High Magic Earth

Chapter 1252: Advent

There are many types of evil spirits, the most common one is nothing more than a god, but the camp is biased towards chaotic evil. Such gods are often called evil spirits.

But are they really evil, not necessarily.

Evil and justice are relative. In the eyes of some people, justice and order are absolute justice, and evil chaos is absolute evil.

But what is certain is that justice and lawfulness can absolutely maintain the interests of this part of people, perhaps in terms of money, perhaps in terms of rights, or... life.

Is evil really evil?


The devil who deceives the soul, the monster that **** human blood, and the characters of justice often regard them as the enemy of life and death, but...are they necessarily wrong?

Monsters also have their own lives, and they also have the right to survive. Taking human blood may be unforgivable in the eyes of humans and may even have to be wiped out, but in the eyes of monsters, this may be the means to maintain their survival.

This is the simplest debate between justice and evil, with different positions.

But there is a kind of existence, it is indeed extremely evil, and it really destroys all the rules of the world and tramples on the existence of all cognitions in the world.

Chaos and evil, crazy and unknown taboos exist.

There is no description or description.



Zhen Tian's roar is like a trumpet that cut through the sky. It is desolate and ancient. It seems to have traversed countless cosmic spaces. Countless times and centuries come with inexplicable calling and breath.

The already clear sky gloomed down in an instant, as if the entire sky curtain was surrounded by a clear blue crystal. The clouds in the sky were condensed into crystals, and under the refraction of the sun, the blue sky bloomed Charming light.

Immediately afterwards, this condensation spread quickly, and in the blink of an eye, everything around this behemoth crawling out of the portal was transformed into this blue crystalline crystal.

It's like being in a world of crystals.

Charming, beautiful... equally deadly and dangerous.

The cloud turned into crystal, which was not soft and illusory, and a solid entity appeared. Similarly, it also lost the ability to float and rain, and it has always become a large piece of crystal with edges and corners.

The sky has also become a crystal, just like a blue crystal canopy, upside down on the sky, the sun can not directly shine in, only through the crystal filtering out a layer of inexplicable refraction, can only penetrate into the only one is decomposed Spectral color, blue light.

The surrounding buildings and ruins were also transformed into crystals. Crystallization was spread in an instant, directly covering the building from beginning to end.

Layers of blue crystals appear on the surface of the building, thick and fast, layer after layer, as if it will never stop, whether it is glass windows or gates and ventilation ducts, everything is wrapped in crystal Inside, until the situation inside cannot be seen clearly from the outside, and only a shadow can be seen vaguely, the crystalization stops growing.

At this time, all the nearby buildings were turned into blue crystal columns. The surface of the crystal was not smooth, and many crystal spikes broke out. However, no matter whether the building had windows or doors, Or the cars in the parking lot, now they are all wrapped in crystals, forming a whole.

From a distance, it looks like a crystal mountain with beautiful crystals.

It seems that it is only between such huge mountain crystals, that the giant person who is nearly 100 meters high will not appear too tall, and walks just right between the crystals, as if this is the place where it is suitable to live. hometown.

Everything is crystallized.

Although the speed is not fast and the range is not large, as the blue giant constantly pulls itself out of the portal, this speed is gradually increasing, and the range also moves back and forth as it swings left and right.

"Jesus!..." Marco Terr whispered, "it's assimilating... no, transforming the world."

Yes, in addition to those justice and evil mansions defined by humans, there are some ancient and unknown taboos. They are the real source of chaos. All unknown and taboo concepts are collected. Humans always try to spy on and The taboo field of contact refutes the existence of all intelligent biological cognition and common sense.

Indescribable existence.

For small and fragile creatures like humans, even just seeing their existence, they will fall into a state of madness, because they are composed of too many unknown substances that humans cannot understand and are far beyond the ordinary. Humans are narrow The thinking capacity is simply incomprehensible.

In a sense, the famous old rulers and gods are one of them, part of them, but not all of them.

Existence within common sense cognition humans cannot yet fully discover discovery and cognition, not to mention the existence beyond common sense.

There are many others that are neither the old dominators nor the gods, but have the same origin as them. Some are much stronger and weaker than the old dominators and gods, but in any case They are all existences that humans cannot understand and are also taboo existences.

For example, this guy in front of me.

In fact, Marcotel can face this guy's existence, and hasn't gone mad, and even quickly returned his gaze without the need for other people's reminders, which is still the reason for her Maya identity.

How to say that Maya can be regarded as a half-god, half-footed into the realm of the gods, even if the power is far from being called God, but God is far from being divided by power alone.

Maya is far weaker than Vera in strength, but even then, Maya is also a half-god, and the dark lord Sauron was once a Maya, but fell to darkness under the guidance of Mogos.

Vera is the name of Middle-earth, but even if the name is changed, they cannot deny the definition and concept of Vera. They are sages and nobles. They are the fathers of gods and all things. In other words, Vera is the main god. It is the old god, the ancient god, the real man who ruled the world where he lives, and the most deserved god.

They created the world, created their own world, the creatures in the world, not the foreign gods such as the old rulers, foreign gods, and other indescribable guys.

So... they are not afraid of foreign gods, and they can naturally resist the madness of these foreigners.

This is not a hierarchical attribute and characteristic that can be divided by strength and power, but is the true meaning and strength of the gods.

Far from being certain races and creatures with stronger power, they can become arrogant gods.

Even if a certain population is a hundred times, thousand times, ten thousand times more powerful than humans, and even has no margin, but in the face of these foreign gods, inexplicable existence, they are still weak like ants.

This is suppression at a level, not quality that can be offset.

