High Magic Earth

Chapter 1202: Witch Agents

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Madison gave a playful growl, and then his hands made a violent tear to both sides. M.slk.tw

At the next moment, the earth in the air should burst.

Her voice certainly has no such lethality, but the blood power of her Supreme Witch can completely tear a car apart.

Ok. . Now she may have no problem tearing apart two cars.

The sudden outbreak scared the witches around. Although they were willing to accept new partners with a friendly heart, it did not mean that they had completely relaxed their vigilance.

Fortunately, Madison used witch power more smoothly than ordinary magic.

The big clumps broke apart, and the little clumps spattered as if they had grown their eyes, and floated along the tops of the surrounding witches without hurting them to separate.

"Slap! Slap! Bang!"

With a crackling sound, it seemed like it was raining, and it didn't take a few minutes for this huge clod to collapse.

"All right."

Madison raised an eyebrow at Imogen, the expression on his face was completely written, perfectly solving the meaning of a few large characters.

But unfortunately, neither Imogen or Joanna, their energy at this time was not concentrated on Madison.

Instead, he was attracted by what appeared under the soil.

A deep pit.

. . .

Madison raised her eyebrows slightly, apparently realizing this, which made her very upset.

So she immediately looked down and wanted to see what was so attractive.

Then Madison's gaze also solidified.

Underground buildings.

Unlike a wall that existed alone before, underneath the deep pit is an exposed underground building, Madison can perceive the rich and flickering magical fluctuations above, just like a rainbow, colorful and unbelievable.

If the magical traces on the walls before can be said to be accidental, it may be a work left by a free wizard when he is bored.

At this moment, the large-scale building complex below clearly confirmed that there were traces of magic in this world.

even. . It may still exist now.

"American Magic Congress..."

Madison heard a low murmur.

She turned around and saw Joanna, she stared down dullly, and the voice was hers.

"you sure?"

Not waiting for Madison to ask questions, Imogen asked first.

Everyone knows the existence of the US Magic Congress. The performance in the film is clear, but what you see in the film does not mean that you can recognize it when you see it in reality.

This is completely different.

"No mistakes."

Hearing Imogen's question, Joanna immediately recovered.

She shook her head and said very firmly.

"My grandma used to be a government official... Her bedroom always has a black and white photo of her in front of the office building."

"She said it was what the government building was before renovation."

"I watched it for a childhood and I recognized it at a glance."

"The setting of the American Magic Congress in the film is indeed very restored, and there may be some gaps in the details, but the door is almost the same as the government at that time."

"I won't admit it wrong."

Madison was speechless.

Well, some things in the world are such a coincidence.

The scenes passing by in the movie are very strange to anyone. It is difficult for someone to judge the specific location of a building based on only one scene.

But it just happens that someone really is very familiar with this building.

Joanna's grandmother has an old photo of the building.

It is such a coincidence.

Resisting vomiting, these thoughts flashed through Madison's mind, and her attention was immediately focused on the buildings below.

American Magic Congress.

The well-known existence.

Madison didn't know about the American Magic Congress at first. She suspected that there may be traces of magic in the United States, but obviously this is not the case.

It wasn't until coming to this world that Madison got the information of the American Magic Congress from the movie.

But this deepened her doubts.

Now, this building is in front of her.

I'm afraid all questions will be answered soon.

"Magic Congress?"

"The American Ministry of Magic."

"It really exists."

"But why are we here?"

Compared to Madison's indifference, in fact, the reactions of the witches around were greater.

Because this is their world, their present world.

There is no such thing as magic.

The American Magic Congress that appears here has brought them more impact than Madison.

"be quiet."

At a critical moment, Imogen, who was still a domineering president, lived in the room. She sipped and immediately calmed the surrounding atmosphere.

"There may be danger below. If you don't want to go down, you don't force it."

Although Imogen has no Madison's witch power, he can directly feel the flow of the building surface, which continuously rotates like a protective film, which is a lot of heart-wrenching magic.

They are intertwined, like a large airtight net.

Waiting for the arrival of prey, people just feel a little close, and they can't help feeling uncomfortable.

Of course, the magic congress on weekdays is certainly not like this, but at this time the magic congress is obviously broken, or even abandoned. All its protection magic is fully open, and naturally looks very dangerous.

Imogen couldn't feel the magic.

But she is not stupid.

In places like the Magic Congress, protection measures are naturally indispensable. Although it looks very broken now, in fact, protection magic works in such circumstances.

There must be a lot of danger hidden inside.

"In fact, I dare not go on myself." Imogen took a slight breath and continued.

"But I still have to go."

"Since I embarked on the path of magic, the plain and ordinary have been away from me forever, even if I don't believe it, this is already an established fact."

"The emergence of the Magic Congress is not a trivial matter, it may cause turmoil in this world, so I can't miss it."

"As for you... I have my own ideas."

Imogen spoke in one breath.

The Sorceress Witch would be a free group, and of course she would not force anyone to go down. In fact, as Imogen said, she didn't want to go down and take risks herself.

She is not an adventurous person.

By the age of her, her heart has become more calm and longing for a peaceful life.

Unfortunately, the existence of magic is destined to make her ordinary.

The American Magic Congress is the most important building in the magic world, and the top priority must not be missed.

