High Magic Earth

Chapter 1233: attack

Where is this?

Even Tiliva, a ghost agent, couldn't help getting nervous.

Ghost Agent is one of the trump cards of the Star Federation. There are very few humans who can control that strange energy, and not everyone is suitable for being an agent.

So the number of ghost agents has always been in the trough.

The ghost agents are very powerful. They have experienced hundreds of battles and have extremely rich combat experience and powerful combat effectiveness. This comprehensive combat strength from many aspects makes their survivability very tenacious.

It can be said that each of the existing ghost agents in the Star Federation has experienced countless missions, and it has been registered in the Galaxy Empire and the Universe Federation.

Except that some confidential information is still unknown, these ghost agents’ combat methods, effective styles, and even their hobbies and personalities are almost all figured out. They even have their own codenames, of course, they are theirs. The enemy gave them.

It's not that Star Federation's security work is too bad, but that ghost agents have been around for too long.

As a combat unit that should obviously be a system, such a situation can occur, even if it is nicknamed by the enemy one by one, it is enough to show that the number of ghost agents is rare... and powerful.

Each ghost agent is a cherished resource of the Star Federation.

Few people dare to find the trouble of a ghost agent, not only because of the powerful fighting power of the ghost agent itself, but also because of this, just wait for the endless pursuit of the Star Federation and other ghost agents.

But now Tiliva is a little nervous because she feels that her ghost agent may not be able to protect her.

She understands the value of these pure people.

Although the ghost agent is powerful, the star destroyer is also a cannon, and it can only run away in vain when it encounters a complete army.

In recent years, the majority of ghost agents have relied on the reputation of the past and the particularity of the Star Federation. No one dares to find their trouble.

Of course, this is useless to the enemy, but it can be a good way to infest the worms and Xiaoxiao inside the Star Federation.

There are disputes where there are people, and the Star Federation is not as calm as it looks.

Most people will not dare to find the trouble of a ghost agent, but there are exceptions when the interests and values ​​are sufficiently touching, such as... these pure people.

Because Tiliva knew the value of these people, she was nervous.

If these people are just undetected, as long as she brings this news back to the Star Federation, then the more specific distribution of interests is not her business, nor does it involve her.

The most troublesome... is that these pure people are cultivated, no matter what secret experiment or private illegal research, it will be quite troublesome.

Although the gene conflict has been controlled, it still haunts the Star Federation. Everyone knows that it is accumulating, and there will be a day when it will break out again sooner or later.

And these pure human genetic samples can make a qualitative leap in reverse genetic engineering projects, and it is not impossible to completely solve the genetic conflict.

After mastering them, they can become one of the major giants of the Star Federation, not only in terms of money, but because everyone has the hidden danger of genetic conflict, they can also gain a considerable voice in the Star Federation.

"What planet is this..."

Tiliva murmured to herself.

She no longer feels that she is still building strong barriers in Hanaburg. There should be no such place on the planet. Her combat database records all the terrain of Hanaburg. From the time she appeared here until now, If the relevant terrain data is recorded in the database, then it can be compared.

But the answer given by the data center is that there are no similar locations.

As for this is the undeveloped area of ​​Hanaburg, it is impossible.

Hanaburg is one of the logistics battlefields of the Star Federation. It belongs to a planet with more than 90% of the development field, and most of the remaining 10% is in the ocean.

If you are now on the bottom of the sea, Tiliva can believe that you have encountered the undeveloped 10%.

But... obviously not.

At this time, Tiliva did not realize that she was doing something big. She just felt that she had encountered a very common space jumping accident. However, she may jump a little longer than the highest record of the ghost agent-from This side of the planet jumped to the other side.

She jumped directly to another planet.

Then she discovered the existence of pure humans here. The former is not a trouble. The accident of the space transition is not a big problem as long as it does not cause dysfunction, but the latter... is a real trouble.

Money is moving.

This truth will never be outdated, even in the interstellar era that is placed thousands of years later.

But the same...


Tiliva shook the Youneng rifle, the armor automatically entered the state of self-defense, the energy operation of the whole body started, and she always kept the simulation of the surrounding environment to hide herself. She was ready to fight, and the ghost agent would never be afraid. challenge.

But... these guys are best not the product of secret experiments or personal illegal experiments, which will save a lot of trouble.

Agent Ghost is not afraid of challenges, but Tiliva doesn't want to let her holiday break. ...

There was no sound under his feet, except that the ground was used as a borrowing point, and Tiliva was careful not to touch anything.

Every minute trace of the slightest trace may expose oneself, in the field of infiltration, ghost agents are definitely the best.

Because when necessary, they can even use space jumps to make short jumps. Indeed, there are now more advanced instruments that can detect the peculiar singular energies of ghosts that have never reached the alarm effect, but they are expensive and not available to anyone. .

In more than ten seconds, Tiliva had walked all the small alleys around her. After the terrain exploration was completed, she jumped away from the crowd and jumped to the tallest building nearby.

Ghost Agent’s physical strength far exceeds the limits of ordinary humans. Tiliva can support the full weight of her body with just a few fingers. She looks like a dexterous hawk, with her arms grabbing those unremarkable dents as a borrow. With a little effort, a few ups and downs reached the roof.

At this moment, she stood at the same height as some guys who liked parkour in the Middle Ages.

Through the continuous spread of the scanner, she quickly made an overview of the terrain and situation within a few kilometers.

Then... she finally realized that she seemed to think things simple.

"God...what the **** did I come to."

