High Magic Earth

Chapter 1216: call

"Who? Who is back? They! Who are they?!"

Imogen seemed to bounce, and in an instant, almost instinctively asked.

Her tone seemed a little crazy. When she was watching the TV, she hated this kind of speech and didn’t understand it, or at least half of the guys. She didn’t understand why these people did it. Is it mysterious? Sometimes She wished to grab those idiots from the computer, and then strangled to death.

Now, if it were not for her to reasonably know that Madison needed to rely on this portrait old man, they also needed the portrait old man. If most of the things were inseparable from it, she would have taken the portrait a long time ago and then fell to the ground hard , Maybe you will step on your feet again.

But Joanna was still much calmer than Imokin, who seemed a little confused.

"Don't say so much uselessness." Her tone was quick, fast and clear, "You know this thing, you have seen this situation, you know what to do."

"What should we do?"

The portrait old man is also much more stable. After all, a lot of age, after turning into a portrait, may have survived for hundreds of years. He quickly calmed down and began to organize his thoughts.

But because it is only a portrait after all, the mind and heart are far less sound than real humans, which makes its voice still a little trembling.

"We...we can do nothing." it said.

"This thing comes from an attack on the level of the mind and mind. If you want to fight against it, you can only rely on the wizard himself. Brain closure!

"But how can we tell a comatose person to use occlusion surgery!"

Imogen continued to frantically.

At this moment, there was a faint voice beside him.

"Spell of Soul..."

Joanna and Imogen looked back at the same time, and found that it was the one who had never used it before, and seemed to be called Delia, who had never seen it before, and seemed to be a magician.

Facing the eyes of the two, she crooked her head again.

"This thing can sometimes be used for hypnosis."

good idea.

Joanna, who was almost full of fighting talent, immediately understood Delia's method. After hesitating for less than half a second, she pulled out her wand and touched Madison's forehead.

"The soul is out of my mind."

Like a soul whispering, Joanna's voice whispered in Madison's ear and salvaged her from the bottomless darkness.

Bright, the light is getting closer.

It's like a burning sun.

But it always felt a little worse. There seemed to be an invisible barrier standing in front of the light, standing upright, blocking her in front of the light, and it could not be reached.

This is probably Madison's psychological activity.

But what is happening to her now, people outside are totally unable to know.

After Joanna released the Soul Charm, they looked at each other again and became confused again. Madison seemed to be unresponsive, so what should I do next, should they continue, they did not even succeed in the Soul Charm determine.

"What are you waiting for..."

While Joanna didn't realize it, Delia's voice seemed to be ethereal again, drifting faintly.

"Did you have a better way?"

There is no better way.

Aware of this, Joanna leaned down, re-pointed her wand at Madison’s forehead, and whispered softly in her ear, "Brain closure... Use brain closure... Quickly use brain closure." ..."

. . .

Darkness is like a tide, washing Madison with waves of cold and fear.

She felt drowning.

Her limbs were broken and she couldn't move. She lay on the rough sunken beach, waiting quietly for the sea to completely engulf her.

Why is she here, what happened to her, what happened to her, she. . Who is it?

If it is just like this, she is not unbearable for the coldness and pain, and even the severe pain of the broken limbs is not unbearable. What is really painful is the whispers in all directions and the ubiquitous distortion products in the darkness.

Darkness is like a strange face.

It floated silently over Madison, as if invisiblely mocking, grinning wide, as if to swallow her, and surrounded by a twisting vortex, like a tray and treasure in the hands of the devil, carrying a strand of Dizzying nausea.

Madison couldn't take it anymore, and she felt that she would spit out her soul in the next moment.

She tried to close her eyes, not looking at the darkness above, but after she closed her eyes, she realized. . There was still darkness before her eyes.

Darkness is everywhere.

There is no way to avoid it, only to let the darkness wrap you up until the end.

And more terrible than darkness are those whispers from the depths of the soul and the depths of the soul.

As if the devil murmured, Madison had never heard what the devil said, nor had she seen the devil, but at this moment, she felt that if there was a devil in the world, it might be like this.

They were mumbling, chattering, quick and turbulent, short and complicated, but they always made her understand the meaning of each word clearly.

Consume, twist, assimilate, absorb, parasitize, absurd.

Like the most bizarre collections and products in the world, Madison didn't understand why there was such a thing, its existence seemed to be. . One is unreasonable.

She felt like she was going crazy, or she became one of them before going crazy.

they. . Madison didn’t know what it was, but she felt that way.

Will be a member of them.

Madison felt he could not hold on for long.

Maybe one day, maybe the next second, maybe. .

At the moment of salvation.

"The Soul Comes Out!"

In the darkness, the bright green light came straight and hit the immobile Madison directly.

And at this moment, Madison suddenly woke up suddenly.

"St!" she whispered, "Which one even used the Soul Curse on me!?"

Although still a bit muddy, but the soul was forced to touch, Madison quickly recovered a little reason.

Seeing herself immersed in a twisted darkness, she immediately realized that something was wrong, where was she, she. . Why is it here.

As a supreme witch, Madison has read a lot of magic books.

Coupled with her own sensitivity to changes in magic, Madison immediately began to recall in detail, Congress, ruins, blue light, and twisted. . Twisted. .

Madison's eyes were open, but it seemed dull.

This unknown existence is deeply distorted and frightening, not at all human understandable, even if it is merely thinking. . It will make people fall into darkness forever.

"Closed... Close your brain..."

But when I saw Madison about to fall into darkness again, a little whispered whisper passed, from far to near, and at the end, it was like echoing in her ears.


Madison woke up abruptly again, almost instinctively, and she began to run Occlusion.

The release of magic is not smooth. The brain closure technique is the same as the telepathy. In the magic system of the Harry Potter world, it is an extremely special kind. In other words, except for a few extremely clever and proficient wizards Most people are unclear about its principle.

