High Magic Earth

Chapter 1207: Witch Agents (6)

The red-brown light splashed on the surrounding walls, and immediately corroded the original complete walls like sulfuric acid into many holes. According to the guide of the old man, Madison easily pointed the spell in the right direction and exposed it. The wooden table and the sheepskin roll hidden behind the illusion.

The old wizard in the portrait didn’t lie to them. He was right. It’s really a storage room, but because I don’t know how long it was abandoned, many sheepskin rolls are dilapidated by the passage of time. Only a few seem to be particularly important. There should be special magical protection, and it remains intact.

But these things didn't make much sense to Madison and they wanted to understand what was going on here. Asking the remaining portrait was obviously a better choice.

And even if you want to collect and study the sheepskin rolls on the wooden table, now is not a good time.

"Left... Right... Left..."

Madison whispered in his mouth.

They still know the way, so many witches are together, if they do not remember this thing, it would be too stupid.

Without the illusion, traveling immediately becomes easier than eating and drinking, and who will not follow the route.

In less than three minutes, Madison and a group of witches left the locker room that was blocked by the maze-like illusion.

Then they saw the old man outside who was too bored to wait. "You are really slow," he complained.

"Women are always slow, old guy."

Facing a portrait, Madison didn't have a lot of good temper. She gave a soft and hard sentence and immediately made the old man lose his temper.

"Okay, okay." He mumbled, "I still have a lot of time anyway, as long as you don't feel anxious."

There are still portraits hanging outside. Although there are not as many in the promenade as before, it can be noticed that the portraits here are extremely sparse, but it is still enough to give the old man in the portrait as a springboard.

The old man jumped among different portraits, stopping at a wall from time to time, and then telling the witches where is the illusion and where is the exit. Through his continuous guidance and shuttle, the witches walked out of one of the many illusions. The seemingly impossible route.

But I don’t know if the Magic Congress has been abandoned for too long, no one has come in for too long, no one can communicate with the old man, even if there is a threat of Madison’s softness, it will gradually show up after not long. Tuberculosis attribute of one's own words.

From the origin of his surname, to the glorious history of his lifetime, and finally to how he left a portrait, then the topic changed again and became his glorious history of making portraits over the years.

All in all, if this guy is not a portrait and an old man, Imogen and others doubt that the other party is soaking themselves, intending to pry one from their witch sisters.

But even if this is not true, the fact that this guy was still young when he was not a portrait is a master of picking girls. I am afraid there is no need to deny it.

At first Madison thought it was annoying, except that the road he took with him was all correct, and from time to time he would reveal some of the secrets of past history, so he nagged him.

Madison would not tolerate nagging because he felt that this guy had been alone in Congress for not knowing how many years he had spent, and there was no one who could speak, and looked very pitiful.

And it has to be said that without this guy leading the way, Madison and others can never get out of this huge Congress.

The American Magic Congress in the movie is just a glimpse, and it does not show its full face, but as the most important building in the entire magic world, the Magic Congress is obviously not ordinary.

It can be said that even with a simple innocent stretch spell, the Magic Congress can pull away the distance of most buildings by several streets.

The American Magic Congress is everything in the American magic world.

This is not just the office of the magic world, but also the history of the magic world.

Almost all the materials, documents, confidential pills, copywriting, parchment, etc. are stored here, there are many other things, such as special or dangerous magic items, for the supervision of the magic world, the storage of the predicted crystal ball There are many news that should not be known to ordinary wizards.

Of course, storing these precious things in the bank may also be a good choice, but even the British Ministry of Magic does not completely trust Gu Ling Pavilion. Some very powerful and cherished things are still guarded by the wizards themselves.

It can be said that the US Magic Congress saves almost everything in the magic world except that it cannot hold prisoners.

Includes backup.

In this way, a large enough space is a necessary element of existence.

The unmarked stretch spell is the most basic spell to build a magical congress. Sometimes, it is just an ordinary floor. Under the expansion of the stretch spell, it will become five or six floors, even as high as a dozen or twenty floors.

Anyway, there are many magics such as flying mantras as supplements. Even if the difference is 180 meters, it is not a problem for the wizards.

They don't need to use it at all, and a phantom will appear in front of you instantly.

Even as soon as they entered the hall of the magical congress, there were countless stretch spells built together. They made the upper part of the congress have no real top at all, and all the personnel handling affairs were there.

Of course, there are not many people in the magic world, and there is no need for so many people to work. In fact, there are not many wizards who really do things. The real number is the sheepskin rolls that record everything in the magic world.

The amount of storage is like a disaster.

In fact, the innocent stretch spell is not so easy to release, just use it if you want.

First of all, the extension space of the extension spell is directly related to the released wizard. Secondly, what the Magic Congress needs is a stable and almost permanent extension space, rather than retracting every night, it needs to be re-extended the next day. Mantra.

The last and final point is that the releaser of the extension spell also needs to be proficient in architectural design techniques.

A stretch spell is equivalent to stretching space in one direction indefinitely, but if it encounters a stretch spell in another direction, it will still appear chaotic.

The wizard must avoid this.

Fortunately, the Magic Congress is a large building and a building shared by the entire magic world. It is still easy to find some really powerful wizards.

And the facts have proved that in the establishment of the Magic Congress for more than ten years, even nearly a hundred years later, the building has not experienced any problems from its own.

Even if there is, it is also because of the blow from outside.

