High Magic Earth

Chapter 1260: Above ground

Yi Xiao subconsciously grabbed Athena, and when the crimson storm came, he had rushed out a dozen meters in an instant.

Athena is also a fierce and powerful god. After the reaction, Athena exploded with all her strength, even turning over and dragging Yi Chou to move forward.

You know, although Yi Biao is not a genuine steel body, but the silver tongue imitation can not be inferior. Although it is not as good as the original Kryptonian, it is still more than a super hero.

Although the silver tongue has given Yi Chao a strong physical quality, anti-strike force, a nerve response that exceeds human limits, and a speed and a sense of balance in power, he does not like to use these and crush the enemy.

Yi Xiao is not used to the excessively violent style, he just feels that he does not conform to his habit. Even in close combat, he also prefers to kill with a single blow, neat and clean, and does not need the second curved arm way for a punch .

But under the threat of death, Yi Chou will not care about these things.

"This is very wrong."

Athena could also feel the deadly threat behind her. She almost exploded with all her strength, and the power of the gods was all over her body, but she felt very unhappy. . Because it can only be used to escape.

She felt that her **** was suffocating enough. Although she could bully some mortals, she couldn't even fight back when she faced real absolute power for the first time.

This does not blame Athena entirely.

When the strength level is low, various accidents may occur, which may affect the outcome of the battle. For example, two boxers of similar strength may only need a belief, a fist that accidentally hits the vertigo effect, there is It may turn a disadvantage into an advantage in an instant, or even a victory.

The same is true of magic. Low-level spells sometimes entangle with each other for a long time. Perhaps an unexpected fireball ignites the surrounding curtains, and may be defeated.

But the higher the power level, the more different it seems.

Obviously with the improvement of magic, the means are getting richer and richer, and the battle should be more intense, but the fact is not the same. With the rich means, the intensity of the battle is becoming more and more deadly. Deadly, the difference between winning and losing and the result is even faster than the lower level battle.

And as it gets stronger and stronger, sometimes even if the enemy is slightly stronger, it will exceed several power levels when it is counted down, and this gap is often not made up by skills, experience, beliefs and heart, which results in Rolling scene.

This is also the situation that Athena is suffering now.

Chaos magic is really too destructive. It can be said to be one of the top powers in the Marvel universe. In the face of this top power, bugs and humans are not much different. They are all the results of being crushed to death.

Athena, as a god, may be a lot stronger than human beings, so it seems that Chaos Magic also needs extra care, but the ending will not change.

Still just death.

This makes Athena, who always prides herself on being a powerful god, very uncomfortable.

Yi Chou did not feel anything strange. He walked from an ordinary human to the present. Although it is still smooth, it is not all smooth sailing. When he crushed the enemy, he did not lack the power to fight evenly. Experience, even more invincible, can only pin life in other dangerous situations.

Yi Chou's mentality is obviously not as collapsed as Athena. He changes quickly and adapts quickly.

Isn't it just a dangerous enemy who can't compete, he hasn't encountered it, just run, as long as he saves his life, he can't find a way back.

The lack of soul makes Yi Chou seem strange, and his illness is obviously a little different, not belonging to that particular case but most of the cases.

As Yi Xiao's research on magic became deeper and deeper, his understanding of himself became more and more detailed.

There is something wrong with the soul, and it is not uncommon in the realm of magic.

Soul damage has been caused by magical accidents. Perhaps the low-level world like Harry Potter is rare, but the high-level world is easy to estimate that there are not one thousand and eight hundred.

There is nothing left to pay for the deal with the devil, and even the soul falls into **** to do the coolie. This is also very common. There are many such unlucky eggs in the world of **** detectives.

Souls split, transfer, merge, sleep, and all kinds of problems arise.

In the field of magic, the soul is not a taboo. Even if it is, there are always people who take risks because of all kinds of curiosity.

But what is certain is that if you want to study the soul, you must first have a soul.

Creatures have souls, even the most insignificant tiny plants, but also have a special group of energy, that is the aura of the soul, not to mention humans, magical creatures.

But Yi Chou is not.

He realized that he was born without soul. He was not taken away by people or deceived by demons. Perhaps when he was a child, he did not know what happened to him and where he lost his soul.

It is not.

No one in the world can match his soul.

Yi Biao wondered what creature could have no soul, eh. . Robots, artificial creatures, artificial people.

But are you a robot?

Yi Xiao once cut himself apart and checked it. Obviously, he didn't notice any artificial traces, so what was he?

No way to know.

"This is very wrong, this is very wrong." Yi arrogantly murmured, "Crimson witch has a crazy problem."

The more critical the crisis, the more need to be calm, Yi Chou is doing very well at this point, he is not like Athena, because a madman in the back is destroying everything without care, so he rushed. . Of course, it may also be related to the fact that Athena is the main force carrying him on the road now.

Yi Xiao is thinking about the cause and experience of things.

The physique of the gods is obviously incomparable to human beings. Even if Athena took a person and ran a few times faster than Bolt, she still had the power to vomit.

"Nonsense, can a lunatic be called a lunatic if he has no problems."

Yi Chou didn't take Athena's attention, he was worried about Lucifer.

They are all gods too. Apparently Lucifer has more brains than Athena. Don’t think Yi Chou looks very calm. That’s because he always has such a wooden face.

In fact, Yi Chou's heart has no bottom, and even Lucy can't give any good answer.

It is not that Lucifer’s plan is really seamless, but that it is not equal to the report. Obviously, if Lucifer’s long and verbose nonsense is not to deceive himself, then angels and demons need to know a lot of news that they do not know.

This is not surprising, after all, their two magical creatures have inherited the existence of two eras.

Moreover, although Lucifer talked a lot to delay the time, in fact, there is really not much to sort out the valuable information.

