High Magic Earth

Chapter 1262: Simple and crude Lucy plan

"wait for me."

Ken ordered a hamburger meal for Josie, and came to take one by himself, then pushed the wooden box in his hand to Josie and whispered to her.

Just after escaping from the battlefield, Josie didn't get used to it. After hearing Ken's words, she was instinctively surprised, "What are you going to do."

"Make a call."

Ken did not hesitate and took the answer.

Looking at Josie, he was still puzzled, but he seemed to have some embarrassing expressions. He could only shrug helplessly, "I want to contact the boss. I'm afraid only he can handle this thing."

Josie knew what Ken was referring to, but she obviously didn't expect that Ken was actually going to deal with the monsters below the teleportation array. After all, he did not hesitate to quit the battle before.

"I can't really just sit back and ignore."

"But we are probably not opponents of that thing... neither is she."

Josie nodded. She and Ken were indeed not rivals to those monsters. . Although the strength of the two is also very good, but they can only deal with humans.

In the face of giant monsters, it seems a bit weak.

The same is true of Marcotel, and Josie doesn't think that Marcotel can stay there, and what role she can play.

Ken immediately got up and walked towards the toilet in the fast food restaurant.

There were not many people in the fast food restaurant. The two escaped from the area covered by the giant monster. While the sky was still dark, Ken borrowed magic cover to fly with Josie all the way, and soon came to the other side of New York City.

It is not affected here, although it seems quieter.

But after all, a monster appeared in the city, which would cause panic anyway. In the morning, the two of them found a restaurant that was still open for a long time.

Open the door, there is no one in the toilet.

But Ken still habitually checked each compartment, and then came to the innermost, instead of entering the compartment, but stood outside, facing the direction of the gate, which made anyone who entered the toilet would be He noticed it for the first time.

Then Ken took out his phone and began to meditate in his heart.

"Netti, I need your help."


"I'm here."

Less than half a minute later, Ken received a response from the member named Nitty, not through a mobile phone. . It is directly connected to the soul.

The power of the members of the origin conference comes from the power of the ancestors in the bloodline. By tracing back the bloodline, they master the power of many magical creatures.

This may sound like a sorcerer's association, but the reality is much more than that.

In addition to magical creatures, there is another hybrid of creatures and humans, demigod descendants.

Nitty is a typical demigod descendant. After tracing the blood through a synthetic potion, she discovered that the magic of the three-eyed witch was flowing in her blood.

For the time being, no matter who has such a strong taste in the past, the three-eyed witch legend can see through the future. In other words, she is a prophet.

Nidi's bloodline obviously does not have such a powerful force to penetrate the future, but she has natural advantages and affinity in the series of abstract magic directions of mind, soul, and thinking.

She can even communicate with people from different worlds.

It is also the main means of communication between members of the Origin Conference.

Nitty's name was another member of the origin conference. . It is also the deputy speaker who has constant magic, and she will react when anyone calls her name.

Of course, regardless of the duplicate name, otherwise a name like Nitty that is not recognizable, I am afraid that she will not be at peace in her life, as for how to do it. . This can only be said to be magical magic.

When meeting members communicate with each other, just call her.

"Is the boss there? I have an urgent need to find him. Wait a moment, I'm afraid New York will be gone."

"Which world is New York."

Unlike Ken's anxiety, in contrast to Nitty, she was very calm, as if she were really a professional operator, speaking calmly and calmly.

After all. . New York was not destroyed once or twice, and even the Origin Conference was indirectly destroyed several times.

But unfortunately, this time I am afraid.

"real world."

Ken whispered.

The voice at the other end of the mind stopped abruptly. After a while, the voice rang again, but it was not Nitty anymore, but another thick male voice.

It is also the leader of the Origin Conference, their chairperson, Mian Long.

"What's wrong with the real world." Mian Long's voice was also impatient and calm, with a convincing calmness, "Are you in danger now."

"Do not."

Ken is also an old man in the origin meeting, and is a core member. As a descendant of the nocturnal dragon who is heavily immune to physical magic, he participated in almost all core battles.

The relationship with Mianlong is much closer than others.

"I have nothing, and the new member Josie is also safe, but New York is not as lucky as me."

"What's wrong with New York."

Mianlong on the other side of the mind seemed to frown. He didn't think there would be any major problems in New York, let's talk about it. . No matter what the attack is, they don't care about their free people.

He doesn't remember Ken's habit of being busy.

"Invasion of another world."

"What?" Mian Long raised her voice, "Tell me carefully."

Ken quickly recounted the course of things, including his own inference. During this period, there were many new guests in the restaurant, and the toilet was also lively, but Ken pretended to be playing with a mobile phone and communicated with Mianlong in his heart. People noticed his anomalies.

In fact, every free person enters the movie world and realizes that he is in the movie world, and he begins to make up for this knowledge.

Ken is no exception.

When he was attacked by ghosts, in order to find a way to break through, Ken already had a certain guess about their origin.

After that, this guess was proved step by step.

But just like Marko’s question, they don’t understand how they invaded the world, and. . If these source worlds are really on the same axis as the real world, then there are so many people or worlds or sciences that have the ability to travel through space. Why has there never been such a person in the real world.

Such a coincidence followed one after another.

First, superheroes and mutants are fighting in the streets, and then the massive invasion of the ghost world.

There must be a reason for this.

"..." Mianlong at the other end of the mind was silent. He thought of this too, but obviously, he could not get the answer smoothly.

But he can tell Ken what to do now.

