High Magic Earth

Chapter 1212: Block the way

"Both situations mean the same, okay." Imogen instinctively took over the words and said badly, but then, she became slightly serious.

"What's ahead?"

It is impossible for Imokin to imagine things that the wizard can think of.

In fact, although these witches may seem a little unreliable, at critical moments, they are much better than those who usually fell off the chain at a critical moment.

Almost at the same time, they pulled out their wands and couldn't blink, and all the witches were ready to fight.

Except for the witch who entered the strange time, most of the witches have experienced the dark period of the Harry Potter sub-era when they entered the second world.

Although the magic world of that period was not as stormy as the fathers and ancestors, it was also far more dangerous than the peaceful times.

Without the supervision of the Ministry of Magic and the lack of Auror's power, black wizards, werewolves, and various dangerous creatures attacking wizards are rampant.

None of those who can go deep into disputes in the magic world in that situation and survive, is good.

If you are deceived by the group of witches, who seem to be deceived like some kind of weak animal, bunny, and really think they are harmless, then they will definitely pay a heavy price.

Madison's ears moved slightly, silently, all the witches put on iron armor spells, and there were many unknown defensive magics, firm, like a turtle shell.

Okay, Madison raised her neck. She admitted that this group of guys are still useful. Although the psychological endurance seems to be worse, the fighting consciousness is quite good.

At least much more powerful than the little monsters in the witch rally.

Taking a step forward, Imogen came to a position flush with Madison.

But unexpectedly, she saw nothing.

"It's not the black enemy in his mouth." Madison explained, and she turned her wrist on the wall with her backhand, drawing a circle that was not perfect.

Then at the next moment, the circle fell off, forming a water-like mirror in the air.

The liquid on the surface of the mirror starts to rotate, and then gradually condenses. The condensed liquid quickly changes from abstraction to substance to form a moving picture.

It is the situation in front of the channel.

The witches are good at seduction and mirror magic, and Madison is also very skilled.

"These things are..." Imogen came over, but it seemed that the things in the picture seemed too abstract, even if she almost put her face on it, she didn't understand what it was.


Madison didn't know it either. She talked about the characteristics of this thing slowly, talking to other witches, and talking to the old wizard man in the portrait to see if he knew.

"Very thick... one by one... there are many..."

Imogen, who was facing the mirror, raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes unnoticeably. Although this thing does look like this, Madison's metaphor is too suspicious, and it is easy to think of a certain...indescribable s things.

Sure enough, many witches turned red behind him, and Imogen even heard some chuckles.

"Quiet," Imogen whispered.

The atmosphere around him immediately disappeared, and Imogen turned his attention to Madison again. "Do you know?" she asked.

Unsurprisingly, Madison shrugged and gave her a helpless expression.

Then Imogen turned his eyes to the old wizard man in the portrait.

The old wizard narrowed his eyes and probed the brain in the portrait to observe the picture in the water mirror. After a while, he shook his head very regretfully.

"There has never been such a creature in the magic world. Congratulations...you have discovered a new magical animal."

"It may be that you're always confused...memory is declining." Madison waved his wand again, the water mirror dissipated into the air, and she embraced with both hands, yawning very irresponsibly.

Imogen was hesitant.

Although the opponent is not the enemy in the portrait of the old man, it also seems to be difficult to provoke.

Madison described it as very lightweight, but the monster displayed on the surface of the water mirror is not as simple as described. The first is its volume.

Visually, it has a volume of tens of meters, densely packed like a jungle, this is still because the height of more than ten meters has reached the top of the magic parliament, or the farthest distance of Imokin's sight, higher places , She can't see.

But it does not mean that this is the ultimate height of the monster.

Such a huge volume is first and foremost a difficult step.

At the lower level, the factors of quantity and quality have not been detached. When it reaches a higher degree of qualitative change, it is undeniable that volume often brings great advantages.

Sometimes even overwhelming.

I am afraid that others like yourself will not be opponents of this thing.

Facing giant monsters more than ten meters high, they are more like a group of ants who ran to the Anteaters to deliver food.

But... it doesn't have to be a fight.

However, after the thought appeared in Imogen's mind, she immediately retreated, and at the same time, various escape plans emerged.

Yes, maybe it is not necessary to go up, it is entirely possible to avoid it from a distance.

When Imogen's eyes returned to the portrait, the old wizard man immediately understood what she meant, but unfortunately, the answer he gave was mercilessly blocking the final retreat.

"The way to leave is also ahead."

He said, "Maybe you can go back again, I can take you again through the confusion zone, but need to pay attention... that really terrible creature, may also be lurking there."

"You made a lot of noise when you came. It is likely that you have already attracted the sight of that thing, lurking on the only way you must go back."

Imogen took a deep breath, including Joanna next to them, who found themselves in that dilemma again.

Moving forward or backward, no matter which option seems to be bad.

But without their entanglement and headaches for too long, Madison has helped them make a choice.

"Go ahead," she said.

"If we can't move forward, we always have a retreat, and hope is better than the despair of knowing that the retreat is blocked and caught in a dilemma."

Imogen and Joanna looked at each other.

Madison said, "Although the thing in front of it is large... but it does not seem to be offensive."

Hearing this, Imogen's mouth twitched, and she didn't dare to agree.

However, Madison's conclusions from observations seem to be very reasonable. Through the previous pictures, Imogen also observed them very carefully.

