High Magic Earth

Chapter 1229: halfway

The Jamie and his wife are old residents near the Wildfire Bar. .

Both of them are a lot of ages. The age of sixty or seventy years can indeed be regarded as senior in the United States, but they do not live in the old age normally and live in a big house. They enjoy the occasional children to visit them. Life, but living in a **** kitchen in the most chaotic area of ​​New York, in a messy back lane of garbage.

There is nothing strange about their experience. When they were young, the two were very hot, romantic and passionate. Although they had a few children, they did not fully fulfill their parents' duties.

Later, the two gradually became old and weak, and after they were unable to work, they relied on their past savings.

Then their children quickly became another of them, disregarding others, a little selfish and selfish.

They seized the wealthy real estate and savings of the two, and then drove them out.

This is why they live in the kitchen of hell.

The two had also been here when they were young. At that time, the Hell's Kitchen was even more chaotic than it is now. The reason they came here was naturally to find excitement.

The Hell's Kitchen is a chaotic place. It is indeed very interesting to find excitement, but it is not suitable for life.

This is even more chaotic than the most chaotic slums of the time.

Although the Jamie and his wife are not good people, they work well and live a good life. They certainly don’t think they will live in hell’s kitchen.

But I didn't expect that after they got old, this thing really happened.

This day seems to be no different from the past. After the two did not have any harvest near the garbage plant, they returned to their hiding place early.

If they have anything left now, there is probably only the love between the two who has not been killed by time and cut off by reality.

Just as they had nothing to do, they were going to continue to spend the day in a daze, waiting for aging and death, but the voice came from the depths of the alley.

Although the two of them were older and their ears were deaf, the voice was so clear that it was difficult for them to ignore them.

The Jamie and his wife looked at each other, and they saw each other's puzzlement. After making eye contact, they decided to take a look.

Perhaps wild dogs and wild cats ran in, and these animals often broke into this alley while they were out.

At the end of the alley, they store a lot of food, some expired cans, bread that is about to break, and so on.

For ordinary people, these things are naturally dismissed, but for stray cats and dogs competing for food in the same garbage, these are rare delicacies.

They can't let these animals destroy their reserve grain.

When they were young, the two also liked cats, dogs, and dogs, but now, these things have no meaning in their eyes except for the hateful beasts fighting for food.

What's more, there are not many people who are killed by stray dogs. They don't want to be bitten to death by evil dogs who don't know where they came from when they slept in the middle of the night.

Take two crowbars from the gap next to the trash can, and the two trembled to the depths.

In fact, they may not be able to evict stray dogs, because if there are too many stray dogs, with the help of their old and weak bodies, I am afraid they will lose.

But as we age, death is just a matter of day and night. It makes no difference day after day, day after day.

There is nothing to be afraid of dying, maybe, dying early in the mouth of a stray dog ​​is also a relief. It is better to be so muddled every day.

It's a pity... It's the death method of being bitten to death by a dog, it seems quite painful...

The Hanks brothers did not succeed. In fact, they were doomed from the beginning.

Although Sadako and Hanamaki do not have the magical ability to be immune to all toxins, as non-human beings, their drug resistance is also very strong. At least most things that are deadly enough for humans are ineffective for them.

The Hanks brothers guessed right, and Sadako and Hanaji were not very vigilant.

After all, they are not the real killers of these populations. Although they are monsters, before that, Hua Jiji would hide in the old forest and follow eight million people from time to time to catch a few people to eat.

There are quite a few things that Sadako knows. During the period of time as a bell virus, her learning is equivalent to downloading for her. She can easily get the knowledge she wants.

But having knowledge does not mean that it can be used for action and used flexibly.

Sadako has gone through most of the professions, but she hasn’t really been a killer after all. Even if she knows a lot of details, she won’t think about it in real situations.

The two really didn't realize there was a problem with the liquid in the wine glass.

They only felt after drinking.


Yes, the Hanks brothers prepared enough medicine to put in a rhinoceros. * In the mouths of Sadako and Huajiji, they only gave them a little headache.

