High Magic Earth

Chapter 1225: Predator (4)



The rodents felt weird. The alley, which was usually very lively, seemed extraordinarily quiet today, and it smelled like never before.


They are very sensitive to this smell. They often deal with the dirt in the activities and sewers all year round, and some of them have some rotten animal carcasses.

Although the blood in it has almost dried up, the taste of blood is still a very special existence.

With curiosity in mind, soon, a mouse came out of the crack and came to the familiar position on weekdays, trying to dig out some food from the garbage dump.

But in the next moment, the fastest running mouse almost fell a heel.

The ground is too slippery.

Viscous liquid covered their feet like a scarlet carpet on the ground.

This is blood, a lot of blood is spilt down, the concentration is almost unsteady, even the creature like a mouse, this unlucky mouse spins, it rolls out quickly in one breath, and then hits hard like a branch Things, this suddenly listened.


But without waiting for it to turn over, a sharp knife stabs sharply, directly passing it through a heart-cooling, and then throws its dirty body to the wall next to it.

"Slap!" With a bang, the mouse turned into puree.


The rats were frightened, they did not see what was on the ground, but it was a very terrible feeling, more terrifying than their natural enemy cat.

Continue to stay and die.

This thought appeared in the barren brains of the mice, and then they did not look back, stroking their paws, and swish back into the cracks on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the whole alley was empty.

Not only mice, wild cats and wild dogs, but even those insects shrunk their heads to the ground at this moment, and they dared not make a sound.

It's like human beings facing gods.

The animals looked up at the outside, it was a kind of repression from the soul and from the soul.

They even prevent them from looking directly.

. . .

Creak, creak.

The gnawed voice appeared in the narrow alley, sounding as if the teeth were crushing bones.

In fact, it's almost the same. The foods of Hanaji and Sadako are not very civilized, except that it is not the mouth when using human appearance, but the mouthparts in the appearance state.

Plasma, minced meat, debris and debris of internal organs.

There are human limbs and flesh everywhere, and the **** atmosphere infiltrates this narrow alley as if **** on earth.

The door to the world of the devil.

In this bloody, two huge monsters lie dormantly inside, and the appearances of the incarnations of Sadako and Huaji Ji are left and right, firmly occupying both ends of the alley.

Among them are the dead bodies of those people.

But in their eyes, this is just a picnic table.

Neither of them made a sound, and Hanamaki waved its tentacles, constantly picking up the minced meat on the ground and throwing it into the mouth of the constantly rotating grinding disc.

Sadako and swinging blade-like tentacles directly stuffed the meat into his belly, and they were eating in a real sense.

Because in fact, they are indeed very hungry.

In the previous battle, the two were not without loss. They consumed a lot of energy, that is, physical strength. Even normal people will feel tired and hungry after a fight, not to mention them.

They also feel tired and hungry.

For ordinary human beings, you need to eat a big meal at this time, take a bath to relax, and then take a good sleep. Unfortunately, neither Sadako nor Huajiji are ordinary human beings.

They are female ghosts and monsters.

So the food they need is not ordinary.

Whether it was Zhen Zi or Hua Ji Ji, Yi Xuan read it through the silver tongue. Even if it was not, it was also transformed by Yi Xiao using the silver tongue, and he accepted the first plan of creating God.

Therefore, their character, living habits, and even settings are based entirely on the content described in the words when Yi Xiao's silver tongue read it.

They were created, everything was already set at the beginning of creation.

In their background setting, there is the cannibalism.

This is not surprising. They are monsters after all. What is so strange about monsters eating people? What's more, they are not monsters in the true sense, but they are read by Yi Bao.

The story needed by the silver tongue is a collection of human creation and thinking.

Most humans think that monsters eat humans, so the most common setting for monsters in background stories is to eat humans, so after passing the arrogant silver tongue, Sadako and Hanaji can really eat humans.

Of course, they can also eat other things, and they can also survive.

Otherwise, if the monsters can only eat humans, they belong to human predators and will be discovered by humans, rather than only exist in legends and stories.

But human flesh has special benefits for monsters.

Just as humans eat beef and mutton are more nutritious than pork, humans' bodies can make them heal faster and recover from fatigue when monsters are injured, or after fighting, and when they are particularly hungry.

This is the reason why Sadako came to the Hell's Kitchen with a flower married Ji, and went around for most of the circle. She would never really come to have fun.

And although Sadako needs human bodies, she doesn’t just kill humans in the city.

Like the scum bodies on the ground now, even if she doesn't kill them, they will die in the fire with other humans sooner or later, or under the cold muzzle.

Instead of letting their corpses rot in the sewers, or occupying incinerated resources to pollute the environment, it is better to contribute to themselves.

You know, there are a lot of strange guys who can’t wait for beautiful girls like themselves to eat their meat.

Creak, creak.

Eating continued, and within a few minutes, the body on the ground was less than half, and even the blood was thinned.

The two jagged big mouths of Hanaji and Sadako are like meat grinders. No matter what kind of thing is thrown in, it will always be crushed in a second or two.

The existence of two garbage trucks sweeping around, this can make the corpses on the ground visible at a reduced speed.

Sadako and Hanamaki did not intend to waste too much time in the alley.

The location was specially selected by Sadako. The people here are all leftovers. It’s okay to die. It’s okay to kill. No one will go looking for it. There is no dead corner in this alley where you can put a camera.

But it does not mean that no one will come in, or see the inside through the three-meter iron gate at the other end of the alley.

Lucy specifically told her not to make things too big before she took Flower Marry Ji to seize time gems, so Sadako didn't want to see the words about ogren in the New York news.

Especially after her mission failed.

