High Magic Earth

Chapter 1221: Failed task

The same place, above the surface.

Time, fifteen minutes before the appearance of the Great Ghost.

Wildfire Bar.

Sadako Yamamura, dressed in a white tulle dress, seemed out of place, surrounded by howling and wailing, filled with the smell of hormones and alcohol, they were twisted into a group of tempting charms under the dazzling and colorful mixing lights. Demon.

This is the Hell's Kitchen, a famous slum, a zone with serious ethnic conflicts and a high crime rate.

Even with the continuous supervision and development of modern times, although it is no longer **** in the 1950s and 60s and chaos in the 1970s and 80s, sin is still everywhere.

Although light emerges, darkness will never disappear.

Although crimes have been reduced, they still exist and are hidden deeper than before. They are hidden in every corner here, waiting for a lucky person or a bad luck to be caught.

Their scope of activity has been greatly reduced, but they are still distributed in various shadows, for example, here.

The chaotic bar is always the best place to breed evil.

Tattoos are everywhere here, arms and thighs are thick, the body is as wide as a plank, and there are all kinds of strange dresses, ear piercings, nails, tattoos, like dyes on the head On the bottom of the mix, the girl with heavy makeup, the * gentleman selling drugs.

Of course, there are no real mafia executives here. It is not that they do not exist anymore.

Compared with these guys, Sadako Yamamura in a white tulle skirt looks like a white lotus in the mud, and is the most eye-catching light in the night.

Similarly, wearing a pale pink kimono with a cherry blossom pattern on it also appears restless. She is like a newlywed wife waiting for her husband to get off work, embarrassed, uneasy, as if everything around him is a terrible devil, wants Swallow her in one bite.

But in fact, in the eyes of the people around them, the two seemingly weak and harmless Asian women are the devil in the devil, the real demon who eats people and does not spit bones.

Sadako and Hanamaki are all vacant in a circle. No one dared to get close within five meters. Although the area of ​​the bar is ample, it is not that big. There is so much space around them. The dance floor not far away was immediately crowded.

It's just that no one dared to get close.

The people in the bar have either left or stayed, and they are hiding far away on the dance floor or in the corner of the bar with other seats. No one dares to approach them anyway.

At this moment, Sadako Yamamura, shrouded in a white tulle skirt, seemed to be like a lotus flower drilled from the silt, blooming like a ghost in the eyes of everyone.

Of course, the people around were not afraid of the dress of Sadako Yamamura. Although she was indeed out of place, the white dress of tulle made her like a girl running away from home in pajamas. Compared with the surrounding evil and darkness, Like redemption from the light.

The only thing that is more in line with the surroundings is probably the red blood stains on most of the skirt and chest.

But in the eyes of these very evil people, she still seemed like a delicious piece of fragrant meat. Blood was nothing, and a woman contaminated with blood was more flavorful.

What really made them shudder is the predecessors who have tried boldly but never returned.

. . .

About fifteen minutes ago, Sadako Yamamura and Hanamaki Haji just came to this bar.

"Mountain...Senior Mountain Village." Hanaji grabbed the waist skirt of Sadako Yamamura and said stutteringly, "I...we come to such a place, really...is it really good."

The two failed because of the mission and lost their spaceships with Sadako Yamamura and Hanamaki.

Not long ago, Sadako Yamamura and Hana Hime grabbed the eye of Agomomoto, the jewel of time, in the hands of time master Rip Hunt.

However, Rip Hunt successfully used the power to reverse time, and took them off the spaceship.

The strength of Sadako Yamamura and Hanamaki are indeed very strong. Sadako Yamamura, who has undergone the first transformation of God Creation, has already possessed a small number of appearance characteristics. Under the state of half appearance, fire storm, atomic man, frozen captain, heat wave , Sararans and the Six Masters of Time are almost not her opponents.

Of course, it may also be related to some sultry characteristics of the legendary team.

If people with complementary personalities are more likely to form teams, then the Legendary Squad is definitely a group of teasers who come together. Each time they go out of the task, they are like playing a stage play.

Rough combat plan, brain-powered offensive methods, and extreme strength.

In fact, they are able to live smoothly to the present, and the God of Time is definitely blessing them. . And their enemies are also enough to cause brain damage.

but. . Sadako is not within the scope of brain damage.

Although the fighting power of the legendary squad is very strong, only Fire Storm is a first-tier hero, and he has just debuted, and he has not fully controlled his own strength. The remaining second- and third-tier heroes are added together. .

But the legendary squad still has some killers.


The legendary squad itself is a squad that travels through time. The team's long-time master Rip Hunt and the spaceship intelligent Gideon allow them to exist at any point in time.

Those who can be related to time are not bully masters, such as the fast speed gangsters.

Although they can't control time, but because their speed can exceed time, it allows them to exist at any time node.

For others, a straight forward time, for them, it is a plane.

Maybe you have just been born with the idea of ​​speeding against the speeder, and a speeder will appear in front of you at the next moment, and then you come over without saying a word.

This is the reason why Yi Huo tried his best to remove himself from the timeline.

In addition to this, Rip Hunt, who got the eye of the time gem Agomoto, has a combat power directly from the eye-catching below the fourth-rate, and entered the ranks of the second-tier heroes.

As long as he fully grasps the power of the time gem, even if he ranks in the top of the ranks of the first-line heroes, I am afraid there is not much problem.

It is this special power of time that makes them a superhero team.

Time has caused a lot of trouble to Sadako Yamamura. She and Hanaji have enough fighting power to easily defeat or even kill these guys, but Rip Hunt always uses the eye of Agomoto before everyone fails and dies Reverse time and retrace everything to the state before the battle.

