High Magic Earth

Chapter 1239: Hurry

That blue creature?

After a moment of wonder, the witches thought of what the old wizard was referring to, only they passed by, the torn crack and the crack in the ground, that is, the war above the surface, the transmission of the ghost door.

It's really interesting that the monster has found the monster.

What a funny ghost!

If one monster meets another, there is definitely no good thing.

There are only two situations, either the two fight together, or the two join forces, the difference between the two results is still very large.

If it is the former, then I am afraid there is no need for witches, but if it is the latter. . I'm afraid there is nothing wrong with the witches.

Because one silently is enough trouble, not to mention that it may still carry the black light ring of death. If you add the monster in the portal, I am afraid that few witches can live out today.

Of course, the portal is closed after all, and it may not be that simple to get the contents out.

"Can you see it more clearly?" Imogen asked.

The old wizard in the portrait shook his head.

"There are no portraits nearby, and the nearest one is at another promenade a dozen meters away... I can only observe them from afar."

"You should feel contented. If you are too close, I am afraid it might not be as good as you are now."

The silent destructiveness is well known.

That thing does not have a qualitative character at all, it is simply a bomb. Its body is made of magic power, and its shape is meaningless to it. It can stretch itself at any time, or shrink itself into a ball and destroy everything around it.

The portrait hangs too close, I am afraid that there is aoe silently, and then there is no more.

Imogen put his questioning eyes on other people, Madison, Joanna. . Including Delia.

In fact, after the establishment of the Sisters of Witches, there were no group activities at all. Of course, they would not gather together for a party or other crazy things from time to time.

Everyone has their own life, and their identity in the world of ordinary people is also very different. For example, Imogen, she is a strong woman with a career, and Delia is a student.

Not to mention that Imogen has so much time, their identities are destined to be difficult to have any intersection.

The Sisters of Witches only occasionally take a moment to do some short magical exchanges, usually after someone returns from another world.

Usually, there is little contact unless something big happens, for example. . Now the turmoil in New York.

Therefore, they rarely know each other, especially in terms of magic power, it is difficult to see something from the description of the language.

Once brought into action, the level of magic is immediately apparent.

For example, Dalia, who usually has no sense of presence at this time, has become a member of the witch sisters' comparison. Who let her know most of her spells can always use some valuable, small and flexible spells.

When asking for advice, Imogen took her naturally.

So when most people's eyes fell on Delia's body, Madison noticed her abnormality, that is. . Are you listening to something?

Delia's expression is very focused, slightly sideways, slightly head tilted, as if listening to something.

But Madison didn't hear anything, but in the magic world, many things can't be inferred by common sense. Madison suspected at the first time whether Delia had heard something that should not be heard.


Yes, there is an evil spirit not far away, and it is about to be printed out. It is hard not to let Madison associate this situation.

But how to correct it. . She is not good.

So Madison set his sights on Joanna. Obviously, Joanna, who was so keen on fighting intuition, could not ignore this situation.

At that time, Joanna's brows had just been frowned, and Delia had awakened herself.

The little witch saw everyone around him, and immediately understood what was going on.

"I saw it." Delia explained without a circle, "A woman... she said she was not far away, the Magic Congress just suppressed her, and she wanted us to rescue her."


Without waiting for others to ask, the old wizard in the portrait immediately refuted the sound.

"I am involved in the construction of the Magic Congress. There is nothing under the Congress at all. We do not have the habit of sealing something weird under such an important building."

"Of course... The Magic Congress is no longer in its original position, if it is after it has moved..."

"That's hard to say."

The old wizard had done all that, and the meaning was clearly understood. Perhaps after the Magical Congress entered the unknown space and came out of it, it might have pressed on something.

But suppressed one. . woman?

Regardless of whether this is the case, the old wizard can be sure of one thing, which is definitely not human.

But Madison noticed another point, "You mean... did you see?"


Delia nodded, "I saw...in a space, it was like...dreaming."

"What does she look like?" Joanna interjected, "That woman."

Deliya recalled, and seemed to want to describe her as verbal as possible, and restore her, "She... She is very beautiful, her skin is white, her eyes are blue, and the blue smokey makeup around her eyes , Very thick, very bright red on my lips."

"She lay motionless on the bed, surrounded by beautiful forest, like a dream. The dress on her body was very interesting and cumbersome. It seemed to be woven entirely from peacock feathers. There was also a beautiful crown on her head, although It looks complicated, but it doesn't seem superfluous to her, it suits her very well."

"It's a beautiful girl."

It was difficult for Delia to say so many adjectives in one breath.

But after a few people looked at each other, Imogen asked, "She... lying on the bed, motionless?"

"Uh huh."

Delia nodded again.

"Then how did you hear her talk."

"I don't know." Delia shrugged. "I just can hear it anyway."

Madison and others did not struggle with this issue for a long time. After hearing Delia’s description, they fell into short contemplation. After a moment, Imogen asked.

"Hearing this description... What did you think of?"

"sleeping Beauty?"

Behind him a witch interjected.

Everyone else nodded their heads, and everyone thought about the same thing, just an ordinary woman lying on the bed, but if you have to talk about something you can think of, then obviously the sleeping beauty is correct.

"But I remember...Isn't Snow White dressed so fancy?" Madison sucked his lips and expressed his opinion.

"Sleeping Beauty is not Snow White." Joanna couldn't help vomiting.

