High Magic Earth

Chapter 1267: This 1

There is nothing to surprise.

Strange was not a qualified warrior. He took over Gu Yi's position as the new Supreme Master, but in fact, he was not prepared for a long time.

The cruel world did not give Strange much preparation opportunities.

With the advent of the magic night, the world is on the verge of destruction. With his world as the core, the entire multiverse has been dragged into the vortex of war.

Death, destruction, wailing.

Life is passing away all the time, and the cry of the deceased surrounds his ears, even his enemies, peeping all the way to this life-filled world of Domm, trembling and hiding in his dark realm, Trying to escape this war of hopelessness.

But it was eventually destroyed, and it was darker, stronger, and more greedy than it was.

Strange didn't know whether he should cheer or mourn the death of this old enemy. He lived time and time again in this war, and the power of time incarnates him into the battle of the advanced battlefield.

And unlike the son of Krypton and the daughter of Zeus, he has been able to escape from the battlefield even if the battle fails.

Unless he is also the incarnation of time, he cannot be arrested even by the appearance of the god.

He didn't know how long he had escaped. He went through the battlefield again and again, watching his companion fall down again and again.

They are the most powerful superheroes in the world, superheroes from other worlds, and all kinds of human variants. If it was not for this war, he never knew that there was such a vast world beyond his own world.

But a pity. . They will be destroyed.

There were fewer and fewer companions who could continue to stand up, but Strange became stronger and stronger.

He witnessed the death of countless superheroes, saw victory and lost, he even saw himself, some fell at the beginning of the war, and some died before the war was about to end.

Then Strange saw the future.

A hopeless future.

At any time, they did not win.

Those monsters won.

At this time, Strange had enough power. After the baptism of war, he was a hundred times more powerful than before, rich combat experience, strong heart, and powerful spells developed to the extreme.

He tried to reverse the entire timeline.

then. . He saw the initiator of the disaster, the wizard.

The twist of time was cut off.

There is a group of outer appearance gods who also have the power of time guarding this timeline of future destruction. They are the top and most powerful group in outer appearance.

And they are fighting.

With a group of unknown heroes, shiny blue bald heads, like giants with weird purple bowler hats, and many more giants.

Strange can't call their names, but for the first time he knows that his strength is still far away. He thought that the battles he had experienced were already all. . Unexpectedly, not even appetizers.

His strength seemed a little too small in front of this level.

The appearance of the gods allocated some power to hunt him down, the mass-produced toilet-shaped robot Dairik, and many strange time incarnations.

Among them is his current opponent, Time Assassin Dastan.

Strange found that he was caught in a hard escape, again.

At the same time, he also felt that he should do something for this war, even if he sacrificed himself.

At the 103rd flight six months later, Strange had a whimsy that before humans had conquered the sea, they believed that the earth they saw was everything in the world.

When they conquered the sea, they realized that the earth at their feet was called a planet. In addition to this planet, there were countless planets in the universe.

With the continuous exploration of the universe, humans have expanded into other fields. They have discovered the theory, conjecture and hypothesis of parallel worlds.

In addition to this world, there are probably other worlds, the same planet, and the same vast universe.

but. . Is the multiverse really the end of everything?

perhaps. . No. .

Supreme One Gu Yi once told him not to try to control the power that he could not control, but now Strange has to do so.

He is not afraid of death, only that his death is meaningless.

Strange can't continue to run away, the outward appearance gods are getting closer and closer to him, maybe next time, next time he will die, the real death, even the traces of his existence have been erased .

He made the final decision, using all his own power, and the real gem of time, to open a gap to the outside of the multiverse.

Strange doesn't know whether this gap really exists, but he still does it, no matter what the result is, he will disappear into this multiverse.

Failed, there is nothing left, but there is nothing worse than falling into the hands of the external appearance god, but successful, maybe he will find a trace of vitality for this future destined to be destroyed timeline.

What Stranch will look like in the future is no longer visible, because with the opening of the gap, he has completely dissipated and integrated himself into the time to open up this channel.

Only time gems exist. . And some of the memories and spell phantoms he left behind.

But even so, it will bring tremendous help to the next owner of Time Gem. After all, this is a surviving soldier in a war that has swept the entire multiverse.

. . .

Spell Phantom has most of Strange's memory, and even includes the ability to think independently. For example, this avatar composed of the energy of the time gem is one of the trigger spells left by Strange.

In fact, the spell avatar in front of him does have independent thinking, but he can't be sure whether he once really succeeded.

Without success, why did you come to the other timeline? Be aware that the previous self, even if it was just trying to touch the timeline, would be stopped by those top appearance gods.

But if there was no success, why did Dalstein follow.

After thinking about it, Strange prefers to succeed, and the gap of the multiverse appears, but Dastan also took the opportunity to chase in.

In the face of this old opponent, Strange knows how to fight.

"Don't make it as simple as I think."

The gravel spread out in all directions and looked from a distance, as if to wrap up the entire world of mirrors, but in fact Strange knew that Dastan was only trying to spread the sand into the portal.

One of his characteristics is the uncertainty of the entity. As long as a grain of gravel goes out, then he will go out. The gravel left in the mirror world will become ordinary sand in a moment, and then it will become dust with the wind.

Strange's hands glowed, and in the next moment, the whole mirror world came back to life.

