High Magic Earth

Chapter 1219: source

But the question of why the Magic Congress became the present ruins has been resolved, and more problems have emerged.

The thicker Joanna had no intention of hiding in her heart, and asked directly, "What about you... I remember you said that there is no concept of time here."

"You won't be hungry or feel tired. You are so much stronger than silently. If you are prepared, you can wipe them out in turn."

"Don't tell me, you were killed because of boredom."

The old wizard was suffocated by Joanna’s stupid questions, hummed unkindly twice, and said unkindly, "Little guy, don’t use what we think so useless."

"The land at your feet is the American Congress of Magic. Each of the wizards here is an elite among the elites, which may be more powerful than the teacher who teaches you."

"But you still didn't tell me how did you die?"

Rolled his eyes, but the old wizard's face also gradually became serious, "They are death."

"It's not just an adjective."

"In fact, they can absorb the power of death."

"It didn't take long for the battle, and we realized that the bodies of those who died in the first place were missing. Correspondingly, it was an increase in the strength of this group of silent people."

"We suspect that they are no longer pure mute. In this unknown space, this kind of twisted creature that we never really understood, born on the wizard, is likely to have some more unknown mutation. ."

"A monster that can't kill any one, and can draw strength from death. The other is an ordinary living person."

"Even if we are not tired, we will not feel hungry, but what will the final resistance result look like."

"I think you already know."

Obviously, the first case of the undead creatures encountered by Feliat III was the despair of the infinite resurrection and **** of the undead army.

Just like the ghouls in the world of ice and fire, the army of the undead will always fight more and more, while the power of the living will consume less and less.

And the vitality consumed by the living has just made up for the undead.

This experience is desperate.

The witches' faces are ugly. Obviously, they have no good way to face such creatures. Feliat III said it well. They have no powerful magic of the elite wizards in the Magic Congress, and no special magic for the undead. .

In addition to trying to find a way to run quickly, Zhuo was just trying to die.

But at this time, Madison, who had fished for a long time, suddenly coughed and angered his presence.

"You have given too little information." She said to the old man of the portrait. "The key information is all blurred by you, and only gives a general idea."

"As a person who deserves to participate in the first-line battle and is still the speaker, you should know the most."

"Don't tell me that your not-so-clear head, under the erosion of time, has forgotten even such important information?"

Joanna in front dissatisfied and said, "Don't learn from me."

The old wizard seemed calm, "What do you want to know?" he asked rhetorically.

"Resurrection." Madison said.

"What the **** is the resurrection you said, and the black smoke was restored as soon as it was wrapped? Where did the black smoke come from, and the bodies, how did they disappear, is it just under your eyelids? , Biu is gone?"

"We need more information."

"These things have the most detailed records in the memory room, but if you want to know, I will pick some important ones and tell you in advance."

"The corpses first, they didn't disappear suddenly."

"They silently assimilated them. There is no specific form for these things. As long as a silent black body touches the dead body, the black silence will soon completely wrap the body."

"When it was opened again, the body had disappeared."

"Then they are self-healing. Black smoke is just a metaphor. If they are more vivid, they are more like a liquid, black and red, like blood plasma."

"Their color and shape are very strange, and it is difficult to describe in words. This is why we have left memories."

"And... they are not produced silently."

Madison raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you sure?"

She had rolled off Joanna's back. She was mentally stimulated by looking at Evil God's eyes. There was no physical or physical damage.

Fortunately, Madison didn't pay attention for a long time. The evil spirits didn't erode her deeply. Double her mental strength and closed brain surgery made her free.

But she was not proficient in closed brain surgery, and after breaking away from the whispers and whispers of evil spirits, Madison herself retreated from closed brain surgery.

At this time, her spirit was much better and she did not continue to rely on Joanna.

Even if Joanna didn't mind, Madison himself felt strange.

"I'm sure." The old man's answer was very firm. "These repairs are not from silently themselves, but the rings in their hands."


Madison felt even stranger.

Not only her, but also others, "I remember there is no specific form silently." Joanna said, "In that kind of state, can they still wear rings?"

"Occasionally they still reveal human form. On their right hand, there is a similar ring, from which plasma-like things flow out to repair their death and wounds."

"Even in a silent form, plasma will still appear and repair them directly, but we can't see where this plasma came from."

It's really strange.

Imogen and other people's expressions were solemn, and they thought they were just being quietly messed up, but only a little stronger, but they didn't expect them to have immortal characteristics.

At first I thought that things had changed silently, but now, new problems are involved.

Where did these rings come from, or rather. . What are they?

According to the old wizard's statement, obviously all the rings are of the same style, and he does not know, because if they were worn by these wizards during their lifetime, the old wizard should be able to say the names of these rings, at least for the purpose.

So, how did these rings appear?

Anything can happen in the magic world.

Was it originally hidden in Congress, and was found by these silently accidentally, or something changed into that space and changed, and the so-called ring was never born.

The witches had no way of knowing.

And relative to the origin of these rings, they are more concerned with what the rings can do. . As well as the ring itself, I am more interested.

But unlike Imogen and others with a hint of curiosity, Madison's expression is strange, and even more strange than before.

