High Magic Earth

Chapter 1244: effect

"Unknown energy?!"

Yi Ao and Athena called out almost at the same time.

"Where is it and how far away is it."

And Yi Xuan did not carefully ask what this energy was, and Diao asked the most critical question.

How far is it from the laboratory where the petri dish is located.

Now that it is unknown energy, it is clear that Lucy can't detect anything of value, so there is no need to waste time asking these things that are destined to have no answer.

"Sorry, sir, I seem to have detected something very interesting in the energy, and I can't get away from it for the time being."

"Just don't have time to deal with me?"

Yi Huo did not mean to blame Lucy. Lucy created it with his own hands. He understands how huge and amazing computing power Lucy has as a magical intelligence. Although it is a mysterious creation, it is not weaker than any one. Artificial intelligence, even if only a few top artificial intelligences exist, can be compared with Lucy.

With the support of such a huge operation, she can't squeeze out the extra resources and energy to help Yi Chou, enough to explain the problem facing Lucy at the moment, which is probably more difficult than herself.

It’s a good thing to discover, and there is a breakthrough if you find it. It’s always better than blinding your eyes.

"I'll take a look ahead." Athena whispered.

Yi Ao heard the determination in her voice, and stretched out her hand, pulling her beautiful long blond hair.

"Come back," he growled.

Athena dragged her long hair out of Yi Chou's dissatisfaction, glared at him fiercely, and carefully trimmed her hair back.

"You have no meaning in the past." Yi Chou said calmly.

Although Lucy's mouth refers to unknown energy, there are not many creatures wandering in this piece, and the energy can be so large that it shocks Lucy.

The tenth is the Scarlet Witch.

Athena is not an opponent of the Scarlet Witch at all. In the face of real chaotic magic, she cannot even resist for more than three seconds.

The outcome of the confrontation is already known, and even if it is repeated, the historical results will not change.

"You will die, and death is meaningless. I can't let you use your life to delay time and evacuate the laboratory, so once you die, I will definitely restart the return plan."

"Time recirculates, which is not much different from the other party finding here and recycling after destroying everything."

Athena didn't refute, because she knew Yi Bao was right, how could she as a part-time clergy goddess of priesthood not even understand such a simple truth.

But this is not her impulse.

Because even Yihuo, there is no better way.

In the face of absolute strength, any plan is meaningless, and there is no plan for Yi Biao and Chang Chang, because the previous few worlds entered and his own strength are enough to allow him to move forward without any plan.

But unfortunately, the roles of the two seem to have changed a bit now.

"So we can only pray passively...is it not discovered by the other party here?" Athena whispered.

Neither of them urged people to provoke people. They are fast enough. Evacuating the laboratory is a delicate task. Yi Chou doesn’t know which of these brains, which one may be Winnie, cannot be discerned. .

Although it has been evacuated for most of the time, there are still many left in the laboratory. Yi Xiao never believes in probability. Even if there is only one in the laboratory, it is the probability of Winnie, and it has not moved with a petri dish. Exactly the same.

but. . If the other party will find here anyway, then the worst ulcer is that they can only run with a small part of the petri dish.

Then, after returning to Neverland, the analysis started immediately. Once it was discovered that Winnie was not here, the entire return plan was immediately restarted, and then another part was taken in a new time.

This will be very troublesome, and. ~Much memory will cause a heavy burden on the brain.

Even Yi Huo can't bear too much.

"Relax." Yi Huo took a deep breath and whispered to Athena, "Things may not be so bad. Until the last minute, there will always be a turnaround."


"Sir, I found an interesting phenomenon. It's good news. Do you want to hear it?"

It seems that it is really the favor of the goddess of luck. Before Athena finished, the turnaround in Yi Chou's mouth appeared. Facing Lucy's good news, Yi Chou and Athena looked at each other.

"Of course you have to listen."

Without hesitation, Yi Chou said immediately.

"Sir, that unknown energy body is the Scarlet Witch."

Just the first sentence, Athena's mouth twitched, "This is the so-called good news." She whispered in her heart.

Of course, because it is a relationship of spiritual communication, everyone can hear it, which is equivalent to saying no difference.

Lucy ignored Athena.

"But inspired by her husband, I noticed that her energy is not stable, to be precise... she is somewhere between being and not being at the moment."


"What do you mean."

Not only did Athena not understand it, but even Yi Huo did not understand it, he asked quietly.

"As we know, almost everything in the Second World originates from movies and TV series. The projection of the Second World spreading out and affecting human thinking has all been adapted into these two forms of artistic expression."

"Other arts...such as oil paintings, ink paintings, comics, music, musical instruments, and many movies and TV series, all belong to human beings."

"It can be said that the projection of the Second World to humans, even in movies and TV series, only accounts for a small part."

"And the world of superheroes we are about to enter, that is, the world of superheroes in movies, there is no such powerful force in the scarlet witch."

"This strength of chaotic magic is only possessed by the red witch in the comics."

"So when we assume that angels imitate the world created by our second world full of new humans, superheroes, and super technology, with the same principles and similar properties as us, then it cannot affect the comics."

"Comics are not projected by the Second World."

"Because the comics are not affected, the new human world passes projections to humans, and they use their thinking and talents to enter the comics field first."

"And later, when they were re-adapted into movies and TV series, the influence of projection appeared."

"The adapted world is infinitely close to the reality of the Second World, and the Scarlet Witch is not that powerful."

"But now, she is gradually becoming real."

"From the comics... come out completely."