In these two kinds of magic and the Harry Potter system, the relatively conventional magic is indeed very different.

This is not just about high mental power, high magic power, or good control, it can be learned. . talent.

For example, Madison is not very good at these two kinds of magic, but under the threat of death and loss, she still concentrates quickly, relaxes her brain, and clears her thoughts at the same time.

"Closed... closed... closed..."

Like some kind of hypnotic spell, whispering whispers continued to sound in Madison's ears, seeming to make her fall into some kind of muddled sleep again, but also drove her to run the brain closure technique over and over again.

Then, a moment later, Madison passed out again in disappointment.

But this time, with her coma, her body gradually glowed with a certain luster.

The white light exudes a dazzling breath. At the next moment, Madison's body began to gradually fade into the air, as if the white light merged with the darkness and nothingness around her. Gradually, she completely disappeared into nothingness.

. . .

On the other hand, the friends of the Sorceress Sorceress surrounding Madison still haven't learned what happened to Madison.

And, they have no more time to spend time here.

"Quick! Get out of here!" The old man of the portrait hurriedly hurried, "It's too late to leave!"

It seems that the unknown monster is really terrible, otherwise it will not make the old wizard of Feliat III fear this.

You know, Filiyat III is no ordinary wizard.

He was the second speaker of the United States Magic Congress at that time and was able to become the speaker. His level not only far exceeded most of the so-called Aurors, but the battles he experienced were innumerable.

In addition, Filip III was not a modern wizard. He was earlier. The wizards of that period generally had much higher gold content than modern wizards.

If it was just an ordinary monster, Feliat III would certainly not be so panicked, nor worthy of his fuss, it seems. . That so-called thing is much scarier than expected.

The facts should be the same, otherwise the entire Magic Congress will not be destroyed.

The magic parliament in the period when the New World was just opened is not the bureaucratic parallels of the British Ministry of Magic. Although bureaucracy will exist in any era, the magic parliament can still suppress all black wizards and wandering wizards, and the strength can be seen.

And in the hands of this group of elite wizards, they can destroy the Magic Congress and even kill them. .

Joanna frowned, of course she knew that it was not safe here, there were chasing soldiers behind them, they could only move forward now, but Madison was unconscious and faced with unknown risks, she didn’t know whether to take the risk of advancing or staying The so-called monster who came down and behind him was stunned.

In fact, Joanna didn't realize that she had no choice at all, they could only choose to move forward, because they simply couldn't stand behind that thing.

Otherwise, the old man will not let them run away from the beginning, instead of killing the monster.

The old men in the portraits are not optimistic about their strength. Obviously, the monsters that can't be killed by the entire magic congress can't rely on the three or two witches of Joanna Imogen.

Although the old wizard man in the portrait is a portrait and old, he is still quite accurate in looking at people.

Seeing Joanna hesitate, he probably guessed what Joanna was hesitating, and the portrait of the old man became more anxious, and he couldn't help urging.

"What else to hesitate! Run forward! That thing will come soon!"

Joanna struggled.

It was not her hypocrisy, and the situation was critical at this time, and there was no more time for her to hesitate, but because of this, she needed to make a careful decision, because it is likely to take the wrong step to the side. . It is a bottomless abyss.

And not only her, but all the witches around.

The companion next to him was in fact the main reason for Joanna's hesitation.

If only she was alone. . Regardless of what it is, let me talk about it.

The witch sisters will have no relationship with their superiors, and they will be relaxed and comfortable on weekdays. Some small adventures can also be prepared well in advance by planning in advance. But when it comes to a real crisis, even when it is a matter of life and death, the shortcomings of their loose structure immediately take the risk Came out.

There is no enough decisive leader. . Their situation will be very bad.

Fortunately, the goddess of luck, who had never opened the skirt to the witches, finally smiled at them after they entered the Congress and everything went wrong.

At this moment of panic, Madison finally woke up.

She opened her eyes slightly, and the blue fluorescence on her face had faded away. She didn't have to observe the surroundings and didn't care about other things, so she said hard, "Quick...go..."

"do not worry.."

"Don't look down...it's okay..."

Although Madison's tone was intermittent, Joanna still understood that with the personal experience of the scout, Joanna made a decision immediately.


With a wave of her wand, she floated Madison, and then adjusted her angle to carry her on her back. Then, the witches left the place and began to run towards the pit and the cluster of fluorescent hoses.

There are still rubble falling in the air from time to time, but it is much smaller than one at the beginning. The rubble of this size does not cause trouble for the witches, not to mention that this group is gathered together, the spirit is highly concentrated, always paying attention to possible The attacking witch appeared.

As they waved their wands, they flew or deflected the falling gravel to the side, while their feet were flying fast.

None of this group of people wear high heels. In fact, even if they wear it, it will not be a big problem under the transformation spell.

Joanna is at the forefront.

Although Madison’s words serve as a warning, the witches even have strange traps and magic in the magic world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No one is trying to look into the pit, but curiosity is still unavoidable, even Joanna can’t avoid.

It seemed that after a long time of hesitation, she finally couldn't help but whispered to Madison on her back, "Then... what the **** is that?"

Unfortunately, she did not get an answer.

Joanna, who was on the road, didn't have time to stop and tell if Madison had passed out again, or wasn't willing to answer. Although some regrets, it wasn't always a question that you had to know.

Just when Joanna felt a little lost, Madison’s slightly hoarse voice appeared in her ears, and the lazy female voice still carried the arrogance of the past, but the hoarseness and powerlessness that could not be ignored made this arrogance soon. Turned into a dead support, with a different charm, the hot Joanna's ears tickled.

But the answer is only one word.

"...Evil God"

She said. Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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