High Magic Earth

Chapter 1231: Conservation and cost

In fact, as Sadako worried, the following hunting operation was not so smooth.

Seeing her once again seemingly plain and came back from outside the bar, and back to the main entrance, the staff at the door saw the two people's eyes as if they saw a ghost.

Well, in a sense, they did see ghosts.

But they didn't know what happened in the unmanned alley outside the bar.

They had asked their bosses about these two women before, but anyone who can open a bar in Hell's Kitchen is not a big deal as long as it's not the police.

The owner of the bar didn't even lift his eyelids and told them to deal with it, don't cause trouble. When we opened the bar instead of the hospital, we hung up the phone.

The unlucky duty officer discussed with his head for half a day, and decided to go public.

The two women are neither troubled nor deliberately pleased. They will not remind others in the bar, will not stop the people in the bar, but will not help the two women.

If both parties find the bar, whoever sounds reasonable, they stand on the side of the truth.

It's not that they are getting more timid, but as a bar operator, it doesn't make sense for them to participate in these things, because in any case, in the end, it is still a bar.

But... since the two of them were taken away by the Hanks brothers, I'm afraid they can't come back.

The names of these two brothers are very loud in this area. In fact, at least one-tenth of the *girls in the Hell's Kitchen were shipped through their hands.

Even if these two chicks are very powerful, after being tied up, their hands and feet are different from ordinary women.

So when Sadako and Hanaji go back to the bar again, the guards at the door will be surprised and almost drop their eyes.

They silently gave way, no one blocked, and no one came forward to ask curiously.

The atmosphere in the bar is almost the same.

When the two of them entered the gate, the whole bar was quiet for a moment. In such a noisy and chaotic situation, this is extremely incredible.

Many old customers who are familiar with the two have bowed their heads, silently drank their own wine, not to see them, and then some chose to leave, those who did not leave but chose to stay, did not seem to plan to happen to the two. Intersection.

This situation is very obvious, so it quickly aroused the curiosity of other unknown people.

They whispered whispering to the people next to them, exploring the difference between the two women.

So... the difficulty is indeed much greater.

In the nearly two and a half hours after the two returned to the bar, neither one tried to come up and talk again.

The unclear disappearance of the two groups made everyone realize that these are two thorny roses, and the most important thing is that the two groups are completely missing.

If it’s okay to die, there is no shortage of fierce guys who kill more people than others, but this is the most troublesome thing.

But the most indispensable part of the bar is people.

As the two sat quietly in their seats without any intention of making trouble, many people gradually began to forget them.

Human beings are never short of people who don't know what to do.

After more than half an hour, there was another batch of newcomers. The guys who didn't know what happened here found the two and tried to threaten them out.

Hanaji and Sadako certainly work together. Similarly, only the two of them returned to the bar.

Twice, three times, four times...

For nearly two hours, Zhenzi and Huajiji went out four times, scattered, and they devoured nearly twenty people.

With such a huge number, even the big stomach king Sadako seems to be somewhat satisfied.

As it happens, the real trouble came at this time.

"and many more."

Once again, the guys who came to the door swallowed it clean. Sadako felt that she was full, but she finally encountered such a rare opportunity, and she was going to give herself some snacks.

But she just walked back to the bar with Hua Ji Ji, she immediately stopped Hua Ji Ji.

Someone in front, or... police.

A few blocks away, Sadako had seen a police car parked in the distance. Three policemen were sitting inside, staring at the entrance of the bar.

Sadako was keenly aware that they seemed to be waiting for themselves.

Whatever the reason, she didn't intend to have a relationship with this troublesome guy.

Even if the people who slaughtered the whole bar were not troubled by the police, the few people in that kind of gray area would seriously investigate. Even if everyone died, the police would soon find that the clues were broken. Will give up.

However, if it is directly targeted by the police, it is equivalent to having an intersection with the US government.

This is undoubtedly the worst kind of situation for Sadako and Hanagaki who want to hide their existence.

Fortunately, no one realizes Sadako's true identity. She is not a human being, but a monster. She can even find that someone is squatting herself a few blocks away.

Realizing this, she immediately took Hua Jiji and turned away.

The task is the first goal, and then the identity is hidden. Sadako’s energy has been replenished, and she no longer needs food, but in fact, even if she needs it, she will not enter the bar at the risk of exposing her identity.

Of course, there will be no objections to Hua Marry Ji, and the end result is that the two will soon disappear in the neighborhood near the bar, and no traces of what once existed can be found.

They avoided the camera very carefully, because as long as the fixed evidence of the image was not left, even if the guy who had seen their face was found, the police could not find where they were.

Could they still be found in Neverland.

As the two left, the police officers who had heard the news were destined to be empty.

But...as Yi Biao fears, everything comes at a price, especially magic.

Mass needs to be conserved, as is energy. For example, Sadako, her attack needs to consume physical strength, strength, and energy. After consumption, she needs to eat to supplement.

In the same way, the power of appearance is really just need to eat to supplement it.

It's the silver tongue's plan to create God's transformation that gave Sadako the power. She didn't know the principle of silver tongue. She only knew that Yi Xiao gently read everything and they became real.

But...if that is the case, even if it becomes real, then where does the energy of the silver tongue come from?

I'm afraid this is not even known to Yi Huo. ...