Now, this once magnificent magical building has been abandoned.

An abandoned magic building does not mean that it is just destroyed, and then it is not so simple. For example, the Magic Congress, the biggest problem facing Madison and others now is that these have created countless in Muggle eyes. Miracles and gorgeous stretch spells.

Although the building was abandoned, the effect of the spell did not subside.

The effect of the extension spell is still very stable, but because of the collapse of the magical structure, there is a slight deviation.

Any wizard knows that for magic, even the slightest deviation can have far-reaching consequences.

Not to mention the stretching spell of this scale.

The misaligned stretch spell directly turned the Magic Congress into a huge illusion maze. I am afraid that the original builder and the builder of the spell did not expect it.

These illusions are colorful in style, and they are not at the beginning of the building, the official, serious and simple magic office.

Guided by the wizard's old man along the way, Madison and Imogen experienced a variety of strange phantom scenery.

For example, I was wandering in the dark iron walls covered with dark iron color at the previous moment, and I stepped into the garden full of sunshine and flowers all over the next moment. Not only the warm sunshine hung in the sky, but even on the ground Small animals that can see or breeze, and the breeze blowing in the air.

Then, with the guidance, the route turned again, and the castle garden behind them was instantly thrown away by thousands of kilometers, and they were placed in a New York square where peace pigeons danced.

Because the Magic Congress is in New York, many scenes coincide with the outside New York, and because of the special evil taste and nostalgia of the wizards, Madison and others from time to time can also encounter old castle forests, even medieval basements and so on. .

It is like a dream journey spanning countless centuries and countless countries.

But all of them knew that all this was false, and everything around them was nothing but an illusion.

And without the old man in that portrait as a guide, it is absolutely difficult for them to get out of it. Even if Madison has magic to break the illusion, but how much of the extension spell that once constructed Congress, how much of Madison's magic power.

The U.S. Magic Congress is the hard work of countless wizards. Madison alone cannot run out of magic even if he runs out of magic power.

Even if they explode the surroundings desperately, because of too many stretching spells, they can't leave directly for a while, they will only activate more and more chain magic, and eventually get into trouble.

Without guidance, they may really not be able to go out.

But all this is not because of the subtle trap left by the Magic Congress, just because the abandonment of the Congress has left it in a chaotic state, and a huge prison cage has been formed by mistakes.

Madison doubted that the so-called guy in the mouth of the old wizard was probably trapped here.

But even if it is smooth sailing, there are hardly any difficulties and dangers along the guidelines, and you can't see the end all the time. It is definitely not a good experience.

The character is as suspicious and poor as Madison, and has already begun to doubt the old wizard in the portrait again.

"How long?"

After they passed through a candy-laden forest again, Madison finally couldn't help but wonder, and after re-entering a hall similar to Hogwarts, he asked the old man hanging on the wall.


The old wizard in the portrait responded quickly, "I knew you would ask this question, but I didn't expect you to endure so long along the way, much longer than I expected."

Madison's mouth twitched.

"It's not long," the old wizard said. "We are now where we are... actually in the vicinity of the central hall of the Congress."

"Of course, the elevator is not easy to use, but I know that the road that originally supervised the transport of magical creatures for identification can lead directly to the safest middle floor."

"It was the place where the important members of Congress worked."

"Your position in Congress is too biased, and it goes deeper and farther, otherwise you don't need to walk so long before you come back."

Madison and Imogen looked at each other.

They couldn't judge whether the old wizard's words were true or false. They followed each other all the way, completely by blind trust, Madison's threat, and they really had no better way.

Although Madison can use magic to temporarily melt the illusion, it is the existence after seeing the illusion, but they are not familiar with the Magic Congress. No one knows what the interior of the Magic Congress looks like. Even if they see the real situation, they I can't tell one or two.

The other party said where they are, then where are they.

Madison and Imogen both understood the meaning from each other's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ nodded helplessly.

Well, it's not long before this guy said, whether it is true or not, will be announced soon.

At the same time, Madison also warned, it is really natural and best, but if things change, the other party will soon have to move, because the other party has given time, the longer the delay, the witch will become more suspicious .

The mature portrait of the wizard The wizard seemed to see the guards of Madison, but he said nothing, just sighed, and then continued his chatter.

Since the old wizard had finished speaking, Madison had been staring at it, so she naturally noticed the scene.

Frowning slightly, Madison felt that the old wizard’s thinking seemed a little too rich, and most of the portraits were not like this. They would only spend a day in a muddled day, repeating some boring things, but the most memorable things in their lifetime or action.

And this state is often in the eyes of normal people, making these portraits more like a neuropathy, and even the wizard has the idea that the spirit is not normal, but it is not so medical.

Only some powerful wizards during their lifetime, the portraits left will have sufficient thinking and wisdom.

Because they are just a ray of residual soul flowing out of the portrait, they are already much stronger than others.

It does not need to be particularly powerful, as strong as Dumbledore. In fact, it is better if it is stronger than the average person, such as the principals of Hogwarts, the generations of pure blood nobles.

In fact, most of the wizards' portraits are very active, because it is not a cheap thing to leave a portrait of a wizard. Only a very small number of ordinary wizards, wild wizards, will have the kind of insensitive thinking.

For example, ordinary portraits hanging at Hogwarts, some gatekeeper portraits, etc.

The old guy in this portrait is definitely not simple.

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