Even if something is told to Yi Chou, for example. . Wizard leaders, wizard leaders and ordinary wizards are different, but Yi Chou has no valuable information.

What is the difference between the wizard leader and the difference?

These demons are better than a savvy and never a fool.

Suddenly, Yi Chou feels that Athena's speed has dropped somewhat, even when the gods are physically weak, not to mention such a high outburst.

The spread of energy storms is much faster than the wind. With the solidified position imprisoning the ability of the two speeders, Athena can explode even if the speed of sound is only one-tenth of the speed, which is also a very difficult thing.

Yi Chao naturally took over the work of Athena.

The steel body not only brings the elegant flight, but also can absorb sunlight, but it is not as efficient as the Kryptonians. Kryptonite and other colored stars will also affect it, but it is also not as serious as the Kryptonians. .

Completely weakened version, but still brought endless physical strength to Yi Chou, at least in the eyes of ordinary people.

Even in comparison, it is stronger than the **** Athena.

Under Lucy's plan, Yi Chou is supplementing his shortcomings a little bit. He does not allow himself to be in a weak place because his enemies are too strong.

"Hold on me!"

Yi Xiao stretched his hand and hugged the thin waist of Athena's skirt, like a steel arm wrapped around her, and the speed of the two rose again instantly.

At the same time, Yi Chou also removed those meaningless thinking.

In any case, after fleeing here, the scarlet witch seems to be crazy, she may not stare at herself, and she has found the most important target. Although the underground laboratory is still valuable, their prototype world If it is still there, it will be destroyed.

So as long as you escape, the next step is in your own hands regardless of the choice.

Only the next moment, Yi Chou frowned.

"That thing moved!"

Athena, who was caught under her arm, gave a low growl warning.

Yi Chou also felt that the energy storm was weakening, but the center of the storm was moving, that is. . Scarlet witch.

"I've seen a ghost." Yi Chou also scratched his head a little. "How can this guy stare at himself."

Seeing how Lucifer looked, he obviously couldn't control the Scarlet Witch, why she stared at herself.

The magic array buried in this underground is very similar to the silver tongue that acts on Yihuo, but it is much worse. It takes a lot of trouble to engrave the cumbersome magical text and a lot of trigger conditions. The most critical, It may only create certain things.

This thing is likely to be the comic version of Marvel World where the Scarlet Witch is located. If this is the case, let alone how Lucifer completed this difficult creation task. Once the Marvel Comics World appears, it will definitely bring Yi Huo. Great trouble.

But the Scarlet Witch, as an independent individual in a brand-new world, obviously has self-thinking. If it is a weak human being, Lucifer may be controlled by a magic thrown away, and Aoao bites Yi Chou and Yi Chou. Not surprisingly.

If it is a scarlet witch. . According to the power Lucifer showed in the world of the song of ice and fire, it is not necessarily who controls who between him and the Scarlet Witch.

"That's because she is still in a crazy state."

While Yi Chou continued to accelerate, a faint sound suddenly came from not far ahead.

"There is your magic in the magic circle as a product of accidentally appearing here... she can definitely feel you."

Yi Biao turned around and saw Lucy standing there boredom, saw herself and Athena coming, and bored and yawned.

On the contrary, Yi Chou didn't have that good face.

With a blank face, he ran past Lucy without stopping.

But in the next moment, Lucy easily kept up with his speed and laid back casually on his side.

As a magical intelligence, although Lucy may be comparable to Athena in terms of pure physical fitness, if counted as magic, ten Athena tied together may not necessarily be Lucy's opponent.

Yi Xiaomu looked at his face without saying a word.

In fact, he was very upset, and Yi Chou would of course be dissatisfied. Before Lucy arrived, even if the Scarlet Witch really caught up with him, he would have a chance to come back, that is, the Petri dish laboratory might be a little more troublesome.

But as Lucy rushed over, once the two died together, the return plan would not work at all. Yi Chou didn't think that adding Lucy was the opponent of the Scarlet Witch, unless. . Lucy thought of a new silver tongue that could be used to restrain the scarlet witch.

As the magical intelligence that knows Yi Chou best, Lucy sees Yi Chou's ideas at a glance.

"No no no~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She shook her head. "How chaotic magic compares with the silver tongue is temporarily unknown, but at least several levels higher than your other existing forces, it is difficult to fight. "

"I don't have a suitable plan to defeat each other, but... there is a plan to leave here."

"What?" Yi Xuan asked immediately.

"Just in front of me, I have arranged it. Zhenzi Yamamura and others are waiting for us there, and I will soon see that don't forget to bring them when you leave."

. . .


Judging from the source of the voice, Joanna quickly found the right target. Although she was a little strange, she immediately remembered who the other person was. After all, the two of them also met a few times at the meeting of the Sorceress.

Although Marcel is often haunted.

Of course, Madison certainly wouldn't know Marco Tell.

"It's me." Marcel's voice was a little surprised, "I didn't expect to see you here."

Seriously, Joanna didn't expect it.

"This is a new member of the sisterhood." Seeing Marcotel's eyes fell on Madison, Joanna immediately explained, "Emma, ​​Emma Roberts."

She didn’t think that Marco Tell would know Emma, ​​because this guy didn’t care about the news of Hollywood and the stars. Sure enough, after hearing Joanna’s introduction, there was no special reaction from Marco Tell, only when Madison was a Newly added ordinary witch.

Because of Madison's particularity, Joanna did not intend to explain too much, she continued, "This is Marco Terre, the strongest witch in the sisterhood."

Madison's eyelids jumped, "Stronger than you?"

Joanna nodded and hesitated, "Uh... she should not be a wizard in theory, because we suspect she might be a Maya."

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