Looking at the results on the scanner, Tiliva couldn't help but frown. What did she see? Are the square boxes running on the ground the legendary floating cars, but why do you always feel obedient, Tiliva remembers the history book? There are no four wheels in the recorded suspension vehicle, and no wheels are the sign of the suspension vehicle. These four are not like a ghost.

And there are those, are those... places to eat, why are there such places, or why there are guests in such places.

Tiliva felt a bit dizzy. She saw too many things she didn't know in a flash, just like she came into a completely strange world.

There is no trace of the star federation, not even a trace... the shadow of the existence of the old federal technology.

Although the old federation is disintegrated, its influence still exists. After all, all traces of technology today are left over from the old federation. Even after a long time of rapid progress and unrecognizable features, the faint shadow can still be recognized.

Style is hard to change. After all, the Old Federation is just a human organization. Even if it disintegrates, humans are still those humans.

Whether it is the Star Federation, the Star River Empire, the Universe Federation, or those small planets that have not been recorded, and even have been disconnected from the Great Federation, no matter what they are good at, antimatter or dark energy, or primitive energy, wind, wind, etc., They all have the shadow of the old federation.

As independent small planets have been discovered in recent years-after all, the technology of the old Federation was not smart, even if Gao Ming was not as good as now, they could not escape far. As the territory of the Star Federation continued to expand, they were discovered Of course, not surprisingly, and in order to deal with these things, the ghost agent's personal terminal is also equipped with a newest function.

They can quickly understand the target planet through data intrusion, and compare with the original technology tree of the old federation to determine how long their technology has improved and how long they have lost contact with the old federation.

Tiliva has used this feature several times.

Because not every small planet discovered is willing to be integrated into the large collective of Star Federation, especially those small planet leaders and controllers.

Of course, in addition to their unwillingness to hand over their rights, they also did not know the horror of ghost agents.

Under the threat of non-known species, the Star Federation is not willing to make a big deal with fellow human beings, so it sends ghost agents to let them use the best, deadly means.

Tiliva has performed such a task.

At that time, the personal terminal analyzed the degree of the other party's technology, and thus judged the possible anti-reconnaissance technology, which brought a lot of convenience to Tiliva's infiltration.

But now...it didn't respond at all.

This means that there is no technological style of the old Federation.

There are only two possibilities for this to happen. Either it is completely separated from the old federation, it existed in the old federation period, but it has never been discovered, and it is separated from the independent residence of the old federation.


It existed earlier than before the old federation.

All the technology styles in the terminal are written by the old federation, and the technologies that can be previewed are also the technology afterwards.

Faced with these two options, Tiliva instinctively leans towards the latter.

Although this is incredible, although this... is almost crazy.

Star Federation has many advanced technologies, such as ultra-long-distance transmission, different space jumps, etc. Although it is very immature, each item is completely enough to cause outrageous big*.

The same is true of the Galaxy Empire and the Commonwealth Federation, even those scattered small planet alliances have their own pressure box bottoms, not to mention them.

When I have never heard of it... There is any force that has made leaps and bounds in the study of time.

Humankind's understanding of time does not seem to have much progress. For countless years, it seems to have been standing still, let alone changing the speed of time and so on.

Someone who has been popular for a long time has predicted that the time machine will appear, but when he succeeds, all future generations will die, and the so-called time machine will not appear.

The reason of an agent told Tiliva that she was definitely not experiencing the ridiculous phenomenon of passing time. There must be some details that were ignored by her, and there must be something that could be explained.

But again, the instincts from the agent told her that her judgment was correct.

Many buildings, machines, strange markers that she doesn’t recognize, those wheels that are very similar to suspension vehicles, and the particularity of the human body’s genes here, as well as those used to sell food and other buildings that are not clear. Tell her vaguely.

This is a period of unrecorded human beings, she is in a lost era.

Although very, very incredible, but... everything is giving her this feeling.

And it gets stronger and stronger.

"Floating insects... this is floating insects, the last call to the control center... you **** tm gave me a reaction!"

The next moment, the energy in Tiliva's eyes flashed and the whole person became calm instantly.

"Record all the data that can be collected here." She said to her personal terminal, "I want to understand the world thoroughly."

After talking about it, she jumped from the high building. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Tiliva did not lift her invisibility. She passed on conventional combat uniforms, not special infiltrated equipment, and could not change her appearance on her own.

The current dress is too out of place for this era. She needs to borrow two pieces of clothing from this era to disguise herself.

Came here because of an accident, so Tiliva had no mission.

All she needs to do now is to understand and integrate here, unconsciously, grasp the information here, find out why she came here, and... find a way to go back.

Or... other secrets she didn't know. ...

Time is always an unknown realm. It is powerful, mysterious, and even the most powerful gods dare not touch it.

Because you can never know if you are correct, and you can never prove whether you have changed the time.

It is unknown that it will always exist, and it will always be wrapped in a multiverse, so no one can know whether everything you do in time is true.

Humans often say that time will prove everything, and this is indeed the case. Time is the best catalyst and the best medicine.

But I'm afraid it can't work on itself, just like the doctor does not heal himself.

Tiliva's judgment is correct. Time is a mysterious field and will not be controlled by humans. She cannot travel through time, and there is no special place for time to pay special attention to her and let her pass through.

Tiliva may never have thought that her appearance, her arrival, and even her existence all originated from an attack.

Not from the attack of human beings, the human beings of this world, the human beings of her world, nor from her own, but from the blow of the entire multiverse and the whole multidimensional world.

Just like Yi Chou worried.

Everything needs a price, and the price always exists.

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