She felt a little familiar.

In fact, when the old wizard used the term plasma to describe the kind of substance that repaired silently, Madison felt as if it sounded very familiar. She seemed to have heard it somewhere.

When the style of the ring appeared, this vaguely not-so-good feeling became stronger.

She felt like she had seen it somewhere. . Or have heard of this kind of thing, but just can't remember it for a while.

Not everyone has a good memory like Yi Chao, nor everyone can play the magic of retrieving memory like a floating spell.

Thinking for a long time without thinking of more clues, Madison decided not to torture his head.

"What ring is that?" Joanna next to him had already asked her the question in her heart.

But of course, she was doomed to get no answer.

"How do I know." The old wizard rolled his eyes. "If I know, do I still need to stand in the portrait and talk to you."

No one can fully explore the mysteries of the magic world. No one dares to say that he knows all the mysteries of magic, so it is normal to see some magic items that no one knows.

"What about the characteristics?" Madison continued. "What does the ring look like, it always has some characteristics."

"I remember this, there is a very strange pattern on the surface of the ring, like some kind of logo or symbol."

Obviously, the ring-shaped portrait of the wizard was kept in his head. Without hesitation, he immediately gave an answer. Even if he was just a portrait and could not release magic, he could not fail him, because at the next moment, the old man's right hand moved forward. Refer to it and say directly.

"Same as that."

. . .

This sentence almost scared the witches into a cold sweat.

I have to say that the timing of the portrait of the old man is too good, almost exactly the same as the classic shots in the movie. Joanna is afraid that she turned her head and saw the monster chasing behind her. . That is, they have quietly stood behind them.

They saw the logo on the ring, but I am afraid that a battle will follow.

Fortunately, there was no such thing as a movie in the era of the old wizard, and Joanna didn't see the silent catchup after turning her head. All she saw was a pattern printed on the wall.

The vertical line and an inverted triangle mark are somewhat like the bad work of a fledgling designer.

This pattern is not a magic pattern, it will move, or there is a door hidden in it. It is just a very common pattern, which was probably left by the wizards for unknown reasons.

Although it was burned out with magic, it still looks a little faded under the printing of time, but fortunately it is still intact, and it does not seem to be missing a part.

Joanna raised her eyebrows, only to think that the original pattern on the ring was like this, but she didn't notice it, but when Madison saw the pattern, how ugly her face was.

At this moment she was staring at the simple symbols on the wall, her eyes full of disbelief.

Finally, I found that Madison's footsteps seemed to slow down. Joanna, Imogen, and several witches next to her finally noticed her anomaly.

They cast their gaze, but they saw Madison staring at the wall as if to pull the symbol from above.

"Do you know?" Imogen asked.

During the inquiry, Imogen's eyes were swept to the left and right, and although other witches had the same confused face, there were also one or two different, puzzled, suspicious. For the first time, Imogen saw such deep feelings Her expression almost made her guess what they were thinking.

Madison didn't answer, but Joanna seemed to hear what she was whispering, and she moved closer, and soon understood the whisper as if she was talking to herself.

"The dark night is vast, nothing to escape..."

. . .

When Madison entered the world, it didn’t take long to catch up with the Super Britain War on Broadway. The news was rolling throughout New York. Although it is estimated that it will soon be replaced by a big ghost that has destroyed half of the suburbs, but that period Time still bombed Madison's ears.

So in addition to the world of her own, American horror stories and Harry Potter movies, TV series, and related books, she also inquired a lot of Marvel and DC comics.

Madison still likes comics relatively, but she is not keen on this super-English comic. She can tell the character names and stories in the comics, but in more detail, it can't be said.

The main reason she queries comics is like seeing whether the two worlds are different.

But the result is no different.

Although nothing was found, Madison still almost revisited the comics, including the seven light rings in the dc world.

Seven Lights Corps.

Madison did not plan to re-read all the comics, so many of them were just hurriedly turned over, and she was even less likely to memorize the details of each light ring logo, so although her mind had an influence, But most of them exist in the subconscious, and it is not so easy to remember if you have to remember.

But with the resurrection of the dead, the ability to repair, black plasma, rings. . And the last piece of the puzzle, the pattern on the wall appeared, and Madison finally thought of who this sign is.

To the dark night, the Black Lantern Corps.

Then it is self-evident what this ring is.

It is the hallmark of the Black Lantern Corps.

The black lamp of death.

One of the highest powers in the world of dc~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the power of death.

In this way, everything probably makes sense, why silently will not die, because they have already become corpses themselves, the black lamp of death can only move when staying on the corpse, they will control the memory and power of the corpse during his lifetime, Obviously silently also belongs to one of the forces of his lifetime.

Black lights can absorb the power of death, they can absorb the feelings of living people, by swallowing the emotion spectrum, or the heart of living people, of course, pure death naturally can.

This explains why silently can absorb the power of the wizard after his death, and become stronger and stronger.

But although all this was explained, Madison felt that his head was even more chaotic.

Because all of this has a prerequisite, that is, the appearance of the black lamp of death, why do they appear here, they do not belong here, they do not belong to the magic world.

even. . Should not appear in the wizarding world. Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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