But this is nothing. She can beat these people once, and she can beat them more times.

As long as you have enough patience.

And for the mountain village Sadako, who has been dead for countless years, the most important thing is patience and time.

These super heroes can indeed accumulate a lot of combat experience through continuous failure, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute power suppression, these experiences have little meaning at all.

With the emergence of some unknown power, the combat power has instantly increased several levels of Sadako Yamamura, and in the later times, they have almost slaughtered them.

Although time can bring them back to life, the pain and memory of death still exist.

Not everyone has a determined mind to face death. Before death comes, no one knows its taste. Maybe some people don't think it has anything, because only when the death comes. . Only then will it be truly terrible.

Even the most amused Atom Man, usually hasn't been in a long time after his first death.

Then it was the second and third time. . Even the fourth time. .

Rip Hunt had already realized that his team members were on the verge of mental breakdown, and continued to do so, and they must have failed first.

They don't even need the other party's hands, they have already destroyed themselves.

Of course, he can not leave the memory of these people, although there is no accumulation of combat experience, but also no shadow of death.

However, if he is the only one who remembers all the attack predictions made by Sadako Yamamura to command, it is probably very difficult to win the battle, and the chance is almost zero.

But at the time when Sadako Yamamura did not know the reason, his power suddenly increased suddenly, and they were beaten to no avail, Rip Hunt finally made a decision.

Longinus gun.

As a super British team capable of jumping time, they always have some special weapons or items, and the Lankinus gun is one of them.

A terrible existence that can reverse reality.

However, the Lanquinus gun in the hands of Rip Hunt is not complete. It is only a part of debris and debris, and other components are needed to form a real Lanquinus gun.

Prior to this, its threat was not as great as imagined.

But in any case, under the multiple threats of the attack of the Lankinus gun and the legendary squad members, the village of Zhenzi and Hanamaki were successfully shot down by them.

Once out of the spaceship's range, the timeship controlled by Gideon immediately disappeared.

The strength of the legendary squad is not good, but the escape and hiding power are definitely one-on-one.

Sadako Yamamura, who had messed up the mission, tried to re-track Hanaji with the wave ship, but of course he found nothing.

It's strange to find it.

Gideon, as another cutting-edge artificial intelligence in the super-British world, even Lucy struggled to find the trail of the wave.

In search of no avail, Sadako Yamamura took Huaji Ji along the way to the other side of the city, Hell's Kitchen on Manhattan Island.

She decided to rest. . Ah no, it is to figure out what happened to my sudden growth.

Looking at the Weiwei Nuo Hua Marry Ji next to her, Sadako was helpless. She asked curiously, "Oh, when did you die?"

As a member of the Hundred Ghosts, Hua Marry Ji is naturally not a living person, or a person.

Some of the ghosts are pure monsters. They are born monsters, not human beings. They also become monsters or ghosts after dying like Sadako for various reasons.

Although they are just a piece of code in the virtual intelligent world in the vampire diary world, but after being read out by Yi Chou using the silver tongue, they became a real life, with blood and flesh, uh. . Perhaps there is no blood or flesh.

However, their memory, the so-called background setting, still uses the previous setting.

After all, eight million, that is, the master control program of the virtual smart watch world has designed them very well, and Yi Biao only needs to be modified slightly.

Hua married Ji also has her own memory. When she heard Sadako's inquiry, she whispered softly, "Zhao...the Showa era."

Sadako Yamamura grinned.

If she remembered correctly, although the Showa era is close to modern times, there should be no such thing as a bar, but there is also a prototype of a bar. Besides, places like Kabuki are already very similar to bars, which is annoying. It is normal for Hua Hua Ji to recognize this as a bad place at a glance.

But it doesn't matter, it's interesting.

Sadako Yamamura has long left the task behind his head. He hugged Huajian Ji's shoulder and said indifferently, "It's okay, it's okay, maybe you will like it soon."

Hundred ghosts have high and low strengths. The high ones are Yuzao. This kind of guy who can't even answer the questions, and the low ones have the case of Shanshanzi, a little monster who can only act as a cannon fodder.

Hua Ji's strength should belong to the middle and lower reaches. Although it has not reached the bottom, it is not so high.

And Sadako Yamamura, her strength should be on the high level in the middle of the Hundred Ghosts, not to mention, she also accepted the transformation of the God of Creation plan, and is the nominal boss of Hanaji.


After struggling to no avail, Huamaji can only be wrapped in the door of the bar by Sadako. Until this time, she can hear her weakly saying, "I... I won't like it here, but ... But if there is a bad guy with a negative heart, you can give me, me... me..."

. . .

Although this bar is not a formal place, it belongs to the intersection of black and white. The police station has already greeted the hidden crime gathering place, but the business is still good enough.

In fact, it is also possible that there are so many people precisely because it is the place where sin gathers. www.wuxiaspot.com.

Darkness is never short of its believers.

The long line was outside the bar, but Sadako swaggered to the front of the line with a big swing.

Huama Ji, who was usually shrunk in a good baby's shell, was still a little worried about whether it was a bad behavior to cut in the line, but she didn't expect the guard to put them in.

Sadako Yamamura and Hanamaki's unremarkable appearance are exactly like coming out for fun and excitement, but they don't know what a really dark ordinary girl is.

And they are very outstanding in appearance and figure, and they are Asians, which are rare scarce resources.

Of course, such a high-quality type, the doorman will not stop outside the door.

As for what happens after they enter, it is not the guards who need to care, anyway. . It will add a lot of popularity and business to the bar. Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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