High Magic Earth

Chapter 1210: Sealed history

The old man of the wizard in the portrait slowly tells that, with his low voice, an unpredictable, strange and unpredictable view of the world is pulled away in front of the witches.

That is an incredible world.

He cannot be understood, nor can he know his origins.

At first the wizards realized that they had left their own world, and instead of panicking, they seemed very curious.

Some wizards who were already obsessed with this kind of thing immediately fell into a certain fanaticism.

Yes, if it is replaced by an ordinary person, that is, a Muggle in the mouth of a wizard, this kind of thing must have been messed up already. The religious call of God, the non-religious call of mother, the three views of belief in science are shattered Remodeling, the house waste that has nothing to worry about eating and drinking.

This is still true of people in the modern world. For the man in the dark medieval age who had not yet entered the industrial age, the situation of Feliat III is even more incredible, completely incomprehensible, and may even lead people into chaos.

The latter is not an exaggeration. When human cognition has not reached a sufficient level, a large number of conflicts and contradictions, and information that exceeds his understanding, floods people's thinking into a logical endless loop.

It is not nonsense that old-world dominators bring their own bu.

But the wizards are different.

Since the day they awakened, they have been in contact with the world beyond nature, or beyond Muggle cognition, in their eyes, a scientific, logical world.

Countless violations of the so-called laws of physics, science, and chemistry are normal in the eyes of wizards, but similar little magic is even more in hand.

In the magic world, there is nothing that cannot be done, and some have just not found a way to achieve it.

Even the dead are resurrected.

Or in a sense, the magic world has achieved this achievement, the resurrection ring, the magic stone, the spell used by Voldemort's reincarnation, the magic portrait.

Although there are many restrictions, or it is not a real resurrection at all, it does have an effect.

Effects that science simply cannot achieve.

In the scientific community, there are no clues about the resurrection.

Of course, these are not real resurrections. Ask the greatest wizard in any era, they will tell you that there is no way to resurrect the dead in the magic world.

But their hearts are also clear that this method is not non-existent, but has not yet been found.

In a sense, this is like an alternative chicken soup.

All unexplainable things are not supernatural physical phenomena, but modern scientific level, which has not yet reached the level of being able to be interpreted.

The same is true in the magic world.

The dead can’t be resurrected, it’s not that they can’t be resurrected.

But in any case, the discovery of the magic world is indeed more extensive than the Muggle science, perhaps in height, they have been occupied by the latecomers, but from the perspective, the wizards are higher.

So they quickly accepted the reality of crossing for no reason.

On a very ordinary day, without any abnormal circumstances, they left their world and did not come to another world, another place, or another country, but stayed here... completely In the void space.

Well, in fact, this day is not ordinary.

As the new continent was opened up, a large number of wizards, black wizards, wandering wizards, and even fugitives from the magic world, came to the new continent far away from the ocean with Muggle ships, or by other means.


With the arrival of a large number of wizards, the Americas became chaotic.

Originally, this land was the place where the prisoners were exiled in old Europe, plus these wizards who had no mercy on Muggles, or were unfamiliar with the rules of life in the Muggle world, and the conscious first-class wizards, it became a scorched earth. hell.

There are not many white people in the New World. They gather together in a colonial way. A colony connects with other colonies. Other places are large swathes of mosquito-rich virgin forests, ferocious wildlife, and Cruel indigenous people.

There are hundreds of times less than the old building, which makes the wizards unable to hide in the Muggles, or open up a small world for the wizards.

On average, there are countless ratios for every twenty people, so that the wizards are not hidden for a few days, and they are immediately noticed by the Muggles.

Vigilance, curiosity, fear, hatred, hatred.

This series of processes has evolved very quickly, and no one knows exactly what happened and what pushed it, and then the war began.

Flooded in every colony.

The colonies are rarely connected to each other, because the poor traffic during the wasteland period, the merchants often take a few months to walk, during which they may encounter terrible wolves, indigenous people, robbers, horse thieves, making them bloodless Return.

So apart from the desperate merchants, no one wants to leave their colony and go to other places.

At that time, exile equals death.

So it often takes several months to receive it. Ah, the original colony on the other side of the forest has already died of the Black Death, and none of them are left.

But I don't know why, there is no connection between the colonies, but the Muggles' resistance to the wizards is mostly concentrated in the same period.

Perhaps it is because human endurance is almost the same.

Muggles in the colonial period were no longer as weak and weak as before, and they could only use the body, knife, axe or spear to confront the wizard's magic.

The emergence of firearms gave them the capital to fight against wizards.

A bullet hit by a fluke breaks through the defense and can take away the life of a wizard.

It seems that there is not much progress, but the number of wizards that can't stand it is small.

Even a wizard is impossible to be vigilant 24 hours a day, maybe every day, maybe one day, two days, but more.

The wizards soon suffered casualties.

In the same way, wizards who have mastered supernatural magic powers will not sit still, their counterattacks are powerful and effective.

Deadly attacks of black magic, potions destroying water and food, spreading plagues and viruses, curses in the dark and spells flying somehow.

In the face of immature firearms, the wizards still have an absolute advantage, and they can't resist when they kill the Muggles.

The only advantage of the Muggles is that they can also kill the wizards. They have more numbers than the wizards. With the support of threatening firearms, the fierce battle has started.

Muggles from the old continent, entourage wizards, indigenous people who originally lived on the continent.

The cruel and **** battle took place between the three parties.

Almost every once in a while, you can hear which wizards were burned after death, or their heads were cut off by indigenous people, their scalp was cut off, or a colony was completely wiped out by the plague, and a tribe was burned by fire.