"Snow White ate poisoned apples and really died of sleep, but it wasn't a sleeping beauty. That was totally two stories. Well, Sleeping Beauty was also a princess before bed.. The story does not say her habit of dressing up. But Judging from the chime in the fairy tale book, most of her is also very simple and not so fancy."

"Book of fairy tales?"

Madison sneered with arms in his hands, "That's a princess, how can the princess's dress be more complicated, and the kingdoms in the story are behind the Middle Ages, there are not so many bright cloths, and weaves are replaced by feathers or something. very possible.."

At first Madison was just habitually joking about Joanna, as if what she said, she was upset if she didn't refute it.

But when I talked, I found that it seemed reasonable, and I believed it.

At the same time, other witches also talked about it. Once involved in the field of fashion, dress and other activities, any woman will be full of spirit.

Nothing can stop them, even if they are a group of witches, even if there are two terrible monsters behind them who are about to find them.

So the topic happily diverted from how to escape from here, to how fairy tale princesses in the medieval kingdom should dress up.

The old wizard did not know when he had left the photo frame silently, and did not want to deal with this group of women who had lost their minds.

In the end, Imogen stopped them.

"Okay, now is not the time to say this."

She said to Delia, "I'm sorry, we don't have time to rescue any sleeping beauty now, she didn't catch a good time."

Of course, the reason is not only this, but the tight time is indeed an important reason.

In the magic world, any wizard with a brain will not rashly touch any thing or spell that he does not understand, let alone release something.

Anything related to the seal. . The end is not very good.

"If you can still meet her, maybe you can explain it to her, tell her to wait for us, and wait for us to solve the messy magic problem in the silent Congress, and then have time to rescue her." Madison An unwilling smile smiled at Delia.

Not for Deliya, but for the so-called sleeping beauty.

Delia can only nodded bitterly.

Instead, she was always active in front of the team, and Joanna, who led the witches, didn't make much noise at this time. It was not because she was taking her companion into the guilt, but she seemed to feel vaguely. . It seems that I have heard of this dressed sleeping beauty, no, or I have seen it.

But I can't remember it.

With a wave of hands, Joanna abandoned the question.

"We turn around," she said. "We turn back, it's better to not slip the monsters away... quietly walking away from them."

Joanna asked the old wizard again, and he brought good news, two monsters. . To be precise, it is silent, and has come near the blue hose.

But the blue thing couldn't communicate at all, so silently it was just a circle around it, neither attack nor any intention to talk.

Its attention is focused on those blue hose creatures. If the witches are silently in this state, they have a great chance of sneaking away.

In fact, apart from looking back, they have no other better choice.

No one has any objections, but all witches are ready to fight, because this time. . It is very likely that there will be a direct conflict with the monster.

. . .

The witches walked back much faster than they did when they came, they need to save their physical strength, and they need to deal with what may happen suddenly.

But while walking, Joanna turned her head suddenly and asked Madison, "What's your name?"

Madison was stunned, unable to figure out Joanna's meaning, but still followed her usual attitude, calmly stating, "It seems that you don't pay much attention to the Hollywood circle."

"Do not pay attention to the introduction of your partner."

"I was listening carefully during the introduction." Joanna was a little helpless, and she apologized, "Just... there are some other reasons."

Since Joanna did not want to show the reason, Madison did not ask.

Her name is not a secret that cannot be said. She has even introduced it to others, and she doesn’t want to have a dispute with Joanna because of such a meaningless question, so she said coldly, "Emma, ​​Emma Roberts ."

Joanna nodded, not saying much.

Madison rolled his eyes, revealing an expression of this guy's almost neurotic expression, but he was secretly strange in his heart, not knowing what she meant by asking this question suddenly. . What else can she see.

But then, Joanna dismissed her suspicion because she turned her head again and asked Deliya next to her.

"What about you... what's your name?"


Delia was obviously stunned. Unlike Madison who had just joined in, Delia was a member of the Sisters of Witches and Joanna's partner. They had known each other for a long time, and they were already familiar with each other.

There should be no situation where the name cannot be remembered.

Delia was very puzzled and very strange. Imogen and most of the people beside him also showed puzzled expressions, and Madison already smiled unintentionally, "Your behavior is strange, Joanna"

"Is it amnesia or the soul-taking spell, maybe I can help you."

As he said, Madison was shaking her wand in front of Joanna.

Joanna can only continue to say helplessly, "No... I'm fine, I just thought of something... about the sleeping beauty just now."

No one else really thought that Joanna was hit by the soul-taking spell, but she was very puzzled about her question. When she said this, Delia could only reply very helplessly, "I am Delia."

"Full name." Joanna said again.

"Delia~www.wuxiaspot.com~Delia sighed helplessly,"Delia. . Caesar. "

Suddenly, Joanna nodded.

"I know." She said softly.

"Okay girls."

At this time, Imokin, who was also walking in front, suddenly clapped his hands and pulled their attention back, and then said, "Recognize here to recognize it, next... We are afraid to face a real battle. Now."

Unconsciously, they had returned to the rift where the portal was located, and even vaguely, they could already see the black silence circled around the blue hose.

The good news is that, as observed by the old wizard, the silent attention seems to be all focused on the creatures inside the portal, not paying attention to the arrival of the witches.

But the bad news is that the blue hose inside the portal was not as quiet as when they came, but became manic. . Countless times.

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