High Magic Earth

Chapter 1234: From where

"What it is?"

With arms in her arms and a serious face sitting in front of the mind projection, the pretending queen-like Lucy suddenly frowned, and she noticed that some kind of majestic energy suddenly appeared in New York City.

This energy is something she has never seen before.

In other words, there is no record in Lucy's database, and Yi Chao has never seen anything like this.

Magic intelligence is much more convenient than artificial intelligence. If artificial intelligence does not have an external assistant or interface, it can transform its own control center from data to affect the physical world. So to put it bluntly, the entire artificial intelligence is a high-end processor, and there is no other. effect.

But magic intelligence is different.

Even if there is no robot for use, or any other collection processor, the magic intelligence itself is still a powerful semi-magic creature.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it can throw away several streets of artificial intelligence on its own.

Quickly screened out some magic from the knowledge reserve that Yi Xiao recorded for her. Lucy flicked her finger, and then passed several mysterious mysteries in the air.

"Bring them to me..."

She whispered in some unknown language.

It is true that the magic of the magic text has learned and gained in the large library of the ruins of Oz, but he does not often use these partial magic.

After all, human beings are not machines, and they cannot take everything into consideration.

The number of times Mowen Yihou has used it is sporadic to few, and the existing magic at hand is difficult to achieve the effect. Perhaps it is a very troublesome situation, he will start to think about whether there are other solutions, and thus think of Mowen , Or some other less commonly used magic.

Otherwise, of course, he first thought of those areas where he was best at.

But magic intelligence is different, after all, she bears the name of intelligence.

Yi Xiao recorded most of her magical knowledge through a meditation basin. Just like using U disk to transfer data, Lucy will naturally integrate the data to filter out the most suitable magic.

For Yi Biao, some magic is not commonly used, although it is difficult to remember from time to time is one reason, the other is something like Mowen, he just took a glance at the ancient sheepskin hand, Learned a rough idea, but if you are proficient, you certainly can't reach it.

But in Lucy's eyes, they are the same.

The memory transmitted by the meditation basin is like a USB flash drive. If there is no data, it may be ignored. As long as Yi Biao has read it, even if it is only the afterglow, it will be perfectly excavated by the meditation basin and then absorbed by Lucy. .

There is no possibility that human instinctively put it in the subconscious, which is rarely used and thought.

In some partial-door magic, Lucy uses more skill than Yi Chou.

If the silver tongue is not a magic that cannot be learned, I am afraid that if it is more magical, no one will win.

The magic text forms new magic in the air, and then bursts out suddenly, spreading to the entire twisted range in an instant, and naturally passes through the majestic energy.

The bizarre energy was passed through the magic text, and immediately Lucy closed his eyes.

Squinting, Lucy seemed a little lost.

Her bright eyes became muddy, and a stream of data and magical traces that could not be seen by others flashed quickly in her eyes.

"Energy Comparison: Unknown Energy."

"Energy quality: 37.612 exaggerated..."

"Energy is similar: natural energy 9%+0.05% float, antimatter 17%+3% float, dark matter..."

The huge data stream flashed wildly in Lucy's eyes, but none of them met her requirements. She was not anxious, but waited patiently.

Lucy's wait is not meaningless, because after all the data has been screened almost once, she finally got a final similar answer.

"Space Energy 78%+12.3% Floating"

"Concentration is higher than all discovered energy"

"Quality is higher than all discovered energy"

"Energy is very destructive"

Looking at the four conclusions in front of her, Lucy couldn't help thinking.

All the known energies that Yi Xao has contacted, whether they belong to the field of magic or whether they can be used by the wizard, are recorded in detail by her.

Now it's useful.

For wizards, the most intuitive feeling of energy is magic.

"My magic has become stronger."

"I feel like I can play ten!"

More advanced wizards can distinguish magic powers independently.

"The fire is burning!"

"Clear water is like a spring."

Well, maybe some senior wizards don't know the change of magic power, they just instinctively borrow the power of the spell.

Yi Xiao apparently knows more about the essence of magic, the mysteries of energy, and the core secrets of the world because he has acquired more magic knowledge.

But still not as detailed as Lucy.

But these are two levels. Yi Xiao's understanding of magic is more profound, while Lucy is more extensive, and her intelligent characteristics allow her to clearly distinguish even the most subtle differences in energy.

Obviously, this cannot be done.

With distinction and comparison, there is a deeper understanding and analysis, and the two are complementary.

From these four conclusions, Lucy can already analyze a lot of useful information.

Spatial energy represents the property of this energy. Although the data is definitely not accurate, it is only an estimate and approximate value, but the most obvious thing is as high as close to 80%. The main body of this energy is space energy.

Although there are many other unresolved energies, in front of the subject's energy, they will only show auxiliary effects.

Space energy is a common energy that people know but never really understood or even touched.

In many worlds, many people have heard of the name of space energy, and even use it to derive a series of black technologies that may succeed or appear.

But after all, it is just a wide range of speculation and speculation. Except for some high-tech worlds, most of the world only stays in theory. They have only heard of its name and understand a certain theoretical overview, but have no contact at all. Through real space energy.

For example, this world.

Yi Biao has heard of this thing, and has been in touch with it. As the core of the Second World, especially the hourglass in the core zone of the core, all kinds of mild energy storms are wantonly.

There is everything in it. Naturally, there are many contacts with Yi Chou who often go there, but it is only just contact.

He can only use these energies to make it fill his body autonomously, and he can't do it if he wants to consciously intercept it.

