help but open her mouth.

"You won't watch it yourself."

This is probably a natural mismatch.

I'm afraid this cannot be reconciled, because this is a matter of principle.

Joanna is kind. Although she did not reach the fraternity of the Virgin, Madison is more selfish and selfish than Joanna.

The methods of dealing with the two are essentially different, and this cannot be ignored or changed.

It is a pity that they will never blend together.

Fortunately, Joanna knew how small the circles of witches were. No matter how Madison didn't care, the moment she appeared in the eyes of witches, she had an inseparable relationship with the group of witches.

The stiff relationship is not good for anyone. The kind-hearted Joanna doesn't want to make things so bad, so in order to avoid uncontrollable accidents in the future, she can definitely keep silent to Madison when she can't speak.

Madison was not clear about Joanna’s inner activities.

But she heard great dissatisfaction from Joanna's tone.

Perhaps the little guy hadn't relieved himself from attacking Imogen, Madison certainly knew Joanna's hostility towards him.

It’s just that anyone who walks honestly by the block is suddenly attacked, and I’m afraid they won’t be in a good mood.

Of course, she started a little bit heavier, and it was also clear that Madison, who was almost injured by the other party, so she decided to temporarily forgive Joanna for this little willfulness.

But it does not mean that Madison is a good temper.

Only this time, she can choose to ignore it. Next, if Joanna still has such inexplicable hostility, Madison can't guarantee that she will not do anything.

After all, this matter was ultimately after the other party found himself. The cause was in them, and half of them were misunderstood.

Even more than half.

Silently withdrawing his gaze, this matter was exposed.

The world of women is indeed very wonderful. They are like telepathy, and they can often figure out the goodwill and maliciousness of each other through some very obscure details.

What a terrible intuition.

This is particularly true of witches, because witches are not only women but also wizards.

. . .

The magic touched the bottom, and the feedback came back to Madison's heart.

Not every sorcerer can perceive the fluctuation of magic power, or use magic power to perceive magic power and perceive other things.

For most wizards, they can only perceive some special magic released by the other party, such as piercing the heart, smashing the curse, and removing your weapon.

And this is because most of the identification characteristics come from the shouting of the other wizard, the effect of the spell, and the light emitted.

It can be said that wizards from the Harry Potter world have basically no sense or operation of magic in nature.

They simply can't perceive anything through magic, because the control of magic in the Harry Potter world hasn't affected the magic itself.

Wizards are completely dependent on spells, and only a few powerful or naturally sensitive guys can vaguely touch the essence of magic.


In fact, the wizards of the Harry Potter world have not discovered the energy of magic essence. Over time, they have even lost control of the energy of magic essence.

But the loss of this ability does not mean that energy does not exist anymore. Magic energy is the basis of magic, and it still exists.

Wonderful isn't it.

It’s like faith. Because of not believing, the Harry Potter world has broken its connection to energy. The most intuitive expression is that it is difficult for wizards to find out, or even to touch the essence of magic.

But the essence of magic has never changed.

The same is true of Imogen, Joanna, and others. They can't find the most essential thing such as magic fluctuation. The trace of magic they feel is not through magic fluctuation.

It is silently like this, which will naturally have a perceptual influence on the wizard, and what the wizard perceives.

Silently born with a strong negative atmosphere, despair, pain, destruction, even the wizard, will be affected at a great distance.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

The same is true for Madison. She has magic all the time, and she has no experience of systematic learning. She simply does not know how to converge herself.

Because she was a wizard and a supreme witch similar to a sorcerer, she had earlier been exposed to the energy aspect of magical essence.

But she is not like Yi Chou, with the energy magic of Oz can refer to. Madison, who is in the world of witch assembly, has only been in contact with a magical civilization of Harry Potter, so this has caused this situation.

For Imogen and others, Madison’s state of magic is just like the physical level where a person explodes every moment.

This is a characteristic of Madison, and it is not something that Imogen and others have noticed because they can perceive magical fluctuations.

For most witches and wizards, they don’t even know what magical waves are.

Therefore, it is impossible to use magic power to see the existence below through the soil layer.

But for Madison, it is completely different.

The energy of the witch can let her see everything well. In a way, the witch's unique mentality has actually been exposed to the essence of energy magic.

Madison just doesn't know how to use it.

Joanna probably didn't expect that she could not foresee what was beneath the soil, but Madison could indeed see it.

. . .

The magic was like water droplets, flowing down the gap, and quickly reached the bottom.

But the layers below, the magic intertwined with each other immediately made Madison frown.

There are at least dozens of kinds of magic mixed together. If she doesn't know her, she can't help but grow up, okay. . Madison didn't know much magic originally.

Underneath the soil layer is not pure magic mixed together, but magic array.

In the world of Harry Potter, there is also a magic circle, but the number is very small. Except for a few ruined and useless magic circles inherited from ancient times, the current magic circle has been changed to a new name, called permanent curing. magic.

For example, Goblet of Fire, Permanent Transfiguration, etc.

