High Magic Earth

Chapter 1222: prey

"Loadupongunsand, bringyourriends (load the gun and bring the fox friends)."

As soon as the door was opened, the roaring music came with a violent breath.

The colorful clusters of neon lights are like some kind of light weapon, trying to blind their eyes, and a heat wave rushed to their nose with erosion and psychedelic breath. It is like a hotbed for nourishing sin. In the monster's lair, information from the dark side of the world converges in the air.

When they set foot here, all kinds of peeping eyes and greedy desires from sin already felt their tentacles unconsciously.

"She’soverboard, andselassured (she is extreme and confident)."

The heavy metal rock music mixed with the crowd's crazy roar, scream, moan, filled this dark room, the volume of music and shouts was very loud, stepped into the room, and occupied all the thoughts of Sadako like a magic sound .

The dim light was a bit uncomfortable for Sadako, the sky outside was already dark enough, but it was still better.

All kinds of dazzling light were very strong, and the stimulating Sadako couldn't open her eyes. After a while, she slowed down and then saw the whole picture inside.

*The girl in clothes, the big, round-shaped big man, the locomotive*, the *gentleman, all kinds of non-influential little gangsters, flying*, there is no difference between the scene inside and what Sadako expected, it is like a group of demons.

She let out a sharp whistle, then turned her head, and said a little excitedly to Hua Marry Ji, "This is really good."

But the poor flower married Ji is obviously more miserable than Sadako.

The latter seems to have the experience of going to the bar frequently. The first time Hanaji came to this place, the scene of group dances almost scared her to stay in place, her eyes didn’t know where to look, she didn’t know. Where to go, I was afraid that they would anger them by staring at the sturdy big guys, so as to provoke a beating.

Hua Mu Ji's head is not enough anymore, and her ears are also buzzing, and she can't hear what Sadako is saying.

She saw Sadako's mouth moving up and down, and she quickly hurried over, "What? What are you talking about?"

But Sadako didn't even hear her response, but Sadako didn't care what she answered. After she said this, she lifted her feet into the bar.

The interior of the bar is obviously carefully designed. Not only is it beautifully decorated, but the lighting arrangement is also very reasonable. When entering the bar, the entire interior is backlit, just like a colorful picture.

As the two progressed, they immediately left the backlight, as if stepping onto a stage.

Almost at this moment, Sadako was keenly aware of several... well, almost all the eyes in the vicinity were focused on the two of them, and the Huahuaji next to him shrank her shoulders.

Even if she doesn't need to look around, she can distinguish the deep maliciousness in these eyes.

Thick maliciousness almost turned into substance, flowing down their eyes from the depths of their souls.

It is more intense than the maliciousness gathered when Sadako died...

*Evil, greed, craving, and killing intentions. They almost gave birth to the negative emotions that humans can produce. Among them, the strongest is the killing intentions. Sadako doesn’t understand what the two of them have done. Even the passers-by who appeared for the first time, someone would try to kill themselves... so intensely.

Humans... really terrible.

Terrible and devastating.

But Sadako seemed to be unaware of these gazes. He continued to move forward with Huaji Ji. Soon, he found a position at the edge of the table and sat down with a light or dark peeping gaze.

"Two glasses of your strongest wine here."

After summoning the bartender, Sadako easily selected drinks for her and Hanaji.

The bartender was obviously not a pure person. In the face of their choices, he had no doubts, so he quickly turned to the bar and began to prepare.

It seems that this is not the first time that guests like them have appeared in the bar.

Every time I meet such a fresh and delicious little guy, the bar will always...


Sadako and Hanaji have just sat firmly, and even the wine hasn't been picked up yet, the trouble has been found first.

Just when Sadako’s arm was just taken off the table, a big hand snapped on it. The rough palm and the tabletop made a loud noise. Under the fright of Huamaraki and Sadako, they watched with a slightly dull gaze. A small plate of fried pork skin bounced up suddenly, and then fell back to their plates.

"Little guy, this is not where you should come."

At the next moment, as if accompanied by some kind of shadow, a figure was quietly blocked in front of their table.

This is a guy full of explosive muscles, but not tall. He also has two companions, who are blocking this half-crescent sofa one by one, so that they will receive at least one no matter where they leave from. Human obstruction.

"But if you guys accompany me for a drink...I can..."

"What can you do? Idiot, protect them? Are you sure?"

But before this guy finished speaking, a group of people gathered around.

Headed by a tall and strong black man, his figure is very strong, full of bulging muscles, and the tight vest almost makes him an inverted triangle.

Similarly, his companions are all black skin, obviously, this is a pure black group.

He shoved it a little, causing the guy in front to nearly fall on the table, and then said in a low voice, "Go away, I won't repeat the second time."

The guy who came here for trouble at first, although he was all muscles, but compared to the strong black man more than one meter and nine behind him, it was obviously not enough to look at, like the difference between a bear and a brown bear.

There were only two of his companions. He looked at the five or six companions behind the black man. They were all equally strong. There was also a fat man over three hundred pounds. He hesitated. Although he was full of anger, he could bear it. Tone.

This is not an ordinary zone. People who can appear here have more or less blood on hand, or even the lives of others.

In other bars, conflicts and disputes may be just a beating, but here, maybe the muzzle and switchblade in the dark may be waiting.

In this country where guns are not forbidden, it is not difficult to obtain weapons. Similarly, death is a common occurrence.