They did feel a little dizzy, but it was not unbearable, and it was far from the coma.

But they stunned in a sudden.

Not only did Sadako realize what was going on, but even Hua Xiaoji’s little head was alive for a while, and the new food would be delivered to her door.

Sure enough, they did not guess wrong.

It didn’t take two minutes before I fell down. Someone couldn’t wait to take me away, but Zhenzi was a little unsatisfied because there were only two people in the other party. The number was too small, let alone filling up the remaining half. Even the gap between the teeth is not enough.

What's more dissatisfied with Sadako is that after the two men carried them out of the bar, they didn't come to the small alley where they were at the back door, but tried to carry them directly home.

How can this be tolerated.

How much time will be wasted this time, the ghost knows where their home is, and they go back again, this time is enough for them to eat.

So not long after he went out, or even before he turned out of the alley, not far from the bar, Sadako and Huaji Ji decisively exposed their fangs.

Even the strong blacks could not resist, not to mention Hanks, the brother who relied on the woman.

Without even persevering for half a second, they were torn apart by their throats.

However, the food of Hua Jiji is enough, so after killing the brothers of the Hanks brothers, he did not destroy his body and left it to Sadako.

Although there are only two people, it is better than nothing.


The sound of a mouse stealing oil appeared again in this alley, except that the ground moved from the back of the bar to the main entrance of the bar not far away.

The blood ran wildly. Although there were only two bodies, it was far from the scene where the corpses ran wild in the river, but the strong smell of blood still came.

The most important thing is that it is not very safe here.

Although there is no surveillance here, it is very close to the street. As long as someone is bored or enters here unexpectedly, you can immediately see the **** and terrible scene in the alley.

For that person, the consequences are not so wonderful.

But if a little coincidence is added, for example, the situation here is known to more people, then for Sadako, the consequences are also not very beautiful.

After messing up the mission and revealing her identity, although Lucy will not treat her well, she must not think about the next mission. It is certain in the long run.

The days of staying in Neverland are not so wonderful, it is too boring.

Especially... I heard that Mr. wants to develop a new world.

Very, very interesting world.

The flesh and blood were mixed with internal organs and blood. She was swallowed by the sadako and swallowed the jujube into her stomach. She moved quickly because she could not use chewing at all. Just throw it into her abdominal cavity and open the huge mouth.

Of course, there is another reason besides that she is in a hurry.

But while Sadako was thinking about and eating the corpse, her ears suddenly moved slightly.

"Someone." She whispered to Hua Marry Ji.

The appearance of Hua Marry Ji can't speak, and can only make some strange sounds of snoring and screaming. Although the appearance of Sadako can speak, because the structure of the throat is still different from that of humans, the tone is very low, and the syllable is also Only turbid and low-pitched tone.

At this time, because of the fact that she does not need to eat, Hua Marry did not put on her singularity, but still showed the appearance of human beings.

Hearing Sadako's words, she nodded and turned to walk out.

In fact, before stepping out a few steps, Huama Ji also heard footsteps, as Zhenzi said, someone came...

At this time, Jamie and his wife were also very nervous.

Because of the sound from the deep alley, the sound of the shrill worries them very uneasy.

This sound does not seem to be able to make stray dogs and cats, it is more like some kind of beast... No, even a monster can only make a sound.

Gnawing, biting, human corpses.

I don't know why, such thoughts appeared in their minds.

When they were young, the Jamie and his wife hadn’t watched the movie less. On their 50th anniversary, the two of them went together to watch the latest release of the first part of the alien. They are not strange to monsters and alien creatures.

So at this moment they couldn't help but tremble some legs.

Strange sounds, movements like gnawing corpses, and weird smells that seem to be more and more intense, in the dark alleys of unmanned alleys and dark corners.

Everything and everything perfectly reproduce the elements of the horror film, and they are the cannon fodder at the beginning of the film, also known as the dragon set.

Often, some unlucky guys encountered alien creatures, and then directly destroyed, then led to the whole story, and finally the protagonist destroyed the monster.

So at this moment, the two couldn't help but retreat a little bit, whether... still have to take a risk and find out.