Even if Imokin didn’t want to think about it, her reason told her that missing it might not be the right choice.

"I will go down."

Imogen just received the voice, and someone immediately gave her solidarity.

Unsurprisingly, it was Joanna, a passionate, serious, and kind-hearted guy.

Madison couldn't help but look sideways if she was a man. . And still have such a big breast now, maybe you can call her American sweetheart.

Steve Rogers, the most perfect, saint walking on earth.

Well, as for why Madison would think of Captain America’s nickname, forgive her for reading the Marvel comics recently.

The emergence of mutants and fire storms made Madison have to pay attention to the existence of Marvel, so during this time, she did not rework the works of this comic company that she also has in her own world.

Joanna responded first and immediately set a good start for the witches.

There was still some uproar, and the chilling witches immediately talked about it. Well, they had few people. Apart from those who were alert, there were less than ten people left here.

Twitter, like a sparrow. . Ah no, little mouse.

Madison rolled his eyes, and the little witch was in trouble.

She seems to have overlooked that her age is not the biggest factor here. . Because the witch rally, a place with respect for strength, has made her accustomed to standing high.

"Don't bother." she said.

"I don't know if there is any time-protection magic below, maybe we won't go down any longer, this thing will be hidden again by the magic, and then we can't find it anymore."

"In that case, we should be glad that there is no impulse."

Almost blurted out, Joanna took over the topic, "otherwise the building of the Magic Congress is re-hidden, let's not come out."

Madison rolled his eyes and stared at Joanna with a gaze looking at the rod.

Imogen played a round in the side, "Okay... It's not good to stay here for a long time, make a decision quickly, and if you don't want to go down, stay outside and be alert, so that those Muggles don't hinder us."

Soon, the group of witches made a decision.

Except for the four people who just stayed on alert, others expressed their willingness to take a look.

Obviously, even if the strength may not be strong enough to be eliminated by the Second World, the mind and wisdom are in the middle and upper reaches.

Madison snorted coldly, seeming to disdain them for fear of fear, fearing that they would have to think about who was in the lead for a long time, and did not wait for everyone to react. She added a float to herself and then jumped directly. Go down.


Imokin was really surprised.

This is not just the floating technique plan, and even if there are mistakes, it is not impossible to remedy.

The United States Magic Congress below is the heart of the entire magic world, with countless dangerous magics. These magics are not a joke. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of life.

Imogen is really worried about Madison.

After the misunderstanding was lifted, the two had no hatred. On the contrary, Imogen welcomed any witch to join their witch group.

Madison’s magical power is obviously superb, and Imogen is not sure how powerful Madison is. . But obviously stronger than her.

Perhaps only Marco Terme can be compared with Madison.

Unexpectedly, this little Hollywood star would have such a powerful magical power, not at all like the appearance of her vase.

A powerful witch is naturally popular wherever he goes.

but. .

After seeing Madison landed safely to the bottom of the hole, Imogen was relieved and rubbed his eyebrows in anguish.

Obviously, with this reckless guy like Madison as a companion, the future life should not be too quiet.

Waving, no matter whether the people above saw it, Madison continued to go deeper.

But obviously, the reaction of this group of companions was faster and more reliable than she expected.

Before waiting for half a minute, Madison heard the sound coming from behind, it was the witches, they landed on the ground immediately, and then followed.


At the next moment, Madison heard that Imogen was deliberately depressed, but was still able to hear rapid and worried voices.

Turning away from Imogen's direction, Madison rolled his eyes and ignored it.

She followed the direction of the wand in her hand and carefully turned to the right.

In fact, Madison was not as reckless as Imogen saw.

For ordinary wizards, the following is known, there may be ancient buildings that defend against magic, and they know almost nothing about the following.

But in Madison's eyes, there is a lot of magic to follow.

Although the front, back, left and right are closed dead ends, she can still find a correct way out through the smallest clues.

Of course, there are risks.

Soon, Imogen followed other people, and as she moved closer to Madison, she continued to ask, "We're next..."

There is a dead end before and after, this is completely a burrow below, Imogen has no clue anyway, and Madison apparently looks better than himself, simply Imogen began to be headed by Madison.

As an overbearing president, it is the daily work that Imogen needs to do to put the right people in the right place and the right role.


But before Imogen asked, Madison suddenly heard a loud noise in front of him.

Both Imogen and the witch in the rear were startled. They instinctively tried to raise their wands to defend, but before they were ready, Madison had turned around.

"Next, go here."

She said.

Behind her is a wall that has been exploded, revealing a narrow and rugged corridor.

Shaky, it seemed to lead deep into the ground.

. . .

The narrow corridor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ walked carefully and slowly.

Get rid of the most uncommon group at the front, walk and sway, and seem to care nothing, a group of witches carefully lined up in a long line, walking slowly and cautiously on this path, and soon, their figures gradually disappeared The end of the promenade.

Only a few echoes still sounded in place.

But in fact, neither Madison, nor the witches who passed by behind them, found that on the right side of the promenade they passed by, there was a figure that seemed to be trembling.

He hid in the darkness, as if integrated with the darkness.

Only when he shuddered, he seemed to be able to control his body, raising his head, revealing the weak coward with fear, and the fear mixed with angry eyes.

Then at the next moment, he immediately lowered his head again, burying everything under his black hair type of watermelon.

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