High Magic Earth

Chapter 1209: Witch Agents (8)

Creeping, trembling.

The darkness is so rich, no one can see the existence hidden under the darkness.

The deep darkness is like the darkest corner of the world. It devours everything, devours light, and even the sound disappears without a trace when it touches it.

It's like being absorbed.

Immediately afterwards, the darkness seemed to receive a certain signal, and at the moment when the sound completely disappeared, its shaking and tremor suddenly increased.


In the next moment, the speed is simply unresponsive, and it bursts out completely.

"Boom! Boom!"

Nothingness, expansion.

In the blink of an eye, the darkness curled up in the corner has fully opened, it fills the surroundings, and even occupies all the space at the end of the entire corridor.

Then immediately, the misty darkness seemed to stagnate.

If you look closely, you will find that these mists are not just mists. They are like drops of water. They are broken and connected together like crystals. They are suspended together in the air, forming a huge and changeable irregular network. A strange and daunting beauty.

But this suspension and stagnation did not last long.

As if it were the most elusive substance in the world, its actions were sudden and destructive.

With a disturbing sense of time, the black mist twisted and deformed again, and it seemed that within half a second, it shrank into a nail-sized sphere.

Then another stagnation and darkness broke out again.


With the whistling breath of destruction, the black smoke filled the entire corridor in an instant, as if it was a galloping train rolling wildly forward, with an unstoppable breath, whether it is the illusions around, the real walls around, Or hidden magic traps are vulnerable under its impact.

Not even a half-silk pause, it has crushed everything and whistled deep into the magical congress.

Behind it is the Congress Promenade that collapsed into pieces.

Almost turned into ruins. ...

"I'm Emma, ​​Emma...well, just call me Emma."

"I am Imogen."


"An Qian."


The witches lined up, responding politely to the portrait, quietly like a freshman who had just entered Hogwarts.

Thanks to Madison's good start, she didn't say her name. There are countless magical magics in the magic world. It is inevitable that there are no spells that can only work by name.

At least as far as she knew, Voldemort's name was a taboo, not just because the wizards were timid.

Although the witches have reached a short-term trust with the old man, they are not completely trusted. Madison did not say his full name, even... the real name.

Although the portrait of the old man almost broke his beard, he, as a wizard, also understood Madison's approach.

On the contrary, a wizard without vigilance would make him look down. ——

Because that is equivalent to no strength.

When everyone introduced himself, the old wizard nodded.

In fact, Madison doubts that the other person's age and the existence of the portrait can remember so much information. They are simply wasting time.

But they still did it, out of respect and thanks to the other party for saving them. In any case, they did come out of the strange land full of fantasy.

But looking at the old man's beard sternly, Madison wondered if this guy used to be a professor at a magic school.

Very unpleasant... old fashioned.

Madison is not a good child in school. After all, it is a minority of Hollywood stars who have a high degree of education after all.

Moreover, in the world of witches, Madison is not a big star.

"Thank you very much for bringing us out." After a few seconds of meditation, Madison said first, "If you have any other news, or are willing to explain in detail, what is the battle of exotic invasion, maybe we will Thanks more."

"It's a cunning little guy." The old man in the portrait squinted with a beard, "You don't pay anything at all except thanks, but... there is nothing that can treat me as an old guy in the portrait. has an effect."

"It doesn't matter. I've been alone for a long time. I'm very happy if someone can talk.

"I was going to explain it to you carefully."

"That can't be better." Madison spread his hands.

"Clean it up."

"Restored as before."

The next moment, a familiar spell pronunciation came from Madison's ear.

While chatting with the old man of the portrait, Imogen and others did not know that the surrounding environment was too dirty, and it was purely itchy, waving their magic wand, and began to work as a servant.

Madison looked at a group of cheerful humanoid house elves around him, not knowing what expression he should put on.

But it is undeniable that the effect of magic is still very good.

The magical civilization of the Harry Potter world, whether it is a system with a weird deformity and no systematic norms, or that they have clearly mastered some of its powerful magical effects, but in the end it can’t be developed, it is still quite high. Of the merits.

Potions, metamorphosis, these major systemic disciplines, and the restoration of the original, the illusion of transformation, these often very high magic civilizations want to do, and they are also very complex spells.

Imogen and others used recovery at this time.

A little wizard can master the magic soon after getting started, but the effect is absolutely powerful.

As the spell spreads, the damaged room begins to repair slowly, and the time traces covering it gradually recede, revealing the once gorgeous coat.

Recovering the original magic can repair all the existence of damage, except for the things that are consumed can not be restored, even the traces of time lapse are within its repair range.

In a sense, this is incredible.

The cobwebs were swept away by the cleaning magic, the moths in the corners also turned to ashes, the dusty silver wine glass tray reappeared the bright appearance, and the long wooden table with corners and dirty spots also shined again.

The wand exudes a soft and small light to light the dazzling chandelier, and half of the candles were re-floated into the air by the witches, clinging to the wall and emitting a weak goose yellow luster.

The whole house was almost changed, and decorated with a little embellishment, reproducing the magnificent and solemn glory of the US Magic Congress.

"Really miss..."

All the wizards were present, or they were wizards during their lifetime. No one was surprised by this situation.

