High Magic Earth

Chapter 1254: Crazy (2)

Fear is spreading. .

The screams are harsh and mad, just like the most terrible torture in the world. It is difficult for people to imagine what kind of things will cause humans to make such a distorted voice.

The female reporter, who was originally beautiful, savvy and capable Peyton has been completely twisted. She hugged her head, her body curled up like a creeping insect, and a twisted and crazy scream flowed out of her mouth, accompanied by a grunt. Disgusting voice.

She buried her head deadly, and in a corner where she couldn't see, her face had twitched, and her twisted face was not human.

Peyton's hands were white with hard joints, and she was tearing large pieces of her hair together with her scalp. The large pieces of flesh fell off, dripping the blood around her and her, horrid and terrifying.

The rich **** smell and stench permeated out, enveloping the surrounding air in an instant.

Not only is Payton, in fact, the photographer is the first person to see the real indescribable existence, he has already fallen into a crazy state, but unlike Payton, he is more like a brain after being burnt into Got an idiot.

The camera fell to the ground, the picture was accompanied by a burst and collision, and it became an unmanaged state, and the photographer had covered his head, and he couldn’t help but beat himself. It quickly emerged from the surface of his skin, but he didn't mean to stop at all.

Like a madness.

After everyone sees this indescribable existence, the reaction is different, depending on different psychology, thinking and brain capacity.

But for human beings, even the best brain still cannot bear these indescribable existences.

Everyone will fall into madness, the difference is only the degree of difference.

"Ah-! Ah-! Ah-!"


At the moment when the blue giant turned around, the human beings it faced were immediately wiped out. This is the indescribable existence.

Incomprehensible, nor can humans bear it.

You don’t even need it to make an attack. Just seeing it, you’ve fallen into madness...


Marco Tell scolded in his heart.

She is always paying attention to the movement of the blue giant. When she sees it turn her head, Marcotel then deflects her direction. She is Maya and will not fall into madness because of the inexplicable existence, but for these terrible existences. It’s not just about not looking at them.

This thing is an intelligent creature, and it is also an extraordinary intelligent creature. Only a very small number of such indescribable existences rely on instinctive actions.

Seeing it and falling into madness is only because human beings cannot understand their existence, not even their characteristics.

And the terrible and abilities that a smart creature should have, they also possess and are superior.

Not only did they just not look at them, but they were also crushed to death by the blue giant.

Marcotel's speed is very fast. She turned into a white giant wolf and the color of the ground is almost integrated, running fast against the ground, and an emergency stop instantly hides in the shadows.

The blue giant probably didn't find her.

And I don’t know if it’s lucky or disdainful, and it didn’t pay attention to the small ants not far away.

The men in black are still tirelessly advancing. They have regular steps, fast speed, and clear goals. It is the blue giant who can't stop moving forward, as if a team of well-trained soldiers.

I don't know what is fear at all.

That's all, but these guys can indeed fight the indescribable chaos and not fall into madness.

This made Markel interested. How did they do it, is it some kind of technology, or magic, or are they not humans at all, or peers?

Marco Tell was prepared to ask him in the past.

Beastization has once again increased the power of Markotel. She naturally has the speed of a white wolf. Although the power of the white wolf is no match for Maya, the speed is beyond the reach of Maya.

Communicating the beast, and even turning it into a beast, is the ability of a Maya in the Maya group.

Not a friend of Gandalf, his magic is not home yet, and he can only communicate with the beast, not the beast, and even use the power of the beast.

There are many Maya, not all in Middle-earth.

Fortunately, as a Maya, Martell was born, and the Maya group did not reject her. With her cheerful and optimistic personality, she also handed in many personalities and hobbies. Maya.

Although Maya is a demigod, even though the mind and mind are more powerful than humans, the basic logical processing is almost the same. Maya also has its own small society, disputes and exchanges, which are pleasing and unsightly. These are all Exist, otherwise Sauron cannot fall.

In addition to her own power, Maya also possesses magic. Gandalf is the best example. The magic of beastification is what Marktel learned from her good friend Maya.

She can become most animals, even dragons, griffins and other creatures, but unfortunately this does not give her the power of crushing, even if it is a dragon, it does not fly too much, and the skin is thick and rough. , The power is huge, and can breathe several attributes of dragon breath.

It seems powerful, but there are a lot of dragons that can be slaughtered. Of course, it is much more powerful than Maya.

The fluffy ears suddenly moved, and the animalization brought strength to Markotel, and also included all kinds of hearing, smell, and vision that only animals have.

In fact, it is still very interesting to observe the world from another perspective.

Marco Tell heard howling, screaming, crying, crazy screams, coming from the wind not far away, the direction, probably the direction facing the blue giant.

She knew what was going on. Human beings could not resist this kind of power.

Although these indescribable existences rarely initiate active offensives, in most cases, all the planets on which they appear are plunged into destruction and destruction.

The longer it is dragged on, the more likely it is that there are innocent human beings who should not see because they see...

Wait, Marcel suddenly thought of a question.

"Woo (Damn!)" She let out a snarl of unknown significance and then turned her head to run out. The blue giant did not notice the little white dot below.

Hope everything is too late...

Brill was a little depressed. The news content was fascinating, and he awakened him directly from the drowsy state, and Lina's breakfast was ready. If she slept, she would be very distressed.

