High Magic Earth

Chapter 1214: Unbearable

Madison was never a person with enough patience, making sure there was no danger around her, and reserved enough space for retreat, she controlled the stone bird cage to drift towards the deep pit in a dive.

It's a pity that what she stepped on was not a skateboard, but a birdcage that looked low to burst.

But anyway, under the blessing of the magic body curse, no one can see it.

The next moment, Madison's eyes were occupied by a blue light.

The faint blue light flowed out of the ground, which was many times brighter than the sun. The dazzling light occupied all of Madison's eyes, directly blocking her vision.

This is also not unexpected from Madison.

No matter what these swaying blue hoses are, they are always blue. There is no doubt that their mother body may also be blue. The blue under the deep pit is normal.

But to this degree, it was still somewhat beyond Madison's imagination.

Instead of shaking, she stabilized the stones under her feet, backed away slightly, and then lowered the distance slightly.

Although Madison looked impulsive, she was not reckless. She did not plunge into the deep hole at all, just wandering near the hole.

As soon as the faint blue light appeared, she backed away, no accident, she has now returned to the edge of the deep hole instead of above it.

Loss of vision depends on hearing and smell.

Madison listened quietly, feeling, not sure if there was anything in the pit that saw himself, and then followed.

But for a long time, there was no sound and noise from below, as well as the most changes in airflow.

Madison, please exhale gently, and then wait for your eyes to recover.

She didn't have any magic treatments for the eyes pierced by the bright light. She could only wait for it to recover. Fortunately, the light was not really very strong, but she was flashed hard for a while. After a minute or two , Madison found that the deep pit scene reappeared in front of his eyes.

It was still the pit, or these idiots, the hoses twisted left and right, she didn't seem to be alarmed.

Perhaps the hose was still under the pit, and Madison had such a thought.

If this group has no eyes, no nose, or even a mouth, or even something that may not have thought, it is normal to be unaware of yourself.

Slightly urging the bird cage, Madison floated back to the top of the pit.

Because the eyes had been stimulated once, Madison felt less intense this time than before, and at least he could see something dimly.

Narrowing his eyes, Madison opened a gap in the bird cage and then lay on the edge, looking down curiously.

The light, the blue light of the blue, like a colorful vortex, obviously there is only one color, but the shaking Madison is dizzy.

These deep or light spectral lines form a twisted wave in her eyes, as if Picasso had the most abstract piece of art in her hand, forming a meaningful or meaningless pattern refracted into her brain through the retina.

Unable to parse, or even look directly for a long time.

Madison didn’t realize what it meant. She just thought that the light seemed to be too strong, so that even if she finally saw what was below, would she be impaired or blind? She was not sure about it.

It is obviously not worthwhile to break your eyes just to satisfy curiosity.

Madison retracted his head back, thinking it would reduce the amount of light.

But at the next moment, Madison would not care about these messy problems, because she suddenly felt a kind of a very cold atmosphere, as if being stared at by a viper.

Very uncomfortable.

It seems like. . It's as if she is at the mouth of some kind of beast!

Madison was startled.

This feeling is impossible for no reason. As a supreme witch, she knows that witches often have unexpected intuitions in this regard.

It is self-evident why she thinks she is floating above this unknown hole.

In the next moment, Madison suddenly opened his eyes again.

Because she noticed that the light and mist below had disappeared for some time, revealing the real situation hidden under this deep and dark blue gloss.

That is one. . A huge, twisted and weird face.

. . .


Madison swallowed back the exclamation that was about to blur out.

Her eyes were almost facing the ugly mouth below, even if Madison was daring, she could not help being a bit creepy for a while.

Humans are inherently afraid of huge creatures. This is imprinted in the genes. The huge volume not only brings a visual pressure, but also brings depression in the heart.

This mouth is as big as two Madisons. Even if it is just an ordinary open mouth, there are no teeth and no roaring and roaring, it is still enough to make Madison think of many things.

Perhaps there are sharp sharp teeth hidden under this mouth, these sharp teeth seem to be waiting for the grinding disc and the serrated version of the prey to wait for themselves to fall.

They will cut off their tendons, crush their bones, and squeeze themselves into a blur of unclear meatballs in an instant.

As the imagination grew deeper, the more cold sweat on Madison's forehead, she even felt her scalp tingle.

Do not. . No, this is very wrong.

Madison was keenly aware of the anomaly, why did she fall into this situation, and why was she scared by her own imagination, or rather. . Why should she associate such a horrible thing!

She began to work hard to empty the brain. As the brain was gradually emptied, the effect of closed brain surgery gradually appeared.

But she had just emerged from this state of nightmare, and the second wave of attacks from unknown lure arrived.

"Open... open..."

"Open your eyes..."

Madison didn't hear any sound, she could guarantee it directly, audibly and spiritually, but she didn't know the reason, she just wanted to open her eyes.

The idea from the heart cannot be discarded. After about three or four seconds of confrontation, she decided to obey the heart.

Then she opened her eyes.

The next moment, this abstract face regained all her sight.

Do not. . In other words, this cannot be called a human face, it can only be called. . A face.

It can be called a face because it has the most basic elements of human definition of a face.

