High Magic Earth

Chapter 1230: acting

"Really? Right?"

Hua married Ji step by step, her voice showed a weird tone, not to say that it directly broke away from the pronunciation of human throat, but that the tone was ups and downs, as if it was impossible to control it by yourself, it sounded very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

Her footsteps moved slightly before continuing to question.

"You don't care about me, your problems, or even my existence! Right!"

At the end, her voice almost became hoarse, her eyes reddened and her face pale and abnormal.

The old woman stepped back with some fear. After staying in Hell's Kitchen for so long, she saw too many things she hadn't seen before.

At this time, Hua Mu Ji looks very abnormal, just like those *gentlemen who are insane or have committed crimes due to a major blow.

These people are unreasonable, they attack you for no reason not because of maliciousness, but... they don't know what they are doing.

Old Jamie swallowed.

The sweat on his forehead rolled down like raindrops.

Old Jamie didn't want to fall back to despair immediately after seeing a glimmer of hope.

Ten thousand US dollars is definitely a huge sum for them, but it’s going to be a fate to use it. If you are in front of this guy’s abnormal behavior and fierce face, even a fool can see that Hua Jiji With malicious intent.

Even if the facts are not as outrageous as one might think, the guy in front of him also showed a very aggressive attitude.

Two-on-one, even if they are old and declining, there is a possibility of winning, but this guy seems to be not normal, this group of lunatics will not take care of others when they are crazy, this is the most troublesome place.

He should be glad that the opposite is a woman, not a strong man, otherwise they will not have to resist, and will definitely die here today.


Old Jamie also stepped back slightly, he whispered, "What do you see? She didn't see anything. We are old, and the eyes don't work. She won't see anything."

Ten thousand dollars is not much, but not much.

Although you can't buy even the cheapest house in New York, you can use it as capital and capital to do a little business and get rich again.

They don't know how long they have to live, and they don't want to make any big money. They just want to live a better life.

This 10,000 US dollar has just arrived, which is enough to change their destiny. They don't want to die like this.

So old Jamie tried to use words to appease Hua Jiji as much as possible, so as not to stimulate her, so as to avoid the other party's sudden madness.

But this seems to have little effect.

"did not see it?"

Hua Mu Ji suddenly raised her tone, as hoarse and unpleasant as some kind of broken organ.

"You are cheating me, you are cheating me again, you are cheating me all the time, you are always cheating me!"

She is completely like a lunatic, just a sentence, it seems to be ignited by the guide * the fried * barrel, Hua Jiji's question after sentence, as dense as a storm, the fastest, even herself It seemed that all the reactions were overwhelming, and the mother tongue popped out directly.

Old Jamie certainly can't understand the grunting Japanese, but from the actions, expressions, and intense attitudes of Hua Jiji, you can see that this should not be a good word.

He clenched the crowbar in his hand, for ten thousand dollars, in order not to be killed by this crazy woman...

Hua Jiji seemed to feel the old Jamie's killing intention, she suddenly calmed down.

"So, you intend to kill me, and then abandon me, right?"

But this calm, just the tranquility before the storm, is far more terrifying than the kind of hysterical she.

Because in the corner where the old Jamie and his wife can’t see, the skirt of Hanaji has started to fall off, not...like human dressing and undressing, but the appearance of clothes, her skin together form a whole, a piece of puzzle, this At this time, this puzzle is slowly cracking.

The cracked pattern reveals the strange and distorted body of Hanaji, which looks like a squid tentacle roaming in the water, but unlike the squid, it is more powerful, and the tentacles that are suddenly drawn from time to time are directly in the air A small range of sonic booms sounded in a flash.

Old Jamie was indeed old. He didn’t even hear the sound of a sonic boom. He just felt that the guy in front of him seemed even stranger, even with the surrounding environment.

Swallowing, he wasn't sure what was wrong with the woman in front of him.

But... looking at the face of ten thousand dollars, I really don't know if he should say that he is lucky or unfortunate today.

Perhaps the answer is luck?

"What are you doing?"

Because at the next moment, Hua Marry will soon be splitting his body, and when an uncontrolled appearance completely broke out, Sadako's slightly hoarse voice appeared among several people.

Almost stiff, Huama Ji stopped breaking immediately.

The skin behind her was even dressed with clothes, spliced ​​back a little bit under the guidance of the tentacles, and re-formed into a complete humanoid body, the disguise was re-arranged, and Huama Ji's expression immediately moved.


But her head seemed to be a little confused, in a state of hysterics, not very aura.

"Me?" Sadako seemed a little helpless and asked, "What am I, what's going on here."

Sadako’s hearing is much better than that of Hua Marry Ji, because she accepted the plan to create a deeper and more complete transformation of the gods. She heard the conversation outside early and didn’t want to make things bigger, so she hurried away Came out.

She was a little anxious. She didn't have enough blood to replace the juice to lubricate. After turning into a human again, her bones stuck in her throat.

So the voice looks hoarse.

Hearing the question from Sadako, Hanaji finally recovered, "They..." She was changing back to the stuttering weak image, as if everything she had done before was really just schizophrenic .

"They..." she stammered, "someone here..."

"I saw."

Sadako answered nonchalantly.

Because the Hanks brothers tried to transport them away, Sadako casually looked for an alley, which was not hidden, but when they came, there was no one in the alley.

Now there is, apparently the owner who originally lived here is back.

But I didn't think that the guy Hua Huaji was more violent, **** and direct than himself.