In fact, if the content of the news is not computer synthesis, April Fools' joke, but the truth, then I am afraid that I am really in some kind of event that can be recorded in the history book.

Supernatural existence.

The big blue monster, like a ghost in the sky.

This is a supernatural event, an absolute supernatural phenomenon, even if not, it is an alien.

Anyway, it is definitely not the creature of the earth.

Brill is not stupid, he just lives in a small town... or just moved here, the electrician is also a test of technology, and can mix well with the New York Electric Company. Brill is definitely not the kind of way to go after dropping out of school. Guy.

He could well imagine what was behind all this.

Um... yes, now Brill knows why he is busy most of the night.

This stupid thing on TV is not in the wilderness. Although it looks empty, it is one of the most dense and major areas of New York’s power grid. Some are outside, but more of the power grid is Walking underground.

Obviously, this idiot destroyed the underground power grid.

But what can I do, can I still sue this group of aliens?

After taking Lina and pouring him coffee, Brill leaned on the sofa comfortably and continued to watch the developments in the news.

These are the previous news. Through the abbreviated explanation in the news, Brill quickly found the channel and quickly found a channel that is being broadcast live.

The voice of the news.

I heard that the scene was tragic. Many reporters and photographers died there, even including many policemen, and they seem to have encountered some strange supernatural phenomenon.

But thinking about ghosts flying all over the sky, there seems to be nothing unacceptable.

Brill felt that the number of casualties this time would definitely be less, thanks to his move out of New York. According to the comics and movies, New York is basically the most intense place in the war.

Whether it is a superhero, a supervillain, or a super monster, it always seems to like to find New York, and often starts with a major event, and New York has been suffering from disasters ever since.

Brill felt that this time it was like the so-called big event.

It directly opened a new door for humans, a completely different door from technology... Brill was only in his thirties this year, and he likes comics and games. There is no need to be surprised.

If you and Lina are still in New York, maybe some spaceship or weapon will fall from the sky that day, and they will directly destroy the dust they smashed.

Even if this is not the case, all kinds of disasters *rebuilding* will definitely make you vomit blood.

For example, the place where the monsters are rampant now is one of the densest centers in New York's power grid, and it can definitely make the whole company work overtime for three days and three nights.

"Brill, have dinner!"

At this time, Lina, who had prepared the breakfast, issued a crisp call, and pulled out the chair and took the lead to sit next to the dining table.


Brill responded, still staring at the TV motionlessly.

The ghost of the sky, the green monster has been wiped out by a mysterious figure, but like the most classic plot in the story, monsters are always one after another, and a new monster will emerge immediately.

This monster seems to be more abstract than the previous guy, but also anti-class.

Although the green monster before was equally gritty and did not conform to human aesthetics, but after a long look, it also had a particularly strange and cute feeling.

But now this, just a back view, makes Brill feel disgusted.

The photographer didn't take a picture of the front of this guy. Brill didn't blame his disrespect. In the face of such creatures, it would be nice for them to be lucky to survive. Anyway, this guy will always turn around.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the monster began to slowly turn the body.

The female reporter on the screen seemed to be very interested in the true face of this guy. Where did she yell, Brill stared at the screen of the TV, and then at the next moment, the screen suddenly flickered suddenly, and the angle of view suddenly dropped to become The angle of view of the ground.

"What the hell!" Brill frowned in dissatisfaction.

But then, a harsh scream fluttered from the screen, making his brows deeper and deeper.

"Brill!" The voice alarmed Lina, who called in the kitchen.

"Come on!"

Brill responded again, and then began to change channels. It was a disrespectful photographer. The courage was too small, even the camera was frightened.

In addition to the voice of the news, there are several TV stations that broadcast the news in the same way. Most of the situation is the same. The camera fell directly, and the lens did not know where to go, and no one picked it up.

But Brill believes that there must be equipment that is not shoulder-resistant.

Sure enough, after switching channels again, a distorted and abstract face appeared in Brill's eyes.

Reflected in his pupils, straight into his heart.

It turned out... like this, Brill's brain was slow and sticky, and slowly assembled this sentence.

In fact, this is also the last sentence in his life clearly thought out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ next moment.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Crazy howling sounded in the living room, deafening, and the sharp sound seemed to go straight into the eardrum, as if to shatter the surrounding glass.

Brill's screaming alarmed Lina, and she rushed into the living room in a panic, shouting in her mouth, "Brill! What's the matter with Brill!?"

She saw Brill lying on the floor, holding her head and rolling, but the next moment, her eyes deflected and fell on the TV screen.


The scream of sorrow cut through the roof and pierced the sky, resounding in this quiet town, crazy and twisted, mixed with despair and screams of unknown significance.

The indescribable existence is not something humans can face.

Its existence is beyond the scope of all human understanding, all cognition, and all thinking. It has an existence that contradicts all common sense. Its existence is itself unbearable for human beings.

Even if there is a screen...

"The environment here is very good." Ignoring the screams from his ears, Simon carried a suitcase and looked at the town in front of him with a smile.

The sky was slightly clear, and the sun was shining down, rendering this peaceful country town like a postcard. Of course, if not all of this is rendered into horror films and zombies.

But... Neither Simon nor the guy beside him are ordinary people, and I am afraid they are not even human.

"I like this place." Mr. Feng's words are still few in the past, still his style.

The two looked at each other and stopped walking, striding toward the town.

Behind them, there is a square road sign with bright colors.

"Branston welcomes you!"

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