High Magic Earth

Chapter 1266: What is the difference between Marvel and X


This is a matter of course. As one of the worlds of new human beings, the superhero world, even if it is not their home base, even if there are many parallel worlds, it still cannot deny its importance.

at least. . These worlds are the source of the main fighting power of the new mankind.

Based on a world, Yi Chou started to radiate and penetrate continuously. In addition, he also has a lot of things to get. He has come here with great effort and of course has his own purpose.

The exploration of the new world, the in-depth understanding of the enemy, the search and communication of the new human beings, and the tracking of the Dornting Pavilion, accounting for Stark’s bad debt, as well. . Winnie.

Yes, Winnie.

Yi Chou can't wait to see her again.

"Some are busy." Taking a deep breath, Yi Chou raised his arm.

As the guardian of Neverland, Yi Biao can contact it at any time. There is almost no problem in opening the passage to Dream from other worlds, but sometimes the passage from Neverland to the outside may be blocked. World turbulence interferes.

Since the Red Castle was built, with the magic center as a control, Dream Island has fewer and fewer things to manage.

The magical creatures are very quiet. They know that there is a powerful wizard in the center of the island, and the occasional newcomers will soon be incorporated.

Yi Chao’s only task is probably to penetrate into the world where the other party is based on the candidates brought by the shadow and to draw enough world energy.

But the world's energy at this stage seems to be sufficient, and the golden hourglass is digesting. . Or something escalated, anyway, the shadow has not acted autonomously for a long time.

It feels really good to have Fantasy Island as the big rear. At least with the identity of the guardian, the Second World rarely arranges some mandatory crossing and mandatory missions for him.

The black mist emerged from all over Yi Chou's body, the trousers legs, cuffs, and even the collar, and then gradually spread towards his arm. Fallen gravel.

Although Shadow Energy is far less than Chaos Magic, the power level of Chaos Magic is too high. As one of Marvel's top powers, how many powerful abilities can match it.

If you don’t pick such an outrageous opponent, shadow energy is still quite practical and can do many things.

For example, to replace the necessary spell to open the portal, the original cumbersome magic spell is now reduced to only one action and gesture, the shadow energy gathers, and then. . The channel is opened.


But at the next moment, a white little hand put Yi Yi's arm on it. Although it seemed weak, it was so powerful that it could even press down the arm of Yi Chao's pseudo-steel body.

"Wait." Lucy said, holding Yi Xuan's hand.

"You wouldn't intend to be right here, open the passage to Neverland."

"Otherwise?" Yi Xiao frowned, then asked back.

Lucy was silent for a while. "The twisted anchor should not have side effects. I don't remember when we had made other settings. Why do I feel that your IQ seems to be thrown out along with the space transfer."

"I'm going to be angry." Yi Huo said quietly.

With a shrug, Lucy snapped her fingers.

The surroundings were swept like a whirlwind, revealing a clean but shabby ground. With the action of Lucy, the two stone chairs also emerged from the ground just right.

"This is not a safe world," she explained.

"Oh?" Yi Xiao raised an eyebrow. "The world of superheroes is indeed not very safe, but I'm more curious how you know which world is here, the world of comics or the world of movies."

"I don't know for now."

Lucy shook her head, "But the threat I said is probably not the same as the threat you understand. We all know that there are many high-end forces in the superhero world, whether it is Marvel Universe or DC Universe."

"There are so-called...Gods at their tops."

"Monitors, giant beasts, courts of life, annihilation, eternity, etc., they even have some concepts from power."

"No matter what definition they are, it is undeniable that they observe everything, not just the world, but the entire universe, the infinite multiverse, and everything."

"They can see us."

"Can you see it?"

Yi Xiao obviously disagrees with Lucy's point of view.

"We discussed this issue before we came."

"For the time being, whether they can see us or not, whether they exist or not is an unanswered question. According to the situation shown in the movie, all power is weakened."

"They probably don't exist at all."

"Even if this is a parallel world...the difference should not be far away."

"What about the scarlet witch." Lucy asked calmly, "What does her existence mean, don't forget how we got into this world in embarrassment."

"Because you are stupid." Yi Chou said without hesitation.

"Although I am magically intelligent, I am also angry."

The useless nonsense ends here, and Yi Chou obviously realizes the key to the problem. If those guys may not exist at the time of their discussion, then now.

With the birth of the comic image and the power of the Scarlet Witch, I am afraid that it will bring out a lot of things.

To know. . The scarlet witch in the comics was comparable to them in its heyday.

"If this is the case..." Yi Chou paused for a while, "our trouble is greater because they may have discovered us."

"I know."

Lucy's voice remained calm. "But this is not a problem."

"The Marvel World itself is a big sieve. There are countless traversals in it, the one with the blue fat guy next door dragging one, the one sticking to the Skye, and the one who can only rely on archery in Star City after being transformed. Let alone the great man of the new man."

"What the **** are these." Yi Chou's expression was strange.

Lucy ignored Yi Tuo's complaint and calmly said, "Please ignore my complaint."

"What I want to express is that the traverser is not uncommon in the Marvel world. As one of the characteristics of the world, the existence of the traverser is not necessarily to be erased. The eternal annihilation of those guys will not be boring enough to manage these things. ."

"There are countless parallel worlds, so who knows whether the arrival of these traversers is the normal process of the parallel world where he is."

"So?" Yi Xiao spread his hands.

"So we don't need to worry about anything, just be ourselves."

"Hah..." Yi Xiao's expression was a bit dazed, "I shouldn't be surprised at all that you suddenly said such a **** style of writing, right?"