Although those things are huge, they are like big trees, or the tentacles of some aquatic creatures, exuding a bright blue luster, as if the squid whiskers are shaking slowly.

No nose, no mouth, no ears, no organs means they can observe the outside world.

It's like a fluorescent hose with blue light flowing in it, swaying in the wind.

They can't perceive the movements of the outside world, and naturally they won't notice the arrival of others, and then launch an offensive. As Madison said, they are not aggressive. Imokin agrees, but cannot fully agree.

Because it is not aggressive, it does not mean that it is not destructive.

Although these hose-like colloids have no tendency to attack, it is only their instincts that slowly sway, and the huge volume brings great destructive power to them.

They have a height of more than ten meters. Although the circumference is not more than ten meters wide, they can't hold a large number of them. The densely packed area can be seen in hundreds at a glance, making them occupy an area much wider than a dozen meters in height.

Congress has no such free space for them to grow, they are squeezed out of the narrow ruins of Congress.

The ruins and debris that collapsed around it are enough to show their powerful destructive power. If this is not intuitive enough, then as they continue to sway, there will still be fragments falling from time to time, which really makes people unable to ignore it. Threatening power.

The huge volume often brings disaster and destruction.

This sentence is not only applicable to women. At this moment, Imogen feels that he has a deeper experience and understanding.

But after a brief thought, Imogen completely agreed with Madison's judgment.

The risk of going forward is smaller than going back.

Whether it is from the point of view of gains or risks, the former, at least they know what they are going to face, rather than suffering from unknown torture, the latter...going forward there are exits and memory houses, and backwards , Can only leave without gain, etc., to end this expedition.

And also bear the threats that may be encountered.

In contrast, natural selection moves forward.

As Imogen made a few gestures, the formation of the witches spread out again.

In the usual gatherings of the Sisters of Witches, although it seems to be a loose talk of girlfriends, it also has no less effort in combat. New York’s increasingly chaotic situation has gradually freed people to face the risk of being exposed. So that they are ready for the unexpected battles they may encounter.

This expedition just happened to be used.

The two witches fall behind, while defending the rear, they must also pay attention to supporting their companions at any time.

The witch in the front position is the main combatant, Madison is at the front, next to Joanna, and there is a witch who does not remember the name.

Although Imogen has been responsible for the external exchanges of the witches, her magic is not strong. At this time, she is slightly behind and is in the middle of the team.

The witches in the middle are mainly responsible for defense, protecting the companions and themselves at the forefront, so that they do not need to take into account both attack and defense while fighting, as long as they are fully output.

Their formation and combat style seem to be very similar to the game, but unfortunately, the lack of combat as the main shield, occupations such as paladin, all are remotely output mages.

Although there are also witches who can use Animagus here, even if the Animagus turned into a bear, he can't act as a druid and rush to the front.

Transfiguration cannot change the nature of matter. Even if it becomes a bear, its strength and roughness are still far less than that of a real bear.

In fact, their fighting style is indeed based on some mainstream online games. The witches have many young people, and the game has naturally become their preferred reference.

But the witches and sisters will be established, and they have not experienced a few real battles.

The siege of Madison before should be counted as the first combat operation, but unfortunately the result was not very beautiful. Although they finally achieved their goal, it was after the defeat of the battle.

I hope this time my luck will be better.

Imogen said in a low voice.

As they progressed, the old man of the portrait had been hiding far away, and the portrait here was far sparse. He could only hide in the corner, waiting for them to pass the monster successfully, then from this side Portrait, step directly into the portrait on the side of the monster.

After a few minutes, Imogen and others finally came to the gap at the end of the passage, where the big blue monster was.

The fork is divided here.

The front passage was blocked by falling rubble. Instead, the side of the passage was torn by monsters swarming from the ground, tearing a big hole through all the nearby passages and connecting them in a mess, with the monster in the center. The surrounding is like a chaotic labyrinth.

According to the old wizard, their final destination is right in front of the channel they are currently in, that is to say, they have to pass by the monster and head northwest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quietly touch the edge of the gap, witch We were standing next to each other, with our little heads lined up together, and then lying on the edge of the wreckage of the ruined wall, the probe looked out.

"Oh my god..."

The next moment, they exclaimed in a low voice.

Just like what the old wizard said when they took them to the memory room, listening to the narration and observing through the water mirror is far less shocking than seeing it with your own eyes.

What appears in the middle of the ruins is not a simple, harmless creature like seaweed.

It is huge, exudes a blue luster, with a cold and destructive breath, as if it is not like this world, not like the creatures that humans can touch and understand.

Not in line with everything around.

Although its surface is smooth, it looks like a squid's tentacles, but if you observe close or stare for a long time, you will find that your vision seems to be a bit trance, as if affected by something, and dizzy.

This thing decides that it is not as simple and harmless as it looks.

The witches did not act rashly. Before they arrived here, they made plans. Madison volunteered to step forward and investigate. After safety, the witch's army continued to move forward.

While the witches were marveling, Madison made a little observation, not aware of the extraordinarily dangerous place, and she took out her wand and prepared to lurch silently.

But at this time, Imokin quietly grabbed her.

"It seems something is wrong," she said.

Rolling his eyes, Madison retorted disdainfully, "Since entering here, there hasn't been a match."

But Imogen shook his head, "No, I mean...it doesn't seem to be something in this world." After a pause, she continued, "Look at the above, then look at the ruins around."

"What did you think of."

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