High Magic Earth

Chapter 1208: Witch Agents (7)

But Madison thought hard, and did not expect who he would be.

After all, Madison is not a native Englishman and does not know much about Britain. In fact, even if he understands it, it is difficult to guess the identity of the other party based on his appearance, unless the other party is famous or happens to be a familiar acquaintance.

Otherwise, the number of pure-blood nobles is not much, but it is also a catch. The most important thing is to count the family history of previous pure-blood nobles, so that more people can be included in the portrait.

Not long ago, the old man in the portrait introduced himself, but Madison didn’t think he had heard of it.

It's not that the other party is lying... that she really hasn't heard it.

This is not surprising. Yi Chou left a lot of books for Madison, including the boring history of magic, but since knowing that the history of magic is boring and useless, how can Madison go to see it.

Turning his head, Madison's eyes fell on Imogen and others.

But immediately after thinking about it, she immediately chose to give up, forget it...she still don't expect these people, Madison quickly understood what they meant for Harry Potter after they figured out what the definition of free man is. The British magic world in the special world is also a so-called outsider.

The approximate relationship may be just like yourself and the world.

Their secret knowledge of the British magic world, not to mention that they are not as good as their native Englishmen.

With this in mind, I didn't know that I continued to walk through several different rooms, different scenery, and suddenly, after they came to a room with mercury-like liquid everywhere, the portrait suddenly stopped. .

"This is it, beautiful ladies."

Said the old man in the portrait.

Then the next moment, Madison clenched the wand in his hand.

"This is where?"

But waiting for Madison to start, Imogen asked in a low voice.

Not surprisingly, Imogen would have such a response, because the appearance of this room is too deceptive. These mercury-like things appeared once in the movie. It was the one used to execute the death penalty for the wizard in the US Magic Congress. room.

These water-like substances are like a meditation basin, reflecting another world, the boundary between life and death, the wizard will use the best memory to lure the prisoner, and once this boundary is crossed...I will never come back .

Just like Sirius.

And they, under the leadership of the portrait, bumped in directly.

"What the **** are these?"

Joanna also pulled out her wand and asked in a low voice.

Although the group of witches behind were stupid and timid, at the critical moment, they were still consistent with the outside world, and they were quite reliable, otherwise they could not survive in the second world.

Almost within minutes, all the wands were aimed at the old wizard man.

But it seemed that the witches would have such an overreaction. The old man in the portrait did not panic, even surprised, and waved his hand.

"Don't excite the ladies, isn't that lady able to dispel the illusion, use your magic, give it a try, and see what is behind this."

"Trust me, all this is just an illusion..."

"I can't believe this."

Imogen said coldly, while the wand in his hand didn't mean to let go.

This time, Madison, who was relatively more suspicious, chose to believe in the portrait of the old man. Instead of pointing her wand at the portrait on the wall, she turned directly and pointed at the wall behind her.


Imogen has long been paying attention to Madison's movements. With a slight change, Imogen immediately whispered, "Who knows whether that magic will have any counter-effects on these things, don't be impulsive."

They have only seen this movie in the death penalty room, and they don’t know much about the specific principle. Imogen is not clear whether Madison’s magic of expelling illusions has any effect on it. The effect is the best and the worst. The possibility is that it will have more serious consequences.

For example, the mercury on the wall seems to be completely activated.

That is definitely not a good thing.

All of this is caused by the old wizard man in the portrait, and it was also deceived by them, so any word it said is not credible.

The old man of the wizard asked Madison to use phantom dispelled magic on the surrounding walls, but Imogen refused to let anyone know if this was another lie of the old man of the wizard.

From now on, Imogen decided to have the most doubts about every sentence the old wizard said.

But Madison rolled his eyes.

"My boss," she spit out, "why your focus is not always correct."

"Ah?" Imogen was confused.

"It's still here," Madison said.


Imogen froze for a moment and looked back at the old wizard man on the mercury wall, and then at the next moment, he suddenly realized what Madison meant.

There are no portraits hanging on the walls, but they can see the old wizard man.

They have encountered this situation many times, because the surrounding walls are all illusions, and the real things are covered under the illusions, and they cannot be noticed by them.

For example, sometimes they clearly see a portrait hanging on the wall, but the old wizard is not allowed to enter. The reason is very simple, this is an illusion.

In the same way, sometimes it is an empty wall, but in fact, the truth hidden behind the illusion wall has a portrait.

It's just that their eyes are blocked by illusions and they are invisible.

Even if the old wizard can enter this portrait, it is blocked by illusions and cannot communicate with Madison and others.

In order to guide the old wizard in this case, Madison specially marked a mark magic. The existence of this magic prevents the old wizard from being blocked by the illusion. As long as the portrait exists, the old wizard can still be under the illusion. Emerged.

In other words, even if no portrait is visible on the surface of the illusion, as long as the old wizard exists, it means under the illusion...

"It's a portrait."

Imogen said.

Involuntarily, she lowered her wand steadily.

The mercury-like rooms around are really illusions, and this is not a real death penalty room.

They have seen a lot of magical secret magic along the way. According to the old wizard, these magics seem to have some kind of rubbing effect because of chaos.

Like mirages, they can move the setting environment of rooms in different parliaments to another room.

This makes the whole journey full of strange confusion.

It's like being in an infinite loop.

Obviously, the picture printed in this room is from the death penalty room.

