High Magic Earth

Chapter 1251: guard

"Now you are out, we can go now." Madison said with his arms in his arms.

But she had a hunch that Joanna might not be persuaded so smoothly, and sure enough, it didn't take long, and even before the next second, her hunch was fulfilled.

"No... we're going to help him, help Kraedens."

Madison sighed, "You're serious." She was powerless.

It's a classic movie routine. Madison is even a little skeptical now...I wonder if I've crossed into a movie again, a director has a big brain, and a third-rate, low-cost episode, for example, one of the supporting roles is A witch who came from a different world even took it directly from other movie worlds.

As for the protagonist, the protagonist is of course Joanna.

Integrity, kindness, sense of justice and passion are simply typical protagonist qualities.

"Of course." Joanna nodded.

"Really?" Madison rolled his eyes. "We can't even get ourselves right now."

"Cradens is a kind boy. He is innocent. He would rather sacrifice himself than hurt others. We should help him."

"Don't say you haven't watched a movie. He died not worth it. Although I don't know why he came here and why he didn't die, we can't just give up."

Madison felt annoyed, even angry.

"You said it yourself," she said impatiently. "It's just a movie. It might even be a fictional person."

Madison felt that his temper was much better now, or that he was always patient and patient when facing Joanna. He obviously looked down on this guy the most, but he was more tolerant than anyone.

It's really strange.

When Madison was secretly secret, Joanna threw a crit directly at the next moment.

"Then you," she said, "are you also a fictional person."


Madison was stunned for a moment, then her face changed, and she was not a special agent. Without professional training, her biggest secret was suddenly broken, how could she calm down.

"You..." She frowned.

"How do I know?" Joanna asked, but Madison thought how she felt suspiciously proud of her expression.

"Madison's hat flew." Then she whipped her wand, and the hat put in Madison's pocket immediately flew away.

"give me back!"

Madison's eyes were fast, and he pulled the hat back in the air again. The silent anti-curse confronted him, and the hat instantly lost its motivation.

That is to say, Madison was just too surprised and not focused. Otherwise, she would not be released from the flying mantra so easily.

As Madison spit it out, the magic that the Harry Potter world can touch is poor and poor, and most of it is universal universal oil.

In addition to your weapon, you can fly the opponent's wand, weapon, then the flying charm, if you use it well, you can also achieve the effect of removing your weapon.

In combat, the weapon disarming is fatal to ordinary wizards, so the flying spell is as aggressive as your weapon. Under normal circumstances, Madison will certainly not be hit.

"That's it," Madison said, clutching his hat. "It doesn't mean anything."

"Don't you think I'm really upright, **** and stupid, especially the latter." Joanna said with a smile. "In fact, the black wizard who had such a thought was dead, but I was on Auror. The position of the office director."

Seeing Madison's face was not very good, Joanna shrugged. "This is just one of them." She said, "But with speculation, it is easy to reverse the other things based on the conclusion."

"For example... if you are really not a wizard, or a pure wizard, then many of the spells that protect the wizard and protect the wizard will not necessarily work for you."

"Finally, at the beginning, I said that I hadn't heard Emma Roberts' name. That was a lie to you."

"A roommate of my friend's cousin, who has worked as a photographer for you, said that your character is not as bad as the paparazzi report, but the temper is greater than the report."

"You often have a big temper, a lot of fire, and you should not be as smart as you behave..."

Madison didn't speak with a cold face, just looked at Joanna, and after she finished, she sneered after a while, "So, should I still thank you for your praise?"

"No thanks." Joanna shrugged.

Madison felt that he should be gone, and Joanna should not be rescued from silence.

"Okay." Joanna smiled, "What is your true identity about the six-person law, is not something we should discuss now."

She turned the subject back to Kradens, then looked at Madison sincerely and said, "Please help me, please."

Madison also looked at Joanna. After her initial surprise, her expression did not seem to change much. She stared at Joanna for a while, and then responded lightly.

"it is good."……

Marco Tell felt that her heart was disturbed, and she had never fallen into such a state of panic.

No matter when and where, she can always calm down. Even in the face of the endless and overwhelming orc tide, she can observe everything calmly...and then turn around and run.

Of course, it is better to have an insight into the retreat route in advance than to run into the jungle and be chased by half-orc wolf cavalry, or even plunge directly into the dead end.

No one can fight against the tide-like Orc army, even Gandalf, and Martell even doubted that even the dark lord Sauron would not be able to win its own Orc sea in a frontal battle.

The qualitative change does exceed the quantitative change, but I am afraid that these indigenous peoples have not yet reached the level of quantitative change.

Marco Terre is an explorer, a modern explorer, which she prides herself on.

With the support of developed technology, there are very few places in the world where humans have not set foot. Even if it is a mountain as high as Everest, there are still people who can conquer it every year.

Of course, the earth is a Kui Bao, even if it is human beings now, compared with the magic and ingenuity of nature, it is still young like a child.

There are definitely lands on earth that have not yet been stepped on by humans... But these places, Marco Terre, also cannot enter.

She is an explorer, but she is not first-rate, and she can only barely be called a professional. She can go to some places that are not too dangerous. Those places that are too dangerous...Marcoel There is also no ability to enter.

The explorer was originally a costly occupation, countless equipment, high-tech all need financial support, Marco Terre's net worth is not rich, neither a descendant of an ancient family, nor the second person in charge of a high-tech company generation.

