High Magic Earth

Chapter 1203: Witch Agents (2)

The lonely corridor is narrow and broken, and blank portraits hang on the rugged walls, protruding outward like dog teeth.

The people in the portrait will not die. They are already dead, but they are not in the portrait now. Obviously after the disaster, they don't know where to escape.

Only the abandoned scenes in the portrait are left, which seems more desolate.

The old recliner had stopped swinging, abandoned in front of the broken hut, covered with thick dust, and there was no joy or laughter in the woods. Dim raindrops fell down, dyeing the scroll to a yellowish color.

Old and broken.

These abandoned blank scrolls add a sense of horror to this narrow corridor, making people uneasy.

The promenade seemed to have no end, and there was no fork.

The witches couldn't stop moving forward. After crossing a distance of about 100 meters, they would encounter a relatively empty side hall that could accommodate about ten people.

There are only two exits in the partial hall.

One is from them, the other is to move on.

They have passed three such places.

As it went deeper, the surrounding buildings and walls also showed an irregular distortion, which was not just a collapse caused by the collapse of the building.

The surface of the wall is extremely irregularly convex and uneven, forming an abstraction, which is completely beyond the twisted three-dimensional imagination of the witches. They fall inward, making the originally narrow corridor more difficult to walk.

Thanks to that they are all witches, their bodies were originally petite, but even so, as they got deeper, some places also required them to crawl past a little bit.

Here, even Madison didn't dare to release magic easily, exploding a bigger gap, and surrounded by magic spells of protection.

They couldn't see it, but they saw it clearly in Madison's special vision.

Although these magic powers have been around for a long time, they seem to have completely lost their function, but the surging magic power hidden under the surface clearly told Madison that they just stopped their activities and became less active.

Once excited again, they can still use their horrible magic to teach intruders to be humans.

Fortunately, although the witches don't know this, their courage looks very small, unlike those who are frizzy and like to take risks.

As long as Madison controls himself, at least half of the team is safe.

Carefully, Madison avoided the left side of his head, a protruding abstract three-dimensional, these weird patterns produced by the twisting of the wall seemed to be spreading their claws like a devil.

Let everyone have a feeling of walking in the monster's body and advancing toward its stomach pocket.

The promenade, dilapidated, ancient, desolate, twisted, weird, full of inexplicable power and breath, is full of hidden lethal murders everywhere.

It can be said that almost all the conditions in the horror movie are met here.

And it's still that kind of big production, not relying on plasma selling* for its highlights, with plots and backgrounds, and at least making three or four big movies that can even produce derivative games and TV series.

The most important. . They are an indispensable element in horror movies.

Yan value is responsible.

Madison itself is one of the four little flowers in Hollywood. Although she is no longer Emma Roberts, what is the difference between Madison and Roberts? Who knows?

In addition to Madison, although there are several witches in the group of Imogen Joanna who are older, they do not know whether it is the magical relationship of the witches or the support of beauty potions. They are not like other Western women. Similarly, it changed to a shape immediately after thirty.

They didn't have much over-aging, but they were masked with a mature charm on their once young appearance.

The rest of the witches are also very young. Although their appearance may not be outstanding, they are also in the upper-middle level, which does not reach the level of the supermodel of Wei Mi, but it still makes people feel pleasing.

This is enough.

If they really make a horror film, it can already attract a lot of people to see. As women, they are born to make the audience of females more empathetic, and for male audiences. . It's okay if the plot is not brilliant and unreasonable.

Because what is obvious.

If it is really a movie, then this movie may be really exciting, but if it is replaced by a real experience. . And it is going through.

I'm afraid it's not that pleasant.

Witches are not much different from ordinary women. Being a wizard does not make them more daring. The magic wand gives them a sense of security similar to a pistol.

And because of magic and magic wands, they also need to face enemies that are stronger and more unpredictable than pistols.

Anything has two sides. Unfortunately, in most cases it is a blessing, but it is often not a single thing.

Because the more they know, the more they know about magic and fear. . At the same time, more and more, like the algae in the deep sea, breed crazy.

The magic hidden in the surroundings, the magic that remains here, all kinds of weird, unpredictable, even magical animals that you don’t even know.

Danger is everywhere.

Existing in this abandoned magic building, maybe it was destroyed at that time, whether it is magic, monsters or other things, may not have left this place yet, maybe, just quietly waiting for the next Prey comes on its own.

Like the spider at the center of the cobweb.

Perhaps it can be said that the witches are scaring themselves, and women naturally prefer to be cranky, but in any case, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

It's just like. . The suffocation was normal and breathless.

It's too quiet.

There was a silence around it, it seemed that silence seemed to be able to infect, and it was firmly surrounded by all people, not only filled with silence, but also stimulated the fear in the heart.

This will not work.


So Madison suddenly broke out and broke this strange silence.

But at the same time she spoke. .



"Where! Where!"

Countless screams sounded at the same time, like a thousand mice, the magic sound filled ears filled the entire narrow corridor and filled Madison's ears.

Emma Roberts is known as the Queen of Screaming, and even starred in a TV series called The Queen of Screaming. In order not to show his feet when playing Roberts in the future, Madison repeatedly read all of her works several times.

Seriously, she didn't think the title of the screaming queen was veritable.

But now she really has some doubts, human. . Can you really make such a horrible scream?

It lasted for about ten seconds, and the screaming finally stopped.

But Madison's face was blank, because she was still full of screams echoing the entire corridor, just like rubbing the iron skin and nails in her ears, and now her two ears were still buzzing.

