High Magic Earth

Chapter 1264: Span

"Da da!"

Crisp footsteps appeared in this deep hole filled with strange breath.

Chaos magic is one of the top powers. The raging scarlet witch can't control her energy, and the resulting storm directly destroyed everything around her.

I left a deep pit several kilometers in diameter.

It is not the destruction in the ordinary sense, but the most thorough, the kind of destruction that directly restores it to a composition smaller than the inferior.

So there is nothing in the deep pit that is thousands of kilometers wide, and even the dirt on the surface seems to be polished to reflect the figure.

It's as if the entire city has been wiped out with a hard wipe.

But in this deep pit filled with strange breath, a clear footstep sounded quickly, and as the sound gradually approached, the master of the footsteps gradually came out.

It was a pair of polished leather shoes that were also spotless and wiped, stepping forward very regularly. The leather shoes themselves were not strange, but strangely, it and its owner didn't seem to appear here.

This formal dress is more used in meetings or receptions, not in this barren ruin.

The breeze blew the surface of the deep pit, and in an instant, the ground, which could reflect the figure, became muddy, and instead of the dust and ash rolled up.

As the dust dispersed, the two figures appeared in the center of the pit.

Lucifer walked forward without hurrying, Gabriel followed behind, frowning slightly, "This kind of destructive power is not weaker than us."

With a disdainful expression, Lucifer glanced at Gabriel.

"You really put gold on your face," he said.

"A full blow, can you achieve this effect?"

After hesitating, Gabriel nodded, "Release all my energy...maybe."

"But this guy isn't going all out." Lucifer shrugged. "It's just that the energy that she can't control spreads out to cause this effect. Now... do you still think you can do it?"

Gabriel fell silent.

Unlike Lucifer, who has lived in the world for a long time, Gabriel just came from the star core, and it is not a true dimension. There is only the most basic knowledge in the entire thinking, and the rest is blank.

So he is very honest now, handles everything realistically and never lies.

Lucifer's head, "This world... will be the starting point of everything, and the culprit responsible for all this is not the strongest person in that world, but her power, I am afraid that our true dimensions cannot be achieved."

But after hearing that, Gabriel frowned again.

"That's not necessarily the case." He whispered.


This time it was replaced by Lucifer.

Angels and demons are two kinds of non-existent existence, the most intuitive point. ⊥ It is their longevity. It is unknown whether these guys Lucifer Fagaret existed in the last era.

But according to the records of the Bible and related religious texts, they have survived at least thousands of years.

In fact, Yi Chou feels that such long-lived species don't need to fight or fight for anything, because their life span is enough for them to survive everything.

Maybe the time to take a nap, the entire planet changed for several sessions.

Whether they have such a long life is not known for the time being, but Yi Chou can be sure that through several contacts with well-known angels and demons, such as Mamen, Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, He found that each of these angels seemed different.

It is different from themselves, and it is also different from the religious records.

It's just like. . Individuals exist independently, although the names are the same, but the essence is absolutely different.

Yi Chou has no more clues in the gap for the time being, but based on religious gaps and the various settings given to them by humans to make guesses, they are likely to be projection relationships.

The emergence of Lucifer, or the advent of Lucifer, is not real Lucifer, but it can also be understood as an avatar.

There are also avatar spells in magic, which directly create entities, highly intelligent entities, unintelligent entities, and even completely magic spells. Depending on the effect, the difficulty of the spell is not necessarily the same.

Obviously, this projection of angels and demons is a smarter technique.

In fact, Lucifer itself prefers to call all these true and false dimensions. There is indeed a certain relationship between true and false dimensions, but no matter which kind of existence is true, not projection.

This is not magic, or simple illusion, but a real existence.

All the true dimensions of angels and demons are asleep, and now the activities are all false dimensions. The true and false dimensions are related to each other, but the false dimensions are not.

The longer the time, the weaker this connection.

Lucifer Morningstar could no longer sense his true dimension.

In the same way, power cannot be supplemented, and some unique magic and knowledge can no longer be obtained. He has even begun to forget the existence of the true dimension.

Therefore, to interpret the real power of angels, it is obvious that Gabriel, who was born soon, is more qualified to answer.

Faced with Lucifer's doubts, Gabriel clearly did not mock the kind of thinking and emotions that only humans had, and he still looked faint.

"Don't underestimate our true strength." Gabriel said, "Human beings are so weak, but they can accomplish the feat of creating the world, then we who can win Ruan eventually. What about the strength."

But he also did not answer positively, just remind Lucifer with a contrasting method.

