High Magic Earth

Chapter 1257: Twisted anchor

If it is special, it must be the arrow, not the crossbow.

From the beginning, Marcotel discovered the difference between the arrows on the bow and crossbow. Unlike traditional arrows, it just looks like an arrow. It does not have the sharpness and lethality it should have. There is no arrowhead in the front section. That is, there is no sharp triangular arrow to cause enough damage.

It is also very weird in itself. The body is an unknown metal, a very sturdy tube shape, like a technological creation, not a rough consumable arrow. Compared with a wooden crossbow, it looks like a future product.

And there is a crescent-like semi-arc at the last end of the arrow. The cross-section of the semi-arc is not large, but if it flies, it will still bring a lot of air resistance and reduce the arrow speed, which will kill the fast. In terms of arrows, it is completely a stroke of failure.

With so many strange things on it, if there is no weirdness, Martel will not believe it.

"Space... Twisted anchor?" Marco Tell repeated this somewhat strange word.

"Yes." The armor knight's voice was very calm.

Marco Tell rolled his eyes, "What's its role."

"Once the magic on the twisted anchor is released, any object it touches will be distorted in time and space, exiled, and reduced to a different world and a different space."

Although the armor knight did not ask, it was like a piece of wood, but the explanation was very detailed.

Marktel also has a lot of knowledge in the field of magic, "Time and space are twisted, exiled... Where will it go? Where will this twisted anchor send it?"

She immediately grasped the most critical issue.

No matter where this evil spirit goes, unless there are a few special worlds, such as where it originally lived, it will bring huge trauma.

Of course, Marcel is also very clear that it is imperative to exile the evil **** and send it into a different space. Unless there is any better way, otherwise, in order to protect the so-called different world, he can not let his own world be left to it. damage.

Her question. . I'm just curious about where to set the coordinates. After all, space magic is a very deep existence.

"do not know."

Unfortunately, the armor knight's answer poured cold water on her.

"This is a random transmission, there is no fixed position."

Marco Tell's mouth twitched, but he had nothing to say.

At this time, the bow and crossbow of the Golem Squad was assembled and ready to be completed. The armor knight no longer paid attention to Marcotel, but began to give orders and debug angles intently.

Of course, such a large evil spirit can hit with closed eyes, and does not need to worry too much about the angle.

Marcotel didn't stop or help, she was slowly digesting the news from the armor knight.

She felt that she suddenly couldn't understand the world. First, a lot of ghosts ran out to do things. . And it is not a simple space crack, but a monster in another movie.

In other words, your own world is likely to be an ordinary one in many movie worlds. Those movies can shuttle the world, and monsters, individuals, and planets with space jumping ability may also shuttle to their own world.

Although it seems that there are no special people, special abilities, special monsters in its own world, it is very likely that the special places are those movies that record other worlds.

This conjecture almost made Markter shudder.

If your own world is really just a member of the ordinary world, then the monsters in the movie appear here, and the stories and disasters that originally existed in fantasy will most likely turn into reality.

That's not wonderful at all.

But Marcel did not have much time to think about this issue, because then it was the same as the routine in the movie, and he played the mobs and bosses without accident.

The three elements that are often seen in the movies of the rounded-up wizards, the mysterious military squads, and the large ghosts as high as the building, good guys, bad guys, and monster movies.

I thought I would have a hard fight. . But before the battle started, a mysterious guy ran out and directly drove the monster back to his hometown.

The scene can be said to be a sudden change, and I didn't figure out what was going on, and then the evil spirit came out.

This time Marktel was completely awake, and he didn't care about sorting out his own thoughts, because this is Evil God, Evil God.

Marktel knew a lot of legends about evil gods, not from the stories of Cthulhu in this world, but from the knowledge circulated among Meyer in Middle-earth.

Yes, evil spirits are not only circulated in this world, but also exist in other worlds.