Facing Lucy's conjecture, Yi Chou didn't find a place to refute for a while, but. . He was keenly aware of another loophole.

I'm afraid he didn't even notice it now.

"The Second World is the final legacy of humans from the last era. Its history is even earlier than that of humans today, not to mention the history of television and movies. At least in the sixteenth century, freeman wizards already existed. Now."

"There were no movies at that time."

Obviously. . This question also asked Lucy.

The long silence left Yi Chou a little shocked, and even wondered if Lucy had a logical problem and fell into an endless loop.

After a long while, Lucy said slowly, "I have everything from you. The knowledge you can't get, I can't get it either."

"The answer to this question may only be found by you... on Neverland."

Everything about Lucy comes from Yi Chao, and everything Yi Yi knows comes from the information left by the previous generation of guardians in the golden hourglass on the Neverland.

But this information is not necessarily 100% accurate, because the guardian was also a person, a person. ⊥ Can't be 100% fair.

at least. . Not long ago, it had a history, but it can not be said that it is deception, it can only be said to be concealment, concealing the past between the free man witch and the original world Oz.

But in passing the news, the harm of concealment is no less than direct deception.

So even if the news is half-truth, there seems to be nothing strange.

"I will." Yi Biao also understands Lucy's situation. She is a magical intelligence and has complete self-thinking, but it does not mean that she can solve everything.

That is not magical intelligence, but God.

But even God is not almighty, after all, there is a man standing next to Yi Huo.

And this god, who can only attack normally throughout the journey, is not much different from salted fish, and brushed his own sense of presence again in a very timely manner.

"I said... Are you two really going to discuss this issue in this situation?"

Athena helped her forehead.

Although she is not a magical intelligence, her extraordinary wisdom also allows her to understand most things. Even if a lot of information is incomplete and slightly incomplete, she can still keep up with Yi Chou and Lucy.

As she said, it is indeed not a good time to discuss this, just as ordinary people are worried that the sky will fall, consider how to get past this level.

"Is this all you have observed?"

Yi Chou also brought the topic back again.

His brows were slightly frowned, because he could already feel the horrifying energy vaguely, without Lucy reminding, which meant that they were very close.

"Very valuable clue, but it's a pity... it's not helpful to our current situation, record it, hope that we will use it again after the return plan is restarted."

Yes, once the Scarlet Witch approaches here, no matter whether it is Yi Chou or the entire laboratory, there is no chance of being spared.

The chaotic magic of the Scarlet Witch in the comics is extremely powerful, and it is not easy to fight between hurriedly and hurriedly. Even if it can, it takes a lot of preparation time to use silver tongue to think about the method of confrontation.

Shadow energy doesn't need to be counted, it just imitates the existence of crimson energy, which is not at the same level as chaotic magic.

Fortunately, the return plan connects Lucy and Yi Huo as a whole, just like the time bubble of the return time bird, the aliens on the edge of tomorrow, without knowing the specific principle, Yi Huo uses the silver tongue Complete the whole cycle, their thinking and memory are detached, and will not be lost in time.

Hope this clue will play its value in the next cycle.

"No, it's not just these." But obviously, Lucy's views are not the same. "Perhaps as you said, things may really not be so bad."

"I noticed that the energy of the Scarlet Witch is not stable, it seems to be between existence and non-existence, but this alone cannot infer my conclusions above, and the reasons are not sufficient."

"Besides... I found another connection. There is a lot of energy around the blushing witch's energy, or inside her, which is inextricably linked to the entire magic circle below."

"It's the energy of this magic circle that supports her, and supports her from comics.-into reality."

"This is what the magic circle is for."

"That is to say, the Scarlet Witch can't leave the magic circle, destroy the magic circle, and can also cut off the connection between her and the magic circle, causing energy instability, energy explosion, and even let her disappear."

Yi Chou responded quickly, and immediately deduced from Lucy's clue, but. .

"Yes." Lucy said.

But with the method, it is not that simple to implement.

First of all, I can ignore the first point. It is indeed good news that the Scarlet Witch cannot leave the magic circle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe after the magic circle is completed, she becomes completely real, and she can leave here without energy supply. But at that time Yi Chou had slipped away.

It's a pity that Yi Chou can't leave here either. If he runs, he can run right away. The Scarlet Witch didn't find him. Although Chaos Magic is strong, Yi Chou is not weak.

It's just that his purpose is not uphold, and Winnie is the key to this trip. The first mission goal is that he can't leave here until the laboratory is completely evacuated.

Only a second point is left for so long, destroying the magic circle.

"Do you know what to do." Yi Huo asked in a low voice.

He didn't know what the following magic circle was all about, let alone destroyed.

The magic circle is not so easy to destroy. First of all, the magic circle is very dangerous, and any larger changes may cause a chain explosion. Secondly, not every node on the magic circle is very important, and even many are dedicated. Used to confuse the enemy.

Not the most central place, it is definitely the most critical position of the magic circle.

Random destruction will not have any effect. It may also hurt yourself and attract the eyes of the scarlet witch.

Lucy knows this too, but. .

"I'm sorry sir, the magic circle below is very cumbersome, I have never seen it, and your knowledge is not entered, and more importantly... there are many places that are covered."

"I haven't finished parsing."

"Speed ​​up." Yi Xuan said.

Although the matter was not completely resolved, finally there was a clue, and with the clue, the plan would naturally appear. After hesitating, Yi Chou got up and walked out, "Stay here, keep everything." He told Athens Na said.

"I'll lead the scarlet witch away."

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