Lucifer didn't have much expression on his face, even if he was curious, but he could see that Gabriel did not explain his patience in detail.

The psychic master of **** is naturally not going to ask for fun. He nodded and continued to move forward, believing that he had exposed this topic.

Lucifer and Gabriel appeared very close to their target. Without going a dozen meters away, Lucifer opened his arms with exaggeration.

"Look... what did we find."

"A witch with infinite power."

He leaned over and looked at the scarlet witch in a coma.

"I didn't feel the breath of traditional magic in her." Gabriel said in a puzzling manner. "But... there is another terrible power."

"Just her nickname." Lucifer glanced at Gabriel. "That terrible power is the culprit that caused all this, and...not weaker than us."

Gabriel did not continue to argue with Lucifer about the meaningless question of who is stronger and weaker. First of all, he knew that if he talked nonsense with Lucifer, he would be able to talk to you day after day.

Secondly. . His expression at the moment was a little dignified, because he did feel an extraordinary power.

This is even the power that the angels have never discovered in this world, it does not belong to this world.

"Father...what did these ignorant human beings create."

Gabriel murmured.

"First, the father is old, no one knows where he is, second... All this is not created by humans, but me, did you forget, the magic circle was laid by me, and the space energy was also released by me? , The most critical factor was also induced by me."

"Without all this... Do you think the world will jump out of nowhere?"

"No..." Gabriel dragged.

"I mean the origin of everything, the creation of mankind. If there is no such sinful existence, nothing will happen now."

"Then we probably don't have a second chance." Lucifer smiled.

"There is always a loss, and some human words are still very interesting, but they won't make me laugh."

Gabriel's eyes suddenly fell on Lucifer's body, but Lucifer's expression did not change a little, and he responded so quietly.

After a while, Gabriel whispered, "No matter what you want to do, please."

With a shrug, Lucifer turned his eyes to the ground again.

The Scarlet Witch is still asleep. At this time, she is very different from before. When she is raging in Seth's underground laboratory, she is rushing to the center of the energy storm. The whole person is wrapped in energy. See Unclear body and face, only a blur of figure.

But now, with the end of the energy storm and the end of the operation of the entire magic circle, the whole body of the Scarlet Witch has also changed from a vague phantom to a real existence.

It is different from Wanda in the movie, or rather. . totally different.

The crimson witch on the ground is still crimson with the dress style, but the whole person is a lot more mature. She is older than the movie Elizabeth Olsen and has a completely different appearance.

Her clothes are not burgundy leather jackets, but dress like armor.

Like. . The same as in the comics.

Lucifer gently brushed her face with her hand, and then sealed her in a substance like a crystal coffin, "the spoils are in hand."

"I think... I can't find anything more valuable than her."

Lucifer drew a magical text again, and the atmosphere around him began to radiate magic.

Gabriel knew that Lucifer’s purpose for this trip had been achieved, and the two were leaving here, but. . He still looked at the crimson witch, which was blocked in transparent material, and said if he could point out.

"My brother, play with fire."

"Relax, I have a sense of justice."

Dragging, Gabriel sighed, "I can't believe this."

"After all... this is not the first time you have made such a mistake."

. . .

dark. . nothingness. .

It has been a long time since Yi Chou has touched the darkness so close.

He didn't know when he had let go, and there was no one around him, no Lucy's warmth, and no sadako's icy coldness, but Yi Chou could feel that they were still around him.

Just swallowed by the darkness, or rather. . The darkness blocked his eyes.

Yi Chou is not sure where this is, because he did not realize the existence of the turbulence in the world, or this thing is only the unique material between the different worlds in the wizarding world.

The leap from the wizarding world to the world of new humans may not encounter the chaos in the world.

In fact, all this is his conjecture, after all, Yi Chao is also the first time to cross two completely different worlds.

And the most critical issue. .

"We succeeded," Yi Biao said. "But it also failed. How do you lock into the world of superheroes, or we might as well find a world to come, and then find a way to target the world."

"Don't worry about my master, you have to believe me... I've made enough preparations."

Although Lucy can't see Yi Chou, it doesn't prevent her voice from passing into his heart.

Yi Chou is a fart mouth, "I am very difficult to believe."

"Follow me, my master."

"When creating the twisted anchor, its creator suddenly wondered, since the enemies are those pretentious heroes, then why not exile the enemies and give them some trouble..."

Yi Xiao frowned.

"In this way, a fixed-coordinate twisted anchor was created, mixed in those uncoordinated twisted anchors, as an unexpected surprise to the enemy..."

