High Magic Earth

Chapter 1258: attract

Isn't this equivalent to a nonsense that said nothing?

Madison was very dissatisfied, she could stay and help, but she had no plans, she was dead. These are two concepts.

Seemingly feeling Madison's resentment, Joanna smirked, "Joke, make a joke, ease the atmosphere, and voila, it's not much better now."

Madison continued to stare at Joanna with a dead fish eye until she couldn't look down.

"Okay." Joanna put away her hippie smile and opened her hands helplessly. "The situation is indeed not good. By the way, are you a witch.. Supreme witch?"

"I thought you could guess anything." Madison sneered. "But it doesn't matter."

"of course."

Joanna smiled, "At least at the last moment, even if I fail, you have a chance to escape and survive."

Madison glanced at her, and his expression remained indifferent. "If I just wanted to survive myself, I wouldn't look back."

Joanna shrugged and stopped talking nonsense.


Credence rolled in the air like a cloud or ink. In silent state, it quickly spread out to the surroundings, and then retracted again. His nature continued to change, and the state of matter condensed into a solid, and then The moment it turned into a crystal and refracted light, it drifted into the sky again.

This series of changes even only happened within a few seconds.

The sound of tearing the rags was transmitted from the black mist, accompanied by the occasionally born, unpleasant, strange and sharp friction, Cradens seemed to be unable to control himself, and he was transforming into an uncontrolled silence.


The sound surrounded the dark and broken tunnel, but it didn't affect Joanna. She was staring at the top of her eyes motionlessly, thinking about Claydens' situation.

"We are going to take him away."

After a while, Joanna said.

"At least he should be temporarily out of that monster's area of ​​influence."

Madison refused to say no, but he was not optimistic about Joanna's method.

"If I remember correctly." Madison yanked Joanna violently, and the two escaped a large piece of gravel falling from the sky. "Cradens was originally hidden in a corner of Congress."

"After the monster appeared, it was attracted."

"So how do you plan to divert its attention away from this...range."

No one knows the range and how big the range is, but it is certain that this range covers most of the Magic Congress, otherwise Kradens will not be directly attracted.

If you want to distract him and leave this area, then obviously you have to go beyond the Magic Congress, but don't say to distract Kraedens, even the two of you don't even know how to leave here.

Witty like Joanna obviously couldn't think of this, but she skipped the question directly, probably. . There is a solution.

Because at the next moment, Joanna raised her wand.

"Divert his attention? This is simple."

"Crushed bones!"

The spells of the Harry Potter world are very unscientific. . Of course, magic is unscientific, but it doesn’t mean that a lot of magic looks inconspicuous, and even the younger students of Hogwarts can master it, but the degree of danger in lethality is not low.

For example, the Powder Bone Broken Mantra, it can even beat direct opponents into powder, of course, it can't act on gas liquid.

Silently is a creature without a fixed body. It can be between the three forms of solid, liquid, and gas. As long as it is willing, changing its nature is only a momentary thing.

Joanna’s magic is not as good as Madison in every aspect, but the intensity of the spell she releases is not weaker than Madison, and even a few points stronger. This is based on the experience of many years of training. The manipulation of magic in details is not The Supreme Witch's talent alone can make up for it.


The red light blazed out, passing through silently, and instantly exploded the stone wall behind.


Silently separated from each other, and then seemed to be immersed in cold water, blinked and re-solidified in the air, it made a series of sounds like crystal collision, gleaming in the air.

Even though Credence dodges quickly, the smash spell still wipes its body. If it is not silently without a specific form, it can be converted freely, and now it is not just as simple as hitting the back stone wall.

Rao is so, Joanna's spell completely angered Kraedens.

Joanna has been paying attention to Claydens's face. . Well, there is no face in silence, just staring at it, seeing that it began to converge gradually, and seemed to calm down, Joanna immediately premonked that this was the tranquility before the storm.

"Go." She whispered Madison's cuff and whispered, "Go away, leave here quickly."

Madison was not slow, although Joanna was even more reckless than herself, but she said nothing and ran away.

In the next moment, the silence that represents Kradens has reunited, and after a few seconds of stagnation in the air, like a sudden eruption of a volcano, the black mist spread out, covering everything in the tunnel, and then Overflowing towards the two of them.


Although silently has no form, it can become a substantial existence. The diffused volume instantaneously causes a storm inside the tunnel, and the rolling stones are wrapped in it and move forward, rolling in the black wave, just like The tsunami that destroyed the city before the end of the day was general.


Madison and Joanna were dragging each other, as if they were like a bear child who had poke the horse's honeycomb, and his four legs were flying fast.

Joanna used to be an Auror. Obviously, she has special advancing skills. Auror, who often hunts down black wizards, cannot be without the magic that moves quickly in battle. Although the wizard has not much difference in physique and strength from ordinary people, but in magic With the help of Joanna, she could be as light as a feather and drag Madison to run fast.

So most of the time, it was Joanna who pulled Madison.

Of course, Madison, the supreme witch, is not all useless. Although she does not have so many strange magics that Joanna and Auror have mastered, most of the magic is seen in books, but Madison has a witch. Bloodline power, which is not available to ordinary wizards.

The blood power of witches is varied, but in a long time, there are not many witches who awaken those strange abilities. Most of them are some of the more common ones, and the most common ones are not too much to control fire and move objects. , Telepathy, as well. . Teleport.

The Supreme Witch possesses most of the powers of Witches, including Teleport.