Markel, as Maya, was naturally well-informed, so she recognized the identity of the blue giant in the first time, and withdrew her gaze. Rao was so, she was also dizzy.

Although strength is not the attribute that divides the definition of the gods, the importance of strength is also beyond doubt. Obviously, Marcotel is too weak, and even weak is not a Maya.

There was no way for Martel. She was originally a human being. After entering the fantasy world of Middle-earth, she was inexplicably given a hint of hint in the deepest mark in her mind, and then she became a Maya. .

Although I don’t understand what is going on, how did the mysterious power that sent me into the Middle-earth world turned himself into Maya, and even deceived other Maya and Vera, but... With Markot He has become more and more aware of Maya and the division of various powers, and is more and more amazed by his incredible.

Both Maya and Vera were born at the beginning of time and entered the Middle-earth world. As a descendant of Maya, it is simply incredible.

Similarly, Maya's strength is mostly fixed, and she can't think of any other way than falling into the darkness.

In the weak human world of Middle-earth, Maya is already very strong, and there is no need to continue to find ways to strengthen itself, nor is there any way for Maya.

In desperation, Marco Tell can only do so.

Although she has learned a lot of magic from other worlds, the power of Maya itself has not increased much.

Facing ordinary people is very strong, but facing the alien **** in front of him... obviously it is not enough to look at.

After pondering for a moment, Marco Terre took out his mobile phone and started calling.


Although the blue giant has assimilated everything around him into crystal, it seems that things like electromagnetic waves cannot be assimilated by it. The signal can still be dialed out, but unfortunately, no one answered.

"Jesus! Answer the phone!"

Marco Tell couldn't help complaining.

Although she has lived in the Middle-earth for some time, the mantra is not so good. The Vera don’t like to be called. Every day Vera, Vera is on top, not to mention, Marco Ter itself is Maya, Vera's kind, this is more inappropriate.

Marcotel first called Imogen, then Delia, Anne and others, but without exception, no one answered her phone.

She didn't want the Witch Sisters to help. In fact, the witches would have an advantage over ordinary people, even an overwhelming victory, but in the face of this indescribable existence... or forget it.

The reason why Marco Tell these companions is to keep them away from here, she is Maya, it does not matter, will not be affected, but she knows that these foreign gods are terrible to ordinary people, and even just a glance , Will fall into permanent madness.

And if it is a witch... there may be another terrible consequence, which is to fall into the darkness and become a believer in these evil gods.

Evil is always the best source of power. In fact, this is not because of evil, but because the fallen person suddenly grasped a large amount of knowledge and power that had not been touched before.

This is especially true of foreign gods. They have a large number of existences that contradict common sense cognition, taboo knowledge, and unknown materials, which often increase the power of believers. Of course, the cost is also heavy.

But in any case, a fallen witch will make things worse, not worse.

After a round, no one answered the phone, as if they had made an appointment, which made Marcotel wonder if they went to the party again. Of course, due to the bad situation in New York, they are more likely Is involved in this matter, and has encountered a very bad situation.

At the same time, Marco Terr became more anxious while distraught.

"Hello... Marco Terr? It's so rare..."

But at this time, the phone was connected one way or the other. It was not easy. Marcotel glanced at the number and found out that the name was Joanna.

"Hey, sorry... I'm busy here, so I don't..."

Before Joanna had finished speaking, Marco Tell hurriedly asked, "Have you seen this big blue guy? Are you around? Have you seen it?"

Her tone was very anxious, and she even used three interrogative sentences.

"Ah... I understand, rest assured, we are not there, we know what this is, don't worry, it's really busy here, don't talk about it...too--too--"

Without saying a word, Joanna hurriedly hung up the phone.

Marco Tell took a deep breath, although his heart settled down a little, but the anxiety did not slow down much.

But now she can't allow her to continue to waste her time worrying about her companions. The big guy in front of him is the real source of the problem. As long as it is solved, everything will be solved.

But what should she do, she can't be the opponent of this thing, even if it gathers most of Maya, I'm afraid I can't beat it.

The old gods, the real rulers and creation gods of the world, and the foreign gods, the old gods of the old gods, still have strengths and weaknesses with each other. Marco Terr felt that he wanted to die this guy in front of him, I am afraid that Vera also Need to come a lot.

But let's not mention Vera in this world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even Maya has only one himself.

After clenching her teeth, Marcotel's eyes suddenly moved, because she saw that the squad of men in black that had just appeared not long ago was sneaking towards the alien blue giant, acting sneaky, It's like a rat ready to steal oil.

"St!" Marco Tell scolded, although she didn't know who these guys were, but by virtue of their similar resistance to the blue giant and not being crazy, it was worth visiting.

Without much hesitation, Marco Tell flew forward instantly, turned into a white giant wolf, and ran away not far away...

At the same time, the world of ordinary people also boils, like boiling oil boiling.

No matter how concealed by the US government, when the green ghost stood between the New York buildings and the ghosts circling in the sky, wantonly destroying everything, the news could not be concealed.

What's more, before the ghost door opened, they didn't receive any news. They even put most of their energy on the Salem operation that should have been successfully implemented tonight. The appearance of the ghost caught them by surprise.

This made the news unblocked in the first place. Various radio broadcasts, network broadcasts, and personally recorded videos were flying around the sky. In fact, such a huge existence could not be blocked.

The fast Internet era has made it easy to spread news many times. Within half an hour, the whole world of news spread everywhere.

This is the first time humanity has faced the appearance of supernatural, and it is also the first time to prove the existence of supernatural, which should be recorded in the history book.

But the problem is not here, but... Soon, humans will pay a heavy price for the speed and convenience that they will create for them.

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