Two eyes, nose, mouth, and possibly even a pair of ears, the reason is possible, because all its features are squeezed on the same plane.

And it can be determined that they are squeezed in the same plane, not because they grow on the same plane, but also because of their ears.

It was like a person was pressed against the glass, his facial features clung to the glass, including the ears.

But in addition to the ear itself, there are muscles behind the brain, scalp, and perhaps a small amount of hair.

This face is a similar situation, its ears are curled up, and the skin associated with it, and the remaining four organs are squeezed on this plane, because of the angle, it seems that only one ear can be squeezed in, the other One ear is clearly on the other side.

Of course, there is no lack of possibility that it has only one ear.

So a pair of ears is just speculation.

In the same way, it has indeed the most basic organs of ears, noses, eyes and mouths. It can indeed be called a face, but if it is a human face, it is obviously far-fetched.

Because of how it looks, it is difficult to relate to human beings.


Madison seemed to be very painful, and couldn't help but whisper a short whisper, her body softened to a sudden, her handsome face wrinkled tightly, pumped into a ball,


She groaned again in pain and opened her mouth uncontrollably, as if a drowning fish was craving for breath and oxygen, while her saliva dripped down the corner of her mouth and slowly fell to the ground of the stone cage.

In fact, it is not easy for Madison to get so much useful information with just one glance.

More things are not acceptable to her.

Madison kneeling on the ground felt very painful. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She just felt like she was going to burn, so hot from the inside out, the flames were burning her With every trace of her muscles and tendons, she is also burning her soul and heart.

Similarly, she did not know what she saw.

That is an indescribable thing.

Can you imagine a human being squeezed between two walls, squeezed by giant force, and flattened in it? Perhaps this is the most appropriate description.

But the difference is that the walls are only one-sided and transparent like glass, and that is not human.

All this is directly under Madison's line of sight.

Although the giant face did not die due to crowding and compression, the entire facial features have already been completely distorted. . Perhaps it is not a facial feature because it has no eyebrows and can only be called a facial feature.

The twisted face is like a horror picture that is extremely abstract and incomprehensible to humans. It clings to the invisible invisible barrier. Although it does not seem to find Madison above, it only looks directly at its existence, but Madison has been unbearable.

Dark and empty eyes, mouths and nostrils like tunnels, ears huddled together like a mess.

Although they look weird and horrible individually, they are not unacceptable. Madison is not clear why they will become like this after they are brought together. . confusion.

Panting, Madison lay on the cold slate, staring straight down at the pair of unfocused eyes.

She felt a numb scalp, an icy sensation slowly climbed Madison's body, so that she was agitated, a goose bump went straight from her collarbone to the tail of her spine.

Its mouth. . eye. . nose. . It was like a vortex, with a sharp vortex, and she was thoroughly stirred into it, and even the foam was not left.


At the next moment, Madison was finally unable to resist this force. She hugged her head and made a scream of sorrow.

The screams together, not only disturbed these seemingly undoubted hoses, but also clearly passed into the ears of the witches not far away.

The phantasm and invisibility spells can cover Madison's figure, but they can't hide the sound. In fact, even if Madison imposes a silencer spell on her, the spell can't block her penetrating screams.

Magic is smarter and more human than technology, especially in some details and small aspects.

Silence spells can cover up the wizard's accidental movements, but they will not block the wizard's deliberate sound. The difference in magic judgment seems to be derived from the wizard's inner portrayal.

This is placed in the field of science. The proper thing is to connect and share the mixed black technology. Even if it is just a small object, it needs a lot of technological foundation as a support. You can reach the tips.

Silence Curse This also avoids the possibility that the wizard who imposes an invisibility curse and silence curse on himself will be comatose in the corner, and no one will find the possibility of starving to death.

Madison's screams passed into the ears of the witches and immediately surprised everyone.

"Is it her?"

The most tense is Imokin. Although the Sorceress Club has no real leader, the oldest and often responsible for diplomacy is, in a sense, their nominal leader.

In fact, more often, Imokin is taking care of them. The age of the witches is very different. There are people like Momokin in their early thirties.

Every time he joined a new member, Imogen showed great welcome and was very happy, and for Madison, she was particularly concerned about it.

No matter where it is, strength is always a factor for extra points.

Since Madison sneaked into the past, Imogen raised his heart, although she did not think that Madison could encounter any accidents, or that she was instinctively aware of what the pit of the suspected portal could produce. Accident ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But she is still very worried.

But when she really heard Madison's screams now, she hesitated with uncertainty, thinking if she was worried about the auditory hallucinations caused by excessive.

"Is she? Emma?"

Imogen asked repeatedly.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, but after all, shopping malls are not real battlefields. In terms of diplomacy, interpersonal relations, and handling, Imokin is the most experienced of all the witch sisters’ clubs. I'm afraid it can't be merged into the first rank.

At this time, instead, she always seemed to have no thoughts, and the more **** Joanna was the most decisive.

Okay, maybe blood and recklessness already meant decisiveness. She pushed away Imogen, who was still hesitating, and said very surely.

"It's her, and she is in danger now!"

Withdrawing the wand, Joanna snarled without hesitation, "Emma Roberts... the clothes are flying!" To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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