"This is actually a simple truth that is well understood."

Lucy continued to ignore Yi Tuo's vomiting, "In the case of many traversers, our existence is actually not conspicuous, and we don't have to worry about anything."

"No matter how outrageous things... are acceptable, who makes us a traversal."

"On the contrary, it is more suspected to hide and hide ourselves unless we can really hide the peeping from the void."

"Just like before you find the energy of the soul substitute, you don't need to be the best human being, or the most inconspicuous one, you just need to...just like others."

"To be a passer-by is to be a long-term plan."

"So what should the traverser do?"

Seemingly not intending to let Yi Huo answer this question, Lucy continued to say, "Most of the traversers who came to the Marvel world are divided into three steps, gaining strength, showing strength, pretending *, voila, simple and clear. ."

"In fact, this is what we should do."

. . .

In this world, before the war ceases.

The green eyes burned with a faint light, and from a distance, it looked like a ghost in the night. The floating ghost fire, in addition to the cold, exuded a mysterious and powerful force.

At the next moment, the faint and faint light suddenly lighted up, after which the light seemed to rise up to some kind of huge phantom, and the majestic power emerged, pouring down with endless power.

"Dastan, this is the power you want to see!"

The deafening voice resounded through this world.

As the voice fell, a huge Strange figure also emerged. His figure was like a beast, just standing there to block the sun, not only that, his whole body also flowed with endless magic Mysterious breath.

Strange stretched his hand forward, and countless burning green flames suddenly appeared in every corner of this mirrored world.

The flame is like a blooming flower, spinning, burning, almost in a blink of an eye, and the sky is turned into a sea of ​​fire, as if to burn the world into ashes.

Dastan doesn't plan to come out, it doesn't matter, Strange naturally has a way to show this old opponent.

The faint flame burned and soon closed completely. The sky and the ground above and below, the end of the left and right spaces, this small mirrored world is like a closed furnace, which will burn everything inside it.

But after half a minute, the surroundings were still quiet.

The huge Strange phantom raised his eyebrows, "Well, it seems you are more heat-resistant than I thought."

In the mirrored world, Strange is the deity. Most mages can only control the internal space to continue to expand, collapse, including flipping and rolling. These simple operations, but Strange can do more.

Originally, in order to save energy, he was similar to those of ordinary wizards, but now. . He doesn't need to save any more.


A slight breeze started to flick and gently lifted up the clothing corner of Master Strange's suit. This light breeze did not bring a hint of coolness to the hot sea of ​​fire, but made the flame more vigorous.

The wind began to get bigger and bigger, scrolling the flames, like a sea of ​​flames.

Strange stood quietly in the sea of ​​fire, still violently winded through and the sea of ​​fire was still intact. His legs and clothing angle were not submerged in the sea of ​​flames, but these flames did not hurt him even the slightest. None of the clothes are damaged.

This is the flame of energy, which has the same origin as the magical energy that constitutes Strange, in other words. . He is burning himself.

In the deep flames behind Strange, there is an unremarkable black hole, which is the portal, and the only way to leave the mirror world before Strange's energy is exhausted.

Strange knows clearly that Dustan's goal must be there, and only there.

At the next moment, the fire took advantage of the wind, and the turbulent ocean of flames was again a bit manic. With a crisp sound like crystal cracking, Stranger's ears moved slightly, and then turned suddenly.

"caught you!"

His hands gleamed with golden light, like the silk in the hands of a puppet master, as if sticky, it plunged into the sea of ​​fire with precision, and grabbed an obscure black figure.


Strange seemed to be making an expression of spreading his hands, but he didn't hesitate in his hands, violently, the gravel was crushed and splashed out of his hands instantly.

The flame of the mirrored world began to extinguish, but the hot high temperature remained in the air.

The next moment, just under Strange's eyelids, a lot of sand began to appear at the Twin Towers in New York.

The red gravel, which is endless, spreads from all corners of the city, gathers in the center of the city, and then grows more and more.

After a few breaths, they piled up half as tall as Strange.

Then immediately, a figure was pulled out from the inside. His whole body was composed of flowing gravel. Large chunks of gravel looked like a flowing mosaic in the distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can't see the face or any features.

But Strange knew that this was Dalstein.

"Don't be complacent, Strange." Dastan's voice was equally calm. By this time, the two had no meaning to laugh at each other. "How long can you support."

"Long enough."

Strange didn't keep pace, the cloak hunted behind him, and the light of Agomoto's eyes appeared in his hands, preventing all the invasions of Dalstein.

"Is it." But unexpectedly, Dastan suddenly laughed. "I don't think so."

Seemingly realizing something, Strange turned back suddenly, and the mirror edge behind him was dotted with a red mark, looking like that kind of red gravel.

In fact, it is precisely this kind of thing, and it is still expanding and spreading. Dastan is building another body made of gravel, which is only one step away from the portal.

"As you said, I'm more heat-resistant than you think."

The flame did not burn out the other party, and it could not be allowed to continue to spread, otherwise he would have the opportunity to escape from here! This is Strange's thought at this time.

He immediately turned his direction, his hands pointing outward, and the whole world was stretched again in an instant. The unexpanded gravel that was originally under the deep hole of the portal reached the other side of the space in an instant, as if blinking, the world turned upside down. .

But immediately Strange frowned, and he seemed to be unaware of the gravel, as if. . Is not true.

not good!

Strange looked back again, and suddenly saw Daztan in the center of the city spreading his gravel in all directions like a cobweb. The speed was as fast as countless fire lines.

"Surprise." Dustan smiled.

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