High Magic Earth

Chapter 1215: Unbearable (2)

Joanna paused a little, and then targeted Madison's clothes.

The flying mantra is ineffective for humans. This is not just a matter of magic. It involves a deeper level. Perhaps some powerful adult wizards can fly small animals to their hands, but that is definitely not only the flying mantra, but the target changes. Be human. . It will be more difficult.

Joanna's magic power and magic level are not low, but she is not sure to fly Madison a whole living person.

And she doesn't need to test her magical ceiling at the critical moment, risking her partner's life.

After hesitating for half a second, she chose a centered plan.

Target locked on clothes.

More than just coats and cloaks, Joanna locked all the clothes on Madison, from the inside to the outside, so that as long as the clothes were called, Madison dragged the whole person.

Of course, there may be some unexpected situations, such as really just flying over the clothes, but people did not come over.

Then we can only think of another way.

As for other minor issues and details, such as Madison who didn't wear clothes, Joanna simply ignored them.

First of all, here are witches, the only opposite **** wizard is a portrait, and second. . Compared with the current danger and Madison's life, it seems that it is no longer important to have clothes or something.

It's a really interesting thinking circuit.

I hope Madison will have the opportunity to know Joanna's thoughts at this time, and will not thrash her head on the spot.


But after waiting for more than ten seconds, Madison didn't mean to fly at all. Joanna waited on the spot, not to mention Madison, even one piece of clothing didn't fly over.

"Don't she..."

Well, maybe only Joanna's head can think of this possibility.

But the most important thing is not that Madison did not fly over, but the screams not only alarmed the witch, but also did not know how to stimulate this group of blue hoses with no ears or any external auditory organs!

They wriggled like crazy, and the larger amplitude instantly crushed everything around them. The small, huge gravel was like rain.

Perhaps the surrounding rubble is just an optional tickle for them, and the enlarged twisting range is only equivalent to straightening the arm, but for humans no larger than the rubble. . But he was caught in desperation almost instantly.

Especially Madison, whose location is unknown within the attack range of the hose group.

Joanna, who was quite keen on fighting, immediately realized this.

She couldn't even think about why Madison hadn't flown over. When the wand turned in her hand, she shouted loudly at the same time, "Everyone! Hit her!"

The voice fell, but her movements did not stop, the dazzling white light instantly bloomed along her wand and seamlessly docked out,

Imogen’s eyes widened, and she hadn’t figured out what was going on for a while, but fortunately she was not the main force of the echelon of fighting. Many fighting instincts were as good as Joanna’s witch who understood the meaning of her words in the first place. In an instant, the white light came to the sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

The spell hit the falling rubble, making a sound like a balloon burst, and at the same time burst out a soft luster. The spell did not crush the stone, but turned into a white while touching the stone. The light of the moment, including the rubble, instantly swept across its surface.

It's just like. . It's like some kind of scanning instrument.

Yes, this is not an attack spell, but simply a counter-curse used to detect invisibility and illusion spells.

The flying mantra is ineffective against Madison. Joanna does not know the reason. She will not understand it for a while. In the face of such danger and urgency, she directly chooses the most stupid, but also the most effective method.

Find Madison.

The quality of the witches is uneven, and it may be possible for them to release high-level spells. For some guys, they are powerless, but it is only easy to detect the counter-curse of the invisibility and the illusion.

For a time, the white detection spell was almost like rain, and the white light of the sky formed a dense knitted net, and the sky was covered by the blue hoses.

With the beginning of no response, some witches such as Imogen joined, and after a few seconds, the white rainstorm increased by another third.

Overwhelming, the white light is dense and dense, almost covering the entire space.

but. . Still all hit the gravel.

Joanna frowned.

The witches' fighting consciousness is not weak, including Imogen, all survived the elimination of the Second World. They deliberately lowered the attack landing point, and the wide range of spells are all covered on the ground and not high off the ground. .

Since Madison screamed, the situation would obviously not be too good.

In this situation, she probably will not have extra experience to keep herself floating. . No matter what method she uses to float in the air, she is more likely to fall to the ground.

Unfortunately, they found nothing.

It's not good to go on like this. Joanna knows that she has little time left for her, maybe only these ten seconds. Her brain is spinning fast, thinking about what spells can be used to solve the current situation.

Any magic has its own magical effect, as long as it is used in the right place.

But of course. . Sometimes it doesn't take too much whimsy, strength is enough to decide everything, for example, now.

"Look at me!"

While Joanna was distressed, another witch stepped forward, Deliya, she said the name before introducing herself to the old wizard, Madison may not remember it, of course, she may not want to remember .

She probably did not expect that she still needs someone to help this day, and it is this group of witches in her eyes who are like giant monsters.

"Lost and obvious!"

She squeezed her wand and paused for about two seconds. It seemed to be waiting for the rhythm of the witches around her. Then, in the next moment, she mixed in while the white light was blooming again, and suddenly released a particularly eye-catching white. Shine.

The waving wand is like the most beautiful baton in the hands of the conductor. The dazzling white light has only one color, and it seems to bloom like a rainbow.

At the next moment, I saw that all the magic was connected by it. The white light gradually merged to form a pure white barrier, and then moved forward from slow to fast.


The light is like a large net, covering everything in a spotless way. As it passes, the ground reveals a different color as the snow melts.

