High Magic Earth

Chapter 1232: Unknown source

Ringstar antibodies, federal antibodies, special combat antibodies, and three types of antibodies are all created to adapt to a planet that is not suitable for human landing. They change humans and adapt to the surroundings that are not friendly to humans, bacteria, fungi, or Other strange and strange creatures.

Most of these antibodies are time-sensitive, even if they are not, you can use reverse engineering to remove foreign antibodies in the body. Although it is a little troublesome to clean them, it is not impossible. Humans may not have these antibodies in the body, which is not surprising. , But there is no trace of genetic completion, it is very abnormal.

Genes are inherited.

In the era when genetic engineering had just started and began to develop vigorously, many people had more or less received genetic completion and immature genetic modification.

Although there are some small aspects, such as hair color, pupil color, nail color, etc., they still leave indelible marks in the body.

Although the risks of these small aspects of genetic modification are not large, they still exist because genes are a very uncontrollable existence.

The old federal government halted the plan urgently, and completely banned the act of personal completion and modification of genes.

But it has not been completely terminated, only from individual control to old federal control.

During that period, a lot of weird genetically modified warriors were born. Some succeeded. They became the most powerful warriors in mankind, but some also failed. They became inhuman and beasts, and became a sad victim.

The genetic engineering at that time was almost fully mature, but after the transformation, more of them were the victims. They were uninterested. In the long stream of annihilation and time, in addition to the old federal database, the number was recorded. No one even knows the name.

At that time, the old federation did not realize the danger of genetic modification.

When they realized it was too late.

What is the most dangerous place in genetic engineering.

It is not the moment when the genes are complemented or modified in the human body, but just after it succeeds.

At that time, the genetic technology was almost perfect. If you want to make your finger longer, you will never make it wider. Even if each person’s gene is different, it can be re-adapted according to each different human, reaching everyone. Both have their own genetic data.

At that time, the risk of genetic engineering was the lowest, and there were few accidents.

The failed gene warriors are not low-level mistakes because of the immaturity of the project. They are themselves the pilots of the new project. Although genetic engineering was perfect at that time, it was constantly expanding its own field.

Facing a new field, the experiment will naturally not have the low risk of successful experiments, and accidents will emerge.

And for the citizens of the old federal, all of them were completely mature technologies at that time.

But... the problem with the gene completion program is not here.

At that time, all the outstanding scientists did not realize a possible problem, that is, the hidden danger of genetic inheritance.

Modifying the color of the nails is not a big problem, making the toes longer, so as to increase the grip and running faster is not a problem, but if the other half of his modified genes happen to be short toes, their next generation will appear what is the problem.

This is just the simplest assumption.

Scientists at that time almost interpreted the meaning of all human genes. Those who have not yet been interpreted, naturally no one will touch it.

They did consider the possible problems of heredity, and the answer was that they would only be inherited for one or two generations, and then the human body would be repaired naturally, without rejection and conflict.

And the technologies used at the time were all modern genetic modifications that would not be inherited,

But the fact is obviously not that simple.

The number of genes in the human body is originally very large, but when they are combined in pairs, or even combined together, the number is even more suffocating.

Gene conflicts broke out.

It was the first catastrophe after mankind entered the interstellar age, and also declared the end of the old federal era.

I don’t know from which generation of human beings, more and more strange and intractable diseases have appeared on humans, and this is already the best result.

More gene conflicts show changes in appearance, forming deformed people, hands become animal paws, etc. Inner convenience is expressed in multiple hearts, kidneys, or even the lungs of birds and beasts.

Such people often do not live long, the former will be better, most of the latter died after birth.

But the number of people suffering from gene conflict is too much.

According to old federal records, at least 7% of newborns had genetic conflicts after birth.

Humanity will even face faults.

In this case, the old federation urgently stopped all genetic engineering, whether it is an enterprise or an individual laboratory, all of which were blocked by the old federation.

The old federation tried to repair the sheep, but the effect was not very good, and the hasty, ignoring the decision of the people* also laid a serious hidden danger for the dissolution of the old federation.

Genetic researchers have tried to reverse genetic engineering and unlock human genetic code locks, but they found this to be an extravagant hope.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Old Federation, it took hundreds of years for countless researchers in the field of genes to completely unlock the secrets of the human genetic door. The time is long, and even the original human genetic samples have disappeared.

But now, with gene completion and the addition of new genes, all genetic changes are rising exponentially.

It has more than doubled, just like the relationship between the chessboard and the rice grains. It is an astronomical figure to want to control all the manifestations of gene conflict.

So the researchers gave up.

In the face of this desperate number, and at the request of the old federal government, they gave up tracing the origin of genes and restrained gene mutations from the source, and instead carried out a way to demolish the east wall and make up the west wall.

That is, there is a new list of genetic mutations, they make a repair, and then record it.

The project is proceeding very slowly.

It even lasted for generations.

At this point, the records of the old federation and the star federation are very vague, because this is the beginning of the disintegration of the old federation, and no one is willing to publish the secret situation at that time.

Even Ghost Agents do not have permission to inquire.

However, according to Tiliva's judgment, genetic engineering at the time was a large field that everyone participated in. The developed genetic technology allowed every citizen of the old federation to participate, ranging from large enterprises across several planets to small personal genes. Modified shop shop.

The old federal comprehensive ban on genetic engineering directly caused the economic collapse of the time.

Although this is for the future of mankind not to be extinct, the direct impact of the economy is also very heavy.

And for decades, the old federation did not completely control the genetic mutation, and many citizens of the old federation were already dissatisfied with the federation at that time.

