High Magic Earth

Chapter 1261: exile

"Hello Emma, ​​I am indeed a Maya." Marco Tell nodded.

She didn't mean to conceal, and Martell did not intend to conceal. In fact, there was no meaning to conceal. With the popularity of the Lord of the Rings, as long as a little guess, she could always figure out her identity.

This is the present world, and there is no information that cannot be found, not to mention, the original author is here.

It's just that Marcel was less exposed, most of the time he took risks, less shots, and not many people had seen her, so it was as rare as a legend.


Madison raised his eyebrows.

She has seen movies in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. . But what is Maya, she is really unclear. Unless you have read the original book, inquired about the material, or are professional fans of the Lord of the Rings, otherwise, the things that are not carefully shown in the films of Maya and Vera are rarely scammed. Known.

Even Harry Potter, if I have only watched a movie, I am afraid that he will not know much about the original content.

But Marcel did not mean to explain. She was not familiar with Emma, ​​not even Joanna. In fact, she had no acquaintances in the Sisters of Witches. Although she joined the Sisters of Witches, Imogen dragged her in with enthusiasm.

after that. . There's no after that.

Marcel is accustomed to adventurous life everywhere. After gaining the power of Maya, her adventure career has entered a new height. She can now explore the dangerous areas that she did not dare to go before. She has not participated in several rallies since the Sorceress.

Exactly. . Is only once.

"Why are you here." Ignoring Madison's question, Marco Tell asked curiously.

Not long ago, only Joanna connected the phone, but listening to the voice on the phone, obviously their condition is not good, I did not expect to encounter the two here so quickly.

"That big guy, we saw the door it got out of." Joanna looked away, just shaking her head, and gestured in the direction of the blue giant.

"Door?" Marco Tell was a little strange. "Portal, isn't it underground?"

Joanna nodded and pointed to the gap next to her feet. "This crack leads to an underground complex...you know what we found here, the US Magic Congress."


Marco Tell was really surprised.

Although her roots are in Middle-earth, but in order to learn more magic, she did not know much about the magic world that other free people went to. Even near the Amazon, she would take time to go back to the base and make up for the latest in her notebook. movie of.

"American Magic Congress." She said incredulously.

Joanna shrugged. "But it has been abandoned, there is no one in it, but there are monsters and a lot of messy magic traps."

"As for how it appears here... the situation is a bit complicated, maybe we can discuss this issue later."

"We saw the portal in the Congress, this monster was squeezed out of the door, unfortunately... we also encountered other things, we can only escape first."

"In silence."

Marcotel naturally watched this movie where magical animals are, and when Joanna said this, she immediately thought of what a mist of black crystals floating above them was.

At the beginning she thought that it might be silent, but the magic world, with its black appearance, mist-shaped creatures and magic is too much, she can not be sure, until Joanna explained, Marco Tell could not be determined.

"Then you." Joanna then asked, "Why are you here?"

Marco Tell frowned.

"Daisy is missing." She still didn't hide, and began to tell everything slowly.

"I used magic to sense her clues, then tracked all the way, and finally locked in the subway station near the sewer, but I didn't find Daisy, where the clue broke, but I saw another monster..."

Marco Tell closed his eyes slightly, "That was the beginning of all nightmares."

Joanna and Madison soon understood the meaning of the nightmare.

"It's a ghost. It's hiding in this dark subway tunnel. I caught up and wiped it out, but found more ghosts hiding behind the wall."

"They broke through the wall, rushed out of the subway station, and then spread throughout New York."

"Then they opened the first portal, and the rest...you should be clear."

The strange appearance of ghost creatures, Joanna also thought about their origins. This group of ghosts is not very recognizable. Except for the big green guy at the beginning, it can vaguely remind people of the shadow of chasing ghosts, and other small ghosts. Can't tell the calendar at all.

Joanna thought of the invasion of the ghost chasing world, but she couldn't confirm it.

And the most important question is how did these things reach this world. Was it released by someone, or invaded here autonomously, or some other strange reason unknown.

Joanna had no way of knowing.

More importantly, if the ghost in the ghost-hunting world finds this world by themselves, and then invades autonomously, it obviously means that the real world and the strange source world are on the same axis. Today, there is a big move to chase the ghost-hunting world. Invasion, maybe two-way foil will come over tomorrow.

This is not good news.

And it also raises another question, if these worlds are really on the same axis, then. . In fact, many worlds have developed the power of plane jump and transmission earlier, why is it only beginning to be related to this world now.

This makes no sense.

Is it because you have entered the source world, and the wheels of fate are slowly rolling? Joanna did not believe in fate, and she never believed that she was the protagonist.

She did not expect it. . It would be Marcotel that caused all this.

Of course, it cannot be said that it was caused by her. She is more like witnessing all this, because Marco Tell said for a long time, she actually did not know how these ghosts appeared in this world.

To listen to her, these ghosts were already there before she found the subway tunnel.

Even without Marco Ter's participation, these ghosts will also spew out sometime in the future.

Even being disregarded by Marco Tell and watching her very unhappy Madison can't help but look away, Madison feels that he wants to be in a new movie more and more.

This **** world. . Isn't it really a movie?

Although there are TV series that record the past and everything of their own world, although there are many strange characters who can freely travel through the world of different movies and TV series, although these people regard this world as the real world, and see other worlds as the source world.

But Madison found it difficult to guarantee.

