High Magic Earth

Chapter 1211: drifting

Listening to the story of the old wizard, Madison's eyebrows had not been released.

Her expression looked drowsy, yawning from time to time, as if she might fall asleep at any time. Fortunately, she still kept a little attention to the story of the old wizard. When she came to an end, she stretched out lazy. Waist, said listlessly.

"I hate history lessons."

"A history of magic, I also hate it."

The old wizard in the portrait smiled, "When I graduated, I heard that Hogwarts would change the history of magic to a required course."

There are still some differences between the history of magic and ordinary history, but Madison wisely did not refute. She was too lazy to entangle with the old wizard. The more old people, the more words, the same applies to the wizard.

Madison, with her strong strength and special origin, did not put all this in her eyes. In her view, the experience of this world is more like a game.

It seems...not so real, after all, this world has no real place for her.

However, as the present-day people of Imogen, they obviously do not have the ease of Madison. They have been listening to the interpretation of the old wizard very seriously.

The American Magic Congress in the movie appears in reality for one reason.

On the other hand, they have never been exposed to such secrets.

Among their tasks, nothing more than to enter the second world, get the task, find a way to complete the task, and then send it out in the second world.

How much extra gain you can get is entirely based on luck.

Of course, it is a reason that all of the second world is randomly transmitted. Another point is that they are in the novice weak stage before. Even if they want to do something, they do not have enough strength.

After the mission dragged through a world or two, only a little capital was accumulated.

They have not yet reached the height of Yi Chao.

I'm afraid even Madison from the world of witch gatherings doesn't know much.

They did not think about why there was a second world, or why they entered, or even... they did not think about it, but did not realize it at all.

This concept.

This is their first exposure to a wide world.

Existing outside this world, almost between the second world and this world, an infinite number of worlds.

"What happened?" Imogen asked.

The history told by the old wizard sounds very interesting, but compared to these things, Imogen and others are more concerned about what they encountered in the dark space, what happened... Only then will everything here be turned into Now this is it.

Imogen's inquiry and eagerness, the old man of the portrait understood naturally, he sighed and whispered.

"The nightmare is just beginning."

"When we first entered this space, we thought we were in a crack in the world."

"There are many ancient magic books that record that there is not only one world, countless worlds are distributed in a larger world, forming an inestimable map."

"We are just the most humble part."

"Okay, children." The old wizard in the portrait spread his hands and seemed to wink mischievously, "It's normal that you haven't heard of it."

"Those books are very precious solitary books, only the oldest pure blood family."

"But fortunately, there were many guests coming from afar that day, one of the top alchemists at the time, Master Simplemers, Master Bansel who knew the most spells, and emissaries representing the old continents. "

"Their status is not low, including me, I have read books in this area in my career."

Seemingly not intending to make the wizard's old man proud, Madison sat leisurely, tearing his nails and tearing down his path. "It's a pity that your knowledge is outdated, Lord Speaker."

"We not only know that there is a world outside the world, but also understand the relationship between the universe and the planet. The land under our feet is called the planet. Do you know?

But the old wizard was not good at all, and while being beaten up, he went back on the spot.

"You certainly didn't study hard when you were in an astronomy class," he sneered.

"Records and concepts about the planet are much earlier than you think."

Madison raised her eyebrows and was too lazy to argue with him.

The old wizard who didn’t know how many years he lived would naturally not really be angry with a little girl in his eyes, and whispered secretly in his mouth. Now that the courses taught by the magic world have been so advanced, he will return to the topic again. .

"But...you know."

"These things sound unbelievable, just like the Three Sacred Vessels of Death, where they are recorded in some bedtime stories. I always thought they were really just legends and stories."

"But when we experienced the scene in front of us, everyone thought of the memory of this passage."

"Everything in Congress has been suspended, and we have made sufficient preparations, waiting for the world that may arrive. After all, if this darkness is a gap between the world, then it is no surprise that we will appear in any world."

"Maybe we will enter a world without magic, maybe we will go back to the past, or maybe we will go back to our own world again, even in the same place."

"No one knows what the world is."

"We started to beware of the unknown, and... and several other wizards, I began to study the nature of this dark world directly."

"At first, about a month, we all spent this way."

"But as the concept of time becomes increasingly blurred, we realize one thing."

"It doesn't seem to be the gap in the world that we think, even if... we have to face the fact that maybe we are trapped inside."

"We may enter another world, or return to our original world, but everyone only noticed this and forgot one of the most critical issues."

"No one knows how long this waiting time is, right?" Madison in the mahogany high-back chair somehow straightened up, like a noble lady in a painting, calmly asked.

"Yes." The old wizard in the portrait closed his eyes slightly, seeming to hold back some emotions, and then said in a low voice, "No one knows how long this time has been, we...have drifted until now."

"But if it's just drifting, it doesn't seem to be like this now."

"After all...you said it yourself, there is no concept of time here."

Madison pointed directly at the terrible situation around him, the magical congress almost turned into a ruin, apparently suffered some kind of irreversible fatal destruction, and all the wizards also disappeared, which is very abnormal, if they do not feel the concept of time , They should all survive to the present.

"We encountered some... terrible things." The old wizard did not conceal, "I will tell you these things as another story."