As a group of exogenous gene conflicts have gradually matured and formed combat effectiveness, the conflict between the two has intensified.

Many people with genetic conflicts who possess the eyes, claws, running power and jumping power of beasts are natural fighters. Of course, they are only a few, and more are sad mutants who cannot survive normally.

These people joined the organization against the old Federation, so that there was finally a point of resistance between the two forces.

Tiliva knew so much.

More deeds, some Tiliva learned from the virtual experience to adapt the story.

For example, at that time, a foresight scientist had been aware of the hidden dangers during the first generation of genetic modification, and then persuaded the old federation to ignore it. Finally, he could only collect genetic information by himself, and finally joined the resistance army. The story of a member of the Star Federation.

Or maybe a handsome genetic conflicter is killing the Quartet on the battlefield, and finally has the experience of returning to the beauty.

Of course, Tiliva is not interested in beauty.

In short, the disintegration of the Old Federation and the establishment of the Star Federation were a long time. The Old Federation did have many wrong instructions at the time, but there were also many valuable places.

In any case, they are all past tense.

Now that the Star Federation has been established, the biggest problem facing mankind is no longer a genetic conflict. More and more problems appear among humans, and with the development of the planet, many unknown organisms have finally appeared.

They are the most dangerous enemies now.

The Star Federation is no less problematic than the Old Federation, because the disintegration of the Old Federation left them a mess.

Because the number of genetic conflicts is increasing and wars are intensifying, many planets have moved away from the old federation, and the entire family has moved to other planets that are not in the federal record, but have been found to be suitable for human survival.

These planets are very far away, there are no records in many old federations, it is very difficult to find.

And with the passage of time, many planets have gradually lost contact with the old federation, even with the star federation.

They gradually forgot their past and the records of the two federations, some because of the resources, which led to the lack of energy in the machine, and some because of the war, which destroyed the database that recorded these things.

They are large and small, resembling Xing Luo, scattered and living in the universe.

The Star Federation is only the largest of them, inheriting most of the property of the old Federation.

In addition, there are many smaller scales such as Galaxy Empire, Universe Federation and so on.

However, the disintegration of the old federation is not without benefits. At least after the big problems in the genetic field, many of the planets after the disintegration united and developed their own unique technologies.

Some are in a daze in the electrical energy field, while others are in other energy fields.

In short, all kinds of ghost agents are the characteristics of the Star Federation.

And because the distribution of humans has begun to diverge, the progress of exploration of the universe has also greatly increased. As for the Star Federation, the Star River Empire Universe Federation and the like have no conflicts with each other...

It would have happened, but the emergence of unknown creatures saved humanity.

In the face of non-known creatures, mankind has shown unprecedented solidarity, and the dark clouds of war disappeared without a trace, and began to be unanimously outward.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Many planets suitable for human survival will give birth to life. At present, there are not many discoveries, but there are about a dozen of them.

There are strong ones and weak ones.

Not long ago, Tiliva also heard that the Star Federation found another creature on the planet, which is a very interesting and ugly big guy.

They are very fast, have great power, and have thick skins. Their long tails and tentacles are very sharp, and they can easily cut humans in half.

It sounds nothing unusual.

In fact, the only interesting thing about them is that their appearance glows at night. Tubular channels like blood vessels cover their surfaces. At night, they glow red and scarlet, like fluorescence, beautiful and mysterious. .

It's hard to imagine that such a beautiful creature at night would be the ugly big guy during the day.

Anyway, at present the Star Federation is no less troublesome than the old Federation at the time, the existence of the Galaxy Empire, the existence of the universe Federation, because of the disintegration of the interstellar predator that appeared in the old Federation, as well as new energy changes, intellectual crisis, non-known creatures Wait, a lot of trouble.

And... gene conflict is still threatening humanity.

Although their number is very scarce, they still exist.

After the establishment of the Star Federation, a new solution to the gene conflict was immediately adopted. They tried to reproduce the original human genes directly from beginning to end by searching for the original human gene combination.

This is also a big project. First of all, the original genes of humans have long been absent, and even the genes of the old federal period are very scarce and incomplete.

It is not enough to have one or two human genes. Genes need a huge comparison process~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At least a scale that can form a database.

The second is engraving genes, which is also a very difficult thing. In a sense, engraving genes is also a modification of genes. Returning the mutated genes back to the original genes also has many risks.

The human body does not know what genes are correct. They are already familiar with the genes after the mutation. Although they will cause serious damage to life, the genes are not conscious and will not realize this.

Modifying them to the original genes, in a sense, is not much different from complementing and modifying the original genes at that time.

Fortunately, the genetic engineering of the old Federation is superb. Although it is difficult, it is not impossible to solve.

The problem that really cannot be bypassed is the lack of original genes.

After a long time, the Star Alliance now has controlled the gene conflict, but everyone knows that it has not been completely resolved. It is still accumulating. After a certain generation, it will still erupt, and... Increasingly difficult to control.

The Star Federation has recovered the appearance of most of the original genes through multi-party collection and reverse engineering, but there is still a small part that is also a core part that cannot be reversed.

Tiliva's database records genetic data, such as the genes of the first generation on the moon.

They were specially selected and kept as genetic samples. Because they are the closest to the home planet of all human origins, they are also called the first generation.

These guys should theoretically be the closest to the original gene in the entire Star Federation, that is, the person with the least genetic modification.

But after Tiliva's quick comparison, there are at least a thousand genes that are different from each other, and this is only the initial external scan of the detector.

The number... is simply amazing.

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