High Magic Earth

Chapter 1253: Crazy

"This is New York TV station, what you are broadcasting live for you..."

"This is National News, and New York has fallen into..."

"The Voice of News will broadcast the fastest information and the most accurate information for you directly to your hands as soon as possible."

Brill was paralyzed on the sofa without a picture, his ears were listening to the news on the TV, but his eyes fell on Lina in the kitchen.

Branston is an unremarkable town, located in the suburbs and countryside of New York. The town is not backward and closed, but the number of people living is not large. Naturally, the pace of life is very slow.

There are not many new things happening in a small town in a day. After sunset, idlers bragging in small restaurants and bars are the best way to kill time.

Brill is an electrician in a small town, but occasionally takes care of other things and work related to electricians. Things on weekdays are not busy, just a small town, except for some lines that are in disrepair and need to be Apart from renovation or regular maintenance, there are few unexpected situations.

He likes this kind of life very much.

In fact, Brill is not a native of the town. Generally speaking, outsiders like him are not very popular in the town.

It's not that the town is excluded, but that most of the people in the town are looking at each other and grew up in a friendly relationship. It is indeed difficult for outsiders to step in.

But Brill's luck is good. He is an electrician and has a skill. In addition, electricity is needed by every household. With damage, he will naturally be asked to take care of him, and the relationship will soon become familiar.

Brill's luck goes far beyond that.

As I said before, American country towns are generally in a state of self-sufficiency. Of course, electricians are certainly people in towns. Non-residents like Brill rarely get in. They can only do so in New York. Power companies in big cities go to work.

However, as the Internet has developed more and more in the past two years, many young people have become more and more unwilling to stay in the corner, unwilling to be trapped in the town for a lifetime, and start to flock to the surrounding big cities, many houses are vacant, It also makes many people who are tired of the fast life in big cities live in small towns.

This is the case with Brill, but he is more fortunate.

He was originally an employee of the New York Electric Company and worked as a technician for three or four years. Although his position has been repeatedly promoted and his salary is not low, it is really too hard.

The electric company is responsible for almost half of New York's power grid. Even if Brill is not the general manager or senior staff, the size of the area that breaks out in one day is countless, and countless.

Although I earned a lot, I was really tired.

Especially not long ago, Brill married his girlfriend Lina, who had been in love for many years, and immediately became bored with work that she hadn't felt before.

Sometimes he often needed to work overtime until midnight, and he didn't even spend time with Lina.

He has lived such a life, and so has Lina, every day, how long it will take, day after day, and a dozen years of time passing by. Isn't such a life too empty.

Fortunately, the two have been in love for many years, and they can naturally understand each other's personality, and their hobbies are roughly the same. They have discussed it and found that they have accumulated a lot of savings over the years, and they have plans to leave this busy city of New York.

It happened that Brill found on the Internet that there was a vacancy for electricians in the town of Branston. Under various coincidences, he successfully obtained this position and was ready to settle down in the town.

The vacancy in the position of Branston Electrician is also a coincidence. Old John has also worked in this position for more than 40 years. It should have been his son who continued to inherit, but his son did not like electrician, but he was also arrogant. The talent of using a computer was tested in a university in a big city.

Not long ago, old John might be old and decayed. After an operation error, he was directly turned into coke on the spot by a high-voltage current. Even if he was not coke, he would not survive.

In this way, the location is naturally empty.

Of course, this is not a big problem. Some of these positions are applied by people, but coincidentally, Brill saw the application that was not issued immediately, and Blair had already successfully put on the job without waiting for others to flock to deliver resumes. .

The salary of the electrician in the town is of course not as high as that of the electric company, but the cost in the town is not much. The two have no children, which is enough to support the family. The most important thing is that the work in the town is far from electric. The company is so busy and tired that Brill can spend a lot of time with Lina.

I spent more than a month on free time, and then trouble came to the door again.

Last night, I didn’t know what was going on. At two or three in the morning, there was a large-scale collapse of the power grid in the entire town. There were short circuits caused by excessive voltage, burned, and some were due to insufficient power supply. The resulting short-term blockages and various closed circuits are more serious than the New York thunderstorm.

It's like the entire hair center is blown up.

The most important thing is that there is only one skilled electrician in the town, which means that you have to rescue the entire town's power grid by yourself. Of course, you can also wait for the government to support, but when that happens, the loss Will be bigger.

Brill is indeed not given in vain. It is certainly not only lucky to be able to get this position smoothly. In the electrical company, he is an excellent technician. When he arrived in the town, he was also in hand.

It's just too tired.

After three or four hours of busy rescues, Brill finally repaired the town's power grid by more than half, but he found that this unstable situation seemed to continue, and there was no plan to stop it at all. What is wrong can only temporarily cut off most of the power supply equipment and functions of the town to avoid multiple damages, leaving only emergency lines.

Although the town can only maintain the most basic power supply function, but fortunately it will not be a big deal.

Tired in the middle of the night, Brill was finally able to take a break. When he returned home early in the morning, he saw that Lina was already busy in the kitchen.

With a long sigh, Brill collapsed on the sofa, didn't want to move, and he seemed to be in a trance, but vaguely, the host on TV was anxious, clear, and with a trace of exaggerated voice. The magic sound filled the ears and kept drilling into his ears.

"Giant monster..."


"New York...humans...for the first time..."

"Supernatural beings..."

What exactly is going on.

Brill opened his eyes, but he was watching the news station, not bs...

Reporter Payton ahead also did not know what was going on.

Not long ago, while she was preparing a beautiful sleep at home, her boss suddenly called and told her that there was a big news near the western suburbs. If he could not see the live broadcast and the manuscript for a while, he would not use it tomorrow. Go to work.