The story circulated among the Maya, there are records about the evil god, and even there have been battles with the evil god, Marco Terr cannot be sure where the evil **** came from, why why so many worlds will have similar records, but even They do not belong to the evil spirits described in Cthulhu, but they are almost of the same nature.

Crazy, evil, they are natural messengers of chaos.

Marcel has always believed that all things in the world exist, and it has its truth, and it can be understood from another angle. Since there are records in myths and legends, then it will not be nonsense, and many worlds have similar The records can be a good proof of Marcotel's conjecture. Even if it is a fantasy, there is no such a coincidence. They must have the same prototype.

In fact, regarding the terrible evil gods, Maya have a detailed record of engagement.

In the ancient period of Ya, there was once an evil **** sleeping in the corner. Yi Ya is the universe in Quenya, including the Alda world, which is larger than Middle Earth. Although this evil **** is not famous, Kesu The Lu family is not even sure of its specific identity, but it cannot deny its terrible and destructive power.

It was Gergros who awakened it.

Gehros is a member of the external god. Its appearance is a huge star composed of ash, gas and hot liquid iron. The rusty red shell is covered with faults and rifts, and it is often filled with vast liquid iron. The ocean forms a giant eye.

It is the precursor of destruction, and this is also its eternal duty. Gehros floats in the universe and chants a hymn similar to the anti-aircraft warning sound-the sound of the celestial body.

Any sleeping old dominators or foreign gods inhabiting these stars will be awakened by this song and enter into an active state, so the most common result is the destruction of all other life of the star, and more seriously, even the star itself will no longer be. exist.

The unknown foreign **** who slept in Arda was awakened by Gehros, and there was no accident. As recorded in legends and stories, the entire Yaya was caught in chaos. It is the territory of the world of Arda. All split into several pieces.

The Maya shot one after another, but they could not stop the chaos and evil when they gathered together.

In the end, it was the arrival of the Vera, who drove it out completely, not killed.

It's not that Vera's power is not enough to kill that thing. . Rather, it seems to be a little special, and it is difficult to be killed. In order to avoid further destruction, the Vera decided to expel it instead of destroying it.

Expel. . exile. .

Marco's eyes lit up.

In fact, when the Evil God appeared, Marco Terre did fall into despair for a moment, because this is a foreign **** at the source of evil and chaos. They are not what they can deal with, even if it is only the weakest, human beings Faced with helplessness.

Marcel had even made a decision secretly, and if it was completely powerless, she contacted Vera and returned to Middle-earth.

Of course not to escape, but to beg the Vera to come to this world and help expel it.

But now it seems. . It seems to be out of use.

Marcel had a strange feeling, as if there was an invisible behind-the-scenes hand hiding behind him, and he seemed so unhurried in the face of every unexpected situation. . The water in the real world is obviously deeper than you think. It is simply not comparable to the ordinary weak wizards you will encounter with the witch sisters.

Marcel originally thought that she had returned from Middle-earth to become Maya. Even if she is not one of the best, her strength is definitely in the forefront, but now it seems that she seems to think a little too much.

In the real world, there are some guys who hide extremely deep, not only hide the deep, but even the strength. . Not easy to estimate.

Marcotel thought of the mysterious wizard who had suddenly appeared before. Although the guy was not an opponent of the evil spirit, he easily took away the first portal and eliminated the great ghost. It will not be enough to tie them together.

Although the strength of the Witch Sisters Association is not very strong, the number of people is not very large. There are not many known free wizards. The Sisters Association has already occupied a large proportion.

and also. . These ones.

Marco Tucker narrowed his eyes and stood high in the ruins, looking at the Golem knights that had already begun to function below.

Although I don’t know the strength of their creators, the guy who can create such a sophisticated alchemy is probably not a simple guy.

Sure enough, really powerful people are not so easy to surface.

Marcel was a bit discouraged and could not help but unknowingly, was he already classified as a fish?


