High Magic Earth

Chapter 1240: The final mess

This is really not good news.

It can even be said to be very bad.

"What happened to the above..." Imogen murmured to himself.

If these blue hose-like creatures really came out of the portal, then they might be more dangerous than silently.

After all, things of huge size always have a visual impact, and the witch has not forgotten the big ghost before.

"Something happened indeed."

At this time, Joanna suddenly stepped forward and explained to others, "The guy who wiped out the big ghost... seems to be unable to stop the new monster in the portal."

"He has left."

"go away?"

"What about New York."

"My parents are still in the city!"

Hearing Joanna’s words, all the witches were restless, and everyone knew the destructiveness of these creatures. They weren’t sure if humans could destroy one... ghosts, but even if humans could win, New York would definitely advance before that. One step was severely damaged.

If they are all outside at this time, of course they don’t need to worry about their families. A simple forgetting spell and phantom dislocation can send them to a safe place. If they are comfortable with the stretching spell and the shrinking spell, they don’t need to worry about the loss of property. , You can pack them all away.

But... they are trapped underground.

"How did you know?"

But Madison noticed another point keenly, asking curiously.

Is there any magic of communication between these witches? That's convenient. Neither I nor Zoe have such convenient means of contact... Wait, did you ignore something?

Sure enough, Joanna took a small and cute phone from her back pocket and shook it in front of Madison's eyes.

"Your thoughts are rigid, my dear."

Of course, there are still many people like Madison who did not respond at the moment. Inspired by Joanna, many witches in New York immediately started calling home and told them to leave here soon.

Although they are deep underground, although the signal is not smooth and intermittent, they can still dial out, but there is no useless setting for mobile phones in traditional horror movies.

Thanks to the establishment of the Magic Congress earlier, the advancement of science has not affected the wizards, otherwise, there will certainly be some strange electromagnetic interference and prohibition like Hogwarts.



But at this time, the portal not far away suddenly began to shake violently, and the strong shaking almost tore the surrounding walls and the earth in an instant, the gravel rolled down, and the cracks of the earth continued to spread.


Madison didn't even speak out a complete complaint, so he rolled away awkwardly.

This is the realm of phantom shift and anti-curse. No matter it is long-distance or short-distance, the phantom shift is invalid, even the variant magic is the same, otherwise, it will not be so embarrassed.

But even without the illusion, a mature wizard still has many means.

Madison instantly added the most critical iron armor spell to himself, and then the floating spell and the lightening spell fell on him at the same time.

The next moment, she became feather-like and light.

With the advantage of dexterity, Madison escaped the first wave of gravel attacks that burst instantaneously.

But other witches have no such good luck, not everyone reacts so quickly, or everyone rarely masters all the magic.

"my hand!"

"Be careful!"

The screams came in an instant, and a few unlucky guys encountered the fast-moving rubble, the bones of the hands immediately cracked, and the flesh became bloody.

Fortunately, there have been no deaths and downsizing.

The number of witches is not much, and they are also familiar with each other. When the danger comes, many people instinctively help out their peers.

In less than a few seconds, the witches scattered in various corners and scattered away from the gravel area.

"All right."

Madison also dragged a witch, and when the earth cracked, she didn't notice it, and her right foot was directly caught in the gap that appeared suddenly.

The rubble stirred, and immediately turned her right foot into a **** flesh, and her bones must be broken, but I don't know if it also showed crushing symptoms.

The witch is not very old, it seems that she is in her early twenties, at this time her face has become pale due to blood loss and severe pain, and her tears are filled, but she still bears under the drag of Madison. Out of danger.

After all, the witches are not agents, police, plot characters, etc. Before they became free men, they were just ordinary people.

These free people who can travel through the world often have the same characteristic, that is, they often do not soften when they are suffering from other biological families, but in the face of pain, they are often unbearable.

The witch next to Madison is already good. After all, she survived in the dark age of the magic world. Perhaps she has also been attacked more dangerously than this... for example, heartbreaking or something.

"Fortunately..." the unknown witch gritted her teeth.

Shrugging, Madison had no intention of asking her name.

This witch's right foot has been completely abolished, and it looks very serious, and may even cause disability injuries. In fact, it is nothing in the magic world.

The potion is enough to heal such injuries... not even leaving much trace.

As long as you are alive and successfully dragged out of here, as long as it is not a magical injury such as a fatal wound or a curse, it will not be a problem.

So although it looks very miserable, the witch herself does not have much despair or worry.

The portal widened suddenly, and the attack from the sudden madness of the monsters came quickly and urgently, which did cause a lot of trouble for the witches.

After taking the wounded people back all the way to a relatively safe zone, Madison only had time to look around. Most of the witches had already hid in the safe zone, and no corpses were left, but there were quite a few things they could see Wounded.

At least Madison saw several witches hid aside.

Although Madison didn’t mind killing people, and he didn’t feel soft when he started, but... the number of such serious injuries to his companions was very few.

In the final analysis, the West Coast of the United States is much more peaceful than that of the British magic world. There are not so many black wizards, and there is no need to hunt down with the Death Eaters. It is rare for such large-scale magic conflicts to occur.

Frowning, Madison now realizes that most of his mastery is offensive and life-like spells, and there is no healing magic that can help the other side at this time.

"are you OK."