"... The wizard was hit hard by the twisted anchor. In a flash, the darkness swallowed everything, but at this time, the twisted anchor suddenly lit up a constant coordinate, unexpected joy, originally thought it would be used on the enemy, I didn’t expect it to be used in the end, but it also helped the wizard indirectly..."

Speaking of which, Yi Chou apparently understood what Lucy meant.

"You will use the silver tongue to send us over."

"Yes, it's difficult to create a story, but if we are already in the story. ⊥It's not that difficult anymore."

"Trust me, it will take effect."

. . .

Unknown location, unknown time.

Along with a shadow creeping, Yi Chou appeared silently in a residential building.

Looking around left and right, Yi Biao didn't find the monitoring equipment, then at the next moment, he concealed his body, and immediately enrolled the sadako and others who appeared in it into a large villa model with a big palm.

This model was released with a space-distorting spell, and the area inside was very large. It was very suitable as a temporary hiding place. Once the model was destroyed, they would be released immediately.

Before figuring out which superhero world is really here, too many people acting together will cause a lot of unnecessary attention.

Lucy's method was still very effective. The silver tongue did not let Yi Chou disappoint. After the related stories were read, the coordinates in the stories came out.

Yi Chou seized the first-line opportunity of renting and immediately got out of the darkness.

The twisted anchor is only a role of exile. No sailor is trapped in the dark, but the place of exile is random. It may be a familiar world, or it may be a planet with no vitality. What it lacks is only a coordinate.

With coordinates, you can naturally leave.

Unfortunately. . What is certain is that this is the world of superheroes, but I don’t know which world it is. Of course, maybe the entire superhero world is mixed, but after all, Yi Chou is also the first time to come and is not familiar with here.

But this is not difficult.

A finger swipes in the air, a string of numbers is in front of Yi Chou.

"Year 08... Strange time."

Walking out of the residential building, Yi Chou soon stopped in front of a shop, because a huge TV set for display was placed in the shop's window, and the latest news was rolling on it.

"...Stark Industrial stocks rose again, and the young billionaire once again made a miracle..."

The rest of the words Yi Xuan has not continued to listen down. Under the protection of the invisibility curse, he instantly pulled up and flew toward his destination.

Under the guidance of magic, everything is at a loss.

"Are you going to Stark?" Lucy asked inwardly, "If I remember correctly, you have killed him."

"But Stark Industries is still a good entry point, you never plan to. Let me go directly to SHIELD as soon as I come."

"Perhaps SHIELD is gone." Lucy said.

Hearing this, Yi Chou suddenly frowned, "That's right... it's 2008."

There seems to be something wrong.

But this time, already came to an unassuming villa, the next moment, Yi Chou frowned deeply again.

Because he seemed to feel a familiar wave.

Tony Stark. . Still alive?

Did you enter a parallel world?

As the figure moved, Yi Chou had already arrived inside the villa. At this time, the sky was still not bright. Although the sunlight had dimmed, the person on the bed was still sleeping with his head covered.

Yi Chou has no patience to wait. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

He opened the bed in diameter and pinched the man's neck.

"What a surprise, I didn't expect you to be alive...but maybe, you are the other one?"

But at the next moment, Yi Xuan noticed that the hand feels a bit wrong, and her body is too light.

This. . Wouldn’t it be Stark’s female partner for the night, right? Magic can't go wrong, and Yi Xiao looked down again, and she was the only one in bed.

Magic feedback to him. . This is Stark, or at least has something to do with Stark.

"Who are you, Tony Stark's daughter?" Yi Huonka's throat lifted her up against the wall, "Stark didn't tell me that he still has a daughter, which really upset me. ."


"and who are you!"

Despite being drunk by Yi Xuan, this guy didn't give up struggling. She thumped Yi Xiao's arm desperately, but she felt the same on steel.

"I am an old friend of your father...really."

"Don't Tony have the time to tell you, if it wasn't for him trying to contact the world, how could all the bad things happen."

Yi Xiao said plainly.

"let me go!"

This guy continued to yell and scold.

"Which old guy is Tony Stark but he doesn't call this name, Howard Stark is his name!"

Yi Xiao frowned, and finally felt that things seemed a bit out of order.

He gently loosened his arm and let the other party slip to the ground.

"Who are you." Yi Xuan asked again.

Rubbing his throat, the guy coughed a few times, then glared fiercely at Yi Chou, "Tolia, Tolia Stark, the head of Stark Industries, the youngest billionaire, you get angry After me, I tell you, you are dead!"

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