The rotating roulette together attracted Markotel’s attention. Although the arrow looks very powerful, the bow is really too old. When the stir wheel rotates, it will even creak. sound.

Even if it is infinitely powerful, the active armor that is not afraid of fatigue is in control, their movements still seem to be very difficult, and the huge crossbow wheel rotates slowly in the creak.

Marco Tell's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt he was thinking too much.

Fortunately, the size of the evil **** is huge, and the crossbow does not need to be adjusted very carefully. Within half a minute, all the work has been completely completed.


The armor knight came to the rear of the bow and crossbow. Most of the golems stepped back and stopped on the left and right sides, leaving only two golem knights still steering the bow and crossbow for final fine-tuning.


As the crossbow stopped, the armor knight said again.


The huge roulette began to rotate, the bowstring was slowly opened, pulled to the most extreme position, collapsed tightly, and even seemed to break with a touch.

Raising his hand, after a pause of half a second, the armor knight quickly waved his hand down, and then his voice was calm.



The power of the golem is infinite, and it is very hard. It does not need a hammer or the like. With the order of the armor knight, the golem knight on the right side suddenly raised his hand and smashed it hard. Was smashed.

With a crash, the space twisted anchor instantly turned into a black shadow projectile, the speed is fast, not weaker than ordinary firearms, the speed of the black shadow in the air is as fast as lightning, the naked eye can't capture it at all, only see A blur of light and shadow.

Of course, Marcel is not as invisible as ordinary people. In fact, there are no pure human beings present.

Maya’s demigod body allowed Marcotel to capture the arrow’s movement. Similarly, the magic around the armor knight also captured the arrow’s dynamics, and then passed through a series of complex magic transformations and fed back to itself. Act as its eyes.

The surface of the galloping arrows flashed some strange luster. This is a sign of magical preparation. As long as it touches the evil god, the armor knight will instantly activate the magic excitation device in hand according to the instructions given by Lucy.

Under the gaze of many eyes, the space twisted anchor came to the body of the evil **** at a very fast speed.

With a sharp momentum, with an unstoppable sharpness.

Then at the next moment, the twisting anchor's momentum suddenly came to a sudden.

As if hitting an invisible position, the arrow stopped for a moment in the air, and suddenly fell to the ground weakly, as if losing all strength.

"Dang! Dang!"

It made a few crisp sounds, fell to the ground in the gaze of countless eyes, rolled slowly, and even slightly bounced twice.

Golems:. . .

Marco Tell:. . .

. . .

Even if it will die.

Silently is not so easy to deal with ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if it is not malicious, not to mention, there is a evil spirit who is about to struggle out of the portal and not knowing where to hide in the dark. True enemy.

But Madison decided to stay and help Joanna.

Not because Joanna threatened her with her identity, but Madison felt. . I should do this myself.

Even if her actions seemed to her to be very stupid.

But there are some things that you don’t need to do because you’re stupid. Madison doesn’t know why, like. . A belief.

Forget it, don't think about these meaningless things, Madison quickly put this bowl of life chicken soup aside to cool, thinking about what she was too lazy to think about, not to mention these abstract questions.

"what should we do."

After restoring his heart, Madison tugged at Joanna's broken sleeve. Pieces of rags completely changed from strips to pieces with Madison's movements.

"This is a good question."

The Auror's career with outstanding combat power has obviously allowed Joanna to accumulate a lot of experience in dealing with complex situations. She is in danger and is staring at the silent, Credence in the air.

It seems that because of Joanna's departure, there was no appeasement, and Kraedens once again began to become mad gradually because of the existence of the evil god, and they must stop all this before Kradens was completely mad.

Taking a deep breath, Joanna's eyes were firm, "The first thing we have to do is to find the answer to the question."

Madison nodded, but then for a moment, she wasn't really stupid at home. After Joanna's car wheel circled around her mind, she immediately understood what Joanna meant.

In the next moment, Madison put out a pair of dead fish eyes and glared at Joanna.

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