Looking at the radiant room in front of him again, the old wizard in the portrait sighed. He stayed in the portrait and watched the abandoned Magic Congress gradually decay and decay. Of course he also wanted to use magic to save it, but he was only a picture It’s just a portrait, he can’t do anything.

Not to mention the release of magic.

Now, it was rearranged here by the witches, looking at the familiar scenes and things. Time seems to have spanned a hundred years of distance in an instant, and put everything back in front of him like yesterday.

But all the empty portraits on the wall except him, as well as the lack of most of the bookshelves, and the potion rack left with empty crystal bottles, all explained, some things, even magic, there is no Way to redeem.

Imogen also paid attention to bookshelves and potions stands for the first time. In the magic world, these two things are the most valuable at any time.

The former represents invaluable knowledge, while the latter is also extremely valuable.

Unfortunately, neither of these can be recovered.

Magic potions are consumables, and naturally they are not within the scope of the recovery spell. The sheepskin rolls and magic books in the magic world have special magic powers. Unless there is a particularly powerful wizard, if there is no protection, other people can rarely restore it Come out.

Because magic words and ancient magic texts are magical.

Imogen stepped forward to look at the bookshelves and the empty bottles of potions, and shook his head regretfully at Madison.

Madison responded with a big white eye.

This group of witches never seems to be able to figure out the point of the matter. Is it so anxious to clean up the room to do anything, is it all a housewife?

The danger has not been lifted. Once the danger comes again after a while, let alone this room, it is entirely possible that the entire Congress will be destroyed again.

Forget it...no time wasted anyway.

Hooked her fingers, the high-powered wooden chair that was placed around the long table like a petal popped out immediately, and it slid underneath Madison's butt, allowing her to sit firmly.

The soft table mats and exquisite carvings show the extremely high craftsmanship, echoing the retro room style around them, as if they were taken to the ancient Middle Ages in a flash.

The era of Merlin and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Of course, it is a beautified version, not the real, dark medieval of Ru Mao drinking blood.

Upon seeing this, the other witches also found their place and sat down, then stared at the old wizard in the portrait.

Madison rolled his eyes again.

Whether it is Merlin or God, when creating yourself, in addition to magic and soul, there must be some other things added, such as... pig teammates.

Madison felt his patience had reached its limit.

Fortunately, the old wizard seemed to think so.

"Next I will tell you something." He said, "No matter how incredible it sounds, but what I want to say is that they are all true."

Looking at each other, then Imogen and Joanna and others nodded at the same time.

"It was a very ordinary day... and then all of us came to another world, including the entire building of the Magic Congress."

Madison amp; Imogen amp; Joanna amp; the witches: ...

"It's called..." Imogen almost sighed and didn't come up. After a long time, she let out a sigh of relief and whispered aside, "...this sounds true."

She couldn’t blame her. The witches below were sitting precariously, ready to listen to the magic of the wizarding world in the mouth of the old wizard, but did not expect his first sentence to sound so unreliable.

Although Madison also wanted to vomit, but combined with her own experience, she held back stiffly, frowned, and she continued to listen down.

"What other world do we think we have come to, although it sounds incredible, it is not so unacceptable to us wizards."

"At that time... the most powerful wizards in our homeland and the powerful wizards in the colony united to prepare for Parliament...

"Interrupt." Madison said. "Native and colonial... what time were you at that time?"

The old wizard froze for a moment, and then recalled, "One sixteen... I can't remember." He gave a slight pause and looked at a black witch below. "But at that time the Muggles were still enslaving each other. "

Although the black girl's eyes were angry, she also knew that the matter had passed, and that it was their ancestors. The old wizard did not mean any discrimination, but just stated a fact.

Madison nodded slightly, indicating that he would no longer disturb the old wizard, and begged him to continue.

"A lot of records have related records, and many wizards have encountered such things...but we thought it was only a legend~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this time personal experience...recorded, it will definitely change the entire wizarding world. Event."

"But we found out later that it was not another world at all... It was completely unknown, an unusually dark space."

"You left your own world?" The old wizard's story came to a close, and Madison still frowned.

Imogen and others have similar reactions. This kind of thing sounds incredible. If they hadn't experienced the existence of the Second World, I'm afraid they couldn't believe it.

Madison thinks more than they do.

"Yes." Madison's question didn't need to be considered at all, and the old wizard nodded.

"Before crossing... is there anything unusual or worth noting?" Madison asked immediately.

The old wizard in the portrait frowned with thick white eyebrows, and seemed to be thinking hard for a while before he said sadly, "If it's not that I'm too old to remember, then... there is nothing abnormal."

"It's... a very flat day, and then we entered that space."

Madison nodded thoughtfully, which seemed to be no different from her passing. She was also in her sleep, and nothing happened. When she got up the next morning, she had already arrived in this world.

When Madison and others seemed to have accepted and digested the message, the old wizard said again.

"We don't know how long we have drifted in this space, so long that we have lost the concept of time and space. I don't know whether it is lucky or weird. There really seems to be no time there."

"Time has stopped passing through us and has lost its effect. We will not feel hungry or tired. Everything seems to be forever fixed at the moment we enter this space."

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