Stray cats and stray dogs really don't make such a sound. Those guys are much smarter than humans. They don't make a noise when they plan garbage, so as not to disturb people nearby to drive them out, or even throw them with stones.

The sound in the alley...strange.

"Don't... don't be afraid." Finally, old Jamie took the lead to calm down. He stepped forward slightly, protecting the elderly wife behind him, and said calmly, "Maybe...it's just that we are scaring ourselves ."


Then with a bang, a clear footstep suddenly came from the alley.

Old Jamie was terrified first, and then immediately realized that it was a person, not a monster.

Then the strange sound can be explained.

It is not surprising that humans make any sounds, because animals can only rely on instinct, but humans... obviously not only instinct.

Sure enough, the previous thought was that they were scaring themselves. There are no monsters in this world, and some can only be humans.

Within a few seconds, a Japanese woman wearing a kimono came out of the depths of the alley, and Hanaji saw the two old guys holding crowbars and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Stop, don't move on."

In fact, even if she didn't say it, old Jamie had no plans to move on.

Although humans are not as fierce as beasts, it does not mean that humans are not as dangerous as beasts. On the contrary, humans are far more terrible than beasts.

In front of me is just a seemingly weak woman, but no one can guarantee that there are any people in it, both men and women, and the two old guys are the weak side.

"Why." Old Jamie asked.

"There is our food there, and our property, who knows where the **** you are!"

But after calming down, old Jamie's greed started to happen. The Jamie and his wife were not good people at all. After spending so long in Hell's kitchen, even the last pity was abandoned.

Otherwise, they will not survive, and homeless people are also a highly competitive industry.

He first grabbed people, trying to see if he could swindle something from the woman in front of him.

This problem did make Hua Marry Ji frown slightly, and she didn't want to kill people indiscriminately, because it was close to the street and the crowded eyes, no matter whether it turned into an appearance, was a troublesome thing.

But if you don't stop the two... I'm afraid it will be more troublesome.

"Property... food..."

Hua married Ji is not an idiot, she just has a little split personality, at a critical moment, she is still very calm.

After repeating a whisper, she turned her back suddenly, and in the invisible corner of the two, her mouth suddenly opened larger than her original face, occupying her normal face.

The twitching of her teeth, like turning her face into a big vortex, or a **** hole, and then at the next moment, a purse full of unknown liquid was spitting out from her wriggling.

"Everything in it belongs to you."

She threw the wallet to old Jamie, then whispered.

But then, Huaranji frowned, because she saw the old woman looking into the alley~www.wuxiaspot.com~ trying to see what was inside.

Indifferently, Hanaji's hands sag slightly, and in the invisible shadow, her skin begins to shed, and the entire expression becomes a lot more rigid, just like... that face is no longer her face, but The mask is the same.

"What are you looking at." She whispered to the old woman.

Old Jamie was happily looking at the wallet in his hand. As soon as he got it, he opened the wallet, which contained a thick stack of cash. Although the number was not more than ten thousand, it was almost the same.

This is absolutely a huge sum of money, it is simply a fortune!

But then he noticed that the shape of the purse was worn out and somewhat crippled, not because it was discarded for too long, but more like it was corroded by something.

The wallet was covered with strange sticky liquids, and then... there were mottled blood stains that seemed scarlet.

Something strange looked at the mucus in his hand. Suddenly, old Jamie's heart snapped, because the thought of nonsense resurfaced before him, and it was very strong.

Almost instantly, the cold sweat on his forehead fell.

It happened that at this time, the question of Hua Marry Ji also came over. Old Jamie looked up and saw that the strange kimono woman was staring coldly at her wife. Her expression was very strange, not like being angry and angry. , More like a stiff numbness and indifference.

This expression does not seem to be possessed by human beings at all, but more like... using human skin to force it out.

Suddenly, the cold sweat on Old Jamie’s forehead was almost sweating, and at the same time, Huamei Ji was approaching again, with a twisted, inexplicable hate like a wife abandoned by her husband, and asked calmly .

"What are you looking at, or say...you ignored me!"

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