But her parents are indeed a high-paying member of the American education career...otherwise, they can't stand even the lowest-level adventure dreams.

Marco Terre is a cheerful guy, full of energy and vitality. If it weren't for her pretty face and long blond hair, and her parents' scrolls, it would be easy to be misunderstood as a tomboy.

Rao is so, the sun and the climate that travel all year round also make her start to develop in the direction of bodybuilding and strong women, rather than the type of knowledge.

It is often said that blonde stupid girls and blond long hair are mostly stupid. This sentence does not seem to be reflected in Markotel, but her body confirms another sentence.

Laughter guys are usually not bad luck.

It was her third trip to Amazon that really allowed Marco Tere to embark on the venture.

There are dangerous places, but Marcotel dare not go. She has self-knowledge, but too safe places, Marcotel also does not want to go. She loves adventure instead of traveling.

The Amazon jungle is a good choice.

Although this place is also one of the most dangerous forbidden places, it is already very deep. If you don’t take the risk of deepening, Marco Dell can still do it within her ability.

Moreover, the Amazon jungle covers a large area and changes a lot, and the feeling of coming every time is different.

During the third trip to Amazon, Marco Tell met a poacher, but in fact it is not a poaching. After all, Amazon is so big that it is unattended and the hunt will be hunted.

But unfortunately, Marcotel collided with them.

Even if Marktel did not want to cause trouble, they did not plan to let Marktel off.

Marco Tell would naturally not be an opponent of poachers. Seeing that she was invincible, she could only keep approaching the Amazon River and finally jumped into the river helplessly.

In fact, this is basically suicide.

There are a lot of strange aquatic creatures in the Amazon, dangerous and not dangerous, carnivorous and carnivorous, and the most terrible overlord, the crocodile.

Jumping into the river in that situation, there is no chance of survival.

But the goddess of fortune looked after Markot. Not only did she not die, but because she was not far away from the jungle at that time, she was rushed along the river to the edge of the jungle.

Marcotel escaped with luck, but her good luck didn't stop there, because here she met the gold coin that had transformed her destiny.

A treasure.

It is not a well-known secret treasure, but it does exist. It is much more cost-effective than those hidden in treasure maps, which are invisible and untouchable, and even cannot be traced for life.

What caught Martell's attention were a few scattered gold coins. Following the gold coins, Martell lost the trace of the gold coins near a river bay.

At that time, she did not continue to pursue it because she had no supplies or supplies. After leaving the edge, she noted down her general position and immediately opened for help.

In fact, the real discovery of the treasure was when she made enough preparations to return here for the fourth time.

It seems to be a shipwreck treasure, but it may also be a treasure of pirates. Marcel did not study much in this area and could not judge it.

Because the storage of the treasure is very scattered, it is piled up in a cave that can only be reached through the hole in the water.

Through the undercurrent of the river and through a few blocking rocks, you can find a dark hole in the water beside the river bed. The hole is not deep and narrow. This allows a few treasures to fall down and float into the river. Lucky discovery.

Entering the cave entrance, you can immediately find that there is no cave in the river bed. A rock cave with a height of half a person is hidden in it. After entering, the person cannot stand to the body at all, and can only be half immersed in the water.

In the cave, there are three or four boxes of open boxes scattered with gold and silver coins in various countries, but most of them are from Spain.

This place doesn't look like a pirate's treasure, because there is no protection... It seems too simple, but it looks like some treasures were rescued after a shipwreck and placed here.

Although no shipwreck was found, Marcotel found a large ship plate stuck in the rock gap nearby, which was already decayed. She was not even sure if it was a part of the ship... or she made up her own brain. of.

But in any case, this treasure is valuable.

Although it cannot be said to exceed the sky-high price, it also allows her to establish her own portal, enough to continue her adventure career, and this experience is also legendary, which further strengthened Marcel's heart.

Although her career in adventure is dangerous, she loves it.

Marcel is cheerful, but also full of stubbornness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it is because of her stubbornness that he has received greater returns, free people.

Shortly after this experience, Marco Terre entered the Second World. Although it is unclear about the selection and invitation mechanism of the Second World, perhaps... because of the most subtle changes, the opportunity will pass. It's over.

Now, Marktel is not just an explorer, she is also a Maya, a half-divine Maya.

The guardian of Middle-earth.

She will also protect her hometown, New York.

Marco Tell's face is not very good-looking, because the current situation is really awful, the most important thing is that Ken and Josie have left.

As they said before they left, they really did not intend to participate in this matter.

Marcotel did not know that Ken and Josie both belonged to an existence called the Origin Conference. She only knew each other. There was nothing strange about it. Who doesn't have a friend yet.

Although she didn't want the two to leave, she didn't have any position to stay. It was a matter of life and death, and no one could ask others to do anything.

Now she was left alone.

Hmm... there is a team of little black men not far away, but Marco Tell doesn't have any hope for these guys.

The new monster in the portal is much more powerful than before, otherwise Marcotel will not directly treat this matter as a very bad situation, even a life and death enemy.

It didn't take long for the strange person to leave, and the iron tusks and pot lids left in place were overturned by the monsters under the teleportation array, and Marco Terrence saw it at first glance.

It...is not a ghost creature at all.

It is more evil than the dark monarch Sauron, 100 times more powerful, in the true sense, those condensed by the indescribable and various unknowns and evil concepts... Evil God. 8)

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