In fact, these guys who have been in the dark all the year round are not just just talking about them. In a sense, they are more able to look at the deprivation than anyone.

Because people who do not have this ability have long since disappeared from this world.

Comparing the number and fighting strength of the two sides, and the other party's savage air that was obviously not like the goods, this guy shrank decisively. Without saying a word, he obediently rolled out of the crowd's gap.

Only those who remain here are Hanaji and Sadako, and the black gang who has driven away the first comers.

Faced with the remaining two single Asian women, this group's attitude is obviously more harsh and unkind.

"*Chiu's chick."

Another black man stepped forward and knocked on the table. The thick joints made a thumping and crisp sound, just like tapping on Sadako's chest. "Come and follow us."

"Otherwise, you will suffer a bit."

This guy's appearance is not handsome, and even a little ugly, just like a gorilla that has not evolved, and it is completely free of the stubbornness and slackness that blacks are used to, but a little bit evil.

Looking at his greedy eyes, Sadako rolled his eyes.

In fact, when there was a conflict between the two groups, she still looked at them with great interest, but unfortunately the reality is not a movie after all, these guys don’t have the courage to say anything, but rationality. Restrained his impulse.

It was really boring, she thought she could see more beautiful blooms than flowers.


"But if I refuse, I feel we are not so familiar..."


Sadako hadn't finished talking yet, her head was tilted sideways, her thick black hair swept away, and she was scattered in a blink of an eye, becoming messy.

It turned out that the other party reached out and slapped Sadako's face directly.

Without hesitation, she did not pity that she was a woman.


Hua Marriage was like a normal girl, screaming in fright, she got up and tried to escape from here, but another black man clutched her neck tightly, covering her mouth, unable to move.

Sadako tilted her face, her hair covering most of her beauty.

In a place that no one can see, her eyes become distorted in an instant. In fact, more vividly, the place of the eyes is replaced by a vortex.

Her eyes disappeared from the eye sockets, replaced by fully stitched skin and muscles, but in a blink of an eye, the muscles were suddenly twisted, like a whirlpool stiffly drilled by an electric drill.

This whirlpool of muscular texture is not only distorted and weird, it is placed in the eye socket of the human face, but also makes the scalp numb, forming a bizarre face that only exists in nightmares.

But this face only existed for a moment, then disappeared again, and regained that pretty human face.

At the next moment, Sadako's right half of the face was red and swollen at a rate visible to the naked eye. She raised her head by covering her face, and her eyes were filled with frightened tears.

"There is no share of you talking, son!"

The black man grabbed Sadako's hair with his hand and forced her to look at herself, then said viciously.

"But... I think we know each other! It's through!"

At the next moment, he swiped his hands and held Sadako's jaw, saying a word, saying something if he wanted to.

Sadako rolled her eyes again in her heart. She had been mentally prepared for the chaos in this bar, but she didn't expect that the actual situation might be more intense and worse than she expected.

She thought she would only encounter some harassment and drama, and then *confuses a daring guy to go to the back alley. Of course, if there are more prey, she would not mind sharing it with Hua Jiji.

But... the situation is clearly beyond her expectations.

The tear-filled eyes did not turn, but the eyes hidden behind the black hair had been reopened. Cold eyes glanced around, and Sadako found that the bar was more chaotic than he thought.

In the right corner, there are several strong men walking around with rifles. They are guarding a door. It seems that there should be a * field behind them. Someone in the deeper box is talking about business, but this is not the case What a serious business, the two bright silver suitcases on the table indicate that this seems to be a good deal, one hand to pay money, and one hand to deliver.

Seeing them bold, without worrying about being seized and arrested, Sadako realized that the water here should be deeper than he thought.

Then what happened to her in front of her is not so difficult to accept. This is not a drama or harassment at all. This is simply a snatch!

"stand up!"

The black man in front of him said again, while squeezing Sadako's chin violently, trying to crush her bones, pulling her out of position.

In fact, even in such a chaotic zone, things like Mingqiang will not happen often.

First of all, there are very few girls who step in here because of ignorance. Under normal circumstances, they will not step into such a bar that looks like a chaotic zone, or even go into the **** kitchen.

Secondly, these people who walk in the dark zone are not short of women. Whether it is normal means, using money, or abnormal means, addiction, loans, or even more rude means can get what they want. .

The lost sheep that appeared in this bar just brought them a little extra happiness. Playing and playing is the best way to face these poor little guys who don't know where they are going.

It's not that the monkey rushed in a hurry.

But today's situation is a little different. The beautiful women of such qualities as Sadako Yamamura and Hanamaki are rare, not to mention such a bar.

And this black gang is particularly interested in Asians. The advantage of the height gap makes them like little sheep.

They can only hide in trembling, unable to resist, and unable to struggle, so they have a thrill of extra **** in their hearts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sadako stared at this guy in front of her, and then in a moment, she Suddenly lowered his head, biting **** his fingers, the strength was almost used to her bite force.

Even for a moment, this unlucky guy thought his hand bones would be bitten off.


He yelled and released his hand subconsciously.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sadako escaped through the gap of the crowd. The petite figure made her slip like a loach without leaving her hand, and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

In the same way, when this group of black people was shocked, Hua Jiji also broke free in the same way, without looking back, and fell into the darkness of the bar.

In fact, the strength of adult men is not really that small and can be easily taken off by them. But as two ghosts and monsters who are not humans at all, it is too easy for them to want to surpass humans. Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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