High Magic Earth

Chapter 1224: Predator (3)

"Monster! Monster!"

"What the **** is this!"

Numerous bifurcations protrude from the surface of the tentacles, and the ends of the bifurcations form the shape of a small hand. The densely packed small hands are enough for any intensive phobia to die on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of tentacles, like a large net spilled from the sky, directly dazzled the guy who was stunned by fear, and threw the guy who rushed to Hua Marry Ji inside.

This unlucky egg was originally very close to Hua Marry Ji. Under the push of countless tentacles, he instantly planted his head down into the rotating mouthpiece.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Faced with the threat of death, his head finally awakened from his fear, trembling with force, he tried to escape the shadow of death.

But it was too late.

The dense spiral teeth are sharper than the tightest gear, and the bite is not bad. At the moment when the unlucky egg head is loaded, the mouthparts shrink at the same time, wrapping him firmly inside.

As if sucking, the mouthparts began to engulf in an attempt to digest this human being at least five times larger than himself.

"Puff! Puff!"

The scream of this man was too late to make a scream, and his voice suddenly became dumb.

The gear-like serrated fangs directly glued his head to a paste, like tofu sandwiched between two grinding discs, and the large blood plasma flowed like a fountain, as if tomato sauce didn't cost money. Vulgar b-level film.

His companions did not understand why humans have so much blood, or why the power of blood spattering is so powerful, they only know that the blood under the rain is not a ketchup, nor a prop in the movie, but real Really, blood with a **** smell.

From their companions, the hot blood in the body of a large living person was the previous moment.

The blood plasma stained the surrounding walls in red. At this moment, the narrow alley seemed to have turned into a tunnel of hell, and there were **** red smells everywhere, and minced meat and hidden utensils everywhere.

Among the corridors of hell, there is also a group of humanoid creatures that are also confused into red.

They are the rest of the black people. The blood seems to be endless, like a nightmare. They fall from the sky and dip them all into red.

In just ten seconds, they turned into a blood man.

Corresponding to the surrounding scenes, it is like a group of ghosts dancing in hell.

The mad tentacles are waving like a beast, its shape is ridiculous and crazy, and it can't see the beauty of Hua Marry Ji's human appearance.

In the scarlet path firmly entrenched in this scarlet path, turning this place into a normal person, even if you look at it, it will be like a zone that has experienced the most terrible nightmare.

Fear, ridiculous, bloody, cruel.

This is the nature and commonality of most creatures.

It is also the appearance of the first appearance, the common feature.

The blood still spouted out without money, forming a beautiful fountain in the air.


But at this time, the iron door not far behind this group of people was once again slammed open. A pair of men and women hugged and rushed out without looking around, then the man slammed the woman. Push on the wall.

The woman did not resist, but entangled each other with her legs, hands entangled, and responded enthusiastically.

Obviously, this is not a forced incident, but a special professional girl in the bar.

The two were so intense that they didn't even care about observing the surrounding environment until the tentacles of Hanamaki turned around, and no blood of money was poured over their heads, the man realized what seemed wrong.

Sticky, still warm.

Reach out, the scarlet liquid is full of hands.


Then at the next moment, the woman who raised her head had first seen what was behind the man. The forked, dense small hands and tentacles like a tree, the fangs like roulette, and half of the body had been crushed into powder. Only two bodies twitching in the air.


The woman instinctively screamed, and then seemed to hold her breath. After a short pause, she made another earth-shattering loud cry.

The screams were so loud, Hua Huaji couldn't help but doubt that she could spread half a block.

The bar was naturally heard clearly, but the people inside did not know what was happening, thinking that the two of them were fighting too hard. "Millian must have taken medicine today."

Listening to this cry, a Russian strong man sitting at the bar laughed.

Everyone around laughed, and after a few words, they were biased towards another gang in the alley, the black gang and the two Asian women.

"I don't know if Brooke's group will kill people."

Someone sneered and said...

Of course, when the people in the bar are bored discussing the battle in the alley, no one can really think about what is going on here.

The killing continues.

Facing the woman's scream, Hua Marry Ji was helpless.

As for it.

She instinctively wanted to dig out her ears, but only after grasping the empty space, she realized that she was no longer in human form. In the appearance, she didn't even have hands, let alone hands.

Then immediately, the different responses of human beings in the face of crisis immediately saw the difference.

Unlike the silly black people in the back, the white man holding the woman was frightened and almost turned back to the bar almost instinctively.

He threw the woman straight, without even turning his head back, and even shoved her fiercely while trying to escape, trying to push her to the ground to buy time for himself.

And he didn't panic and try to run in the direction of the three-meter high-speed gate. Maybe he could cross the gate, but when facing such a monster, it was obviously not a wise choice to expose his back to the other party for a long time.

It seems that the black people in the bar are not just the black people behind them, who can only bully the weak, but there are still many smart people who are so stupid and useless.

But it is a pity that no matter how powerful a human is, in front of an appearance, it is weak like an ant.

"Kaka Kaka (Come back to you)!"

Hanaji shakes gear-shaped mouthparts and makes a constant biting sound. She seems to want to say something, but unfortunately only a series of delayed collision sounds.

But it doesn't matter, the man must have known what she meant.

Because at the next moment, she divided out several tentacles, threw it like a long whip, and directly penetrated his back.

The man struggled weakly twice, and his body sagged softly.

The woman seemed to be stunned. She covered her mouth with her hand and stared at the man's body dragged by the tentacles.

Obviously, countless densely packed hands are not as fragile as they really seem, and only four or five are needed to drag the adult man.