Beneath the soil layer are countless permanently cured magic intertwined. Although some of them are broken and even on the verge of breaking, because of the large number, they still firmly block Madison's exploration.

This is not surprising.

It is obviously not simple to be protected by so much magic. The anti-reconnaissance magic in the solidified magic is really the most normal thing. This is the foundation of the defense magic.

But even so, Madison got a lot of useful information.

For example. . The existence of these permanent curing magics has already explained many things.

"Good luck."

Madison withdrew the witch-specific magic and turned to Imogen and others.

"There is also a trace of the existence of a magical building below."

Yes, the spell prevented Madison from continuing to explore, but so many defensive spells are superimposed together, which is very rare in itself.

The magical civilization in the Harry Potter world is more practical and changeable, and there is not much research on the magic that directly affects attack and defense.

There is no such thing as a mage tower, and even for most people, they have no concept of defensive magic at all, nor will they cast a lot of defensive spells on their houses.

Even for pure blood nobles, a Muggle expulsion spell was imposed on the manor, a few guarding the safety, and a lot of defensive magic passed down from one or two ancestors.

Everyone knows the importance of countering phantom shifts, but not everyone will get it. Only the Hogwarts and sporadic buildings in the entire British magic world have such protection.

A building that can be protected by so many protection spells is definitely not a simple place.

At least Madison had only felt it in two places. One was the British Ministry of Magic. He had an intuitive feeling when he saw Granger’s little **** smashed. The other was the Fairies Guling Pavilion.

Of course, the latter's protection is even worse.

Now, the building below gives Madison a feeling of being in the British Ministry of Magic.

Imogen and others were slightly surprised after listening.

As the aborigines of this world, and even the old residents of New York, the witches of Imogen and Joanna know every corner of New York very well.

After entering the second world and successfully returning to this world as a wizard, they also imagined that there may be traces of magic here, but they are covered under the ordinary appearance.

But they walked every corner of New York, but the answer was no.

This world is this world, the ordinary world, except that these people are the only aliens, there is no trace of supernatural existence, even even once existed. . nothing.

Soon the witches gave up.

Because perseverance does not make sense, life still has to continue. Perhaps in a sense, there is no magic world in this world, but it will be better for them.

But now, what they have been looking for appears in front of them like this. . unexpected.

"Go down and see."

Taking a deep breath, Imogen took the lead to react and made a decision at the same time.

She set her eyes on the other witches. Although hesitated a little, the witches nodded, and finally Imogen turned her attention to Madison.

Obviously, Madison will not make other choices.

"Follow me."

She said coldly.

Joanna remained silent for a moment, and she looked up suddenly, before waiting to say anything, Madison had already come to the top of the underground space.

The witches circled in a circle, and then spread out. Starting from Madison, a total of dozens of magic wands hung down and aimed at the surface of the underground building.

"Yugadim Leviosa."

Madison whispered.

Hearing Madison’s spell, Imokin’s mouth froze slightly, but the spell had already begun, and there were already witches around it, and the spell was chosen, even if Imokin had other ideas. Can first help Madison to complete this magic.

"Yugadi..." Imogen whispered in a low voice.

Floating spells are not a good choice.

This spell can indeed remove the soil layer covering the building, but after the removal, the soil layer more than two meters thick is not so easy to control, not to mention that it is not entirely pure soil.

The slate of the ruined pavement, the broken wall, these things are mixed into it, and the whole body is moved in a flick. When the soil is lifted up, these things will also be mixed in it, I am afraid that it will form a large volume.

They are indeed able to float it up, but if they want to use such a floating charm to move around in a panning motion. . Even at a distance of half a meter, I am afraid it is very difficult.

The failed choice.

Imogen quickly made a judgment.

But when the spell has begun, it can only persist until the end.

"Yu Jiadi..."

More and more people joined in, and more than a dozen rays of light gathered together, and the force they formed began to slowly pull the soil out of the surface.


Along with shaking and buzzing like an earthquake, the land surrounded by witches began to float slowly, and its perimeter was irregularly round, making the entire volume as large as a car being pinched together.

Very heavy quality.

After half a minute, it floated completely, two or three meters above the ground.

"and then.."

Continuing to control the spell in his hand, Imogen asked as gently as possible.

They did float up this big soil block, but it was even more difficult to move it, not only because it was too big and lacking in magic power, but also because of their position~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The witches of a circle almost came from all directions, because of the different angles, some spells even showed a stalemate, acting on the soil from the opposite direction.

The spell levels of these witches are uneven, and most of them are very general. It is not easy to share spells. I want more elaborate control. . I'm afraid it's unlikely.

"rest assured."

Madison naturally knew what Imogen was worried about, and she let out a sneer, "Leave it to me."

At the next moment, her wand came out of her hand, and there was no place to borrow, but she floated smoothly in front of her.

The power of mind fixes the wand, so Madison can continue to use the wand without his hands. The tip of the wand still slowly emits the magic of a floating spell, but at this time, Madison has completely liberated his hands.

This allows her to use the power of the Supreme Witch more focused to completely disintegrate this big guy in mid-air.

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