High Magic Earth

Chapter 1242: Past

Yi Xiao took off the protective white gloves and set aside, leaning on the laboratory door.

The scarlet witch has more power than him, and the scarlet magic itself is very special, silent, and it is difficult to notice its appearance if it is not close to Yi Huo.

But it may be too late to be aware of its approach.

It's really difficult.

Could it be true to pray that the guy will not go in this direction?

"You won't be lazy here."

Just as Yi Xiao frowned, Athena's voice appeared behind him, and Athena, who also had her hands in order to speed up, had removed her magical armor and dressed in casual clothes, which was more suitable for carrying work.

Of course, with the physical qualities of her gods, let alone a petri dish, even a few tons of weight would not let her sweat.

Sighing, Yi Chou responded without much ups and downs, "How is it possible."

Looking back, the situation behind me is not good-looking, the little yellow people are messy, speed up as much as possible to evacuate everything here, an anxious action, plus their own furry personality, they immediately took the scene Messy.

More chaotic than decorating the house.

Fortunately, they are professional after all. Although it looks messy, the damage to one petri dish did not happen.

"It's up to you." Athena shrugged and knew that even if the two joined the relocation brigade, it wouldn't increase their speed much. This is a delicate job.

"The second secret door has been cleared out. Do you want to go over and see it?"

"of course."

Without much hesitation, Yi Chou took Athena to the secret door.

The design of this laboratory is very strange, the area is not large, the petri dishes are scattered among the stars, and they appear very neat and regular. The only strange place is near the dark door.

It doesn't seem to be going at all.

Although it is a secret door, it is still to be used, but the security level should be higher, but this laboratory does not seem to be designed like this.

A whole row of huge and heavy petri dishes was stopped at the secret door disguised as a wall, not to mention whether it could be discovered, even the experimenters here could not open it by themselves.

Because no one would be bored to move Yi Huo like this, evacuating the entire laboratory and moving to Neverland.

For this reason, Yi Biao thought if there was any ambush or trap in it, he and Athena walked in boldly with the artist, but found that there was nothing dangerous in it.

There is still a huge petri dish standing in it, and a figure is faintly seen floating inside.

This made Yi Xiao some confused about the logic of the architect.

But he didn't investigate further. After all, architectural designer and barber... are always two professions that can't communicate with ordinary people.

"Who do you think will be inside."

Athena regarded it as an interesting thing to unravel.

Although not as an artificial intelligence as Lucy, Athena also read a lot of memory of clamor. She also knows many things. The important existence of the Zhang Junyun trio is certainly impossible for her to know.

But Yi Chou did not have much interest in guessing these things.

Coming to the front of the petri dish, Yi Huo looked at it for a long while before vaguely seeing the face in the liquid, Tan Qing.

She floated gloriously in a petri dish, just like Daisy's situation, with tubes all over her body, all kinds of thin wires and electric wires, a typical shape of a scientific madman experiment.

"In this way... Zhang Junyun is in the last door."

Athena made a few rounds around the petri dish and came to a conclusion.

Lucy has detected Winnie’s signal here, but can’t tell which is the brain in the petri dish outside, and inside the three separate doors, Tan Qing and Daisy have appeared. Obviously, Zhang Junyun is the third , And Levine... should also be in those brains outside.

Yi Xuan did not answer, but nodded, apparently agreeing with Athena's guess.

Sure enough, when the two entered the laboratory behind the last door, they found the last member of the trio, Zhang Junyun, in the petri dish.

"Take them all away." Yi Chou said.

The little yellow people immediately separated out several members and rushed in a mess, and a swarm of bees began to disassemble the petri dish.

Yi Ao took Athena out of the laboratory and came to the dark corridor. He felt a little stuffy on his chest. Although Athena had no magic arts, her amazing physical qualities could make her feel everything.

"Your heartbeat is speeding up." Ayina's ear rang loudly, and she whispered, "What are you thinking."


Yi Xuan replied, "From the time when she was separated from her."

Athena knew who he was referring to, the former hostess of Neverland, the girl who had accompanied her for more than ten years, Winnie.

"That Green woman?" Athena asked knowingly.

"Are you sure you really love her, do you know love?"

Yi Ao did not make a noise, but responded with silence. He seemed to be thinking. After a while, he drew a pack of obsolete cigarettes from the shadow in his arms.

The surface of the cigarette box glows yellow, and it seems to have settled for a long time, which makes people worry about whether the cigarette inside has deteriorated or even can be lit.

But although the cigarette case looks very old, the cigarette inside is very complete, and there are only two missing.

Yi Chou gently pulled out a branch, and seemed to be planning to order it here.

But she was pinched by Athena.

"The temperature and temperature will expose us." She said with a smile.

Yi Chou glanced backwards, the little yellow people were shouting happily carrying the petri dish, and the pungent smell of disinfection water was floating in the air.

Obviously, the smell of smoke is not much.

But Yi Chou did not refute.

Silently put away the cigarettes, he said quietly.

"Do you really plan to discuss this issue with me in this situation?"

"It's still a start that doesn't make me happy."

"I'm just curious." Athena continued to smile.

"Curious about what is the relationship between me and Winnie...or what you want to say is, do I really understand what love is?"

"Do not."

Athena shook her head. "I'm just curious how she died."

"The words in your memory are unknown, intermittent, and even I only saw a part."

"There is obviously a reason." Yi arrogant tone is still plain, "otherwise it will be a complete memory."

Even if Athena, Lucy and others were made with silver tongue, Yi theoretically has the most intimate existence, there are many things Yi Chao does not want to let them know.

In the words of ordinary people, this is privacy.

But Athena looked like a curious baby, and apparently did not intend to give up easily.

And she knows exactly where to start, "Do you know, lonely men and widows... if they are humans then they may share the closest secrets with each other at this time."