At that time, the unlucky egg had been completely glued into flesh by Hua Jiji, and the blood stopped flowing. It was just this guy who came to the door that was the new prey.

"Kaka Kaka (a bunch of idiots)!"

But when Huamaji tried to tuck him into her mouthparts, the woman suddenly moved. She seemed like a frightened rabbit, taking advantage of the seemingly distracting chance of Huamaji, and violently outward Run away.

Unfortunately, it still has no effect.

The tentacles of Hua Ji Ji are densely packed. In the eyes of human beings, most of these tentacles should be decorated or can only be accepted for unified transfer. Because they are too many, people do not feel that there are any creatures that can control them separately.

Just like a person has two hands and can control two, three hands may be okay, four or five, but one hundred or even one thousand.

Of course, humans are not centipedes, and it is never possible to understand the body movement of such animals.

In fact, Hanaji's tentacles were originally more flexible with human hands.

Turning around a flexible arc, a tentacle that had been lurking on the woman's head for some time suddenly fell down, and it penetrated into the woman's head.

The next moment, the woman fell to the ground without saying a word.

Dragging her head, Hanaji continued to drag the body over.

At this time, those black men who were frightened finally reacted.

"Run! Run!"

Flower Marriage is not hidden in the dark like Sadako, so these people clearly saw this scene and terrible creature beyond ordinary people's understanding, clearly and clearly reflected in their pupils.

The lightning hunting before said fast and fast, slow and slow,

After Hua Mu Ji killed all the men and women, the black boss was so screaming that it could not stop, and this group of black men finally lost their last courage under the successive killings, trying to crawl Escape here.

It is a pity that it is too late.


Seeing the prey he was trying to escape, Hanamaki Ji's tentacles fluttered violently.

But this time, instead of stringing everyone together like a string, she rewoven the tentacles into a large net, like a dense bush, overwhelming these people.


They let out a scream, and were suddenly pushed over by the wind and the impact, rolling on the ground.

"Such a waste……"

Then at the next moment, a soft voice appeared in their ears again. The voice was very gentle, but it made everyone dare not move, as if frozen.

Because they will not forget that this voice is one of the two women they regarded as a little sheep, and it is also one of the two monsters in front of them...

As soon as she hit the white tulle, Sadako walked slowly out of the dark shadows. She looked around and looked at the walls stained with blood and sucked.

Her appearance didn't seem to change much, it still looked like a human appearance, so the worried group of people was a little relieved.

There are even a little bold and not afraid of death, and immediately thought of trying to kidnap her again, perhaps so that you can have a chance to escape from here.

But unfortunately, their hopes were shattered in the next moment.

Because as Sadako walked out of the shadow completely, they looked desperately, and this woman had lost her human appearance. When Sadako's abdomen went down, she had completely changed into a squid and octopus. There are countless spider legs tied with knives at the top.

The spider-like legs are very long, seemingly very soft, extending softly around, like a rubber tube, but in fact this knuckle is very hard, and the knife-like part of its front section touches the ground, directly Dangdang sounded, and even Mars splashed.

The white gauze on the chest at the bottom of Sadako's chin was stained with a large piece of red, just like the soup that a child accidentally spilled during dinner, which was particularly eye-catching in the dark.

Almost everyone thought of the origin of this red seal, because this may be the last trace of their boss left in this world.

"No...no...don't eat me..."

If they are the same fierce and brutal humans, these black people may not lack the same courage and resistance to courage, even if it is a beast or a ferocious animal, they may also be able to resist.

But in the face of two monsters that are obviously not normal conditions... this is no longer a problem of resistance to courage. Normal people cannot accept this existence.

As Sadako and Hanamaki continue to approach and narrow their scope, these people have completely collapsed, and some people screamed and rushed towards the two, and then they fell to the wall and collapsed.

But more people are paralyzed and even incontinent.

"It's disgusting."

"Kaka (agree)."

Although Sadako and Hanajuki have changed their appearances, their souls and thoughts have not changed. As a normal woman, or a ghost and a demon, they all have the commonality of all women, which is annoying Dirty things.

No one will be willing to talk about the food poured into the toilet.

This is not surprising. Don’t treat monsters as creatures. Even among animals in nature, apart from a few carrion animals and special taste guys, lion, cheetah and other carnivorous animals will avoid food unless they are very hungry. Open the large intestine, etc.

Not to mention the more intelligent monster, the female ghost.

Faced with these timid guys, they looked disgusted.

Okay, maybe Hanaji can't see it, but Sadako's expression is still easy to understand.

And it has to be said that in the face of the persecution of death, the flexibility of thinking will be greatly improved, and soon a guy realizes this, and knows nothing about life and death, trying to grab something inexplicable and pounce on the two.

Then he died quickly.

And died miserably.

In the face of such a disgusting guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~Hana Marriage was very disgusted and shook him off with his tentacles. After rubbing a clean on the wall, one limb and one limb pulled all his limbs. Down.

If it wasn't for the tentacles to have blocked his mouth one step in advance, I'm afraid his screams would break through the sky.

Faced with such a miserable situation, no one dared to challenge the lower limit of Hanaji and Sadako.

Sooner or later, they will die. Perhaps it is better to die.

Seeing that the prey in front either collapsed, or completely lost the confidence to rebel, Hanaji and Sadako glanced at each other, and then Sadako grabbed a tentacle of the flower.

"Then...the feast began."

She said with a smile.

Then at the next moment.

Blood spread, dance, and screams echoed, in this narrow alley... constituted a scarlet symphony. r Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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