Sadako knows that there are some problems with the transformation of Huajiji, or that the appearance of the initial reform has such a problem. Because the first phase of the Chuangshen plan was launched, all the transformations are not perfect.

More or less, after the transformation, they cannot control themselves well, control their emotions, and control their psychological changes when they change their appearance.

Hua Marry Ji is obviously like this.

But Zhen Zi is more powerful than her after all. Under the suppression of his strength, Hua Marry Ji still regained her appearance.

"What I want to ask is, can we go now."

Sadako asked calmly when he saw that Huajiji had returned to normal.

"But... that's fine."

Hua Jiaji's eyes looked behind Zhen Zi, and crossed Zhen Zi to see the inside of the alley, where it was clean, not to mention the corpse, even a drop of blood did not stay.

"Really?" Sadako asked again. "No other questions?"

She is confirming to Hua Jiji.

Sadako does not want to cause trouble, which does not mean that she will tolerate her identity being exposed, or...cannot complete the conditions before Lucy’s departure.

Fortunately, the two didn’t see anything. If they did, they didn’t need to marry Ji Ji, and Sadako was enough.

Hua married Ji has completely calmed down.

Now that Sadako has eaten the contents, it is obvious that she didn't see anything just now, so Huamaji immediately shook her head and whispered in reply, "No...no..."

"Then let's go."

As the things in her stomach were continuously digested, Sadako who regained some physical strength was obviously a lot more energetic. She gave orders to Hua Jiji without hesitation, and then directly ignored the two old guys in front and walked out of the alley. go with.

Sadako, who has lived in the human world for more than a year, has a better understanding of human habits. In this case, there is no need to be entangled with them, nor can it be used as food anyway.

Sure enough, the two old guys in front of them did not react at all to their departure.

They held the crowbar in their hands, seemingly able to bring them a trace of courage, then stared at them, watching them gradually disappear into the alley.

Of course, more reasons might be the purse thrown out by Hanaji.

Just after the two of them disappeared at the corner of the alley exit, old Jamie suddenly slumped to the ground, feeling powerless, but then he lifted his spirits and took out the wallet that he was covering with death, as if he was a fan of money. Start counting the charming banknotes inside.

But after counting, he found that something seemed wrong.


He raised his head and saw that his old wife was still standing in the same place, and did not come over. Her level of wealth was not lower than herself. This money would improve their future lives. She should pay great attention to it.

Old Jamie was worried. He stood up and came to his wife's side.

"What's wrong with you," he said, putting his wallet close to his body, and he didn't dislike the unknown liquid on it.

But the next moment, he was taken aback by his wife.

Because of her pale face, she seemed to be seriously ill.

"I..." she said tremblingly, "I saw..."

Husband and wife are more than just talking. First, the two people who can come together must have different similarities in certain personality or traits. Second, as the two people have been in contact for longer and longer, they will not The ability to form a telepathic induction, but because of the understanding of the behavior and habits of both parties, they will become more and more tacit.

Even... synchronization of thoughts.

This is a potential impact.

The same goes for the old Jamie and his wife.

Not only does old Jamie have excellent acting skills, his wife is also absolutely first-rate acting, in fact, she has long seen the situation behind Hua Marry Ji.

At that time, Sadako hadn't finished eating the body. The blood and gnawing rendered the alley into a miserable state of human hell.

The old woman immediately realized that she had done a stupid thing.

She was going to be killed by her curiosity, even...bringing her husband.

But her reaction was even faster than that of old Jamie. Perhaps it was due to the fact that her death was getting closer and closer. She didn’t panic a lot, nor did she change her face scared by the situation inside.

After being taken aback, she really chose to ignore.

Sure enough, Hua married Ji was not sure what she saw, or even did not see it.

It wasn't until the two left now that she was completely paralyzed and relaxed, no matter what that scene was, no matter what the world had become, but since she saw it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it anymore... Denied the facts.


Old Jamie deserves to be the one who knows his wife best. After half a second, she understood what she meant, but his heart also showed a curiosity involuntarily.

What did she see?

But old Jamie’s answer is destined to be unanswered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because after he finished, he suddenly felt that some kind of liquid seemed to fall to his head in the sky, and he touched it strangely. , But found more and more.

Then he saw his wife staring dullly at the top.

The neck was stiff, like a rusty screw. Old Jamie lifted his neck a little bit, and then... he saw Huazhenko huddled up above the two.

Like a human-faced spider, her limbs cracked, spreading countless tentacles, connected to the wall of the alley like a big net, and her head extended strangely, staring at the two below Man, a large mouth full of gears and mouthparts slowly stirred.

"See? That is a pity."

At the next moment, her huge body jumped down suddenly. With two screams, the alley was soon shrouded in darkness. ...

A moment later, Huamei Ji, who was looking at the wind around the corner of the alley, felt that someone came out behind her. She looked back, and it was Zhenzi's half face that came and went from darkness to darkness.

"Did you get it done?" Hua-married Ji asked with her head down.

"Of course." Sadako smiled. "Now, I promise they will see nothing."

This is natural because the dead cannot speak.

In fact, this matter is just a small episode for the two of you. The monster and the ghost are always different from each other. Death has an extraordinary meaning for human beings, but in the eyes of Sadako, maybe only two self-investments Net food.

It didn't even take long for the two of them to completely forget about the incident, and after leaving their heads, they walked to the bar again with a laugh.

However, Sadako was still troubled, but she was troubled by another thing, that is... I don’t know if I can continue to catch those stupid food in the bar this time.

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