High Magic Earth

Chapter 1243: Confluence


Yi Biao, who was returning to the laboratory, suddenly walked, and Lucy's call came to his ears. The voice was as steady and clear as ever, but intuitively, he thought that Lucy might have important news to tell himself.

"After the Great Ghost was destroyed, the second portal was opened, and the things inside were about to break free. Fujiang couldn't block it, it was an evil spirit."

Yi Xiao stopped, and the expression of Athena next to him was inexplicably surprised.

"Evil God?" Yi Huo wondered, "What is that, are you sure?"

The definition of Evil God is very broad, especially in this place where the setting is flooded, even the very weak guys dare to become cult gods, and they can catch a lot of them at every turn.

So although it sounds very serious, it may not be the case.

But since Lucy can be notified to Yi Chou here, how can it be a new love.

"It's those high latitude forces." Lucy explained calmly. "We have all seen that kind of power. If I didn't analyze it wrong, they have the same energy source as the things in the portal."

"It is a true evil spirit."

"It can't be named, it can't be looked directly at, it can't even be understood by mortals."

Yi Chou frowned.

There are many kinds of gods, but in any case, their most powerful place is in terms of strength and strength. In the final analysis, they are creatures with power that humans can't fight.

But Evil God is different.

These indescribable disasters even exist in themselves that humans cannot understand.

Veritable absurdity, evil, and distortion.

The most difficult existence, because most of them do not fight for strength, conceptually, they completely crush those lower creatures, even lower creatures can not even understand their existence and composition.

"Call Fujiang back immediately." Yi arrogant said.

Although Fu Jiang with a rocky mask can’t say that the battle curtain is awesome, the mask is ever-changing, and the ability to directly change the substance to condense the air into various objects is also very powerful. In a sense, it may be more powerful than some gods who are not good at fighting. .

But compared with these real and indescribable existences, Fu Jiang immediately became a so-called low-level creature.

It's not that Yi Chou is worried about whether she is an opponent of the evil god. . But Fu Jiang is certainly not an opponent of the evil god.

"Fujie Kawakami has retreated." Lucy said, "under the leadership of Sadako Yamamura."

"Sadako Yamamura merged with Hanamaki and Kawakami Fujiang. I asked Alimond to meet them and then went to the headquarters with me."

"What to do here." Yi Xiao frowned.

"Take the next step of the plan."

"It's a little too urgent." Yi Biao's brow still didn't let go.

"You said it yourself, take away the mission goal, we leave the world immediately, the scarlet witch near you is too powerful, there is such a powerful presence, whether it is to continue to stay in th company or continue to stay in this world. Very unsafe."

"What about the Evil God." Yi Xuan asked, "Can humans in this world manage it? I don't want to wait until I return to this world again. The people in the whole world are crazy, maybe all have become believers in God. "

Only the light that shines into **** is the most dazzling. If the evil **** is really irresistible, maybe the angels will really help each other when humans are most helpless and act as the savior.

Once humanity begins to pick up the faith again, no matter what the angels want to do, it can proceed as slowly and smoothly as boiling water.

It is the same even if we are going to exterminate human beings.

"But IMHO, even if you are...not necessarily the opponent of that evil god."

"It may not be as good as the strange scarlet witch around you, but I am afraid it will not be much different, but in my detection, both of them are much higher than we can bear now."

"That's a better solution." Yi Huo didn't even think about it. "I can lead this nasty guy here to the evil god, and everything is solved."

"Let's discuss some practical situations." Lucy also ignored the cramps, and continued to explain his arrangements calmly. "I sent a team of Volkswagen Knights."

"Go to death." Yi Xuan said angrily.

The plan for creating the gods has just begun, and it can even be said that preliminary experiments have only been carried out on Zhenzi and Fujiang. Walsh popularized that the knights were completely cannon fodder, even not as good as cannon fodder.

In Yi Biao's prediction, Wall popularizes the Knights as a front-row meat shield after the creation of God. Although Yi Biao's current melee ability is equally powerful, he is still a wizard in nature, and the meat shield is Must exist.

but. ♀It's just anticipation.

The current Waldens Knights did not accept the transformation at all. They are just a group of castle statues after the activation of the Red Castle of Dream Island. Perhaps there is also a certain silver tongue plasticity, and they are filled with certain thinking, but in essence still Just a group of statues.

Applies the name of Wall's popular Knight.

As long as they are properly prepared, ordinary people can smash them to pieces, not to mention, to resist the indescribable existence.

It's just death.

"I let them bring space-twisting devices."

Lucy obviously couldn't make useless arrangements. Facing Yi Chou's doubts, she said lightly.

Yi Xiao frowned again, but the bad news was one after another. Of course, he knew that Lucy, as a magical intelligence, could not have a loophole, but did not expect that she arranged this thing.

In addition to being used to strengthen itself, the silver tongue can also create many interesting things.

There is only one person in Yi Chou, and it does not matter if he lacks imagination. He now has Lucy. Although Lucy, as an artificial creation, also has no imagination, he can deduce all necessary things in detail through continuous logical calculation.

The space distortion device is one of them.

As the name suggests, it is used to interfere with space.

Inspired by something, Lucy believes that the existence of interference and distortion of the space gate is not necessary, whether it is the next superhero world flag mage portal, or the more future interstellar age space jump, you will need to use interference Device.

After a long time of thinking, a stable but sufficient design to distort most of the space channels was created by Yi Chou and Lucy.

Of course, with the help of the silver tongue.

The reason is that both of them are on the mysterious side rather than the technological side. Although their knowledge reserves are not barren, high-end knowledge is also not as rich, so the restrictions on interference devices are also many.

It must meet certain realities in order to round down the whole story and make it appear more real, so that the silver tongue can play its effect.