Then immediately, Madison's figure appeared in a corner beside the pit.

She was still lying in the stone birdcage, but it should have been comatose. From time to time, rubble fell from above and hit the birdcage below, but the surface of the birdcage immediately bounced a blue light. , Refract the gravel to the side.

A large amount of rubble has accumulated nearby, and the bird cage itself is not small, almost Madison's strictness, so that the witches have no time to hit her with a spell.

found it.

Joanna let out a sigh of relief, and at the same time couldn't help turning her back, her gaze paused in Delia.

This is a young girl, who looks a little cute and cute. She notices Joanna's sight. She shows a smiling expression. She put her wand holding her hand behind her back and slightly tilted her head.

"Although Principal Dumbledore is suspicious, he is always a good person and a powerful wizard."

Joanna was not curious about where Delia's magic was. Nodding her head slightly, she turned her gaze back. The next moment she waved her wand again, and then growled, "The bird cage is coming!"

This time, there was no accident.

There are many elements of the flying mantra, and one of the necessary is that the mind must have an influence on the summoned things, such as the characteristics of the things, the location of the existence, or who’s things.

It can't always be said that clothes fly, and then clothes from all over the world fly over. In this case, the spell will be invalid.

Now Joanna has seen the gabion where Madison is, and of course nothing can go wrong.

The gabion on the ground shivered twice, and because it was not crushed, it quickly broke free of its restraint, and then took off.

"Armor bodyguard!"


Joanna waved her wand, cast two spells on her, and then stepped forward, facing the stone cage that was flying fast, and stopped it.

"What's up with her?"

There is only one bird cage that protects the spell. Of course, Joanna can’t be blocked. The bird cage was exploded by three, five, and two, and as soon as Madison was taken out of it, Imogen surrounded him. Not only that, basically all The witches gathered.

but. . Joanna is also desperate.

"I'm not a doctor at St. Mungo's Hospital of Magical Injuries, how do I know! Do any of you have any experience in this area?"

Joanna is not a medical wizard, treatment magic is basically zero, and the level of making potions is not high. Speaking of potions, Joanna thought of another person, Josie.

The potion is of a very high level, and it is a witch who can make master beauty potions.

It is a pity that after the meeting of the Sisters of Witches, she hurriedly left without being with them, and naturally did not come down to Congress.

A glance around, Joanna found that they probably didn't have a witch who was good at saving lives.

But Madison may not be able to wait.

Suppressing the disorganized thoughts, Joanna turned Madison in a coma on the ground, and then at the next moment, all the witches around her took a breath.

Madison's appearance has not changed, but the skin has begun to develop towards blue, exuding a bright blue light, just like a large piece of sapphire.

Although it looks beautiful, the truth may not be so beautiful.

Because if you look closely, you will find that Madison, shrouded in blue light, often becomes a little human-like at a certain moment, as if it were. . The swaying hoses are not far away.

The wizards were all present, and they had more experience dealing with supernatural conditions. Imogen thought of a possibility almost instantly, she exclaimed, "She is being assimilated!?"

Joanna's reaction was more violent and intuitive.

She knew that she couldn't count on the people around her. Rather than wasting her time, it was better to ask the most experienced and richest guy.

As soon as the wand turned in his hand, Joanna snarled again, "The portrait is flying!"

Because of the fighting, the old man of the portrait ran far away early, and there was no portrait nearby. Joanna could only use this method.

It doesn't matter if the old man is not in this portrait. Anyway, as long as there is a portrait, he can step forward in one step.

In fact, the old man is also trying to catch up with them.

Because Joanna had just taken the portrait, she saw the old man in the portrait shouting anxiously at them, "Hurry out of here! You have made too much noise! ​​That thing has already found you!"

"It's coming here! All my portraits have been destroyed along the way!"

The reason why the old man of the portrait can know that the witches were found is because the portrait was destroyed. The portrait structure of the Congress is very special. Because the magic portrait has just been popularized, the magic is not so rigorous. Any one of the portraits is interlinked.

The wizards in the portrait can enter any other portrait at will, not just limited to their own portraits.

And because the old man portrait is the only surviving portrait, then all the blank magic portraits in the natural parliament that are not damaged belong to it, and it can be walked through at will.

With the crazy advance of that thing, the Magic Congress was once again destroyed twice, a large number of promenades collapsed, and some were even punctured through a hole, and the pictures hanging on the walls on both sides naturally could not escape the fate of destruction.

A large number of portraits were destroyed, which made it notice the abnormality for the first time.


Hearing this news, everyone was surprised.

But Joanna responded fastest, "Don't talk about those first! She... Do you know what happened to her?!" Then, she turned the portrait over and pointed it at Madison.

Things are urgent~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also a lot, but what is needed at this time is not to panic, but to calm down, and it is no big deal to be found. They are moving forward here, not because it is possible to find them. .

As long as Madison is rescued, things may not be so bad, just keep running.

Although the old man is far away from them, he has been paying attention to the situation here, but because of the angle and the distance, the view is not so clear.

It was not clear what happened to Madison, only thinking that she touched the monsters and was hit by falling stones.

At the urging of Joanna, it focused her attention on Madison, and under this look, the old man of the portrait immediately screamed like the previous witches.

It's just that the volume is the same and the content is different.

"This...it's them!"

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