While Madison was stunned, Joanna, wearing jeans, seemed to be really like a cowboy riding a horse, jumping to the two of them.

Her question obviously asked Madison because Joanna had already seen the wounded aside.

"The blood heals."

"Fast and steady..."

Joanna pulled out her wand and pointed at the wound on the right foot of the witch next to her. He whispered and whispered several spells in one breath. Then the blood and wounds were re-healed, but the bones inside remained misplaced.

As an Auror, healing spells and healing potions are the main skills that must be mastered. Healing in the magic world is not the same as first aid for ordinary people.

First aid is just doing your best, trying your luck, and you may not be able to live until the end of the battle, but the magic is different. As long as the healing magic is well learned, most of the combat power can be restored on the spot.

Almost rob people from the death.

"Not very good." Madison said angrily.

"We can't get out."

Yes, the way forward is blocked.

It seems that because the person who blocked the portal from the ground left, the monster inside the portal has been planning to break free, and it is hitting everything around it frantically.

The earth shattered because of it, and the surrounding walls fell in pieces. Even Madison suspected that it would not take long for the Magic Congress to collapse and destroy the torch.

"I know." Joanna whispered.

"But we have to leave here, and if we don't go, there will be no chance. Even a wizard is buried alive and cannot survive."

Madison took the opportunity to look at the portrait in his hand. Sure enough, the old wizard was gone.

There is no need for it on the way back. The witches only need to follow the same path as the way back, so the old wizard left the place as soon as he saw it.

If they can really go out alive, maybe they will see it again when they come to the Magic Congress again.


"Boom! Boom!"

There were several loud noises, and I saw the portal not far away accompanied by a violent shaking, and instantly expanded again by a few points, and at the same time, those creatures in the state of hoses also began to climb upward.

At this point... the appearance of this monster finally gradually exposed in front of the witches.

As Imokin and others guessed, this is not a hose at all, but a monster's arm.

These soft tubular objects are precisely the monster's tendons, and when its arms are straightened, the tendons collapse straight at the same time.

At the next moment, an equally huge ugly head also slowly emerged from the portal.

"Damn... Evil..."

Almost instinctively, Madison shuddered.

She dragged Joanna without thinking, pressing her and the wounded next to the rubble rubble, and then the three men hid behind the big rock.

That thing can't be looked at directly... otherwise the consequences... can't be imagined.

Madison had personal experience and of course knew that the thing was terrible, so in the first time, she pressed Joanna's head back.

But even so, when she turned her head to check Joanna's condition, she still found her consciousness seemed a little vague.

"Hey! Hey!"

Madison shook Joanna's head and shook it.

At this time, Joanna's eyes full of enthusiasm and vitality became confused and apathetic, as if she had lost her soul, as empty as a puppet, without any vitality.

Although only a short moment, Joanna still vaguely saw the look of that thing...

What an ugly face it seems to be squashed, and at the same time a flattened face, its facial features are squeezed on the same plane, as if living in a two-dimensional space.

Twisted, and full of madness.

Madison frowned, what to do.

Although it is not very good with Joanna, and Joanna seems to have vaguely discovered her secret, but... Madison can’t sit back and watch his companions fall into eternal madness in front of him.

"Bang! Bang!"

Almost instinctively, Madison patted Joanna's head, but apparently Joanna was not a TV, so her eyes still did not improve in the slightest.

Fortunately, Joanna didn't stare at the evil **** for a long time, and even without a glance, she was pressed back by Madison.

Otherwise, without Madison’s double spiritual power and the power of the Supreme Witch, even if Joanna is a powerful Auror, it will have no effect in the spiritual realm.

Falling into eternal madness is her only ending.

"Cough! Cough!"

The next moment, with a lot of water pouring out of Madison's wand, Joanna poured her face and almost choked her to death, and Joanna finally came awake.

"That's..." she said with a lingering fear.

"That's what I saw." Madison shrugged. "Now we are in trouble. With this thing in the way, we can't go out at all."

"The only thing we can do is to pray that this thing will not collapse after leaving, and buried us alive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But before that...I think we better save others."

As Madison said, there is this ghost thing blocking the road, and they don't want to go out. This is not a snake monster. Although the snake monster can't look at its eyes, it can still stare at the body of the snake.

But evil spirits, as long as they look at its true content, the whole person will fall into madness. In such a crisis, with gravel falling everywhere and cracks in the earth, they want to sneak into the past quietly, how can they do it right? Depending on.

And once there is an eye contact, it is likely to cause confusion for the team and then bring a chain reaction.

The best option is to wait for Evil God to leave before escaping from Congress. After all, this thing seems to be freed from the portal, so it will definitely not stay here.

Of course, this thing will definitely bring huge casualties into New York, but that is not what Madison and they need to consider now.

But all this must be based on the fact that after this thing leaves, the magic parliament will not collapse, otherwise the entire building complex will collapse and bury the witches alive, even if they have magic, they will certainly not survive.

Not only did Madison think of these problems, Joanna also realized them.

But soon she left these things behind, because Madison's last words reminded her.

Joanna looked around her and found out that there were many witches staring at the front with dignified eyes, as if the whole person had lost their souls.

Not everyone can react in the first time, nor everyone will be lucky to not see the full existence of the evil god.

They must cut off the sight of these witches as quickly as possible. Evil God is not something humans can accept and understand. Once it takes too long to watch...it will be too late...8)

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