"If you need it, I can show you now."

This time, Madison also stopped him.

"Don't worry," she said, "take it easy."

The old wizards naturally have no objections, as does Imogen and others. The amount of information revealed by the portrait old man, even for this group of witches in the world, is somewhat too large to accept.

Madison, on the contrary, because it is not the people here who don’t care about the possible consequences and impact of everything that happens in this world. It is more calm to treat this experience as an interesting adventure.

"If you analyze this way, you can't be sure whether this is a world gap."

Concern is chaotic, Madison does not care, IQ is naturally online, and she begins to analyze the words of the old wizard.

"You still feel that you are in the gaps of the world, only for a long time... Of course, you have also encountered an accident. If there is no accident, you may finally be able to wait one day to leave that dark space.

"That's it."

The old wizard smiled bitterly again, then nodded.

"Because of wandering in the dark for a long time, we have not been able to determine whether this space is as we originally guessed."

"Perhaps it is not a gap in the world at all, it's just... another piece of unknown undiscovered, the gap in the world is all fake, just like the death.

"Maybe... this is indeed a gap in the world, but we haven't reached another world yet, because no one knows how long it takes to float between the two worlds."

"Unless everything is revealed, the answer cannot be confirmed... It's a wonderful situation, I think the problem itself is..."

"Schrodinger's cat."

Madison said.

"Ah?" Of course, the old man of the wizard was dumbfounded.

"Your strange feeling can be described by a cat. Before the lid of the box was lifted, no one knew that the cat was alive and dead, and it was in a wonderful state of not being alive...forget it, tell you You certainly don’t understand."

The old wizard certainly can't understand it. He hasn't learned anything about quantum theory, but he can still understand the simple description and metaphor.

But Madison was too lazy to say that the old wizard did not ask.

I don’t know if it was because it was just a portrait. The old knowledgeable wizard did not show curiosity about the new knowledge. He just nodded his head and exposed the topic.

Just listening to the nonsense nonsense here, Imogen and others couldn't help but take the lead.

"That should be a gap in the world," she said.

Seeing Madison and the old wizard's eyes turned, Imogen was not in a hurry, "After all... the magical congress appeared in our world, which means it may have really crossed the world through the gap."

"Unfortunately...the people inside didn't wait until this day."

"what happened."

Imogen and others have digested the information. After all, as a modern person, their thinking is broader than these rigid wizards, and their imagination and acceptance are stronger.

Whether a person is smart has many factors, and memory is one of the factors. Cognitive ability and imagination are also indispensable conditions.

She was not interested in any guesses about the world. The only thing Imogen wanted to know was what caused it.

Because according to the old wizard, the culprit may still be here.

It's about their life and death, it's also about New York.

"Are you ready to know?"

The old wizard still had no surprises about the questions of Imogen and others, but asked quietly. Similarly, Joanna and others nodded firmly.

"Well, come with me."

Speak, the old wizard jumped from the portrait in front of them to another portrait near the door.

Madison, who played soy sauce all the way, shrugged, stood up, and drained the freshly poured glass of wine, and then quickly followed up. The rough texture of the wine made her slightly stunned. Fortunately, the long period of time covered up the bad in the Middle Ages. The negative point of the brewing process, although the time seems to have lost its effect here, the wine is still full-bodied.

"You just said go and see, what are you looking at?" Madison asked behind.

They left the room again. Fortunately, there is no longer the illusion of illusion here, there is no endless wall like a maze, and there are no graveyards and ghost old houses that pop up from time to time.

There are dilapidated promenades around, but apart from the dilapidated and old, there are no other abnormalities.

"Memory House." The old wizard replied while walking through the portraits while guiding them.

"We had long expected that this day might happen. Before everyone died, we left our memories of our lives in advance, and reproducing the situation through our eyes is always more intuitive than boring talk. ."

"All memories are stored in the memory house, where there is a powerful magic protection... even if it is still protected intact..."

About the principle of the memory house~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What powerful magic is protecting it, Imogen does not listen very carefully, because her mind is placed on the one she heard before and keenly noticed Above the word.

Fight to death.

Sure enough... is it a fight...

"A little further away from the memory house."

At the next moment, the old wizard's words pulled Imokin back from his loss.

"During this period, I can tell you about..."

"and many more!"

But at this moment, Madison suddenly stopped.

While she stopped the witches around, she also stopped the old wizard man.


Without asking anyone else, Madison asked the old wizard directly, "What is the enemy..."

Feliat III, who has become a portrait, may not be as powerful as he was in his life. He can perceive the enemy close, but his IQ is still online. Upon hearing Madison's inquiry, he immediately thought of a possibility and his face became serious.

"Black... the scariest spoilers among the wizards."

But unexpectedly, Madison raised an eyebrow.

As a portrait, Filiat III can't give them any substantial help other than telling. Although Imogen and others are witches, they don't have the sense of magic and danger of real witches.

Only Madison, as the supreme witch, she is more powerful and more sensitive than the ordinary witch.

She was one step ahead of everyone... and noticed something blocking her.

"Black, it's not blue," she said, raising her eyebrows.

"In this case, there are only two possibilities, either we are facing a brand new enemy, or... the old guy has mutated."

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