The unmanned alley is filled with the smell of decay, like some kind of decaying corpse is buried deep underground.

The garbage alley where the old Jamie and his wife had lived has regained its silence. There is no sign of human activity.

Only the wallet on the ground with a little unknown liquid and scarlet blood was open, revealing a thick stack of US dollars, indicating that there was a pair of wanderers here, and also waiting for the next lucky one to find out it.

The so-called food reserves deep in the alley were also destroyed.

Sadako certainly does not move these rotten breads, canned foods and the like that are about to expire. Although she can eat ordinary human food, the energy recovery is very slow.

In this case, why should you eat these junk foods, is it better to buy better?

But with the departure of Sadako and Hanaji, some once trembling under their breath, stray dogs and stray cats who fled far away came back here again, even including mice.

They quickly snatched up the food that was about to decay, and then only a few mice were still fighting with their front teeth and tin cans.

The sense of smell of mice is very sensitive, humans can not smell the smell of cans, but they can.

They knew there was something delicious inside.

But all of a sudden, the mice stopped moving in unison, as if realizing something, their small ears were shaking rapidly, as if listening.

The next moment, they finally heard what it was, but it was too late.

"Zi -!"

Invisible energy fluctuations instantly scanned every corner of the alley, and then suddenly converged. It was compressed into a black sphere, like a black hole. As in the case of the Terminator, the energy began to suddenly release.

Huge air waves and whirlwinds appeared in the alley, and the rats began to chatter and flee everywhere.

Fortunately, some of the more distant, faster-running mice quickly left this terrible zone, but some unlucky guys could not escape the shackles of invisible energy and were attracted into the air.

They squeaked, but it made no sense, because the next moment, they were pulled into the black ball, and they became dead.

There was no trace left.

The black ball became deeper and deeper, more and more unstable, as if it was about to explode, but in the end it did not explode. I don’t know how long it took, and the black ball suddenly disappeared.

Just like when it appeared.

The invisible wave glanced again at every corner of the alley, suppressed the rolled up waves and waves, and restored the alley to calmness in the blink of an eye.

As if nothing happened.

But... a moment later.

"Zi-Zi -"

It seems that some kind of old TV signal quits the bad figure, with a blur and shaking, a faint figure gradually appears in the place where the black ball disappears. ...

Star Federation Agent: Tiliva.

Affiliation: Strong barrier Hanaburg.

Affiliated department: ghost agent.

"Here is the floating insect, call control center, call control center."

Tiliva tapped on the hidden communicator at her cochlea with her fingers, while calling the Federal Control Headquarters boringly.

Her jump seemed to be unexpected. After a short space jump, she found that she seemed to be out of the base.

Not only that, she appeared in a completely strange area.

Miss Tiliva didn’t realize what kind of amazing changes happened here before she appeared, because the abrupt appearance of the black hole, and the abrupt disappearance, directly sorted out all traces, calm, and could not make people realize There used to be an energy source like a black hole.

Even Tiliva Energy Detector gave no hint.

She thought that she was just a short space jump, and then there was an accident, perhaps a distance error, and then came to this place, anyway, ghost agents often have similar problems, right?

At this time she did not realize that things were far more bizarre than she thought.

In response to her request, the control center did not respond.

Tiliva is not surprising at all, because the place is a waste.

Because Ghost Agents possess singular energies beyond the control of ordinary humans, they have the ability to jump without using any space equipment.

But humans don’t have the precision and standardization of machines after all, so it’s common for ghost agents to have accidents.

And often the control center can't count on it, because sometimes they will jump a long distance, or even jump from this end of the planet to that end.

While vomiting the uselessness of the control center, Tiliva looked at her surroundings.

The more she looked, the more strange she felt.

Although she looks very young, the ghost agent's life is very long, much longer than ordinary people, of course, the premise is that the ghost agent is sufficiently elite ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can live in countless dangerous missions Down.

So ghost agent looks young, does not mean really young.

Tiliva is an experienced agent. With her eyes, she quickly judges that the surrounding environment is...

"This is...before the establishment of the Star Federation?...No, it's the old Federation...No, it's the architecture style of the ancient century, which was still early before entering the interstellar age."

"Hanaborg still has such a place, why can't I remember that there is..."

"Still say... there are still unexplored places in Hanaburg."

Compared to the latter, Tiliva feels more likely to be the former.

There are a lot of rich people in Hanaburg. It might not be surprising that a guy with nostalgic psychology created such a large virtual city.

Tiliva only hoped that this guy had better not find his unsolicited, of course, even if it did, it didn't matter, and few people dared to find ghost agent trouble.

But after leaving the alley and walking a certain distance forward, Tiliva decisively discovered that something was wrong.

She heard the human voice, "Zi-" professional habits, Tiliva entered the invisible state, and not only that, she also found that the humans in front seemed abnormal.

That's why she realized it was wrong.

According to the response of the probe, these people are very weak. Not only that, they do not have the ring-star antibody universally popularized by everyone in the Federation, and there is no trace of messy gene completion.

It can be said that their bodies are very pure, and they live on the moon more than those batches, claiming to be the closest to the parent star, and even purer than the first generation closest to the pure man.

Compared with these guys in front of me, those first-generation people are like a gap between ghost agents and ordinary people. The traces left by the gene completion in the body are immediately visible.

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