"We are not humans." Yi Huo responded faintly.

This time Athena didn't argue, just looked at him quietly.

After taking a few deep breaths, Yi Chou was still helpless.

"Okay, if you really want to know."

Athena nodded again and again, a curious baby.

"The world is turbulent," Yi said. "You know this thing, it often closes the passage of the space, and even the shadow cannot pass through."

"When the chaos in the world appears, the time ratio between the two worlds will immediately fall into chaos. It may be one-to-one that has not changed at all, or it may have been speeded up countless times, or shortened countless times."

"At that time I happened to be in the world of Oz with Winnie, and I used the resources and laboratory of Oz to cook a pot of uninterruptable potions."

"You must maintain it with magic power."

"Green also has magic." Athena said.

"Yes, Green is also a kind of magical creature." Yi Chou nodded. "Stark used his smart little head to make a cross-border communication. He contacted me and said that he encountered a lot of trouble. ."

"That pot of potion is to restrain ghouls and aliens. I can't give up."

"Winnie chose to stay there, and I returned to the world of the song of ice and fire."

"I've never been separated from her, or... separated the two worlds, I thought it would be fine, only a short time, but..."

"There were two angels who invaded the Second World. I killed them and got a wreck very similar to cosmic magic."

"It has unlimited energy. It used to be the weather control center of Neverland, and then I replaced it with something I felt was unsafe and carried it with me."

"The moment I entered the portal, it exploded."

"Powerful energy disturbs the entire space door, and the turbulent flow of the world follows. Two energies envelop me... Instantly erasing the concepts of time and space."

"When the energy storm stopped again, I returned to the world of the song of ice and fire."

"I had a bad hunch in my heart and didn't do anything. I opened the portal back to Oz, but it was still a step late."

"One hundred years have passed, everything is over, and even the wreckage is not left."

Yi Huo closed his eyes slightly and stopped for a long while before he said slowly, "Is this how humans share their feelings with others? It is really unpleasant."

Athena did not speak, but after a while, she said abruptly.

"You killed Stark."

"You shouldn't do this."

"Why?" Yi Xuan asked back.

"That's anger, you know this very well."

"That's not the case." Yi Chou shook his head. "Stark's so-called urgent thing is that SHIELD doesn't know how to contact him and let him contact me."

"So I even have reason to doubt...Everything is simply a ghost of SHIELD."

Athena frowned, "Did you notice such a conspiracy?"

"Even so, you shouldn't kill Stark. He doesn't know anything. It's just a microphone. Even if it's the simplest logic, you shouldn't do it at the time."

"Yes, but at that time I gave everything to my feelings to judge, after all, occasionally... or not so sensible once."

"This time, it brings you endless troubles." Athena continued.

"Stark is one of the core characters of the justice superhero, kill him... will push you to the position of all superhero enemies."

"Superheroes are our enemies."

"Are you going to fight against the whole new mankind? Including their free men, plot characters, and angel and demon legions? Are you crazy, even if you have a silver tongue, you can't fight everyone."

"Not all new humans are our enemies. Even if we are, we should divide them, draw together one group, and fight against another group."

"Humans have never been a race that can coexist peacefully. The same is true of new humans. With a little provocation, we can do this."

"Perhaps." Yi Xuan seemed to be lacking in interest.

Upon seeing this, Athena didn't say much, "It has already happened, and there is no need to complain about anything. The plan can be re-formulated, but first of all... let's wait until we enter the world of new human beings."

"Is the problem of coordinates solved?"

Yi Chou nodded, "After Dornting escaped from Neverland, I did not find it in any sub-world of the Second World, even if there is any slight trace."

"I suspect it is not in the second world at all, but in another world..."

"In addition to the second world, there are only two worlds, the present world, and the second world of the new man."

"Lucy didn't find any traces of Dornting here, nor was it in this world, so only the new humans were there. Not long ago, Lucy's plan thoroughly analyzed the coordinates that Dornting left."

"Using the silver tongue, we can enter the second world of the new humans at any time...in theory, the world of superheroes should be locked."

"When we evacuate here, we can start."

"Right." The topic came back again, and Athena asked strangely, "Since Winnie is dead...then what are we doing now, Lucy said...what she noticed about Winnie?"

"Brainwave." Yi Xuan spit out two words with a little joy.

"Winnie and Levine ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I brought back from the world of vampire diaries. In fact, the world of the seventeenth century had been invaded by the brain."

"And Winnie and Levine... are just two very high-level programs and code."

"I don't know how it is done. In addition to technology, there must be angel or devil magic in it."

"But even so, they cannot directly transform illusion into reality like a silver tongue. They need a carrier or support as an ontology."

Speaking of which, Yi Huo paused slightly, and then pointed to the laboratory behind him, "This...is the blueprint of the so-called np in those brains, their brains."

"Winnie is here."

"Find her, I can reshape her body."

Athena frowned, and with her IQ beyond mortals, she was immediately aware of possible problems, "You said that time has passed a hundred years...the brain is..."

"Okay, I shut up." But looking at Yi Biao's eyes, Athena still obediently made a movement to pull the mouth baara chain by hand.

"These things...can be analyzed after going to Neverland. The possibility of brain death is not very big. After all...their blueprints seem to have not been replaced, but np always suffers from death and old age."

Athena nodded... Then suddenly, she wondered, "This way... Isn't Stark dead?"

Yi Biao seems to have thought of this problem long ago, and was not surprised. Facing Athena's doubts, he said lightly, "People always have to pay for what they do."

After talking about it, he turned around and walked back to the laboratory.

Therefore, Athena didn't catch the smile that appeared at the corner of his mouth, and even with her hearing, she didn't notice Yi Chou's next murmur.

"And... how could he die in vain."

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