"You don't have to deal with this matter." Mian Long said, "Take Josie back to our world, and someone will handle this matter."


"...The ordinary people."

"You don't need to worry about anything," Mian Long said. "Our world is far less fragile than you think."

"But I'm afraid it's not so strong," Ken said. "Ordinary people... I'm afraid many people will die."

"I don't know when you have love."

Mian Long's voice was still unhurried, "I remember... you killed all the people in a small town in order to survive."

"They're not really, that's just... the world that was created."

"After these ghosts appeared in New York, do you still think so." Mian Long asked slowly.

"All in all, we have no energy to manage these things, more and more eyes have noticed us, we need to continue to hide."

"Moreover, free people are far more than just us. There are far more free people in the other world than us. They should be the most headache now."

"...Okay, I know." Ken nodded.

No sound continued, Nitty cut off the connection, and the call ended.

The toilet was empty again, Ken kept the phone away without stopping, and then lifted his foot away, his expression slightly relaxed, after all. . He has made his own efforts.

. . .

"Seriously, if we fail to escape this time, I must take you back and rebuild."

The good news brought by Lucy did not make Yi Huo born much good mood. After all, her move was too risky. Under the cover of the return plan, almost everything could not hurt Yi Huo, even death. Threat.

Because as long as Lucy and Yi Chou have a living one, they can backtrack each other by reversing each other's return plans.

but now. . Lucy took the risk and merged with Yi Huo just to gamble on the first-line life that the so-called scheme could bring.

Yi Biao has always disliked things that are not under control. Of course, he does not lack the courage to fight back, but more reason tells him that only controlled circumstances can avoid more accidents.

but. . Accidents still come often.

For example, Yi Biao didn't expect Lucy to appear here, she should be hiding behind.

For a moment, Yi Chou thought he had made the same mistake a second time.

"Sorry, if our escape plan fails, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to rebuild me, but don't worry, according to my calculations, we have more than 95% chance of successfully escaping."

"That's not necessary." Yi arrogantly sneered.

Obviously, in addition to Lucy's return plan as the final means, Yi Chou has other things that can be used to save lives, even Lucy did not even know.

With Lucy's wisdom, of course, she would not understand.

But she did not have the normal human response, such as sadness, or feeling the mistrust of the owner. After all, her essence is still a magical intelligence, and she is completely loyal to Yi Chou.

Lucy's voice was a little bit happy, "That's great, the chances of success can be improved, and even if you fail, you have a way to escape."

"As long as yours is safe, we are safe."

"You still know this." Yi Chou continued to sneer.

"Right, can you put Athena between you and me." Lucy said suddenly.


Although Yi Biao was unknown, he quickly changed Athena's position. After Lucy joined, it was obviously a bit inadequate with the power of Athena.

The main force now is Yi Chao with a pseudo-steel body.

"Because you need to catch Hanaji and Miss Sadako Yamamura, and I just have to catch Fujiang and Alimond from the village."

As Lucy's words fell, they had turned a corner.

In the middle of the promenade, Yi Chou saw the four people who had long been waiting, Huamei Ji and Zhenzi on the left, Fu Jiang and Alimond on the right, and Alimond had changed back to being a house elf, not a human. .

The scarlet storm is spreading, and as the scarlet witch becomes more skillful in using energy, her speed is getting faster and faster.

In this way, it won't take long for her to catch up. In the face of the existence of Chaos Magic, even if you escape from New York, it will be useless. Sooner or later, you will be chased, not to mention that I am still unable to escape.

unless. . Escape the world directly.

Like a baton, at the moment of passing by the four people, Yi Chou grabbed Sadako's hand, while Lucy also grabbed Fu Jiang and Alimond. At the next moment, the four people seemed to be dragged together in a string.

In the same way, their speed of advancement has slowed down instantly.

"If this is your plan, then I can only say stupid."

"The strength of chaotic magic is not something that many people can confront, let alone... With such a speed, I am afraid we can't escape now."

"Confrontation? Of course not." Lucy said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As you said, chaotic magic is stronger than imagined. . And this is not my plan. "

"As for my plan... that is."

Once again turning around a corner, when the energy storm is getting closer and closer, and even about to catch up with a few people, Lucy suddenly reaches out and points forward.

Yi Ao looked forward as Lucy pointed, and his mouth twitched suddenly.

"...St." He said blankly.

A huge crossbow is placed in the promenade in front. The cross-sectional area of ​​the crossbow is very large, which directly blocks the entire corridor, but these are not the most important things. . It is the weird crossbow arrow that has been loaded on the crossbow.

The straight and thick body, the style and appearance of the technology products make it not look like a crossbow at all. The tail of the arrow also carries a semi-curved shape that completely adds to the snake and affects the air resistance.

It looks strange, but as its creator, even the person who made it by himself, Yi Chou can recognize the identity of this thing at a glance.

"The space twists the anchor." Yi Xuan said with almost teeth.

At this moment, Yi Xiao understood Lucy's so-called plan and also understood her thoughts.

"...How do you plan to position the coordinates and lock the world of superheroes..."

Yi Chou’s question is not over yet. The twisted anchor has burst out and burst, and the arrow from the crossbow turns into a black shadow, just like the lightning under the night sky, slamming into Yi Chou’s stomach fiercely.

Whatever you want to do. . It's too late

At the next moment, Yi Chou gave up his resistance, or started some kind of spell or something, but grabbed Athena and Sadako in the village, just like the purpose that Lucy brought them, Yi Chou had to catch them . . Avoid being scattered in different spaces.

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