Before unexpectedly coming to this world, she still felt that the world she was in was the only world. In fact, she still thinks that her world is real and unique.

Even if the **** thing that can shuttle the world, he is only a few other worlds, false, only his own world is the real center.

This is not surprising, after all, most people think that the world they are in is the center of the universe.

After hearing about Marco Terr's experience, Madison's feeling was even stronger. . This is totally a proper popcorn commercial.

Of course, this requires them to finally defeat the boss, which is the blue evil god, otherwise it may be a horror movie.

But Madison feels that this is a horror movie, and hopes that the director's final arrangement will not be a group ruin.

After explaining his origins, Marco Tell hesitated, but said, "We need to stop this thing from continuing to destroy."

Madison curled her lips where she couldn't see, and turned out to be just like Joanna.

Sure enough, as expected by Madison, Joanna said immediately, "Of course!"

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

Silently representing Kraudens turned into tiny black crystals, shrunk into a ball in the air, and made a series of crisp noises from time to time, highlighting his sense of existence, but none of the people present took it seriously.

"So... come with me." Marco Tell whispered.

The three of them turned their heads and started thinking about the direction of the blue giant. Except for Marktel, Madison and Joanna both lowered their heads and dared not look up at the existence of the evil god.

"Do you have any way to deal with it?" Joanna said a little hopefully.

After all, Marcotel is a Maya, and according to her performance, Joanna has judged that she will not be crazy because of the existence of the evil god.

This is the first person who can resist the chaos caused by the evil god.

Even Madison can barely get rid of it.

Maybe there is really no way for Marco Ter.

But unfortunately, she shook her head, "There is a way but there is a way... but not what I think, I am not sure whether it is reliable."

Joanna frowned again, and didn't understand what Marcotel meant. Marcotel seemed to be unable to explain for a while, and could only whisper, "I'll talk again when I arrive."

Don't drive in the underground space Magic Congress. The two of them ran for more than half an hour. On the ground, this time was again greatly reduced several times.

The Magic Congress is clearly impossible to be a boxy coffin. The promenade inside is very complicated and cumbersome, so it takes so long to waste, but it is on the ground. . Just go across.

A few minutes later, Marco Tell led the two to a strange man in black.

"You can call it Mr. Knight."

The armor knight owed slightly to Madison and Joanna, but did not show any intention to communicate. On the contrary, the red light that was hidden under the mask seemed to have been watching Madison all the time, as if she felt very much about her interest.


Because of the different pronunciation, Joanna keenly noticed the words of Marcotel.

"It's an alchemy golem."


Joanna and Madison froze at the same time, especially Madison. . She always felt that the alchemy golem seemed to be watching her.

At this time, only one golem of the armor knight remained, and all other golems were turned into fragments, scattered not far from the blue evil god.

Since the twisted anchor failed. . Or even after the skin of the Evil God has not been pierced, the Golem Knight immediately realizes that there is an unknown protection on the target's body.

Without hesitation, it immediately dispatched two golems close to the target, and then it will carry a twisted anchor, even if they all die together.

The golem has no self-awareness and is not afraid of sacrifice.

But a pity. . Evil God is Evil God, even if it does not seem to have any special power, it seems to be the weakest kind, still not so easy to deal with.

The twisted anchor couldn't even penetrate its skin, and the two Golem knights had just been approached, and were broken into parts by invisible forces.

After two trials, the armor knight gave up this stupid idea.

During the time Joanna and Madison escaped from the Magic Congress, the armor knight and Marco Theil tried various schemes, but until all the alchemy golems were exhausted, they did not break through the target's defense.

This caused the armor knight to get entangled.

It is not afraid of sacrifice, because its ultimate goal is to complete the task, as long as the task is completed, but now. . It couldn't see any hope of accomplishing the task at all.

Then Marco Tell saw Joanna's appearance and brought the two over.

After briefly explaining the situation, Joanna's face was not very good.

"You said... can that thing send it directly to another world?" Looking at the wooden ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rough, seemingly hand-made twisted anchor, Joanna was obviously distrustful.

"Probably... right, it says so anyway." Marco Tell immediately threw the pot to the birth of thinking, and he also understood the ignorant armor knight in the world.

"I think the guy who can make this kind of precision alchemy product should not be so unreliable."

After thinking about it, Marco Tell added another sentence.

"Gnome technology can still go to heaven." Madison is obviously also a warrior of Azeroth, immediately hesitant to interject.

"Are you sure?" Joanna was still a little worried.

In fact, whether it is true or false, this actually means one thing, that is, they must have someone with a twisted anchor and sent to another world with evil spirits, or that is. . exile.

This sacrifice is necessary.

Of course, if the twisted anchor is fake, then there is no need to sacrifice, but I am afraid that it will be a headache to deal with this big blue guy.

Joanna's face was uncertain, she didn't know whether she should expect this twisted anchor to be useful or not, but after a while, she whispered, "I'll try..."

But Marcotel stopped her, "It's not time for you to succeed as a hero before everything is clear."

If this is really useful, maybe Marco Terre has already tried it, but it is just conjecture, so it is a pointless sacrifice that Joanna cannot be tried directly. . The alchemy golem is too fragile.


"I'll go..."

Just as Joanna was going to refute, a sound that seemed to be only Wei Nuo suddenly appeared, and the four paused before raising their heads to find the source of the sound.


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