Space is a very powerful force, and Yi Biao can now use it, even very skilled, but after all, he does not really understand it and control it.

In the field of magic, space often represents a portal, tearing the barriers of the world, the advent of gods or demons, and even projection magic.

Most are not easy to solve.

Similarly, there is space energy in the field of science. After all, energy always exists, even with the same name. Magic and science are just two different ways of using it.

Although the use of space energy in science is slightly different from magic, it is almost the same.

The effects of the Stargate, Wormhole, and Space Jump are the same as those of the Portal, single-player teleportation magic, tearing the barriers of space, and the projection coming in the field of science. Although there is no such thing as the Black Hole Grenade, Space Cannon, etc. .

Lucy, the world in the high-tech field, has not come into contact for the time being, but the accumulation in the magic field has made her have a lot of understanding of space energy.

The main body of this energy is space energy. Knowing this, it is easy to judge the impact it can cause, because the most commonly used aspects of space are nothing more than the above. Of course, there are definitely undiscovered, Yi Lu Lucy, etc. The effect is unknown to everyone, but it should be similar.

The meaning of space energy is that it penetrates through space and tears space.

However, at any point, it was not immediately displayed in New York, because Lucy's magic magic was watching there.

Is it another space door, Lucy is not sure.

Because the burst point of energy is very calm, there is no sign of cracks or gap opening at all, if it is not that the energy diffused there is seriously exceeding the standard, even the abnormality there cannot be detected.

And the results from the following feedbacks also show that it is not that simple.

The quality and richness are higher than the discovered energy, which means that the other party is more pure and powerful, much higher than the present world, no... not only that, it should be much higher than all the discovered energy.

This is somewhat unusual.

Lucy records not only the various energy components of reality, but also the arrogance of multiple worlds, and the central fantasy island as a backing. The various energies he has encountered should be the most in theory.

And now... this unknown energy is higher than all known energy.

This is not just another matter of unknown energy, but... it is even higher than the spatial energy level that constitutes the entire second world.

It's incredible.

What is the other party, a multidimensional world wider than the second world?

Lucy has no way of judging, but just inferring from these four conclusions...

The other party can first confirm that the space energy can activate a certain effect, which has not been noticed for the time being, or it may be a use that they have not yet imagined.

Secondly, the other party's energy level is very high, like the gap between high and low latitudes.

The last is its destructive, energy is destructive, but since it is not deliberately constrained, unless this energy is naturally formed, otherwise, it can be understood that the other party is malicious and aggressive.

Translated... Is it a space attack from a high latitude?

The huge data stream faded from Lucy's eyes, regaining a clear look, but the sudden disruptor could not help but give her some help.

She now seems to understand why humans often lament the fate.

Because sometimes things do not tend to develop in the direction you expect, and smooth sailing will always go through twists and turns.

Lucy was lost in contemplation. At the same time, there were more and more requests for help from Fu Jiang, more and more intense. Looking at Alimond, who was uttered but unable to say anything, she stood up and finally Made the long-awaited decision of Alimond.

"The situation seems to be beyond my control and it cannot be allowed to continue to be chaotic."

"What happened here must be told to Mr. Nothing can affect the final plan."

"But first, we have to close that portal to stop the root cause and spread of chaos."

Standing up, Lucy swiped her finger in the air, opened the portal to the world of Dream Island, and countless small yellow people swarmed out and began to move the last batch of supplies around.

"Give you half an hour to clear this place."

Most of the materials have been moved back to Neverland when they were last transferred. Yi Chou originally reserved some because he felt he could stay in this world for a while.

But Seth's trip was not so smooth. The enemies met in advance, I don't know from which world the crimson witch is so powerful that the light ring can't resist.

Lucy, who clearly saw this battle and assisted Yi Xuan in launching the return plan, felt that it would not be possible to stay in this world for a long time.

When the return plan is difficult to parry, they may need to start the plan in advance and enter the next world.

And he can't leave the team, so packing luggage in advance is very necessary.

Immediately afterwards, Lucy flicked her finger again, and a new portal opened on the other side of the wall.

Countless wrapped under a black cloak, wearing a black iron helmet, unidentified humanoid creatures came out in a neat line.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

They are not many in number, and there are less than ten people in the two rows, but the heavy footsteps seem to shake the whole building slightly. "

"Stop that monster and close the door. Of course...the latter question will not be considered by you, someone will help you."

The steel knights under the black cloak seemed to be not intelligent creatures, or living creatures. They were silent and silent. After hearing Lucy's order, they quickly re-arranged the line and left the room.

But after the last of them also disappeared at the corner of the stairs, the heavy footsteps disappeared magically at this moment.

It seemed...they all left the building in an instant.

Lucy looked calm, brilliantly exerting her magical intelligence brain, orderly commanded the little yellow man present, and issued one command after another.

After a moment, she suddenly said to Alimond.

"Passing the message to Sadako Yamamura, she and Huamarian were not far from where the incident happened... I discovered them when I explored that energy."

"Tell them that I will not pursue the task failure, and let them immediately bring Kawakami Fujiang back, the day is about to dawn, and the power of the Rocky mask will be greatly reduced."

"The portal and the monsters inside don't need them to worry, the Walsh Knights will block it."

"Yes." Alimond, the house elf, nodded immediately.

After glancing at him, Lucy explained again, "I originally planned to be there in person, but my husband needs me to host the return plan, and I can't walk away."

"Find them and bring them all back."

"I have a hunch, I'm afraid we will stay in this world soon, you must be by my side to avoid being left behind when the world crosses."

"Now, go." r

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