High Magic Earth

Chapter 1220: Black lamp of death

"This is crazy."

Imogen halted his mouth and whispered.

If the other two witches were not sure at first, but only in doubt, then after Madison said this whisper like an oath, they could be determined.

This is the hallmark of the Black Lantern Corps.

Perhaps one person may have misidentified, but two people and three people have impressions, obviously there will be no misidentification.

At this time, Imogen Joanna and other witches had already understood the beginning and end of the matter under the explanation of the two. Because of this, they seemed a little unacceptable.

It is not that the black lamp of death cannot be accepted, nor that comics become reality, but because of it. . The existence of the black lamp of death seems a bit scary.

Of course, not everyone likes Marvel and DC and is familiar with their superhero stories.

The other witches may not understand the black lamp of death because they don’t read the comics, but they have heard of another person, Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds, a little fresh meat.

Unfortunately, he is now disfigured.

But before he became a deadpool, even those who didn't understand Marvel's work had heard of Green Lantern. He had a wonderful ability to simulate creation, one of the members of the Green Lantern Corps, and the seven giants of the Justice League.

The power brought to him by the light ring made him one of the highest fighting powers in the universe.

As a black light and white light that do not belong to the Seven Lights Corps, it has even more terrible power than the green light.

Imogen doesn't think he and others can fight the superheroes in the comics, or the pinnacle of this super-British universe.

In the moment of realizing the identity of the black lamp light ring of death, Imogen made a decision.

Escape is the only way out, not fight.

"We need to leave here." Imogen said to Joanna, while staring at the portrait old man closely, her meaning was self-evident.

The old man seemed not to be surprised by her thoughts.

He didn't know what this pattern represented. There was a lot of waves between the witches. He only knew that most people would fall into a state of despair when facing the monster behind them, and when the resistance became useless again and again.

Just like the other wizards in Congress.

"Follow me, I am taking you away." The old wizard said.

"I thought you took us to the memory house."

"The memory house is also in this direction."

Imogen tried to say something, but the old wizard interrupted her, "You better believe me, the thing behind you will soon be chased, and time is running out."

They have tried it once in the labyrinth of Congress. Without the guidance of the old wizard, they may not necessarily be able to go out.

After taking a few deep breaths, Imogen said to the people behind him, "Go!"

. . .

The black lamp of death exists like a boulder pressing on their heads.

On the way down, the atmosphere became very depressed.

In fact, many witches do not have a direct concept of the black lamp of death, they have never heard anything about the Seven Lamps.

They just made judgments based on their impression of Green Lantern and the description of the tricky monster in the mouth of the old wizard.

In any case, the monsters behind cannot be eliminated or even confronted.

Madison didn't know what he was thinking. He was a little absent-minded and kept silent, so the team's atmosphere fell to the lowest point for a while.

But their speed was not slow.

Quickly through a few of them, according to the description of the old wizard, they are very close to the edge of the memory house.

But they did not plan to watch this holographic movie.

"This is it."

The next moment, the old wizard stopped in a portrait, then pointed to a closed door in front and said.

A large iron chain covered with mottled rust hangs on the door handle. The thick door is like a safe in a vault. Even if the surroundings are broken, it still firmly holds its own wall so that it is not subject to any A little damage and erosion.

Obviously, this is the power of magic protecting it.

"Memory House, the initiating spell is very simple. Are you sure you don't go in and take a look."

The answer to the question, the witches had discussed the result before, and Imogen shook his head and refused politely, "If we still have a chance to enter here a second time, maybe we won't be stingy with our time."

Although the black lamp of death is terrible, it is only for them now.

For the free man, the most important thing is the jump growth of strength. As long as they are given enough time, even if they become the existence above the gods, it is not impossible.

And what they lack most is time.

As long as this time successfully escaped from here, I believe that it will not take long before they will return to this place with the power to fight against the light ring and regain the magical Congress.

Yes, the witches intend to take the Magic Congress for themselves.

This may not be true, because the Magic Congress itself is a product of the world's magic world. In the world's magic world, except for these free wizards. . Are there any other wizards?

Compared with other free people, witches are on a first-come-first-served basis.

The current situation is becoming more and more chaotic. One day, free people will be exposed, and then there will be sharp and irreconcilable conflicts with ordinary people.

They need a safe harbor, and the ruins of the Magic Congress are a good choice.

In the movie, it can be hidden in the world of ordinary people for so many years, and it obviously has its uniqueness. Although it has now become a ruin and the internal magic is in a state of chaos, when they can fight the silent and entrenched inside. When the black lamp of death, it must not be a big problem to reform these magic.

What's more, the Magic Congress at this time is more hidden than in the movie.

It sinks to the ground under nearly 100 meters instead of sharing a building with ordinary people.

They escaped from that unknown space and they are perfectly integrated with the underground space. It is not like a building that was squeezed into it. No one can think of it just under their eyes, under New York. A group of new buildings.

After all, the underground construction of the city is also very important, whether it is the subway or the laying of the pipeline, it will be clear to the bottom, even where it is easy to collapse and hard to excavate, it is recorded in great detail. Few people will doubt the established facts. Many times when the subway was laid, no figure of the building was found, and of course they did not expect the building to be underground.

Of course, at that time, the Magic Congress may not have appeared in this world.