One of the limitations that cannot be bypassed is that it can only be started and deployed at close range.

Fortunately, with Wall's popularity of the cannon fodder, this restriction is not a problem.


Frowning, Yi Xiao passed the jammer's instructions carefully in his mind, and then slowly let down his mind.

"Hopefully, there will be some unlucky world that receives this transmission."

As the name implies, the jammer can only play a role of interference, and since the sailless channel is connected here, it will naturally be connected to another place.

No matter what world it is, unless it was originally the place where the evil spirits exist, otherwise this indescribable existence will be difficult to reach.

Seeing that Lucy seemed to arrange everything properly, Yi Chou didn't care too much about the appearance of evil gods.

After all, his focus should not be there, but should be the company headquarters, this is the territory of the new man, everything here is the most important.

"That magic circle, did you detect any effect?"

As soon as the topic changed, Yi Xao asked back to the magic circle here again.

When he first stepped in here, Yi Biao noticed the problem, the energy gathering was much faster than before, or even a little abnormal, otherwise he would not be aware of the abnormality.

A fixed magic circle is more dangerous than a random magic circle.

Because it comes prepared, even for yourself.

Yi Xiao asked Lucy to observe the use of this magic circle. Although he hadn't seen this magic circle, or even didn't see the whole magic circle at this moment, Lucy could still compare it from the most subtle place.

"Sorry sir." Lucy said, "There is no relevant information."

This is not surprising. The magic of angels and demons seems to be different from the magic of wizards.

For magical creatures, most of the magic is instinctive, but angels and demons are different. They have their own systems.

So, either they have another set of magic, or. ♀The magic itself is their talent.

In fact, even if they master another set of magic, it is not surprising that even the Witches are divided into different types of magical powers.

Few people can detect the mystery of magic.

"But... sir, the energy that is gathering seems a bit familiar."

"What?" Yi Xuan asked.

"Remember the well of the song of ice and fire."

Yi Xiao frowned.

In the world of the song of ice and fire, he has been to many places. Lucy suddenly said that he could not guess at all, but now is not a good time to play this game.

"We don't have time to waste." Yi Chou said.

"That magic lamp."

Lucy gave the answer in diameter.

Magic lamp, yes, Yi Chou found a magic lamp in a well in the world of the song of ice and fire. In addition, he also vaguely saw the sight of another world.

That is. . Wishing elves, knights, grasslands, beautiful fairy tale world.

Another world, and probably a fairy tale world.

The magic lamp itself comes from the story, of course, it is probably from fairy tales.

"I still remember."

Yi arrogantly said.

But this is a not-so-good memory. After all, Yi Hao promised to help Aria regain freedom, but when he used his last wish to come to the world of the silver tongue, and got the truly unlimited wishing ability. When the magic lamp was summoned again, Alia was no longer there.

Is it really free? What else happened.

In theory, when the magic lamp elf disappears, there may only be a reason why it is free. Yi Chou should add joy and joy to Aria, but it also means. . Yi Chou didn't allow himself to keep his promise.

He was a step late.

Although Yi Chou will not keep his promise, but that is his subjective, this time. . It is passive.

"Don't go in circles, just say it." Yi Chou said to Lucy.

"It's the energy of wishing magic." Lucy replied.

"They are distributed here, floating around...very similar."

"Wish energy."

Yi Chou really feels that one trouble after another today.

Wishing energy is a special kind of energy, even in space, time, and even the world.

There are many kinds of energies, which is easy to enter the country of Oz. . Even after entering Fantasy Island, it became clear that the most common energy is also the most common, nothing more than water, fire, wind and so on.

Although this distinction is somewhat general, the meaning of the name is what humans use to name and distinguish between different substances. There is nothing strange about this.

Wishing energy is naturally one of them.

And Yi Chou has only seen it three times.

The difference is when the magic lamp elf meets his three wishes.

The energy disappeared quickly, and Yi Chou couldn't distinguish its flag flow, or even went on. . His magic level at that time was not enough to distinguish them.

Wish energy is special, even if Yi Chou now has a quiet silver tongue, it is also an energy completely different from wish energy.

"Just similar."

Seeing Yi Biao seemed a bit distressed, Lucy quickly made a remedy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Compared with the energy we recorded at the time, there was only less than 10% similarity. "

"There is still most of the energy, we have no seal at all."

There is really a lot of energy in the world, because after mixing the two energies, the most subtle differences may cause completely different existences.

No one can discern all the energy, and can only make a simple judgment based on the subject's energy.

"This is the most troublesome." Yi arrogant said, "can detect. What are they doing?"

"very sorry."

Wish energy, as the name suggests, should be used to make a wish. Yi Chou's thoughts were immediately released. After experiencing the virtual invasion of the second world, he already felt that there was nothing new humans could not do.

perhaps. . Are they going to turn everything from virtual intelligence into reality? Just like your own silver tongue.

Suddenly, Yi Xiao felt that he seemed to have grasped something, but after carefully thinking and rearranging his thoughts, he found that the inspiration had disappeared without a trace, and did not grasp.

Fortunately, there is the perfect intimate hand Lucy.

"Wish energy... It is very possible to turn the virtual into reality and record it." Yi Chou said to Lucy.

Nodding, Lucy immediately recorded this information in the logistic office where she couldn't see. She noticed that Zhenzi and Fujiang and others were quickly moving closer to their positions. . It seems that it won't take long to arrive here.

Then it's time to start.

But at this moment, Lucy suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some kind of unusual energy fluctuation there.

"Heart...unknown is approaching, pay attention to vigilance." She did not hesitate to send a signal. At the same time, the return plan was also upgraded from the first sequence of perseverance to a new level.

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