Of course, Payton is a professional journalist after all. Although he complains about such things, he is also used to it. As for the second half of the sentence, he ignores it directly.

What she said was also one of the ace reporters in Taiwan, which is so easy to be expelled.

Immediately dressed up for three times, five divisions and two, and even useless for ten minutes, he took an appointment with the photographer and assistant and hurried away to the location.

When he arrived, Payton realized that she was not the only one here. New York major news stations, tabloid tabloids, even entertainment stations and some non-influential guys came together.

Payton was really curious about what happened.

Then the fierce shootout began.

Payton is no stranger to the shootout. This is the United States, a country that can't help but have guns, but the fierce conflict that broke out in New York is still rare, especially...the army.

A large number of teams came to Mercedes-Benz, and Peyton smelled a big event, but also smelled of danger.

She didn't squeeze to the front like other people for the first time, but she was a little behind. At this time, although the matter was already in trouble, it did not reach a serious level.

It's nothing more than an attack, or a robbery.

Although it's a big news, it's not a shocking event. It's not as good as today's utterly horrendous insane words that attract traffic.

It was precisely this kind of caution that allowed her to survive the first wave of ghostly destruction without distinction.

Then missionary Jesse Castel's wide-ranging holy sound expelled everyone, leaving them to leave the neighborhood unconsciously, but he didn't even know what happened.

Many reporters are like this. After escaping from the disaster, they left the place in a confused drive, no matter how their boss yelled and did not return... At least before the end of the matter, the effect of Jessica’s holy sound would not disappeared.

Payton luckily survived these two disasters, and... she saw the whole process of this shocking battle.

Although Payton did not move forward at the beginning, and did not report anything of value, but now the battle has reached an intense stage, no one has paid attention to what is going on at the beginning, and is concerned about whether those monsters will ravage New York. Who is the mysterious man, can you stop them?

Peyton's continuous reports attracted a lot of traffic. At this time, among the same news, the Voice of News has the largest number of viewers.

But in fact, Payton knew nothing about it.

No one told her what was going on. Neither the surrounding police nor the military had the right to expel these dog skin plasters as if they were journalists, but they can keep quiet.

Obviously, this matter was extremely blocked, and no one answered Payton even a question.

Is it some kind of crazy scientific experiment? Or did aliens invade Earth? Or is it really the supernatural phenomenon that the gate of **** is completely opened? Payton had no way of knowing.

She was blindfolded herself.

I thought it was just a shootout. I guess I didn't know which attack to deal with, but I didn't suppress it. It was revealed that the person in charge must be unlucky, but I didn't expect it to directly involve the supernatural existence.

This is not the general supernatural existence.

If there is really a problem with a biological research institute, and some kind of biochemical monster comes out, Payton is not unacceptable. Human science has been improving. The monsters caused by biochemical experiments on the big screen really appear, but they are not. Unacceptable, maybe it's really big news.

After all, it's still in the field of science, but now... directly related to the ghost.

Just look at the monsters with a dozen floors, mysterious humans floating in the sky, strange and strange, just like the ancient monsters in cartoon animation, even if it is not a ghost, it is definitely a supernatural phenomenon, anyway, certainly no biological laboratory can come up with of.

But there are some things that Payton knows clearly that they can't talk nonsense, but in desperation, they can only feel like a car, talking about some useless nonsense repeatedly.

"The front reporter Payton reported for you. As we have seen, the whole of New York seems to have become a hell, like a seal of some kind of demon, an unknown monster is preparing to break out of the ground."

"Whether it is an alien invasion, or a supernatural event, or an experiment by a mad scientist, we still don't know the specific news. Please look forward to the reporter Payton to continue reporting for you."

Peyton breathed a sigh of relief when exiting the lens.

How to say it is also an old reporter who is a trump card. Some scenes will still be said. Anyway, it is such non-nutritious nonsense. Cars are going to come and talk, and they can always delay the time.

In any case, the government will not let this thing continue to wreak havoc, and then there will be something to report.

Worthy of being an ace reporter, now Payton no longer thinks about what this is, and what impact it can have on human development and historical progress. Just looking at what he should say next, how can he attract more attention.


But as Peyton thought, a burst of muffled noise suddenly sounded, as if the earth was cracking, and a black shadow rose instantly into the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Afterwards, tumbling down and down.

Then in the next moment, another huge blue figure appeared in the sky.

"Hurry up!"

Peyton gestured anxiously to the photographer, instructing him to shoot himself in, and the change was protruding, and naturally there was something new to report.

The two have cooperated for many years, and naturally there has been a tacit understanding. When the photographer deflects the lens slightly, Payton has taken a big step to the side, and the figure immediately appears next to the lens.

"Recently, the unknown monster in the underground finally broke through." Payton spoke quickly, she turned sideways and pointed at the blue monster to explain, "What kind of creature is this, its It looks completely different from what the living creatures of the earth can have. Is it really an alien invasion?"

"What is our politics doing, why is there no response at all now."

Then in the end, Payton didn't forget the tradition.

She had good luck. When the evil spirit appeared, she turned her back on her. Payton saw this blue figure and felt some headaches and dizziness, but she didn’t care. Endure and continue to explain smoothly, but unfortunately, her good luck soon ran out.

"Look, this blue monster has a new action." As soon as the blue monster moved, Payton continued quickly. "What it is doing, there seems to be some strange changes around it, as if something is spreading out, Is that crystal?"

"Wait, it turned around, let's see how this monster really is..."




In the next moment, the sharp roar like a beast and the crazy howl of the soprano sounded through the entire lens, just like some kind of horrible virus, flowing freely.

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