High Magic Earth

Chapter 1265: I'm afraid it's a fake Marvel


Yi Chou's voice sounded very difficult. He felt his throat dry.

"Your father is... Howard Stark?"

Yi Ao was shocked by the sudden change of Stark's painting style, but Tolia was not. As a young billionaire and big inventor, especially a woman, she prepared for herself quite The means of protection is to prevent this kind of unexpected need now.

Taking advantage of Yi Chou's stunned time, Tolia didn't know what button was pressed under the bed. A hidden dark grid instantly popped up on the wall. A delicate pistol fell into her hand and hurriedly moved away a few steps. After pulling out of the distance, Tolia pointed a gun at Yi Chou, then said angrily with a hint of pride.

"Now, you can answer my question, who are you?"

It seemed that he had no plans to wait for Yi Chou to answer, and Tolia began to speak on her own, "You guys are still quite powerful. I have arranged so many security personnel that have not stopped you, and you have not even alarmed them. ."

Tolia glanced aside, not knowing what screen she was aiming at, and soon had a general understanding of the situation outside.

Those security guards are still patrolling quietly and doing their job well, without even realizing that their boss is in danger.

"Let's say, who the **** are you from, it shouldn't be the idiot Hanmer, the coward can't do such a bold thing."

"So... who the **** are you."

Yi Xiao's face was indifferent, and Tolia felt that the other party looked at her eyes as if they were looking at a salted fish, but before she could give this guy a lesson to taste, the next moment, there was a flower in front of her.

While waiting for Tolia to see it again, she saw a scrap of scrap iron thrown to the ground, making a muffled noise, which could be vaguely guessed through the pattern. . This is about the pistol in his hand.

With a swallow of saliva, Tolia felt her legs tremble a little.

"Yes, my father's name is Howard Stark. Howard Stark is my father. He is dead. I am his daughter Tolia Stark."

Tolia said quickly.

"That's it." After hearing Tolia's description, Yi Xuan responded with a blank expression.

"You think you are quite smart." He continued dryly without feeling, "Do you want to continue to guess, who am I?"

"No... no need." Tolia smiled dryly, "I'm not curious."

"Curiosity is a must for every scientist. I don't think you are not curious."

"No no... I'm really not curious."

Just when the two people were writing useless nonsense, Yi Chou suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the room door. The sound was not concealed and not far away, so ordinary people Tolia also heard.

Both of them turned their heads to look at the door, but then Tolia was shocked, the other side would not hijack themselves as hostages.

It's just that she didn't wait for her thought to end, and when she turned her head, she realized. . I don't know when I was empty. If it wasn't for the wreckage of the pistol that had been crumpled and fell to the ground, it would have seemed like nothing had happened.

The next moment, the door was slammed open.

"Are you all right! Boss!"

There was a chubby guy squeezed in, but in fact, his face was a little fat and the baby hidden under the suit had muscular muscles.

Sweat on his head, "I saw you triggered the alarm!"

Tolia was expressionless, and she turned her face, "Your bonus this month is out of Hogan, and, tell everyone on duty this morning that they will not use it for work tomorrow, now... go out!"

"...Good boss."

Hogan's bitter expression didn't know where he had angered the witch, he could only withdraw it, and took the door of the bedroom when he exited.

Tolia, who had calmed down again, also looked serious. She quietly looked at the pistol that was crumpled on the ground, and in her mind, she immediately calculated how much power it needed.

She had no doubt that if that guy just wanted to, he could crush his neck.

Thinking of this, she touched her neck with fear.

There seemed to be a faint red mark on it.

"Jarvis." Tolia whispered. "Tune me the video just now... and tell me in detail what happened."

Kicking the iron ball on the ground to the side, Tolia walked towards the bathroom. The party last night opened until midnight. She had planned to sleep until noon today, but apparently, the interest has been destroyed.

But after three seconds, Tolia noticed something was wrong.

She stopped and called again, "Jarvis."

There was no response, the whole villa was quiet, empty, and a little scary.

"Jarvis!" Tolia shouted loudly.

But even if she doubled the decibel again, Jarvis would not give her the slightest response, because it was being set to sleep by Lucy.

With Tolia's IQ, she obviously couldn't realize that Jarvis had a problem.

Taking a deep breath, Tolia screamed in the sky, "Huo! Gen!!! Get me a car!!!"

. . .

"Secretary, some people invaded Tolia Stark's villa at about 6:54 this morning."

A middle-aged man with a very low hairline handed the report in his hand to the desk. Behind the table was a rotating high-back chair. Upon hearing the man's report, the swivel chair turned around instantly.

Cyclops, Nick Fury, the current director of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau.

He stared at the middle-aged man with his remaining intact eyes. Without a word, the pressure spewed out instantly. . probably.

Phil Coulson knows his boss very well. He is good at everything. He likes to create an atmosphere. It is best not to ink with him at this time.

"No casualties, no property damage, and no data loss. But Tolia Stark fired all the security personnel present this morning."

"One person is ours."

Nick Fury's face relaxed slightly, but he still couldn't see anything.

But Coulson believed that he would not be able to relax anytime soon.

"The invaders cannot be traced, the information cannot be found, nor any trace of the other party's records, including men or women, we don't know." He continued.

Sure enough, Nick Fury's face turned black immediately.

But he also knows that shouting at Coulson is useless. Although the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau has a lot of power, it still has not reached the level of importance and resource resources available to Nick Fury. , Naturally there are not many.