At first it was only repulsion. Later, ordinary people who could not magic, it seemed that the magic wizard who had joined the magic, established a wall of hatred and hostility.

Muggles reject all magic.

Hearing wizards is enough to make them raise torches.

In this case, the wizards of old Europe realized that it could no longer be allowed to continue to spread.

Although there are very few people who have returned from the New World to the Old World, they are not without them. Merchants, sailors, captains, guys who come back to meet their loved ones, they have successively introduced magic from the New World, cruel battles, terrible wizards. There are people who speak to the old continent.

Of course, the Muggles in old Europe just thought it was another nonsense, or a story and a big story made by a sailor after being drunk. They were very happy to listen back, and then prepared to be their new in the tavern, What you can talk about.

But... if this continues, the Muggles of the Old World will sooner or later find out that all this is true.

So the Magic Congress was established.

The Magic Congress is a group sent by the old continent, originally composed of some established Ministry of Magic organizations, the middle and low-level personnel of the scattered wizard meeting, and a small number of high-level backbones.

When they came to the New World, the first wandering wizards, black wizards, etc. who had arrived were all dead and wounded, and even once extinct by Muggles.

The brutal battle has started for nearly ten years. During this period, the Muggles were often massacred, but the wizards were also killed several times and disappeared.

Fortunately, the Magic Congress was finally formed.

After the establishment of the Magic Congress, with the wizards that the organization can rely on, the situation immediately improved dramatically.

In fact, with the exception of a few dark wizards, most wizards do not want to fight the Muggles. They do look down on Muggles, but looking down does not mean killing them.

Although there were a lot of pure blood at that time, the number of hemp wizards was also quite large.

If it weren't for ordinary people to frantically reject magic and attack wizards, they would not raise their wands.

The establishment of the Magic Congress gave the wizards a new option, that is, hiding.

The large-scale gathering of wizards has greatly increased their hiding degree, and they are hardly found by ordinary people. Except for a small number of relatives and friends who have died in battle, and other wizards who have had an invincible hatred with Muggles, other wizards gradually settle down.

After a few more years, these wizards gradually died, the number of Muggles gradually increased, and the existence of wizards was slowly forgotten.

In this case, they can try to contact the Muggles again.

As the new continent becomes more and more prosperous, I believe it will not take long before this place will become the same as the old continent, and the wizard is still hidden in the Muggle.

When Feliat III arrived at the American Congress of Magic and took over as the second speaker, it had been nearly a hundred years since the establishment of the Magic Congress.

During this period, it was not quite peaceful.

After all, the new continent is not as perfect as the old continent. The wizards have been discovered several times, with victories and defeats. Even the worst, except for the wizarding activities near the magical congress, all the wizards in other places were slaughtered. .

Because at the beginning, the Holy See and the so-called sorcerer hunters and witch hunters did not come to the New World. The wizards gradually settled down, and these guys also followed.

The fight has not stopped.

But Feliat III did a good job. At least for the next fifty years he served, the situation in the Magic Congress was much better than before.

And the day they entered this strange dark space, in fact, it was the British Ministry of Magic on the old continent. They sent staff here to decide the day when they formally established communication with the American Ministry of Magic.

After more than a hundred years of hard work, the wizards finally stood firm in the New World.

If at first, the Magic Congress was only an asylum wizard, only responsible for coordinating and helping them, a relatively loose organization. After a hundred years, it has been completely formalized.

The fellow wizards from the old continent blessed them for the first time and brought their latest research results.

Magic portrait.

In fact, magic portraits have long existed.

However, due to the limitation of materials and imperfect magical craftsmanship, only a few, very powerful and noble wizards can leave their own portraits.

Now, the wizards of the old continent have found a new way.

It can replace the new materials required before, more perfect spells and magic crafts, the promotion of this technology allows all wizards to leave their own portraits.

As long as you have a slightly powerful magic power, and enough financial resources.

Although the new material is not as precious as it was originally, and almost as expensive as a solitary book, it is equally valuable. Dragon blood and unicorn hair are just the most common things, and its value can be seen from this point.

The British Ministry of Magic from the old continent immediately thought of sending some to the companions of the new continent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because the establishment of the Magic Parliament, the British Ministry of Magic also contributed more.

They wanted the wizards who had gone through this era to stay in the portraits, and they could tell this history for future generations. In a sense, it was like preaching and strengthening the power of the British Ministry of Magic.

Because the old Europe at that time was not only the Ministry of Magic in Britain, but also in France and Germany.

The British Ministry of Magic sent a large number of personnel.

In addition to carrying dozens of blank magic portraits, there are three professional magic personnel responsible for drawing portraits, as well as accompanying Aurors, and officials of the Ministry of Magic.

They certainly cannot just send a portrait, the British Ministry of Magic intends to have a deeper communication with the Magic Parliament.

In the Muggle world, trade between the old and new continents was tight, as was the wizarding world.

This group of guys on business travel is lucky and unfortunate.

They were fortunate to see the most miraculous scene in life, but unfortunately... this is the last scene in their life.

But obviously, Madison they are lucky.

Because it can be known that the Magic Congress did not even have a portrait in the early days of its establishment. The New World does not have the magical heritage of the Old World. If it was not for the British Ministry of Magic, a batch of blank portraits were sent at the last moment, and there were accompanying magic portraits. Staff, Congress will not have a magic portrait.

After they enter the ruins of Congress, they will face a bare twisted wall.

"There will never be a surviving old guy who will give you directions and even explain to you... the history of our world."

The old man of the wizard in the portrait, with a gray beard, slowly said...


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