Although the distance is not long, but with the power of Madison, it can bring another person to transfer together.

So now it becomes Joanna under normal circumstances, holding Madison to run forward, and then Madison concentrates from time to time to take Joanna to teleport out a distance.

Silently permeable, although the hurricane-like forward mode is fast, it can't catch up for a while.

Credence apparently has completely lost his mind at this time, and Evil God is constantly attracting it, but. . Joanna was even more irritated by it.

Things that have lost their minds cannot communicate with each other. After being swallowed by anger, they bite the two of them in a stern way. They will naturally stay away from the evil spirit.

Although Joanna and Madison, who ran ahead, looked dashing, the actual situation was far worse than imagined. They couldn’t run like this all the time. Their physical strength was limited. Of course, their physical strength was also limited. But competing silently is obviously a stupid choice.

And be careful if you will encounter other witches. . Credence is no different from monsters.

"Do you know the way?" Madison asked in a whisper as the two passed on.

Her sense of direction was not good, and she had turned her head long ago, but just followed Joanna's sullen head and ran forward, probably not wrong.

"of course!"

Compared with Madison, Joanna is obviously a professional, after all, Auror is equivalent to the ordinary people in the world.

Even if there is no place to professionally train Auror, you need to pass a lot of evaluation to become an Auror. The wizards who can pass are the best part of the magic world.

"We are going back..." Joanna dragged Madison away from a deep hole and shouted in her throat, "I'm going to come to the place where we come down, anyway, always leave here first!"

At this time, Joanna couldn't care about the surviving witches. After all, as the portal continued to expand, the entire Magic Congress was in danger of collapsing, and the two of them followed silently. . Going to the other witches bravely is not to save them at all, but to take the danger through.

I don’t know whether it’s because of the collapse of Congress, or because of the appearance of the evil spirit, most of the defensive magic has begun to lose its effect. The way back is much smoother than when it came, and it took less than a third of the time. Madison saw the deep hole when they entered the magical congress.

Of course, from the bottom up, it is a huge cave.

But with the long journey of the two, silently gradually also chased up, at this time the distance between the two is less than ten meters.

"Get ready!" Joanna shouted against Madison's ears.

"What?!" Madison froze.

She was confused, and she didn't know what Joanna wanted her to prepare, but by this time the two had already come under the giant hole.

"Lost eyes!"

Joanna suddenly pulled out her wand, flexed a circle around the two of them, and then pointed up.

Two phantoms identical to Madison and Joanna blasted out, replacing the two, and desperately needed to move forward, as if the two phantoms were real people, and at the same time, Joanna had covered them both with an invisible spell. Got up.

At the same time, it seemed as if he was psychic. Madison directly grabbed Joanna and started teleport again. The power of the witch instantly pulled them to the corner of the side, and then hid quietly.

Sure enough, it hadn't waited for three seconds. The whistling silence had turned into a hurricane in the sky, rolling over the gravel.

It didn't realize that the two were hiding quietly, not staying at all, chasing the phantom and whistling up.

The two are under the same invisible magic, so Madison can still see Joanna next to her. She raises her eyebrows slightly and sees that Joanna has made a lip gesture to her.

"Compared with the speed of rising silently? Phantom shift here is not easy to use."

Yes, the phantom-shifting anti-curse is the most critical spell. At the beginning of construction, it was buried in the deepest part of the magic parliament building. All defense systems have failed, and it will not. This is the last line of defense.

Even if it has collapsed to the present, it has not lost its effect, and they are still imprisoned here, otherwise it will take so much time and go directly out of a phantom.

If there is no means of rapid advance in the air, it will surely be caught up by Kraudens, and then it will be dangerous. It is better to cheat Kraudens out with an illusion spell and then slowly leave.

Although Phantom Shift is not easy to use, the two are not lacking the means to leave.

but. . Even if they cheated Credence away, they couldn't waste too much time under it, otherwise Credence in the silent state would be attracted back by the evil spirit again because he couldn't find the target~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then in vain So much effort.

The two did not stay, and quickly came to the bottom of the hole. Joanna's wand pointed and the wall was twisted into a raised platform that could accommodate the two.

Transfiguration creates a lift and uses magic to control the soil to transport them. Although it is not fast, it is very simple.

As the two of them jumped onto the platform, the mud on the stone walls began to wriggle, and the vibrations became larger and larger, and the entire magic congress began to shake, including this sky cave. . But the magnitude of the shaking can't affect the magic of the two, just don't know what the other witches are now.

Madison continued to maintain the invisible spell, hiding the two together with the platform, and Joanna concentrated on rising. If you look from the outside, you can only see that there is a trace of mud on the cracked wall. It seems like there are Earthworms seem to be buried underneath.

As he got closer to the ground, Madison let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, the Magic Congress was not buried underground. This was discovered by Madison, because there are many places where the corridor is inclined, and the deepest place can be about 100 meters, which is obviously close to The oblique angle of the ground, the entire crack leading to the ground, is only about ten meters long.

Raising his head a little, Madison could see the silent silence circling wildly near the hole.

Because it lost its target, it was like a headless fly, rushing around, constantly changing its shape, shrinking into a big basketball, and then burst into a big net again.

It can be seen that it is very anxious.

It also doesn't seem to have much patience to wait.

Calculating the distance from the ground, Madison rolled its magic power, grabbed Joanna's shoulder, and moved her figure. The next moment, the two appeared outside the gap.

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