When it was slightly better and the sound was recaptured, Madison looked at the panicked, almost unwounded witch and rolled his eyes.

"Really this level?" she said helplessly.

Even Imogen was no exception. She was like a little girl with the witches and sisters. Probably only Joanna, the thicker guy, didn't feel anything.

By the way, the other witches gathered together with Joanna as the center and embraced her all.

Immediately after discovering Madison, Imogen moved his feet.

"Is it too quiet," she said, "Suddenly...it's really scary."

"You are wizards, wizards." Madison rolled his eyes again. "Fortunately, it's me. If there are any remaining magic traps, you are still in a group. It is estimated that you can die together now."

"You are all wizards, can you move your wand, is it that your head is the same as the wand core, either hair or wood?"

Madison really felt that the group of people behind was stupid.

Thinking of her being ambushed by such a group of people at the beginning, they managed to bluff themselves and make themselves as cautious as the enemy. Madison couldn't help but feel like she was stupid.

She even has a plan to wipe out all the groups here, and then kill people, kill mouths and corpses.

The sweetheart witch Joanna seemed to be aware of Madison's dark thoughts, and her body moved back involuntarily, with a rabbit-like expression on her face.

But with her subtle movement, the group of witches suddenly seemed to have seen what a horrible existence was, and Qiqi took a big step back.

Directly yielded a distance of two or three meters.

This made Madison roll his eyes again.

It would be nice if Granger’s little **** was so stupid, so that she didn’t have to worry about thinking about it every time she went to England and lay in bed the night before. So, how should Zoe and Granger fight each other with Granger's bitch, so as not to lose face.

The group of witches instinctively reminded Madison of the fools in the witch assembly school.

The same stupid, the same eye is higher than the top, arrogant did not know that he can hold a few centimeters of high heels.

Every time I get into trouble, I need to wipe the **** with Zoe myself.

In fact, shortly after Yi Biao left, Madison became the supreme witch, took over the witch school, and just reorganized the period of witch assembly. Because of the internal and external pressures, Madison also taught the little witches in person for a long time. a period of time.

Voodoo teaches the tiger to watch, and the witch hunter of the Holy See also did not give up completely, and even the hidden hostility from the British Ministry of Magic, who died the savior, came across the Atlantic.

And even if Fiona died, she did not stop tossing completely. As an old woman, Fiona made a lot of friends on the West Coast, although most of the methods she left were for herself, not to hurt the next Supreme Witch. Mainly, but still brought a lot of trouble to Madison.

Even the mess left by Yi Chou left the magic circle that affects the whole world, or a large resurrection magic circle.

Yi Biao is gone. Of course other people don't know that it is only the witch gathering who can stay in the back.

Fortunately, the sacrifice of the Magic Circle was an immortal witch, which caused Madison to push the pot completely away, directly saying that someone had taken away a magic circle set up by a witch.

The only thing I can hold on to is that things happened in the witch's place.

But compared to the suspect of the Magic Circle, the latter's mistakes are almost negligible.

Under internal and external troubles, Madison had to be vigilant. She had to give them the means of self-protection by the little witches brought by them who had just awakened their abilities.

Otherwise, they will not live long in this chaotic situation.

However, as Madison's strength became higher, voodoo, witch hunters and so on failed one after another, and the British Ministry of Magic fell into internal competition for power. After watching the situation of his one-third of acre, Maddie There are fewer and fewer times when you speak by example.

In the end, he threw all things to Zoe and let himself go completely.

But now, looking at the group of idiots in front of him, Madison couldn't help but think of his despair when facing the group of sixteen or seventeen years old, which was the horrendous mother monster.

I just wanted to blow up the whole witch school.

Fortunately, Madison quickly calmed down. The group of witches in front of them was not a real witch. In fact, they were even more sorcerers. The power came from the same British people.

Regardless of how they view themselves and whether they are included as a companion, in Madison's eyes, they and they can never be the same kind of person.

Magically. . Even more historical.

"Indeed, it's too quiet," Madison said again.

No need to worry about the lives and deaths of these witches, Madison's thinking was clearly clearer, and she began to explain quickly and fluently.

"Don't you realize that this kind of quietness is not right? We are influenced by magic. It silences us and breeds fear in our hearts."


But in the face of Imogen's surprise, Madison still seemed very calm. "Perhaps it won't take long for us to be the first person left behind."

"And... she may not be discovered in the first place."

"Because of silence." Imogen clenched his teeth. "... makes it hard for us to notice our companions."

"Are we enchanted, when?" she asked.

In fact, Imogen could not believe that she was influenced by magic, not Madison, but she really didn't notice it at all.

But hearing Madison's analysis and solidity made her seem very likely.

Hearing Imogen's rhetorical question, Madison shook his head helplessly again, but was not surprised. "You didn't notice?" she said. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If so. . Then you certainly didn't notice this. "

Madison suddenly turned his wand and pointed to the promenade. A dim place quickly lit up a gloss, and below this gloss was a cartoon symbol engraved on the wall.

"...What?" Not only was it difficult for Imogen to ask, but Joanna and other wizards who were listening next to him were also surprised.

Surprised that Madison was able to find such details, and surprised that the cartoon pattern itself was there.

"Don't guess, I painted it." Madison sighed again. "But I have seen it at least ten times."


Imogen was really shocked this time.

"Yes." Madison clearly understood everyone's surprise. She shrugged and said without much ups and downs. "We must find the clue as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, just go here until you die... Or be killed by the magic traps around in advance." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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