But she does need a lot of food to restore her strength.

Because she needs to maintain a sufficient fighting power.

Sadako has a dim feeling, she feels that it may not take long, a more intense battle will come by accident, so she must maintain sufficient fighting power.

She knew that although her strength was already strong, it was far from the peak.

The group of guys in the legendary squad are composed of a group of second- and third-line heroes. They are not really second-line, first-line, or even super-first-line superheroes.

In the face of truly powerful fighting power, she will only be as powerful as the legendary team when facing her.

In fact, as a female ghost, Sadako does not have the ability to predict. If you insist on magic talents, maybe the howl of banshees should be more suitable for her.

This is not just her instinct or illusion, but the subtle changes she noticed in previous battles.

Feeling personally.

That unknown energy that suddenly increased her strength.

In the process of eating, Sadako thought carefully about the possible reasons.

She thought that she suddenly burst the seed, and then pressed the other side, but she vetoed this one in a blink of an eye. As the first product of the God-creating plan, Sadako knew more about herself than human analysis.

Human beings can't explain themselves, but also soul, mind, brain, thinking and many other aspects, but Sadako, everything about her is clearly written in the story, and then read by the silver tongue, she really knows nothing about herself. .

So it can't be the so-called sudden seeding in battle.

Rather than expecting it this way, it would be more reliable to think that Yi Biao left behind to secretly help yourself.

Sadako began to diverge his thinking.

Unlike Fu Jiang and Hua Ji Ji's hundred ghosts, the former's thinking is simple, either they are too lazy to think stupid, or they are living in ancient times, they don't understand modern times, and Sadako's thinking is perfect.

Before finding Yi Chou, she had lived as an independent individual for countless years.

Her essence is a collection of computer bell viruses, super powers, and ghost power, so she has a better understanding of the nature of the world than others.

Otherwise, she will not find the outsider Yi Biao from the beginning, no matter what her purpose is, but the ending is that she is out of the circle of the false world.

No one knows how many years Sadako lived before, but she must have experienced the so-called ancient and modern times.

Therefore, her thinking has no so-called limitations, and is more like a free man from this world than Yi Chao.

Sadako feels that some kind of foreign power should have interfered with himself.

Your main strength now. . The definition level should be ghosts, monsters, so-called female ghosts, so those who can strengthen themselves or influence themselves must be of the same attribute.

Negative energy, ghosts, dark energy, killing, bloodthirsty, etc. are not so wonderful energy.

As she recalled more and more carefully, Sadako found that the energy was not just directed at herself, it was more like a passing guest.

The tremendous energy is fleeting, and he is just right in its range, and can borrow some of it.

Judging in this way, the energy flowing through that moment should obviously be very large, just like it is. . It's like opening a door, for example. . Door of hell.

Sadako’s memory from the modern day made her think of a lot of things. Isn’t that what is said in comics and movies? There are always guys with brain disabilities trying to open the door to hell, and I don’t know why he is so eager to pass.

Maybe I caught up with such a thing when I was on a mission this time.

Although this is the present world, but. . Eliminate all the possibilities, even if the only answer is ridiculous, I am afraid this is the only truth.

So this had to make Sadako prepare in advance.


Just as she was thinking, the blade before her tentacles suddenly hit the ground, making a clear sound.

"Dangdang Dang!"

After changing several directions in a row, Sadako didn't insert the expected body, and after all of them were crisp, she finally raised her head and looked around.

I don't know when, all the bodies have been swept away by the two of them, and even the blood on the ground has been sucked out by the tentacles.

Hua Huaji has recovered his human form, lying on the side with no image, spreading his limbs, and his belly full, as if pregnant with a hiccup.

Although it is a monster, it is far from Huazhen Ji's power, and it is normal that it cannot absorb so many humans.

If you can’t eat, leave me some food. Are you a foodie?

Sadako growled inwardly.

In the previous battle for time gems, she was the main force, and her consumption was naturally much greater than that of Hanaji, not to mention that her strength itself surpassed that of Hanaji, but when Hanaji felt support, Sadako was still not completely satisfied.

Feeling the state of his body, Sadako frowned slightly.

She didn't suffer too much injury, so she didn't need to spend extra energy to heal herself, but it was only the loss of physical strength during the battle, and this meal only recovered about one third.

If you wait for the fatigue to relieve yourself, it will take at least a day or two. During this time, the battle will be encountered again. Even if she can explode the fighting power no less than full strength, it will not last long.

And Sadako. . I don't think I have so much time.

"So... I hope these people don't have much memory."

With a sigh, Sadako gathered up her strange shape and regained her weakness as a weak woman who seemed to fall down in a blow.


The flower married Ji who was paralyzed on the ground was stunned for a while, and she didn't seem to understand the meaning of Sadako.

Rolling his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Sadako said, "I mean, we still need to continue fishing for guys who don't open their eyes."

"This time it belongs to me, you are responsible for not letting them slip away."

"Okay...okay..." Hua married Ji said weakly.

After tidying up her clothes, Sadako found that she was all stained with blood in front of her. From a distance, she looked like a female butcher, but after a little thought, Sadako didn't remove them.

Seeing that Sadako was about to leave here, Hanaji quickly got up, her abdomen began to weaken down rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye, and within a few breaths she had become completely flat and no longer bloated.

If this scene is seen by those who are troubled by weight loss, it will definitely be ecstatic, but it is a pity that Hua Marry Ji is not an ordinary human being, but she is a kind of weird monster who can even split herself up.

Nodding, Sadako sorted out her tulle white skirt, and then stepped forward, pulling the back door of the bar in the alley and pulling it open. Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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