Whether it was Imogen or Joanna, they thought they were wrong to blame the old wizard. They had just prepared to put down their wands, but Madison grabbed Imogen.

"You still stare at him."

Imogen stunned, and when he looked at the old man of the wizard again, he realized that he was only a bitter smile on his face, and he couldn't hold his beard.

At the next moment, Madison had continued.

"The mist disperses."

Knowing that this is the final room, Madison no longer cares about saving magic, and is ready to dispel the illusion of the entire room, so it looks more at ease.

Raising the wand, the reddish-brown light spewed out again, following the tip of the wand and connected to the ceiling of the room, blending with Madison, and covering her whole body in the reddish-brown light.

From afar, it seemed as though the Statue of Liberty was shining under the night.

"That's really ugly," Madison said, turning his head suddenly.

Except for what was just messed in, under the watch of Imogen and others, the room covered by the mercury liquid began to fade quickly.

The energy erupted from the magic wand was like the sunlight from the sky, which directly dissipated the mercury illusion that enveloped the room. The silver-white liquid began to evaporate rapidly, and with the white gas, with the speed of the naked eye, it will quickly The house was restored to its original appearance.

The brown wooden roof was covered with cobwebs and dust, and the gorgeous chandelier had already been damaged. It could only barely be seen as a chandelier.

The room is very large, several times larger than the former mercury-clad, narrow death penalty room. The illusion not only has the ability to deceive people's vision, but also directly affects other five senses.

In addition to the dilapidated roof, other facilities in the house are also old and dilapidated. The bookshelves are also covered with dust, but it is still difficult to conceal the precious appearance and materials. The precious wood makes it unchanged even after the erosion of time. Corruption.

But the sheepskin rolls on it are obviously not of excellent quality, and they have been corrupted and dilapidated without the special protection of magic. I am afraid it is difficult to get any valuable information from the above.

Of course, in addition to individual sheepskin rolls, even in the thick dust, it is still very complete, and it is very important to see at a glance, and special protective magic has been imposed.

Other than that, everything else in the house is similar.

A long wooden table lay quietly on the spot, with a thick cobweb hanging on the surface, and dim silver wine glasses and trays scattered on the ground, not only expressing the erosion of them by time, but also indicating all the chaos and fighting.

"I really miss it."

Similarly, with the appearance of the sound, Madison et al.'s eyes fell on the wall on the other side of the room, where an equally old portrait was hung, connected to the cobweb, and there were even burnt gaps at the edges .

The old man of the wizard is in this portrait. He is disgustingly flapping because of the illusion. He is panicking and pulling out the running spiders. These small animals even climbed onto his portrait.

But of course, he can't touch these little things at all, and he just tends to react instinctively.

Seeing the room finally showing its original face, whether it was Imogen or Joanna, even Madison, he was slightly relieved.

They still don't know the principle of the death penalty room, and they don't want to try it for themselves. It's not the best trap.

After two or three minutes, the magic of the illusion covering all around has been cleared, revealing a dilapidated, incomplete, but still giving people a little peace of mind.

Although it is full of desolate and old-fashioned taste, at least it can make people feel the atmosphere of civilization, rather than the fantasy-like journey before.

"It should be safe here."

Also relieved was the old wizard man in the portrait.

Thanks to him being a portrait, there is no limitation of normal human physical fitness, otherwise he will definitely not be able to persevere to take Madison out of the danger zone.

But even so, shifting in portrait after portrait for a long time makes his already less active thinking more difficult. Now he does not need to think about these complicated lines, and immediately feels a lot easier.

The old man of the wizard pretended to pat the dust that did not exist on his clothes in the portrait, and then took a step back, bowing to Madison and everyone else.

"Officially, I am Rufufilat III, the leader of the second US Congress of Magic, sacrificed in the battle of alien invasion."

"Uh, I... wait."

Madison, Imogen and others found that when they came to a safe place, they naturally calmed down. They listened quietly to each other’s introduction, but the first few sentences were still normal. After two sentences, they found themselves I don't understand.

Did they fall behind, or did the world change so fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wait, exotic...invasion? "

Madison's expression was very puzzled, and his tone seemed surprisingly struggling.

The very long and long name is understandable. Is it true that the pure blood nobility is much more famous than the long pure blood nobility, and the leader of the second American Magic Congress can understand it and can be hung here, Obviously, they should all have good strength, or good status, but the battle of foreign invasion... what the **** is that?

Even if they are not natives of the Harry Potter world, they know that no such thing happened in history, because this is obviously not a small thing, and it is impossible to hide it completely without revealing any news. .

But the other party... obviously doesn't seem to be talking nonsense.

This makes no sense at all.

"Well, it's normal that you don't know." The old man of the wizard made a shrug in the portrait. "That's what I'm going to say next, and it's these things... that's what made everything here so of."……


"—We—were trapped—have—!”

The building of the Congress is very complicated. After the collapse, some hidden passages are blocked, and more rugged cracks are born, making the originally unrecognizable route more elusive.

The same is true for the sound.

The deeply buried Congress building has layers of magical protection, not only protecting it firmly under the double pressure of time and soil, but also imprisoning everything that happens inside.

Witches' hasty screams did not pass through the gaps and passages, but instead wandered and wandered in it like fermented flour, until... passed into the corner of a promenade.

At the next moment, the dark corner of the promenade seemed to be alive, moving a little.

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