The sky is splitting, reversing and reorganizing like a puzzle, and finally forming a kaleidoscope-like marvelous beauty. The ground overlaps indefinitely, and the horizon can't see the end extending outward.

The buildings are doing various movements that do not conform to the laws of physics, including the decoration of the corners, and even the patterns on the walls have emerged.

Green flames are rising from all over the world, and the hot high temperature is roasting everything.

The gravel, like sugar dripping into the fire, began to shrink under the high temperature, and was burned into pieces, leaving the mark of dark ashes.

But this can't stop the spread of Dastan.

Strange didn't spare any effort, why was Dalstein not so? He found that if he continued to be reluctant to the sand of time in the blade of time, it might be really possible that Strange would be trapped here for a few years.

He didn't waste so much time.

What Dastan does not lack is time, and what he lacks most is time.

The two were caught in a collision of power. Strange pulled his hands together, and countless rays of light entangled between his hands, eliminating one after another the traces of spreading gravel.

But after all, it's not as fast as Dastan's.

Otherwise, Strange will not be forced to try to open the gap of the multiverse because he is caught up.

"Slightly lose, my old man!"

At the last moment, a gravel spider without Strange's eyes fled into the deep hole of the portal.

It seemed to him that he was about to escape successfully, only to exchange his body with the spider for a moment, and Dalstein also relaxed, he said to Strange slightly.

The two are actually half a catty, and it may be difficult to kill each other, but they want to escape from each other. . In fact, it has been staged countless times over the years.

Strange was silent, but the magic in his hand was thrown at the portal endlessly, trying to make a final remedy.

unfortunately. .

"and many more.."

At the same time, Dustan and Strange seemed to feel something at the same time.

And Dastan's experience is deeper.

"what is that!"

He made a suspicious cry, and then under the eyes of the two, the deep hole of the portal began to spread a crystal-like crystal at a speed visible to the naked eye. The speed of the crystal was very fast, and the rate of assimilation was also very strong. There was nothing to discuss in the corner of Daztan's mouth, and all his gravel was turned into crystal.

Strange didn't know what was happening outside, but he didn't miss any good chance to laugh at his old opponent. "It looks like you didn't win." His expression was very beating.

But Dastan didn't back mock him.

Because he felt a slightly familiar power in the crystal.

"...High latitude...power..."

He murmured.

Soon, as the master of the mirror world, Strange also found out that this crystal was more aggressive than Dastan's time gravel, and even crystallized his mirror world.

In just a few seconds, Strange lost control of a part of the mirror world. Even if he wanted to flip the mirror world, the part assimilated by the crystal would not be under his control, so to speak. . That part has become crystal.

"What is this!"

Naturally, Stranger, who was experienced in fighting, immediately realized that this was a third party who suddenly intervened in the battle, and he couldn't help asking aloud.

Of course, it must be Dastanana’s idiot’s gaze to greet him, “Why do you think I can tell you.”

"Of course I shouldn't think so." Strange didn't pause and spoke very quickly. "I think you idiot will know the answer. I'm more of an idiot."

Faced with Strange's radical act, Dalstein was very upset, "Of course I know what that is!"

But he is not stupid.

Suddenly there was a pause, and Dastan said again, "But I won't tell you."

"Come on." Strange began to stretch the rest of the world of mirrors, and led Dalstein together, trying to stay away from these spreading unknown crystals as far as possible. "You are still arguing with me about these things.

"Still you think you can deal with this strange thing."

"If you can, then I won't say anything, you won."

"But if you can't, if you idiot don't want us two to be turned into crystals together, still jumping and scolding each other, you'll hurry and tell me what you know."

In fact, Strange is also not sure whether Dastan knows this thing, whether these crystals are so dangerous, but it is true that he lost part of the control of the mirror world.

It is best to get some valuable clues, but not to get them. . Anyway, it was just an avatar, but it was just a loss of time.

It must be said that Strange has indeed a very inspiring potential to speak, and took a deep breath. Dastan said in a deep voice, "Its power is similar to mine... I can't stop it."

"So what should we do?" Strange said lightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~You open the world of mirrors, we live together, or you continue to close me, we die together. "

"Then I must drag you to hell."

Strange said without hesitation.

"Do you think you only lost some energy and spell avatars." Dastan laughed, "This crystal is more corrosive than me, it will imprison your existence, part of your memory, thinking, energy, maybe ... There are more things I don’t know."

"You can have a try."

Dastan is not afraid of death, because he knows that his boss is omnipotent, and even if he dies, he can live again.

But he knew he could not die here. . Before finding the boss and passing the message out.

However, his surface did not reveal any anomalies, even Strange could not clearly understand what he was thinking at this time. The sudden third party disrupted all deployments of Dastan. He knew that he had not encountered the portal. Good thing, now the choice is in Strange's hands.

He didn't know if Strange would drag himself to death, still. . Another choice to escape.

Strange's heart is also full of entanglement at this time. With his magic level, it is naturally impossible to see the danger of these crystals, but as Dastan said, is he worth living with him here. . Make a big bet.

And all this information was told by Dastan, if it was wrong.

These issues need to be considered by Strange.

The crystal spread. . The speed is very fast, leaving him little time. At this moment, Strance seems to have returned to his original time of fleeing again and again.

Do you choose to give it a go? . Run away again.

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