High Magic Earth

Chapter 1256: Program

"What the hell!"

Zanda was very dissatisfied and threw the remote control on the sofa. He was still waiting to watch the latest nba finals. Although the live broadcast can also be seen on the Internet, it is a paid live channel and requires additional payment to purchase.

But I don’t know what ghost I saw today. More than a dozen stations have entered the interface without signal display. The pattern composed of colorful rectangles has not been seen for at least ten years.

I remember when he was very young, because there were not many TV shows, it was impossible for TV stations to broadcast 24 hours a day without interruption, so after the early morning to the morning, the screen showed no such program , No signal screen.

But with more and more shows, this pattern has long disappeared.

I don’t know what went wrong with the TV station today. I changed several channels in succession, and there was no program to play at all, so I stayed on this interface.

"Damn, it's the finals today!"

Zanda whispered in a low voice.

or. . Go to open a paid channel.

He could not help but think of this idea. American online programs have a strong sense of copyright. Similar to this kind of live broadcast, they are often paid-for channels. Although there are not many, Zanda does not want to consume his pocket money.

The main thing is that webcasting always seems a bit uncomfortable.

Unconsciously pressing the remote control in his hand, Zanda's ear suddenly heard a thick news broadcast.

"Various unexplained causes of madness suddenly occurred in Vancouver, and many citizens fell into madness at home. The symptoms were hysterical, disabling, unconscious, unconscious, etc."

"The specific cause is unknown, but a widespread infection is thought."

"No biological viruses have been detected so far, but everyone has watched the supernatural situation happening in New York before going crazy."

"For the sake of insurance, all live broadcasts and rebroadcasts related to New York have been stopped. I hope everyone stays at home, locks the channel to this column, do not switch channels at will, and do not panic. We are tracking down the truth and solutions."


After a pause, the screen continues to scroll and play.

"A large number of unknown reasons suddenly appeared in the city of Vancouver..."

Obviously, this is a circular image.

"Crazy?" Zanda raised his eyebrows, with a puzzled expression on his green face.

Zanda is just an ordinary student in an ordinary college in Vancouver. Taking advantage of the weekend, he is preparing to watch a hearty nba game. I did not expect to encounter such a thing.

"Supernatural phenomena in New York..."

Zanda skewed his head and thought. He felt as if he had seen this news vaguely. He skewed his head and recalled it carefully. Zanda thought that he had seen it in the mobile news not long ago. He thought it was the headline. The party is simply too lazy to open.

But now it seems that this matter is not just as simple as the title party.

"It seems to be checked."

Without much thought, Zanda turned his thoughts into practical actions. He took out his mobile phone and snapped it on the screen. As for the danger prompted on the TV, he was naturally left behind by his head.

A young man of his age, impulsive to do things, has no scruples, and rarely passes through the brain. What is dangerous, does not exist in his head.

In a blink of an eye, the latest news content in New York appeared on his phone screen.

Zanda stared at the phone with interest, and then opened a title.

"Let me see what the **** is that."

There is a video on the screen. I don't know whether it is live or transferred video, but in any case, Zanda has bowed his head intently, staring at the screen without blinking.


The next moment, a scream of exclamation rang out in this messy room.

. . .

"Quick! Quick!"

"Cut off the connection of all programs, whether it is live broadcast or rebroadcast, all cut off for me!"

Wipe the sweat, the person in charge of the TV station is already a sweat of the brain, although I don't know the reason, but since it is the top instruction, then naturally we must arrange it as fast as possible.

What's more, there are already several staff members in the station who have fallen into that terrible madness. When he thinks about the extent to which the faces of the monsters contained in the broadcast can affect him, he feels a chill.

Wiping a sweat again, he urged loudly, "Quick! Quick! Quick!"

In fact, it is not just this TV station. At the same time, all the TV stations around the world, and the departments that supervise them, are all moving.

Indeed, because nothing is known about the existence of Evil God, its appearance caused great casualties to human beings at the beginning, but human reactions were not slow.

Although the reason is not clear, but when the situation is decided, they cut off the connection of all the programs. Before they can figure out the truth of the situation, it is the correct way to cut off all possible causes.

Of course, this is also a special treatment made because of the emergency situation. Under normal circumstances, such a large-scale disconnection of programs and connections will not be caused, which will cause further panic and even news blockade, which is not known by the public.

But under the constant infection of madness, so much has been ignored, although it is not death, this irreversible madness is similar to death.

Compared with the threat of death, other so-called serious consequences are naturally worthless.

This is also due to the time difference caused by the transmission of the program. When the live broadcast of New York came to other cities and other countries, most of them were slow for a long time, ranging from three to five minutes, and most of them were half an hour.

It was during this period that humans were given a buffer distance. Although it caused a lot of confusion, the plan to forcibly cut off immediately after the instantaneous exchange of messages.

Otherwise, don’t say it’s cut off. I’m afraid these people in charge will be insane because they see the true face of the evil **** in the first place.

In that case, the whole world is completely chaotic.

fortunately. . Fortunately, it was too late.

No matter who is from that country, at this moment, they can not help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as they can organize and resist this monster, then. . It won't be raging for long!

. . .

Marco Tere was taken aback, but she didn't expect to be blocked by the golem, but then she reacted.

"Who are you." She asked, "It's your own consciousness... or something else."