There are no more departments than cia and fbi, and Tolia Stark's attention level is not high originally. This is still because of her father's blessing and the identity of the head of Stark industry. There is no way to stop things.

But after all, in a sense, Tolia Stark is their own person, although the other party does not know the existence of this department.

As a result, someone invaded her villa now, but they couldn't even trace the identity of the other party, which was ashamed.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury said angrily, "When will it happen... An ammunition merchant's villa is invaded and must be reported to me."

An arms merchant? Coulson slandered, Stark Industry is a pillar industry of arms, and Stark itself is a genius. If something goes wrong, the world will be in chaos the next day. Although this is a bit exaggerated, at least the Wall Street Building Below you can find a neat row of corpses.

And if she doesn’t matter, so many arms dealers don’t pay attention, just pay attention to what she does.

But Coulson clearly knew that this was the discomfort of his boss, and he continued calmly, "Not only did we find no clue, even Stark's smart housekeeper Jarvis was shut down for fifteen minutes. "

"Until Stark put Jarvis back online."

Nick Fury's brows seemed to flicker.

Although he was unhappy with the lazy character of Tolia Stark, he still valued her genius and was not weaker than her father.

The existence of Jarvis is naturally recorded in SHIELD.

Just because of various considerations, Nick Fury didn't seem to intend to press one in SHIELD, but Jarvez's strength on the Internet, Nick Fury still has an estimate in his mind, almost no opponent.

The other party was able to shut down Jarvis for fifteen minutes, which is obviously not a normal guy.

Then. . What the other party is for.

Nick Fury remained expressionless, making it impossible to see whether he was thinking. This silence lasted for about half a minute, and he reopened.

"I heard that Stark came up with a new gadget recently, Jericho... Missile, right."

"Stay up and see who has any small moves lately."

"I see." Coulson responded calmly.

. . .

Without shaking hands, the last nerve was connected. The female doctor exhaled gently behind the mask. The most difficult work was completed and her task was completed. The rest of the stitching was handed over to another person. it is good.

Taking off the gloves, and flicking it freely to the tray next to it, the female doctor stopped the music, and then left the operating room in a big stride.

"Kristin, how about having a dinner together." As soon as she took a breath, the female doctor saw another female doctor hurrying in front of her. She hurriedly stopped each other.

"I just moved my new house and celebrated it as a housewarming."

Although I say this, I will definitely not cook in the new house. In the end, the two will still go outside and eat a hearty meal. How can the hands of a well-known surgeon be used to cook, and again it is not to eat Sorry.

Christine stopped and hesitated, "No... I will have a medical lecture tomorrow, the plane tonight."

The female doctor shrugged. "Okay." She said boringly.

Christine did seem to be very busy. She lifted her footsteps and hurried away again, but it seemed that she thought of something after her feet, "You are spending money again." She has a bearish and childlike tone and hates iron. Looked at his friend, "You just moved to a new house soon."

"Always staying in one place will affect my performance during surgery."

An indifferent tone, almost beating.

Kristin still intends to say something, but this time the hospital's radio has sounded.

"Dr. Christine, please come to ward 13, Dr. Christine..."

There is no way, Christine can only stare at each other fiercely, and then hurried towards a ward.

Helplessly shrugging, the female doctor turned and walked into the bathroom.

. . .

In fact, similar to Tolia Stark who was stimulated early in the morning, Yi Chou was also very excited, or rather. . It's dumbfounded.

After leaving from Stark's villa, Yi Biao flew to the suburbs at a speed that was not too slow.

Although the shadow energy can block most of the detection and interference, such as *scanning, infrared scanning, or even *star positioning, the proximity to the speed of sound is still too conspicuous.

This is not a magical fantasy, or a fantasy world behind the Middle Ages at all, but a super-British world where black technology is flying all over the world, and a plane of science and technology.

Not only is it better not to be too flamboyant before figuring out everything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even at ordinary times, you must carefully monitor the presence of the *head.

So Yi Chou only landed near a waste factory in a suburb, instead of diving directly into an empty house, or temporarily confusing the owner of the house with magic.

As soon as he landed, Yi Chou could not wait to throw Lucy out.

"What the **** is going on." Yi arrogant said.

"Nothing happened." Lucy's voice was very calm. She took over her work indifferently, and began to invade the world secretly. "You just found Stark."

"That's not Tony Stark." Yi Chou almost gritted his teeth.

"I know that her name is Tolia Stark, and no one has said that her name is Tony Stark. I don't understand, sir, why are you so excited."

"We have already been psychologically prepared for the theory of the parallel world, especially here is the super-British world. The emergence of the parallel world should be the most unexpected situation."

"It's different..." Yi Huo said in a word, "Don't tell me these are useless, don't forget, I haven't counted with you before."

"Okay." Lucy seemed to be obsessed with Yi Chou, or felt overwhelmed by the overreaction, she sighed, "It seems that Mr. Howard Stark in this world has a daughter, called Tolia Stark. Instead of having a son."

After a long while, Yi Biao saw Lucy say nothing more, and was surprised, "That's it?"

"Otherwise," Lucy asked rhetorically.

Before Yi Xuan was ready to continue to entangle this topic, Lucy directly pinched this sign, "Instead of caring about this issue, it is better to consider what we should do next."

"If there are no errors in my database, then we will be very busy."

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