Regarding the mysterious dark space, no matter whether it is an old wizard, Madison or Imogen, there is no idea why it will move the magical congress to this world, and why there will be a black lamp of death.

But now the protection magic of the entire Congress has disappeared. If you lay pipes or dig subways, modern technology can easily detect their existence.

Since it was not found, it is now much later than the appearance of the surrounding pipes and subway.

The only thing witches need to worry about when taking over the magic Congress is that before the expulsion is silent and the Congress is restarted to protect the magic, the existence of the building will not be noticed by ordinary people.

Congress is now in an unprotected state, and fighting is taking place at the top. After the battle is over, it is inevitable that repair work will begin.

At that time, the Congress hidden in the ground is likely to be detected by machine instruments.

Imokin and others can indeed use the Muggle expulsion spell to hide the area above the building from ordinary people, but they can't do anything in the face of the scanning of the machine, such as the exploration of geological detectors and sonic detectors.

Only the most stupid way can be used to modify the data and eliminate the memory of ordinary people.

In this way, their work will be doubled in difficulty and increase, it is almost no different from kidnapping, hijacking, stealing and stealing.

But thinking about these issues now seems a little too far away.

The top priority is to escape from the silent pursuit of the black lamp of death of the owner behind him.

I hope it will not leave the scope of the Magic Congress, otherwise. . Things seem to get worse. .

. . .

Hearing Imogen's answer, the old wizard sighed, but did not show dissatisfaction or surprise. In fact, not everyone had the courage to fight the terrifying existence behind him.

After all, life is different from movies. In the face of a terrible monster entrenched in ancient ruins, most people should choose to escape and save their lives, not like the protagonist in the story. courage.

"Wise choice..." The old wizard whispered.

"So, come with me ladies, please here."

The old wizard is right, the memory house and the route to go out are in the same straight line, because after the old man said, he opened his body sideways and disappeared in the portrait.

Then the deep and dark tunnel in the portrait began to blur slowly, the rough stone walls on both sides gradually changed from the texture of the oil painting to the cold realistic style, and the soil seemed to gradually flutter fine dust.

At the next moment, the entire portrait becomes a tunnel. The picture frame of the portrait is the edge of the tunnel entrance, next to the memory house, which is a fork.

"That thing is about to catch up, so we are afraid to take a long way."

Madison raised his eyebrows slightly. "Did I hear it wrong, or did you confuse yourself and walk a long way? What do you think."

"I will take you along a special route. The magic and traps along the way will block the progress of the monster behind. Those are very powerful magic, so you must follow me and follow my instructions in the future. Don’t go wrong. ."

"Otherwise I have no way to dispel magic."

Imogen frowned.

"If the magic is as powerful as you said, you were..."

"We have tried it at the beginning. These magics are not as powerful as imagined. They can only delay the silent speed, causing them some damage, and they cannot be completely killed."

"However... these magics can't kill silently, but for wizards, they are deadly enough."

Madison heard the problem from his words.

"You have tried it, and with its silent destructive power, it has not destroyed all the traps to ruins."

The old wizard took a deep breath. "You guys have a lot of problems. If I want to use these things to deal with you, you don't have to be so troublesome. I have opportunities at any time along the way."

"By the way, hasn't your instructor mentioned that magic is also memorable. All of the tunnels are memory-type magic. After being destroyed, they can slowly recover by accumulating magic power by themselves."

"They were indeed destroyed at the beginning, but for so many years...it should have been restored."

But looking at the confused expressions of the witches below, the old wizard raised his eyebrows slightly, "Well, it seems that your mentor did not say that."

And among the witches, Delia, who seems to know the spell best, only frowned and thought for a while before she said something uncertainly, "It...has it probably been lost?"

"This is a very deep magic skill. There are not many people in the entire magic world, but it is elite here."

Like a poultry with a pinched neck, the old wizard's chattering self-promotion came to an abrupt end with Delia's indefinite answer, his expression froze on his face, a little surprised, some unbelievable, mixed together , Constituted an indescribable portrait.

After a while, he seemed to suddenly realize, "... this way."

He finally realized one of the most critical issues. With the destruction of the Magic Congress, time has not been known for a long time. This is not just a string of numbers used for counting. It also hides countless swallowed by the river of time. exist.

"That's a pity..." the old wizard whispered.

"You... in the end... forget it, don't tell me, anyway, I'm just a portrait."

He seemed to be planning to ask what time his appearance was and how long time had passed. After a few laps of this question in his mind, he eventually swallowed it back.

"Go away, time... it's running out."

The old wizard appeared in another portrait~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Leaping forward, he entered a portrait far away in the tunnel. He slowly beckoned to Madison and others, and then said, "Continue on No more portraits, this is the last one."

"You take this, and prepare some more portraits at the same time, so that once the portraits are destroyed, I will never be able to contact you again."

There are not many portraits in the Magic Congress, and in fact, it has been able to persevere here, which has surprised Madison.

Hearing the portrait of the old man saying this, she immediately waved her hand and flew a portrait not far away.

Upon seeing this, other witches also learned to fly the nearby portraits, but the number of portraits in this room was not much, even if they were taken, there were only three.

In addition, there are only four portraits in the tunnel, but it is enough.

Because if the battle is to the point where all four portraits are destroyed, then I am afraid that even if they still have the guidance of the old wizard, I am afraid they can no longer go out from here. . forever. Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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