This kind of magic is magical. No one can say for certain. When will there be any new combination. There are many times when magic items will generate their own consciousness. Among them, these armor and stone statues are active.

They are more likely to generate their own thinking.

So Marktel is not sure whether he is communicating with a non-human being, or the person behind the scenes who created it.

"It's me," said the armor knight. "Myself... My master is a little busy, and I can't reach you now."

"Okay." Marco Tell frowned.

Although the armor knight in front is very organized and clear in thinking, after all, it is just a magical creation, and communicating with it may not yield much valuable information.

but. . As the only object currently able to communicate, Marcotel did not blindly ignore it.

"May I ask," she said quietly, "what are you going to do."

The armor knight didn't answer immediately. It waved his hand, motioning the golems without self-thinking to move on, and then tilted the helmet as if thinking. After a few seconds, it asked back, "You are a wizard."

Marco Tell nodded.

The armor knight continued, "My master once said that the wizard is a natural ally... At least most of it is, so you can get a part of my friendship."

Marco Tell's mouth twitched, the armor knight sounded strange, and indeed the non-human constructs were still a bit uncomfortable communicating, and what a ghost was that friendship, a magical creation had a hammer friendship.

But part of the information revealed by the armor knight still attracted Markotel's attention.

Wizards are natural allies, that is to say. .

"Your creator is a wizard?" Marco Tell asked.

Although the armor knight had no eyes and could not even express his expression, Marcotel still felt that it seemed to whiten himself.

"It's not magic, could it be that technology created me."

Marco Terrance's mouth twitched again, which is inaccurate. After all, those black technologies are not given in vain. Although the earth can't create robots at present, robots in many movies are not rare.

But now there is no time to discuss these nonsense.

"What are you going to do? Can you tell me." Marco Tell pulled the subject back, and asked anxiously as he looked at the team of golems that had gradually moved closer and closer to the portal.

The armor knight has no face. As the name suggests, it is a set of movable armor. The mask of the armor is its face. The mask is empty underneath, and naturally there is nothing.

Hearing Marco's question, his open eyes flashed two red dots, as if thinking.

After two or three seconds again, it replied in a glance, "I can answer this question. As you can see, we are approaching it."

If it wasn’t an active armor in front of her, her thinking should haven’t been born with pranks, jokes, or such thinking, Marcotel even suspected that the other party was deliberately scrubbing herself. In that case, she was sure The stick was stuck on the other person's face.

But now, she has to endure hesitant robot-like idiots.

"Then what do you do when you get close."

Marco Terrible asked, she felt that the creator of this golem really failed. This kind of question, this way of dialogue is completely like a mechanical way, there is no human thinking at all.

Fortunately, she wasn't stupid, and she took the word in the same way immediately, otherwise she wouldn't ask for ideas, and she didn't know how long it would take.

She has decided that if this group of golems are just going to die, she will not continue to waste time on this group of cannon fodder, anyway, it is not a living life.

probably. . Right.

Looking at the golem with his own thinking in front of him, Marco Terre was not so determined.

In fact, Marco Tell knew that these golems were failures, but she complained.

Obviously, the alchemy of the people who made these golems is far beyond that everyone Marko knows, not only the Nicole Nicole in the Harry Potter world, but also Middle-earth.

In these two worlds, alchemy is not very popular. There are few advanced alchemists and alchemists, let alone the level of creating life.

Even if the golem in front of him is not a new life form, it has already taken shape.

"After approaching... it is natural to destroy it."

Obviously, this golem wasn’t deliberately embarrassing Marco Terre, she answered whatever she asked, but it wasn’t just the human mind.

"Destroy? How to eliminate?"

Marcel was a little surprised in her heart. Although she had already guessed, she still didn't like these golems, even if they followed the guidance of the person who created them to destroy the monster. . I am afraid that their creators do not know what Evil God is.

The armor knight did not answer in words, but made the answer with actual action~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that. "

It pointed forward, and with its movement, the other golems stopped.

Under Marktel's gaze, they began to draw things out of the black clothes under the cloak. The cloak and the black clothes on them seemed to be cast with a seamless stretch spell, which contained a lot of things in it, blinking time , They took out a lot of messy things piled on the ground, and then began to assemble.

After half a minute, they swiftly turned the pile of junk into a crossbow.

Marco Terrified looked strange, "...bowbow?" she asked, seemingly struggling.

Yes, it is a crossbow, even though the arrows on its strings seem strange, but still can not deny the fact that it is a crossbow.

"You plan to use a crossbow to deal with...God?" Marco Tell asked incredulously, "Is your own idea?"

She didn't quite believe it was their creator's idea. After all, the alchemist who could create this kind of sophisticated golem looks like a fool, and could make a ridiculous decision to use a crossbow to deal with gods.

Even if you don’t know the true identity of the other’s evil god, you should use some reliable weapons. . For example, the more powerful thermal weapons, although still not necessarily capable of hurting the opponent, are at least more reliable than the crossbow.

. . and many more.

Marco Ter suddenly thought of a possibility.

"This crossbow..." she asked the armor knight.

"Yes." It seems that the armor knight originally intended to explain to Marco Terre that this thing was specially crafted, not the ordinary bow and crossbow and weapons.

"This is not an ordinary weapon you imagine." The armor knight continued. "That thing... is a space twisted anchor."

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